Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I can see this autoshutdown thing is going to be interesting. ;)
Wow, I got a lot done in 8 hrs!
Already done:
Eat brunch
Take pills
Upgrade cable
Grind coffee
Toast squash seeds (mmmm...)
Put away dishes
Chat with brother
Put away clean clothes
Fill pillbox for week
Call tattoo parlor
Start creating list of daily routines
Pay bills
Feed cats
Download alarm program
Program auto-shutdown on computer (Thanks, Normy! 8))
Shred papers(5 min)
Clean off kitchen table (10 min)
Fix/eat dinner
Plan lunch and dinner for Monday
Prep work bag
Scoop pan
Take out trash and recycling
INVENTORY (at least 20 min)
Prep dance bag
CUOP (as time allows)
To Do:
shut down
brush teeth
wash face
meditate or read a little
Online shopping! (waiting for friend's advice)
Check Flex (can do @ work)
Find mahi mahi recipe (no time to cook it tonight and am hungry now)
Sweep living room and bedroom (out of time)
Grocery shopping (store closed)
Exercise :( (but I have 2 hrs of dance tomorrow, so that's okayish)
Still curious about the nature of this meditation. My only knowledge of Gurdjieff is through study of the Enneagram. wondered if there was a connection. OOH! Lightning storm--gonna unplug.
I need to be starting my bedtime routine now. Tomorrow I want to go to the gym. As todayfirst said, being consistent with the gym isn't so much about never missing a day, but about going back after you've missed a few days.
I spent most of today walking around the streets of New York.
Pet Peeve #1: Groups of people who stop dead in the middle of a busy sidewalk to have a chat. Chief Offenders: Tourists.
Pet Peeve #2: Those red two-decker tourist busses that snake through the streets of the Village and SoHo, with tourists staring down at the people in the street and taking pictures as though we were zoo animals.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 6:30am (no target - it's Sunday!).
Take migraine meds.
Sleep for another 1.5 hours.
Wake up and get vertical: 8am
Morning Routine
Dress (showered night before). (I bought some shorts this summer, and for some reason they are all one size too big - and were when I bought them. It's very annoying. Naturally, they don't think in the dryer. Only clothes that fit properly shrink in the dryer.)
Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
Take out pills for the day.
Make and eat breakfast.
Swallow morning pills.
Wash breakfast dishes.
Put in contacts.
Day Plan
Clean air conditioner filter.
CUOP. (Often don't read everything during the week when I'm trying to get work done.)
Water plants.
Clean base of toilet (cleaned rest of it the other day).
Clean bathroom sink.
Clean tub.
Vaccuum and empty dirt bag.
Fill out online survey to get 10% discount in clothing store.
Cleaned mirrors (all three).
Dusted media cabinet and a few other miscellaneous things.
Walk down to SoHo to buy fall clothes and visit some galleries.
Grocery store (couple items I forgot).
Deposit rebate check.
Make something to eat.
See Al Franken movie that just opened in New York.
8pm meeting (or most of it - I don't like that meeting so I left a little early).
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Bedtime Routine
Take last dose of pills.
Empty dish drain and wash any dirty dishes.
Take out contacts.
Brush teeth.
Take shower.
Put on jammies.
Make up bed (convert futon from couch to bed).
*~*~*~*~*~*~Blown Off~*~*~*~*~*~*
1pm meeting.
Ride bike (if there's time after SoHo).
Get orchid potting medium from trunk of car (if I ride my bike, which is parked where my car is).
Pick up prescription (maybe - legs are tired from much walking).
Refill prescription with mail order pharmacy.
Replace ink cartridge in printer.
File receipts, handle mail.
Install release version of Pocket PC money management program, in hopes it will not be so painfully slow as the last beta.
Already done:
Eat brunch
Take pills
Upgrade cable
Grind coffee
Toast squash seeds (mmmm...)
Put away dishes
Chat with brother
Put away clean clothes
Fill pillbox for week
Call tattoo parlor
Start creating list of daily routines
Pay bills
Feed cats
Download alarm program
Program auto-shutdown on computer (Thanks, Normy! 8))
Shred papers(5 min)
Clean off kitchen table (10 min)
Fix/eat dinner
Plan lunch and dinner for Monday
Prep work bag
To Do:
Scoop pan
INVENTORY (at least 20 min)
Prep dance bag
CUOP (as time allows)
Online shopping! (waiting for friend's advice)
Check Flex (can do @ work)
Find mahi mahi recipe (no time to cook it tonight and am hungry now)
Sweep living room and bedroom (out of time)
Grocery shopping (store closed)
Exercise :( (but I have 2 hrs of dance tomorrow, so that's okayish)
After lecturing everyone else about the joys of getting to bed early, I'm up to my old tricks and I'm still up at 1.30 am. Mind you, it ~does~ feel really late, and 1.30 am ~used~ to feel early! I've been working on that Big List of mine, and getting it into some sort of workable shape.
I'm glad you're rocking it out, but I hope you won't see this comment of mine until tomorrow morning b/c you're already in bed. Think about how you'll feel tomorrow on not much sleep.
Didn't see your comment until this morning - I was in bed for two, and decided to sleep rather than exercise this morning, so didn't set alarm until 7.00 am.
I wanted to check in even though I haven't kept up all day. Still trying to figure out my deal with weekends.
I managed to keep up with the basic chores and that's about it. The whole family has a little fever and we just kind of lay around all day. Early to bed tonight!
Grumph. Bills took longer than usual, and I have less $$ left than I thought I would. :? Ain't that the way of it.
Walking to the store & back might have to count as exercise for today. (10-15 min ea. way) I'm off to see what I can eat now.
Already done:
Eat brunch
Take pills
Upgrade cable
Grind coffee
Toast squash seeds (mmmm...)
Put away dishes
Chat with brother
Put away clean clothes
Fill pillbox for week
Call tattoo parlor
Start creating list of daily routines
Pay bills
Feed cats
Download alarm program
Program auto-shutdown on computer (Thanks, Normy! 8) )
Shred papers(5 min)
Clean off kitchen table (10 min)
To Do:
Fix/eat dinner
Grocery shopping
Exercise - Yoga or dance or gym (at least 20 min)
Plan lunch/dinner for Monday
INVENTORY (at least 20 min)
Prep work bag
Prep dance bag
Scoop pan
Sweep living room and bedroom
CUOP (started)
Online shopping! (waiting for friend's advice)
Check Flex (can do @ work)
Find mahi mahi recipe (no time to cook it tonight and am hungry now)
So here I am at the end of my day, it is two in the morning and I managed to get 1 1/2 hours into preparing for writing, no actual writing done.
*inventoring and seeing where I am DONE
*collect my material for the next section IN PROGRESS: this is more work than I anticipated, and it is rather mind-numbing, it seems that it may take something like 6 hours to complete hm!
*write a page or so...NOT DONE, because it is contingent upon collecting the material- I think
I have a long ToDo list for tomorrow, including a plumber, a medical exam, phonecalls, shopping and correcting exams.
But, I think I'd rather keep my Bookends about writing (and possibly exercise). Not that I don't procrastinate on all that other stuff, just that I know I can use them as means for procrastination as well :-(
Interesting idea about limiting the use of bookends to one specific problem area or goal. I've posted elsewhere about my ruminations as to whether I should sweat the small stuff, the big stuff, or both. For me, I think I am too versatile a procrastinator to limit the focus to one topic right now.
But it's definitely something to bear in mind. One focus, one obsession, one vision - like an sculpotr at work, or a "tween" pestering for a ride to a friend's house.
Getting the Sunday Night Dreads... fighting it. I thought I was being realistic about today's goals; stuff came up and I rolled with it, but now I have 4-5 hrs until I need to be in bed, and I'm getting a little stressed. I've reordered my to-do list by priority.
Already done:
Eat brunch
Take pills
Upgrade cable
Grind coffee
Toast squash seeds (mmmm...)
Put away dishes
Chat with brother
Put away clean clothes
Fill pillbox for week
Call tattoo parlor
Start creating list of daily routines
To Do:
Pay bills
Check Flex
Online shopping!
Find mahi mahi recipe
Grocery shopping
Exercise - Yoga or dance or gym (at least 20 min)
Fix/eat dinner
Plan lunch/dinner for Monday
INVENTORY (at least 20 min)
Prep work bag
Prep dance bag
Scoop pan
Sweep living room and bedroom
Clean the papers off the kitchen table
Download alarm program
"I thought I was being realistic about today's goals; stuff came up and I rolled with it, but now I have 4-5 hrs until I need to be in bed, and I'm getting a little stressed."
I bought the exact same shorts I wore to the store in a size smaller (and less than half the price - they were on sale because it's the end of the season). They fit perfectly. I don't weigh any less than I did at the start of the summer. I don't understand why I bought shorts that were too large. I seem to remember trying on the size smaller and it was too small, but maybe it wasn't. It's a mystery. :?
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 6:30am (no target - it's Sunday!).
Take migraine meds.
Sleep for another 1.5 hours.
Wake up and get vertical: 8am
Morning Routine
Dress (showered night before). (I bought some shorts this summer, and for some reason they are all one size too big - and were when I bought them. It's very annoying. Naturally, they don't think in the dryer. Only clothes that fit properly shrink in the dryer.)
Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
Take out pills for the day.
Make and eat breakfast.
Swallow morning pills.
Wash breakfast dishes.
Put in contacts.
Day Plan
Clean air conditioner filter.
CUOP. (Often don't read everything during the week when I'm trying to get work done.)
Water plants.
Clean base of toilet (cleaned rest of it the other day).
Clean bathroom sink.
Clean tub.
Vaccuum and empty dirt bag.
Fill out online survey to get 10% discount in clothing store.
Cleaned mirrors (all three).
Dusted media cabinet and a few other miscellaneous things.
Walk down to SoHo to buy fall clothes and visit some galleries.
Grocery store (couple items I forgot).
Deposit rebate check.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Day Plan
Make something to eat.
Pick up prescription (maybe - legs are tired from much walking).
See Al Franken movie that just opened in New York.
7pm meeting (???? conflicts with Al Franken movie).
Refill prescription with mail order pharmacy.
Replace ink cartridge in printer.
File receipts, handle mail.
Install release version of Pocket PC money management program, in hopes it will not be so painfully slow as the last beta.
*~*~*~*~*~*~Blown Off~*~*~*~*~*~*
1pm meeting.
Ride bike (if there's time after SoHo).
Get orchid potting medium from trunk of car (if I ride my bike, which is parked where my car is).
*Morning Routine
*Daytime Routine
*Start of Work Day Routine
*Started new course plan
*Worked out new schedule
*Half hour nap
*Read a couple of articles in professional journal
*Towels/Whites wash
*Review borrowed books reading list
*Burn apples and pan. Scrub pan (counts as workout!)
*Continue Weekly Review In Progress
*End of Work Day Routine
*Booked tickets for event at end of month (been meaning to do this for ages)
*Added new contacts onto business Email list
*Made another booking
*Day Plan for Monday
*Before Bed Routine
~~~Blown Off for Today Due to Time Constraints~~~
*DSO wants to learn how to make Silken Chocolate Pie - I'm quite happy to teach him!
*Household Projects
*Whole house clean - 1 hour-ish
*Detailed clean kitchen
*Register Denis Wheatley books and put them on back row of bookshelf
*Our laundry (hand washing today)
~~~Blown Off Due to Procrastination~~~
*Make phone calls (L and S
Dear Normy,
Thank you again for your warm welcome.
Your booking is very impressive!
I'm sure you'll get a good night sleep after all this. This must have felt like an invigorating [sp? I like big words ;-)] and rewarding Sunday. I am sure those phonecalls are in your Day Plan for tomorrow :-)
BTW I thought this was hilarious:
"Do something with these apples and pears I've been given before they end up on the compost like the blackberries did In progress - done half the apples Done - burnt them. Burnt the pan. Scrubbed the pan (counts as workout!)"
Still LOL :-D
My Daytime Routine normally takes me a couple of hours, but it seems to be taking me all day today (with other things getting thrown in). The '5 minute Desk Rescue' turfed up a few things that needed sorting out, so I tended to them, which took me quite a long time. I'm getting tired now, so I'm not planning on doing too much more.
I'm procrastinating on those phone calls. I hate phone calls. They look like great big frogs to me.
*Morning Routine
*Part way through Daytime Routine (broken down into individual tasks today to keep me going!)
*Started new course plan
*Worked out new schedule (which I'd discussed on a previous thread) for Projects and Planning. I've decided to rotate around them - I do it for the household stuff and it works fine. It may take me a few weeks to get it working properly but I've got a good sense of how I want the Project work to go. If I still find there are not enough hours in a week, I'll do the same with the Planning.
*Half hour nap (I didn't used to be able to nap during the day, but I trained myself!)
*Read a couple of articles in professional journal
Daily Daytime Routine:
*DDog walk 1 hour along canal Done
*Ddog laundry Done
*Check transport ready Done
*Get work/yoga bags packed Done except course file - I still have some planning to do
*Ddog's dinner Done
*Dog pooh patrol in garden Done
*Take recycling out Done
*Have I had at least 1/2 hour exercise? Counting the Ddog walk as exercise today Done
*Meal prep/meal/clear up Done
*Prep meal for tonight Done
*Evening meal/clear up Done
*Prep meals for tomorrow Done
*Check water by bed/kettle/Buddha Done
*Prep clothes for tomorrow (actually prepped clothes for the work week and for exercise classes Done
*Check Calendar/Tickler/Task List - write Day Plan Done
*Flip laundry Done
*5 min Desk Rescue Done
*Check voicemail Done
*Make phone calls (L and S)
Weekly Sunday Routines:
*Towels/Whites wash Done and put away
*Review borrowed books reading list
Other ToDos:
*Do something with these apples and pears I've been given before they end up on the compost like the blackberries did In progress - done half the apples Done - burnt them. Burnt the pan. Scrubbed the pan (counts as workout!)
*Start of Work Day Routine Done
*Continue Weekly Review In Progress
*End of Work Day Routine (will still be helpful, even if I don't do any work-work today, as it will set me up for work tomorrow)
*Before Bed Routine
~~~Blown Off for Today~~~
*DSO wants to learn how to make Silken Chocolate Pie - I'm quite happy to teach him!
*Household Projects
*Whole house clean - 1 hour-ish
*Detailed clean kitchen
*Register Denis Wheatley books and put them on back row of bookshelf
*Our laundry (hand washing today)
Hello, all! Just getting up - stayed up until nearly 4 am surfing the net. Not the greatest thing, but if I'm going to do it, better Saturday night than Sunday. Of course, that means that I've slept away a good chunk of Sunday, but I'm trying not to beat myself up about it.
I've decided I need to take one of my cats to the vet ASAP. She's been cranky and listless for a while now, and hiccups or almost gags frequently. This morning while she was purring it was every 5 seconds or so, but she never throws up. She once ate a LOT of ribbon so I'm afraid she's eaten something. :(
To Do:
Eat brunch
Take pills
Pay bills
Online shopping!
Grocery shopping
Exercise - Yoga or dance or gym
INVENTORY - I'd love to get this done today
Sweep living room and bedroom
Scoop pan
Clean the papers off the kitchen table
I think that's more than enough... if I get that all done I'll add on.
That used to be one of my tricks until end of last year/beginning of this year. I'd regularly be up until 4 or 5 in the morning, and I'd have to get up for work about 7.00 at the latest - left me very tired and cranky! I didn't want to go to bed - I didn't enjoy sleeping (it was boring). It took me a couple of months (and a lot of tricks, like auto-shutdown on the computer) to get me into an early to bed/early to rise pattern, and I realised I actually function better in the mornings despite preferring the night-time. I still don't always get to bed as early as my body would like, but I'm doing much better, and I don't hate sleeping any more. In fact I like the feeling of being in bed, and mostly sleep is oblivion now - I do remember a few dreams but they're not as boring as they used to be. I also discovered that I procrastinate more when I'm tired, so that's another incentive to me to get my shut-eye!
I've been working hard on getting 8 hrs during the week over the last month, and I'm doing a lot better. Weekends are harder, b/c I do like to go out dancing or stay up late and watch tv or surf the net. }:) Tonight it is really important for me to go to bed on time, and to get some exercise first so I'll be tired when I do!!
I've been wanting to ask you - how do you set up auto-shutdown on the computer? (Hmm... I could just look it up I guess! But if you don't mind pointing me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.)
I got a little timer program that bongs with whatever noise I choose (I tend not to respond to the same sort of bong after a while, and I change it) at whatever interval I choose, called Alarm Me. It also includes an Auto Shutdown. It can be overridden - you've got 30 seconds, so I've got three different times set in case I override and get carried away again! I really need to force myself off the computer sometimes. Of course, I can always switch back on again, but then it's a conscious decision rather than just getting carried away (I once got it switched back on only to have it immediately shut down again, LOL - I decided to go to bed instead). I try not to override or switch back on again too often - I don't want it to stop working for me!
Sounds like a tool I definitely need to try! For a while I had my brother call me every night @ 10 pm and talk to me until I had shut down the computer, but that couldn't go on forever. I'll need to set a triple-shutdown time, too.
Hey, Jester you don't get much time for sleep! I take it you're not an 8-hours-a-night person (or maybe you are and you're not getting enough?). Are you at the office today, or is it a home office?
Yes, you've put your finger on a key symptom of my obsessive-compulsive time-squandering-and-simultaneous-overmanagement program.
At home today. Stuff at office is there waiting for me though, lurking with an evil smirk below its cold reptilian eyes.
Probably dont get enough sleep, I dont know. I sleep 9 hours when allowed to, which is rare. Sometimes, if I'm enjoying life, 6 hours is enough. I dont know if that would be enough if done consistently, but thats my goal.
But overall, I frankly dont see how I can get it all done in less time if I spend more than 6 hours sleeping. I'm trying to be wide open to change, though.
I oversleep or "time-binge" on sleeping all the time. And its worsened because it takes me a while to calm down and wind down at night.
A major reason for exercise during the day is in order to be able to sleep at night. Also being able to sleep is the reason for bedtime routine. And also I have been cutting down on alcohol, especially in evening.
Regarding getting to bed, it seems that any evening activity, be it a trip to the pub, or like tonight, a creative meeting about filmmaking, leads to getting home around midnight, and a bedtime of 1 am. Meanwhile, getting rolling in the AM takes so long, that I have to start fairly early in order to be able to synchronize with the rest of the world.
Once ebery month or two, I try cutting out evening activities, fun, creative stuff, etc. But with no family or female company around, life starts looking pretty bleak after about 24 hours of that - leading to depression, thoughts of suicide, or worst of all - ISRPS (Incredibly Stubborn Rebellious Procrastination Syndrome).
Ah well, turtling forward toward the Promised Land.
Miracles are always welcome. Mother Mary, are you listening?
You'll work something out - a little bit at a time, maybe, like I did, or maybe you'll suddenly see the answer all at once. If you're 'time bingeing' on sleep anyway you may as well plan to have that amount of sleep in your schedule - if you don't it just means you have to re-arrange your schedule anyway! You're body obviously is trying to tell you something.
The stuff at the office ~is~ always there - like laundry - as soon as you think you've caught up you've got more (unless you want to wander around naked and sleep on the floor, or the metaphorical office equivalent). Do you have a basic weekly plan? Certain things on certain days? Then if it's Tuesday, say, you don't have to be thinking about Monday things, for example - you've already got it scheduled. Of course, some things need more flexibility than that, but a lot of stuff can be corralled that way.
As for the getting it all done if you sleep more than six hours thing, you're probably not going to get it all done anyway, and you're not doing yourself any favours if you deprive yourself of sleep. As you get more on top of the procrastination you'll find time expanding - it's very weird. I always thought I had so much stuff to do I'd ~never~ have any free time. I always wondered how other people did it. Now I'm finding little pockets of time popping up, and I'm actually getting to the point where I'm ~planning~ free time. Quixotically, I'm getting more done in the time that I'm working. I can only assume it's an efficiency thing - maybe I'm going more quickly, or missing out the chafe, I'm not sure. Anyway, a lot of this started with getting enough sleep!
"wander around naked and sleep on the floor"
i like that - like demosthenes shaving the beard off half his face so he would put his private time in practicing his oratory
- refuse to dress, shave, whatever, till the one's goal has been accomplished
I was being metaphorical and trying to say that maybe I'm focusing on the kernal (that doesn't look like it's spelled right either) of my tasks and leaving out the husk or chafe (chaff?), i.e. just doing the necessary.
I think it's a bad idea to make specific religious references - even with a picture. You don't know what religion people are here (or anti-religion), and it may offend.
i havent told anyone to mention religion, and i dont think anyone should tell me not to.
On the other hand, I agree that preaching, like any unsolicited advice, can get someone angry fast. But noone is preaching here, that I've noticed.
But let's bear in mind, that Job (who I mentioned), Mary, etc. are actual historical persons, as real as Priam of Troy, Donald Trump or Attila the Hun. I do not censor my history book. Even if someone accepts them only as literary references, fine. But it does seem a bit prickly to tell me which literary or movie characters I can quote.
Yes, I suppose I could refrain from specifically Catholic forms of prayer, i suppose - but when that reference is incorporated in my everyday speech pattern, I'm not sure why I should go to the trouble of mincing around, censoring my speech. I don't mince well, and I didnt put on my ruffly tu-tu today.
When I read the political writings or news releases of religious Moslems, I never offended by their constant refrain, "May Allah have mercy on his soul," when mentioning a Moslem figure from history. It just doesnt seem offensive.
Its funny, that when Mary - or an apparition resembling her - appeared at Zeitoun in Egypt a few years ago (google it), she (okay, the apparition) was viewed night after night by hundreds of thousands of Egyptians - Christians, Moslems, Jews, others - but no English-speaking news outlet carried the story. Is this a question of belief, or sorry to be so frank, guts?
In the words of the historic figure Pontius Pilate, to the historic political prisoner Jesus:
This is a 12-step site, so spirituality is a part of it (or is supposed to be, though we don't talk a lot about it here). Many people are put off by 12-step programs because they see them as specifically Christian. I don't want newcomers to visit this forum, see a picture of Mary, and leave before reading a thing because it pushes them away.
In a 12-step group, in particular, it's important to make it clear that the spirituality is non-denominational, and people find a higher power of their own understanding. No one is going to push anything on them.
I'm not saying Normy or anyone was trying to push Christianity, but a picture speaks a thousand words. I can see someone visiting the site, seeing that picture, and immediately clicking away. Religion is one of those sensitive topics that's best avoided in a forum like this - at least in specifics. General references to prayer or spirituality are fine, but specific references could cause unintended problems.
It seems like pro, by trying to avoid a turn of discussion on religion, has actually started such a discussion. ;-)
From my part, and maybe I shouldn't get involved since I just joined, I don't feel anything offensive was posted. I am not Catholic. I respect everyone praying and sharing prayer in their own way -- also people who don't.
But I would not want to see the forum getting sidetracked, so yes
Pro, I can understand your concerns and I know that a situation may arise, where a ban on religious references is necessary. But, thankfully, such a situation is not present.
Of course, I will respect your rules, the least I can do in return of your setting up this forum.
Have a good one (morning, afternoon or evening :-) )
But it was a reply to Jester's comment about Mother Mary and was intended to be supportive. Since you are asking me I would suggest you please ask others to do the same. As you know it will cut down on many of the things Slider and I can bring to this forum, as we both have an active religious life. I don't like to pretend religion isn't part of my life, and I don't think it's offensive to mention religion, but it's your forum so I'll abide by the rules.
crazed ramblings best ignored
nothing to report since last CI, so I won't.
talked to miss LS - superficial chitchat. what does forever mean to a woman? not, apparently, the same thing it means to me.
talked to her mother. "thanks for your concern." this woman was my best friend on earth beside Miss LS.
where did the love go? like the black-eyed peas sang, "where is the love?"
fear and greed are peoples primary motivations, the bad guys used to tell me. fear and greed.
but fear is stronger, i think. love is powerful, but not omnipotent. i forgive her and release her. leave the memories, go in peace.
talked to mom - great chat.
work remains. the show must go on. rock'n'roll. and each daily performance is one of a kind.
oh yeah,and i cooked spaghetti. and added an ingredient. <> <>
en la manana, senoras y senors. time for some chocolate ice cream.
oh yeah i forgot again
That was a "closing bookend"
oh well, just call me Brittany Spears - "oops"
God help us if I'd had a LOT to drink. Cheers.
Tomorrow is St. Crispin's Day.
pro's CI - 10:30pm (last check-in)
Bedtime routine done. Tomorrow, I want to get up early and go to the gym.
Good night!
scarlett CI 9:59
I can see this autoshutdown thing is going to be interesting. ;)
Wow, I got a lot done in 8 hrs!
Already done:
Eat brunch
Take pills
Upgrade cable
Grind coffee
Toast squash seeds (mmmm...)
Put away dishes
Chat with brother
Put away clean clothes
Fill pillbox for week
Call tattoo parlor
Start creating list of daily routines
Pay bills
Feed cats
Download alarm program
Program auto-shutdown on computer (Thanks, Normy! 8))
Shred papers(5 min)
Clean off kitchen table (10 min)
Fix/eat dinner
Plan lunch and dinner for Monday
Prep work bag
Scoop pan
Take out trash and recycling
INVENTORY (at least 20 min)
Prep dance bag
CUOP (as time allows)
To Do:
shut down
brush teeth
wash face
meditate or read a little
Online shopping! (waiting for friend's advice)
Check Flex (can do @ work)
Find mahi mahi recipe (no time to cook it tonight and am hungry now)
Sweep living room and bedroom (out of time)
Grocery shopping (store closed)
Exercise :( (but I have 2 hrs of dance tomorrow, so that's okayish)
You're welcome - It'll be interesting to see if it works for you as well as it works for me ;)
1st one was set wrong, 2nd one I overrode, 3rd time should be the charm!
scarlett, your accomplishments go beyond impressive. they make me JEALOUS.
but congrats on a great day anyway.
wow, really?
doesn't feel like i did enough to make anyone jealous.
thanks for the compliment and encouragement, jester.
and i have sooooo many days where my accomplishments wouldn't make anyone jealous. hoping to have fewer of those, now that i am here.
PLANNED FINISH TIME: 12:00 midnight
0600am HerbalTea, BootUp, CoffeeOn
0600am Khoong, Webcast, TBN, AlarmOff, FirstCI
0600am SplashFace/Comb/Deodorant, PourCoffee, Bed
0600am Icebox (HerbalTea, Breakfast, Vits)
0630am CoffeeOff, WindowsOpen
0800am PlanLunch
0900am Vits, Breakfast, 9amCALLS
1200nn Lunch
0100pm FilmmakingHomework
0230pm Drive to 3pmTony Vicich Comedy Class
0600pm Filmmaking Meetup in Santa Monica (organizer cancelled) (hey that counts)
0900pm Trash; DeForward
0930pm ClearDesk@Home
0800amPlanSocialTonight, PlanFriendsTonight
0100pm ComedyHomework
0900pm Odometer, Unload; BORKey; Undress
1000pm Dishes/Bathe/Brush/Shave/Face
1000am Prepare4Monday: Herbs, Water, Breakfast, Vits, Food4Car, Gymbag, Hankie, Cards, Clothes
0100pm ActingHomework, StorytellingWantToDos
1030pm DriveHome, SetAlarm; Chamomile; Storytelling
1130pm Read; PM HypnoCD
0600am GurdjieffMeditation
0630am Forward, Drive2Office, CellOn, CellMsgs, Confessions
0700am Arrive@Office, Call Mom, ClearDesk@Office
0730am ToOffice, Finances, NetSpend, MailOut, Contacts
0800am Messages, ClearEmail,
0930pm ToHome, Briefcase, Wallet, PostReceipts,
Still curious about the nature of this meditation. My only knowledge of Gurdjieff is through study of the Enneagram. wondered if there was a connection. OOH! Lightning storm--gonna unplug.
Like that singer, whatsername in the plaid skirt
"Oops I did it again."
This should have been titled as an interim CI at 613pm.
pro's CI - 9pm
I need to be starting my bedtime routine now. Tomorrow I want to go to the gym. As todayfirst said, being consistent with the gym isn't so much about never missing a day, but about going back after you've missed a few days.
I spent most of today walking around the streets of New York.
Pet Peeve #1: Groups of people who stop dead in the middle of a busy sidewalk to have a chat. Chief Offenders: Tourists.
Pet Peeve #2: Those red two-decker tourist busses that snake through the streets of the Village and SoHo, with tourists staring down at the people in the street and taking pictures as though we were zoo animals.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~Blown Off~*~*~*~*~*~*
scarlett 9:00 pm
Home stretch - 1 hr to go!
Already done:
Eat brunch
Take pills
Upgrade cable
Grind coffee
Toast squash seeds (mmmm...)
Put away dishes
Chat with brother
Put away clean clothes
Fill pillbox for week
Call tattoo parlor
Start creating list of daily routines
Pay bills
Feed cats
Download alarm program
Program auto-shutdown on computer (Thanks, Normy! 8))
Shred papers(5 min)
Clean off kitchen table (10 min)
Fix/eat dinner
Plan lunch and dinner for Monday
Prep work bag
To Do:
Scoop pan
INVENTORY (at least 20 min)
Prep dance bag
CUOP (as time allows)
Online shopping! (waiting for friend's advice)
Check Flex (can do @ work)
Find mahi mahi recipe (no time to cook it tonight and am hungry now)
Sweep living room and bedroom (out of time)
Grocery shopping (store closed)
Exercise :( (but I have 2 hrs of dance tomorrow, so that's okayish)
Normy please note...
Normy please note "toasting squash seeds" is about the KERNEL, not the chaff.
Kernel & Chaff
Not so early to bed
After lecturing everyone else about the joys of getting to bed early, I'm up to my old tricks and I'm still up at 1.30 am. Mind you, it ~does~ feel really late, and 1.30 am ~used~ to feel early! I've been working on that Big List of mine, and getting it into some sort of workable shape.
Well, tonight I'll try to set a good example.
I'm glad you're rocking it out, but I hope you won't see this comment of mine until tomorrow morning b/c you're already in bed. Think about how you'll feel tomorrow on not much sleep.
You don't have to get it all done right now...
I didn't ;o)
Didn't see your comment until this morning - I was in bed for two, and decided to sleep rather than exercise this morning, so didn't set alarm until 7.00 am.
1Focus 7:36
I wanted to check in even though I haven't kept up all day. Still trying to figure out my deal with weekends.
I managed to keep up with the basic chores and that's about it. The whole family has a little fever and we just kind of lay around all day. Early to bed tonight!
Basic chores are good.
I hope you all feel better tomorrow! Sleep well.
scarlett CI 7:11 pm
Grumph. Bills took longer than usual, and I have less $$ left than I thought I would. :? Ain't that the way of it.
Walking to the store & back might have to count as exercise for today. (10-15 min ea. way) I'm off to see what I can eat now.
Already done:
Eat brunch
Take pills
Upgrade cable
Grind coffee
Toast squash seeds (mmmm...)
Put away dishes
Chat with brother
Put away clean clothes
Fill pillbox for week
Call tattoo parlor
Start creating list of daily routines
Pay bills
Feed cats
Download alarm program
Program auto-shutdown on computer (Thanks, Normy! 8) )
Shred papers(5 min)
Clean off kitchen table (10 min)
To Do:
Fix/eat dinner
Grocery shopping
Exercise - Yoga or dance or gym (at least 20 min)
Plan lunch/dinner for Monday
INVENTORY (at least 20 min)
Prep work bag
Prep dance bag
Scoop pan
Sweep living room and bedroom
CUOP (started)
Online shopping! (waiting for friend's advice)
Check Flex (can do @ work)
Find mahi mahi recipe (no time to cook it tonight and am hungry now)
good go
Hello Scarlett
you are moving along nicely through that list. :cool:
Have a good night!!
"closing bookend" :-)
So here I am at the end of my day, it is two in the morning and I managed to get 1 1/2 hours into preparing for writing, no actual writing done.
*inventoring and seeing where I am DONE
*collect my material for the next section IN PROGRESS: this is more work than I anticipated, and it is rather mind-numbing, it seems that it may take something like 6 hours to complete hm!
*write a page or so...NOT DONE, because it is contingent upon collecting the material- I think
I have a long ToDo list for tomorrow, including a plumber, a medical exam, phonecalls, shopping and correcting exams.
But, I think I'd rather keep my Bookends about writing (and possibly exercise). Not that I don't procrastinate on all that other stuff, just that I know I can use them as means for procrastination as well :-(
Great meeting you everybody
Creative vision - the tunnel kind
Interesting idea about limiting the use of bookends to one specific problem area or goal. I've posted elsewhere about my ruminations as to whether I should sweat the small stuff, the big stuff, or both. For me, I think I am too versatile a procrastinator to limit the focus to one topic right now.
But it's definitely something to bear in mind. One focus, one obsession, one vision - like an sculpotr at work, or a "tween" pestering for a ride to a friend's house.
scarlett CI 5:25 pm
Getting the Sunday Night Dreads... fighting it. I thought I was being realistic about today's goals; stuff came up and I rolled with it, but now I have 4-5 hrs until I need to be in bed, and I'm getting a little stressed. I've reordered my to-do list by priority.
Already done:
Eat brunch
Take pills
Upgrade cable
Grind coffee
Toast squash seeds (mmmm...)
Put away dishes
Chat with brother
Put away clean clothes
Fill pillbox for week
Call tattoo parlor
Start creating list of daily routines
To Do:
Pay bills
Check Flex
Online shopping!
Find mahi mahi recipe
Grocery shopping
Exercise - Yoga or dance or gym (at least 20 min)
Fix/eat dinner
Plan lunch/dinner for Monday
INVENTORY (at least 20 min)
Prep work bag
Prep dance bag
Scoop pan
Sweep living room and bedroom
Clean the papers off the kitchen table
Download alarm program
Ditto the Dreads
"Getting the Sunday Night Dreads"
(ditto that)
"I thought I was being realistic about today's goals; stuff came up and I rolled with it, but now I have 4-5 hrs until I need to be in bed, and I'm getting a little stressed."
(ditto that too)
I've reordered my to-do list by priority.
(now you're getting radical!)
JestRight - 2:30pm - Interim CI
PLANNED FINISH TIME: 12:00 midnight
0600am HerbalTea, BootUp, CoffeeOn
0600am Khoong, Webcast, TBN, AlarmOff, FirstCI
0600am SplashFace/Comb/Deodorant, PourCoffee, Bed
0600am Icebox (HerbalTea, Breakfast, Vits);
0630am CoffeeOff, WindowsOpen,
0900am Vits, Breakfast, 9amCALLS
1200nn Lunch
0100pm FilmmakingHomework
0600pm Drive to Filmmaking Meetup in Santa Monica (organizer cancelled)
0900pm Trash
0930pm ClearDesk@Home
0100pm ComedyHomework
0230pm Drive to 3pmTony Vicich Comedy Class
0800amPlanSocialTonight, PlanFriendsTonight, PlanLunch
1000am Prepare4Monday: Herbs, Water, Breakfast, Vits, Food4Car, Gymbag, Hankie, Cards, Clothes
0100pm ActingHomework, StorytellingWantToDos
0900pm Odometer, Unload; DeForward; BORKey; ; Undress
0930pm ToHome, Briefcase, Wallet, PostReceipts
1000pm Dishes/Bathe/Brush/Shave/Face
1030pm DriveHome, SetAlarm; Chamomile; Storytelling
1130pm Read; PM HypnoCD
0600am GurdjieffMeditation
0630am Forward, Drive2Office, CellOn, CellMsgs, Confessions
0700am Arrive@Office, Call Mom, ClearDesk@Office
0730am ToOffice, Finances, NetSpend, MailOut, Contacts
0800am Messages, ClearEmail,
pro's CI - 4:25pm
I bought the exact same shorts I wore to the store in a size smaller (and less than half the price - they were on sale because it's the end of the season). They fit perfectly. I don't weigh any less than I did at the start of the summer. I don't understand why I bought shorts that were too large. I seem to remember trying on the size smaller and it was too small, but maybe it wasn't. It's a mystery. :?
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~Blown Off~*~*~*~*~*~*
Norm 9pm BE - Last one for today
*Morning Routine
*Daytime Routine
*Start of Work Day Routine
*Started new course plan
*Worked out new schedule
*Half hour nap
*Read a couple of articles in professional journal
*Towels/Whites wash
*Review borrowed books reading list
*Burn apples and pan. Scrub pan (counts as workout!)
*Continue Weekly Review In Progress
*End of Work Day Routine
*Booked tickets for event at end of month (been meaning to do this for ages)
*Added new contacts onto business Email list
*Made another booking
*Day Plan for Monday
*Before Bed Routine
~~~Blown Off for Today Due to Time Constraints~~~
*DSO wants to learn how to make Silken Chocolate Pie - I'm quite happy to teach him!
*Household Projects
*Whole house clean - 1 hour-ish
*Detailed clean kitchen
*Register Denis Wheatley books and put them on back row of bookshelf
*Our laundry (hand washing today)
~~~Blown Off Due to Procrastination~~~
*Make phone calls (L and S
Good night!
Hope your Monday starts off well!
a happily full day, sweet dreams!
Dear Normy,
Thank you again for your warm welcome.
Your booking is very impressive!
I'm sure you'll get a good night sleep after all this. This must have felt like an invigorating [sp? I like big words ;-)] and rewarding Sunday. I am sure those phonecalls are in your Day Plan for tomorrow :-)
BTW I thought this was hilarious:
"Do something with these apples and pears I've been given before they end up on the compost like the blackberries did In progress - done half the apples Done - burnt them. Burnt the pan. Scrubbed the pan (counts as workout!)"
Still LOL :-D
Norm 8.00 pm
My Daytime Routine normally takes me a couple of hours, but it seems to be taking me all day today (with other things getting thrown in). The '5 minute Desk Rescue' turfed up a few things that needed sorting out, so I tended to them, which took me quite a long time. I'm getting tired now, so I'm not planning on doing too much more.
I'm procrastinating on those phone calls. I hate phone calls. They look like great big frogs to me.
*Morning Routine
*Part way through Daytime Routine (broken down into individual tasks today to keep me going!)
*Started new course plan
*Worked out new schedule (which I'd discussed on a previous thread) for Projects and Planning. I've decided to rotate around them - I do it for the household stuff and it works fine. It may take me a few weeks to get it working properly but I've got a good sense of how I want the Project work to go. If I still find there are not enough hours in a week, I'll do the same with the Planning.
*Half hour nap (I didn't used to be able to nap during the day, but I trained myself!)
*Read a couple of articles in professional journal
Daily Daytime Routine:
*DDog walk 1 hour along canal Done
*Ddog laundry Done
*Check transport ready Done
*Get work/yoga bags packed Done except course file - I still have some planning to do
*Ddog's dinner Done
*Dog pooh patrol in garden Done
*Take recycling out Done
*Have I had at least 1/2 hour exercise? Counting the Ddog walk as exercise today Done
*Meal prep/meal/clear up Done
*Prep meal for tonight Done
*Evening meal/clear up Done
*Prep meals for tomorrow Done
*Check water by bed/kettle/Buddha Done
*Prep clothes for tomorrow (actually prepped clothes for the work week and for exercise classes Done
*Check Calendar/Tickler/Task List - write Day Plan Done
*Flip laundry Done
*5 min Desk Rescue Done
*Check voicemail Done
*Make phone calls (L and S)
Weekly Sunday Routines:
*Towels/Whites wash Done and put away
*Review borrowed books reading list
Other ToDos:
*Do something with these apples and pears I've been given before they end up on the compost like the blackberries did In progress - done half the apples Done - burnt them. Burnt the pan. Scrubbed the pan (counts as workout!)
*Start of Work Day Routine Done
*Continue Weekly Review In Progress
*End of Work Day Routine (will still be helpful, even if I don't do any work-work today, as it will set me up for work tomorrow)
*Before Bed Routine
~~~Blown Off for Today~~~
*DSO wants to learn how to make Silken Chocolate Pie - I'm quite happy to teach him!
*Household Projects
*Whole house clean - 1 hour-ish
*Detailed clean kitchen
*Register Denis Wheatley books and put them on back row of bookshelf
*Our laundry (hand washing today)
JestRight - 11:55am - Interim CI
PLANNED FINISH TIME: 12:00 midnight
0600am HerbalTea, BootUp, CoffeeOn
0600am Khoong, Webcast, TBN, AlarmOff, FirstCI
0600am SplashFace/Comb/Deodorant, PourCoffee, Bed
0630am CoffeeOff, WindowsOpen,
0900am Vits, Breakfast, 9amCALLS
0600am Icebox (HerbalTea, Breakfast, Vits); GurdjieffMeditation
0800am Messages, ClearEmail, PlanSocialTonight, PlanFriendsTonight, PlanLunch
1000am Prepare4Monday: Herbs, Water, Breakfast, Vits, Food4Car, Gymbag, Hankie, Cards, Clothes
1200nn Lunch
0100pm ActingHomework, ComedyHomework, FilmmakingHomework, StorytellingWantToDos
0230pm Drive to 3pmTony Vicich Comedy Class
0600pm Drive to Filmmaking Meetup with Dean Gold in Santa Monica
0900pm Odometer, Unload; DeForward; BORKey; Trash; Undress
0930pm ToHome, Briefcase, Wallet, PostReceipts, ClearDesk@Home
1000pm Dishes/Bathe/Brush/Shave/Face
1030pm DriveHome, SetAlarm; Chamomile; Storytelling
1130pm Read; PM HypnoCD
0630am Forward, Drive2Office, CellOn, CellMsgs, Confessions
0700am Arrive@Office, Call Mom, ClearDesk@Office
0730am ToOffice, Finances, NetSpend, MailOut, Contacts
scarlett CI 1:50 pm
Hello, all! Just getting up - stayed up until nearly 4 am surfing the net. Not the greatest thing, but if I'm going to do it, better Saturday night than Sunday. Of course, that means that I've slept away a good chunk of Sunday, but I'm trying not to beat myself up about it.
I've decided I need to take one of my cats to the vet ASAP. She's been cranky and listless for a while now, and hiccups or almost gags frequently. This morning while she was purring it was every 5 seconds or so, but she never throws up. She once ate a LOT of ribbon so I'm afraid she's eaten something. :(
To Do:
Eat brunch
Take pills
Pay bills
Online shopping!
Grocery shopping
Exercise - Yoga or dance or gym
INVENTORY - I'd love to get this done today
Sweep living room and bedroom
Scoop pan
Clean the papers off the kitchen table
I think that's more than enough... if I get that all done I'll add on.
Hello Scarlett
That used to be one of my tricks until end of last year/beginning of this year. I'd regularly be up until 4 or 5 in the morning, and I'd have to get up for work about 7.00 at the latest - left me very tired and cranky! I didn't want to go to bed - I didn't enjoy sleeping (it was boring). It took me a couple of months (and a lot of tricks, like auto-shutdown on the computer) to get me into an early to bed/early to rise pattern, and I realised I actually function better in the mornings despite preferring the night-time. I still don't always get to bed as early as my body would like, but I'm doing much better, and I don't hate sleeping any more. In fact I like the feeling of being in bed, and mostly sleep is oblivion now - I do remember a few dreams but they're not as boring as they used to be. I also discovered that I procrastinate more when I'm tired, so that's another incentive to me to get my shut-eye!
Enjoy your day.
Sleep is very important, yes.
I've been working hard on getting 8 hrs during the week over the last month, and I'm doing a lot better. Weekends are harder, b/c I do like to go out dancing or stay up late and watch tv or surf the net. }:) Tonight it is really important for me to go to bed on time, and to get some exercise first so I'll be tired when I do!!
I've been wanting to ask you - how do you set up auto-shutdown on the computer? (Hmm... I could just look it up I guess! But if you don't mind pointing me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.)
'Alarm Me' AutoShutdown Freebie
I got a little timer program that bongs with whatever noise I choose (I tend not to respond to the same sort of bong after a while, and I change it) at whatever interval I choose, called Alarm Me. It also includes an Auto Shutdown. It can be overridden - you've got 30 seconds, so I've got three different times set in case I override and get carried away again! I really need to force myself off the computer sometimes. Of course, I can always switch back on again, but then it's a conscious decision rather than just getting carried away (I once got it switched back on only to have it immediately shut down again, LOL - I decided to go to bed instead). I try not to override or switch back on again too often - I don't want it to stop working for me!
Sounds like a tool I definitely need to try! For a while I had my brother call me every night @ 10 pm and talk to me until I had shut down the computer, but that couldn't go on forever. I'll need to set a triple-shutdown time, too.
JestRight - 10:49am - Opening Bookend
PLANNED FINISH TIME: 12:00 midnight
0600am HerbalTea, BootUp, CoffeeOn
0600am Khoong, Webcast, TBN, AlarmOff, FirstCI
0600am SplashFace/Comb/Deodorant, PourCoffee, Bed
0600am Icebox (HerbalTea, Breakfast, Vits); GurdjieffMeditation
0630am CoffeeOff, WindowsOpen, Forward
0630am Drive2Office, CellOn, CellMsgs, Confessions
0700am Arrive@Office, Call Mom, ClearDesk@Office
0730am ToOffice, Finances, NetSpend, MailOut, Contacts
0800am Messages, ClearEmail, PlanSocialTonight, PlanFriendsTonight, PlanLunch
0900am Vits, Breakfast, 9amCALLS
1000am Prepare4Monday: Herbs, Water, Breakfast, Vits, Food4Car, Gymbag, Hankie, Cards, Clothes
1200nn Lunch
0100pm ActingHomework, ComedyHomework, FilmmakingHomework, StorytellingWantToDos
0300pm Tony Vicich Comedy Class
0600pm Drive to Filmmaking Meetup with Dean Gold in Santa Monica
0900pm Odometer, Unload; DeForward; BORKey; Trash; Undress
0930pm ToHome, Briefcase, Wallet, PostReceipts, ClearDesk@Home
1000pm Dishes/Bathe/Brush/Shave/Face
1030pm DriveHome, SetAlarm; Chamomile; Storytelling
1130pm Read; PM HypnoCD
Hey, Jester you don't get much time for sleep! I take it you're not an 8-hours-a-night person (or maybe you are and you're not getting enough?). Are you at the office today, or is it a home office?
Youve put your finger on it
Yes, you've put your finger on a key symptom of my obsessive-compulsive time-squandering-and-simultaneous-overmanagement program.
At home today. Stuff at office is there waiting for me though, lurking with an evil smirk below its cold reptilian eyes.
Probably dont get enough sleep, I dont know. I sleep 9 hours when allowed to, which is rare. Sometimes, if I'm enjoying life, 6 hours is enough. I dont know if that would be enough if done consistently, but thats my goal.
But overall, I frankly dont see how I can get it all done in less time if I spend more than 6 hours sleeping. I'm trying to be wide open to change, though.
I oversleep or "time-binge" on sleeping all the time. And its worsened because it takes me a while to calm down and wind down at night.
A major reason for exercise during the day is in order to be able to sleep at night. Also being able to sleep is the reason for bedtime routine. And also I have been cutting down on alcohol, especially in evening.
Regarding getting to bed, it seems that any evening activity, be it a trip to the pub, or like tonight, a creative meeting about filmmaking, leads to getting home around midnight, and a bedtime of 1 am. Meanwhile, getting rolling in the AM takes so long, that I have to start fairly early in order to be able to synchronize with the rest of the world.
Once ebery month or two, I try cutting out evening activities, fun, creative stuff, etc. But with no family or female company around, life starts looking pretty bleak after about 24 hours of that - leading to depression, thoughts of suicide, or worst of all - ISRPS (Incredibly Stubborn Rebellious Procrastination Syndrome).
Ah well, turtling forward toward the Promised Land.
Miracles are always welcome. Mother Mary, are you listening?
It will happen
You'll work something out - a little bit at a time, maybe, like I did, or maybe you'll suddenly see the answer all at once. If you're 'time bingeing' on sleep anyway you may as well plan to have that amount of sleep in your schedule - if you don't it just means you have to re-arrange your schedule anyway! You're body obviously is trying to tell you something.
The stuff at the office ~is~ always there - like laundry - as soon as you think you've caught up you've got more (unless you want to wander around naked and sleep on the floor, or the metaphorical office equivalent). Do you have a basic weekly plan? Certain things on certain days? Then if it's Tuesday, say, you don't have to be thinking about Monday things, for example - you've already got it scheduled. Of course, some things need more flexibility than that, but a lot of stuff can be corralled that way.
As for the getting it all done if you sleep more than six hours thing, you're probably not going to get it all done anyway, and you're not doing yourself any favours if you deprive yourself of sleep. As you get more on top of the procrastination you'll find time expanding - it's very weird. I always thought I had so much stuff to do I'd ~never~ have any free time. I always wondered how other people did it. Now I'm finding little pockets of time popping up, and I'm actually getting to the point where I'm ~planning~ free time. Quixotically, I'm getting more done in the time that I'm working. I can only assume it's an efficiency thing - maybe I'm going more quickly, or missing out the chafe, I'm not sure. Anyway, a lot of this started with getting enough sleep!
Thanks for the support and gentle advice!!
"wander around naked and sleep on the floor"
i like that - like demosthenes shaving the beard off half his face so he would put his private time in practicing his oratory
- refuse to dress, shave, whatever, till the one's goal has been accomplished
fun to think about anyway
"missing out on the chafe" - what does that mean?
It probably means I can't spell, LOL!
I was being metaphorical and trying to say that maybe I'm focusing on the kernal (that doesn't look like it's spelled right either) of my tasks and leaving out the husk or chafe (chaff?), i.e. just doing the necessary.
Eat the wheat
Skip the chaff, eat the wheat.
Short and sweet.
I need that -- PA for the simple-minded.
please avoid specific religious references
I think it's a bad idea to make specific religious references - even with a picture. You don't know what religion people are here (or anti-religion), and it may offend.
The Sublime and the Profane
i havent told anyone to mention religion, and i dont think anyone should tell me not to.
On the other hand, I agree that preaching, like any unsolicited advice, can get someone angry fast. But noone is preaching here, that I've noticed.
But let's bear in mind, that Job (who I mentioned), Mary, etc. are actual historical persons, as real as Priam of Troy, Donald Trump or Attila the Hun. I do not censor my history book. Even if someone accepts them only as literary references, fine. But it does seem a bit prickly to tell me which literary or movie characters I can quote.
Yes, I suppose I could refrain from specifically Catholic forms of prayer, i suppose - but when that reference is incorporated in my everyday speech pattern, I'm not sure why I should go to the trouble of mincing around, censoring my speech. I don't mince well, and I didnt put on my ruffly tu-tu today.
When I read the political writings or news releases of religious Moslems, I never offended by their constant refrain, "May Allah have mercy on his soul," when mentioning a Moslem figure from history. It just doesnt seem offensive.
Its funny, that when Mary - or an apparition resembling her - appeared at Zeitoun in Egypt a few years ago (google it), she (okay, the apparition) was viewed night after night by hundreds of thousands of Egyptians - Christians, Moslems, Jews, others - but no English-speaking news outlet carried the story. Is this a question of belief, or sorry to be so frank, guts?
In the words of the historic figure Pontius Pilate, to the historic political prisoner Jesus:
What is truth?
higher power of your understanding
This is a 12-step site, so spirituality is a part of it (or is supposed to be, though we don't talk a lot about it here). Many people are put off by 12-step programs because they see them as specifically Christian. I don't want newcomers to visit this forum, see a picture of Mary, and leave before reading a thing because it pushes them away.
In a 12-step group, in particular, it's important to make it clear that the spirituality is non-denominational, and people find a higher power of their own understanding. No one is going to push anything on them.
I'm not saying Normy or anyone was trying to push Christianity, but a picture speaks a thousand words. I can see someone visiting the site, seeing that picture, and immediately clicking away. Religion is one of those sensitive topics that's best avoided in a forum like this - at least in specifics. General references to prayer or spirituality are fine, but specific references could cause unintended problems.
interesting how human communication works :-)
It seems like pro, by trying to avoid a turn of discussion on religion, has actually started such a discussion. ;-)
From my part, and maybe I shouldn't get involved since I just joined, I don't feel anything offensive was posted. I am not Catholic. I respect everyone praying and sharing prayer in their own way -- also people who don't.
But I would not want to see the forum getting sidetracked, so yes
Pro, I can understand your concerns and I know that a situation may arise, where a ban on religious references is necessary. But, thankfully, such a situation is not present.
Of course, I will respect your rules, the least I can do in return of your setting up this forum.
Have a good one (morning, afternoon or evening :-) )
But it was a reply to Jester's comment about Mother Mary and was intended to be supportive. Since you are asking me I would suggest you please ask others to do the same. As you know it will cut down on many of the things Slider and I can bring to this forum, as we both have an active religious life. I don't like to pretend religion isn't part of my life, and I don't think it's offensive to mention religion, but it's your forum so I'll abide by the rules.