Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday, 13th of September, 2006

Will add pretty graphic later when not so many people watching me :)

Here 'tis...

JestRight - 10:03pm - Starting Evening Routine

Hi all, back after an absence, rethinking and confronting things, been a good few days. So here goes:


0600pm CI, ERRAND
0630pm Odometer, Unload; Mail; DeForward; Key; Trash; Undress
PREPARE: Gymclothes, Herbs, Vits, Breakfast, Water
ClothesHangar, ClothesSack (Shoes,Socks,Undies,Belt,Shoehorn)
0700pm Bathe/Brush/Shave/Face/Eyes
0730pm ToHome, Briefcase, Wallet, PostReceipts, CI

Post ya later

JestRight - Last CI on re last night


0600pm CI, ERRAND
0630pm Odometer, Unload; Mail; DeForward; Key; Trash; Undress


PREPARE: Gymclothes, Herbs, Vits, Breakfast, Water
ClothesHangar, ClothesSack (Shoes,Socks,Undies,Belt,Shoehorn)
ToHome, Briefcase, Wallet, PostReceipts

pro's CI - 10:25pm (last check-in)

Bedtime routine done. Good night!

pro's CI - 8pm

I'm going to work on my PayPal backlog while I watch TV this evening. It's mindless. I just need to get through it. This is the last impediment before I start the reprogramming for my business change.

I see everyone was thrilled about my Contribution button (NOT!). LOL! That's okay - I'll keep paying for the site myself if no one else contributes because I myself find it useful. Maybe this will get me into heaven. :P

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:15am (target: 6am).
  • Morning Routine
  • Gym workout.
  • Rinse out gym clothes.
  • Make post-workout protein shake.
  • Clean toilet (couldn't stand to look at it anymore).
  • Check email and clear spam folder.
  • Reflection.
  • Review to-do list.
  • Eat lunch and clean up afterwards.
  • Take midday pills.
  • Go through PayPal notification backlog (in progress).
  • Set up PayPal account for Procrastinators Anonymous so people here can help me pay for expenses.
  • ADDED A "CONTRIBUTE" BUTTON TO PA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Pick up mail.
  • Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.
  • Meeting. (Great meeting tonight.)

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Go through PayPal notification backlog.
  • Evening pills.
  • *~*FREE TIME*~*
  • Bedtime routine.

*~*~*~*~*~*~Blown Off~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Handle mail, pay bills, filing. (I wonder how much longer I can blow this off.)

payday is tomorrow

i'm trying to stick to my budget, ya know. ;)

will contribute this weekend.

I understand!

Just saw your reply and 1Focus's reply. Whenever you can and whatever you can is fine. I certainly understand financial limitations!


Hey give as a little while on that contibution button.

Have you heard about the National Procrastinators Club? The 1994 convention is scheduled for later this year.

procrastination jokes

That was the long-standing joke about Procrastinators Anonymous! But I went ahead and started the fellowship anyway. :)

1Focus 7:30

Just checking in quickly and probably a little CUOP. I'm kind of in a bad place today. I was pretty disappointed in my managing multiple priorities seminar; not much new information for me, I've read every book that was referenced. I suppose it never hurts to hear this stuff one more time. I was hoping for some motivation to move into action mode, maybe I'll feel better about it tomorrow. I think I'm getting sick, too, that never helps anything. I'm going to veg tonight, go to bed early, and have a better day tomorrow.

scarlett CI 4:35 pm

It's been such a rollercoaster kind of day, my adrenaline is gone and I'm so tired. That list is looking mighty unappealing right now. I've started bumping stuff to tomorrow's list - still won't be able to get it all done, but I'm going to try and knock off a few things before I head out at 5. Probably won't check in again tonight, I'll be out and about.

Last night: bedtime 11:20 pm (target 10:30 pm)

This morning: wake up 7:50 (target 7 am)

Already done:
read report
eat breakfast
check work email for urgent stuff
check personal email for urgent stuff
take vitamins
call Chris
frog 3 (20 min)
frog 4 (60 min)
pay bill
2 meetings and follow-up
call Rob
send Rob forms
check on library for Rich

To do:
frog 3
Check on submission deadlines
update $$ on each tab in spreadsheet
Clean desk 20 min. GTD style (10 min)

Bumped to tomorrow:
fax stuff
update for staff mtg
job description
review plan 20 min.
demo review 20 min (FROG ALERT)
check on R. tickets

gym (brought my clothes so I can go straight there! yay!)
8 pm mtg
social time w/ friends
bed time 11 pm

it's late

I find it virtually impossible to start hard stuff late in the day. Instead of fighting with myself, I try to work with my inclinations. I schedule the stuff that needs most concentration early in the day, and relegate mindless tasks to late afternoon.

Looks to me like you did well today - ate two frogs. :)

stick a fork in me, I am DONE.

I schedule the stuff that needs most concentration early in the day, and relegate mindless tasks to late afternoon.

Sounds like a good plan. I wanted to finish # 3 today, but it's just not going to happen. Now to get myself to the gym...

pro's CI - 3:40pm

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:15am (target: 6am).
  • Morning Routine
  • Gym workout.
  • Rinse out gym clothes.
  • Make post-workout protein shake.
  • Clean toilet (couldn't stand to look at it anymore).
  • Check email and clear spam folder.
  • Reflection.
  • Review to-do list.
  • Eat lunch and clean up afterwards.
  • Take midday pills.
  • Go through PayPal notification backlog (in progress).
  • Set up PayPal account for Procrastinators Anonymous so people here can help me pay for expenses.
  • ADDED A "CONTRIBUTE" BUTTON TO PA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Go through PayPal notification backlog.
  • Pick up mail.
  • Handle mail, pay bills, filing.
  • Other work stuff (depending on time).
  • Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.
  • Meeting.
  • Evening pills.
  • *~*FREE TIME*~*
  • Bedtime routine.


Great Job! That will feel better in your head knowing that we are all helping to pay for this wonderful site you created! where do we find the button?

where the Contribute button is

>where do we find the button?

I thought you might ask that. It's so hard for things to disappear here. I put it in several places, in hopes it would be harder to miss. Here are the places where you can find a link or button to contribute:

1. The menu item in the top left corner is "Make a Contribution". Click on that to see the button.

2. On the page with the button, the word "contribute" is hot and brings you to the same place the button does.

3. I posted a message in the new Announcements board about the existance of the button, and made the word "contribute" hot in that message, too (brings you to the same PayPal page).

4. It's the top announcement on the home page of the site.

I've been meaning to add a way to contribute for a while now because it costs me money to maintain the site and I'm pretty broke right now. I would very much appreciate it if people who like this site and find it useful help me to pay for it. Contributions of any size would be appreciated!

arguably, I should have been doing something else

I was working on the PayPal notifications backlog for about an hour, and I was getting a little bored. Then somehow switched to setting up the Contributions button. I didn't even really decide to do it - it just sort of happened. First I thought I'd just see if I could set up a PayPal account for Procrastinators Anonymous, and that was easy. And then I thought as long as I have the account, I may as well put up the button since that isn't so hard.

I've been procrastinating on adding the button because I thought it would be difficult and complicated. I don't know why it didn't occur to me before that I just had to set up another PayPal account.

Still, I was supposed to be going through my PayPal notifications backlog.

And now it's time to go get my mail. }:)

Gettin it done CI 3:30

Took another cat nap on couch- feeling a little more rested now.
Folded Old clean laundry in dryer/put away all but kids things(the angels are sleeping ;) )
Washed Eggs - whoah
Figured out dinner plan
Looked up car seat prices
Inventoried dinner ingredients. Seems to be a go.

pro's CI - 2:55pm

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:15am (target: 6am).
  • Morning Routine
  • Gym workout.
  • Rinse out gym clothes.
  • Make post-workout protein shake.
  • Clean toilet (couldn't stand to look at it anymore).
  • Check email and clear spam folder.
  • Reflection.
  • Review to-do list.
  • Eat lunch and clean up afterwards.
  • Take midday pills.
  • Go through PayPal notification backlog (in progress).
  • Set up PayPal account for Procrastinators Anonymous so people here can help me pay for expenses.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Go through PayPal notification backlog.
  • Pick up mail.
  • Handle mail, pay bills, filing.
  • Other work stuff (depending on time).
  • Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.
  • Meeting.
  • Evening pills.
  • *~*FREE TIME*~*
  • Bedtime routine.

gettin it done CI 2:00 p.m.

Still way tired... must be the rain. Anyhow, wanted to CI w. my afternoon plans

Figure out dinner plan
Look up retail price of Car seat online; decide how much to charge/make tag for consigment sale
Find carrying Case for Baby Bassinet to be sold

Wash Chicken Eggs- One of my major procrastination things (:? Would this be considered a frog? A major thing that we always procrastinate on? Not so sure of the "frog " term; please advise :?)

Insurance Stuff? Maybe.
Fix dinner
Bathe Baby/ Put to bed
6:55 Leave for choir practice

I believe

the phrase comes from this book.

I love napping on rainy days, too.

pro's CI - 1:30pm

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:15am (target: 6am).
  • Morning Routine
  • Gym workout.
  • Rinse out gym clothes.
  • Make post-workout protein shake.
  • Clean toilet (couldn't stand to look at it anymore).
  • Check email and clear spam folder.
  • Reflection.
  • Review to-do list.
  • Eat lunch and clean up afterwards.
  • Take midday pills.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Go through PayPal notification backlog.
  • Pick up mail.
  • Handle mail, pay bills, filing.
  • Other work stuff (depending on time).
  • Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.
  • Meeting.
  • Evening pills.
  • *~*FREE TIME*~*
  • Bedtime routine.

pro's CI - 12:35pm

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:15am (target: 6am).
  • Morning Routine
  • Gym workout.
  • Rinse out gym clothes.
  • Make post-workout protein shake.
  • Clean toilet (couldn't stand to look at it anymore).
  • Check email and clear spam folder.
  • Reflection.
  • Review to-do list.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Eat lunch and clean up afterwards.
  • Take midday pills.
  • Go through PayPal notification backlog.
  • Pick up mail.
  • Handle mail, pay bills, filing.
  • Other work stuff (depending on time).
  • Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.
  • Meeting.
  • Evening pills.
  • *~*FREE TIME*~*
  • Bedtime routine.

gettin it done CI 11:48

Well the morning end up being mostly shot, since I decided on a nap when I got home from taking DD to school. It's rainy here today and cool, perfect napping weather, and I was absolutely beat.... almost fell asleep AGAIN( did that on Friday last week too) taking DD to school - not good. Geez I'm not up that late... I may have to take up Coffee drinking again if this continues...
I think i still haven't recovered from the first three months or so of having long nights with DD8mo. Then Monday the little one had to go to the specialist doctor for a condition she has- which is three 1/2 hours from us and I got up at 5:15 then left the house at 6:30...

did load/unload dishwasher
got some Laundry going
Ate lunch
Called pedaiatrician about DD8mo.
leaving in 10 min. to go to store and p/u DD3

Will get some other things done this afternoon or tomorrow.

Naps are good

Much better than rear-ending someone or driving off the road! I remained awfully tired after each of my babies for quite awhile (esepcially after the colicky one kept me up the whole first year!). Be sure to get enough rest or the fatigue can slither into post-partum blues or full-blown depression. Hope you can work in a nap for yourself daily--even 20 minute ones do wonders!

pro's CI - 11:40am

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:15am (target: 6am).
  • Morning Routine
  • Gym workout.
  • Rinse out gym clothes.
  • Make post-workout protein shake.
  • Clean toilet (couldn't stand to look at it anymore).
  • Check email and clear spam folder.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Reflection.
  • Review to-do list.
  • Go through PayPal notification backlog.
  • Eat lunch and clean up afterwards.
  • Take midday pills.
  • Pick up mail.
  • Handle mail, pay bills, filing.
  • Other work stuff (depending on time).
  • Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.
  • Meeting.
  • Evening pills.
  • *~*FREE TIME*~*
  • Bedtime routine.

pro's CI - 10:35am

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:15am (target: 6am).
  • Morning Routine
  • Gym workout.
  • Rinse out gym clothes.
  • Make post-workout protein shake.
  • Clean toilet (couldn't stand to look at it anymore).

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Check email and clear spam folder.
  • Reflection.
  • Review to-do list.
  • Go through PayPal notification backlog.
  • Eat lunch and clean up afterwards.
  • Take midday pills.
  • Pick up mail.
  • Handle mail, pay bills, filing.
  • Other work stuff (depending on time).
  • Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.
  • Meeting.
  • Evening pills.
  • *~*FREE TIME*~*
  • Bedtime routine.

back from workout

I'm back - now want to finish the post work-out stuff so I can get to work.

This computer has become unbearably slow, and nothing I've tried has fixed it (spyware scan, virus scan, registry cleaner), so I'm getting ready to reformat the hard disk and reinstall Windows. I can't stand it.

scarlett CI 9:15 am

Looking at today, I suspect that I've overscheduled again. I'll just do what I can...

Last night: bedtime 11:20 pm (target 10:30 pm)

This morning: wake up 7:50 (target 7 am)

Already done:
read report
eat breakfast
check work email for urgent stuff
check personal email for urgent stuff
take vitamins

To do:
Frog 3 from yesterday
update for staff mtg
call Rob
send Rob forms
check on R. tickets
job description
review plan 20 min.
call Chris
demo review 20 min (FROG ALERT)
Check on submission deadlines
check on library for Rich
update $$ on each tab in spreadsheet
Clean desk 20 min. GTD style (10 min)
pay bill
fax stuff

gym (brought my clothes so I can go straight there! yay!)
8 pm mtg
social time w/ friends
bed time 11 pm

darn darn darn

when making my list of frogs yesterday, I accidentally deleted one. that's due today. and has two parts. arrrgh!

but hey, i've already started on it. it's just going to bump stuff to tomorrow, probably.

on a positive note, i was so glad yesterday that i knew where i was and had a plan, b/c sure enough my boss came and asked me about stuff at 4:30 and i had a pretty good answer for her. so yay on that.

off to a meeting.

Milo 9:30pm (last post)

Hi all...

Did anyone notice I did my frogs????? *pouts*

Ta Da:
- up late (6:35 instead of 6:15) but managed to still be ready on time, thank goodness
- kids fed, dressed and happy
- counted fundraising money
- returned fund-raising money to childcare centre
- had 2 chocolate biscuits for breakfast (forgot to have breaky at home!)
- CUOP (actual 10 mins)
- Check emails (actual - 5 mins)
- Make system changes for a project and teach someone how to do it for when I leave (actual 1 hr)
- Job A ready to test (actual 45 mins)
- Job B ready to test (15 mins)
- Job C changes made (10 mins)
- Job E that I decided to do because I was on a roll and ahead of schedule :O (40 mins)
- replied to business email (had to - needed to confirm consultation time for tomorrow before she changed her mind! :))
- Mmmmm....lunch
- Frog 1 (2 sets of 30 mins)
- Frog 2 (2 sets of 30 mins)
- some unplanned work that came to me 'urgently' (so they said) (1hr)
- rang a client and planned consult tomorrow (20 mins)
- update timesheet before leaving (10 mins)
- buy materials for consult tomorrow on way home from work
- kids dinner, bath, book, bed
- make & eat dinner (I MUST have veges...had hot chips (fries) for lunch and biscuits for breakfast..and no veges yesterday either }:)
- load of washing (2, in fact!)
- shined sink
- checked calandar
- laid out clothes

Rescheduled for next week -
- Frog 4 (2 sets of 30 mins) (I haven’t missed Frog 3, it’s scheduled for tomorrow!) (now next week...forgot I had tomorrow off)
- Job D review of requested changes and set up meeting (30 mins)

To Do:
- plan tomorrow - it will be a busy day
- rest of after-dinner routine (brush teeth, wash face)
- bed!

Blown off:
- go for a walk if it's still light enough
- might do some ironing

Off to bed now - it's tiring being this productive! ;)


You did them! Awesome!

Off to bed now - it's tiring being this productive!

So true.

pro's CI - 7:30am

I'm leaving for the gym at 7:30am today - my goal! Happily it's not raining (yet).

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:15am (target: 6am).
  • Morning Routine
    • Dress (showered night before).
    • Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
    • Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
    • Take out pills for the day.
    • Make and eat breakfast.
    • Swallow morning pills.
    • Wash breakfast dishes.
  • Day Plan
    • Gym workout (leaving now).

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Day Plan
    • Rinse out gym clothes.
    • Make post-workout protein shake.
    • Check email and clear spam folder.
    • Reflection.
    • Review to-do list.
    • Go through PayPal notification backlog.
    • Pick up mail.
    • Handle mail, pay bills, filing.
    • Other work stuff (depending on time).
    • Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.


So you turned off Jon Stewart last night and made your goal this morning. Bet that feels good.

Great work.

It takes a lot to turn that switch off whether it's in your head or on TV. !!!!

watched it later

I recorded both shows, and watched them today while eating lunch and stuff like that. When I'm watching a recording, I can speed through the commercials. There's some added motivation for not watching it when I should be sleeping.

pro's CI - 7am

My allergies are bothering me, though I'm taking allergy medicine. I'm going to try switching from Allegra to Zyrtec, and see if that does anything.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:15am (target: 6am).
  • Morning Routine
    • Dress (showered night before).
    • Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
    • Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
    • Take out pills for the day.
    • Make and eat breakfast.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Morning Routine
    • Swallow morning pills.
    • Wash breakfast dishes.

I am pro-Zyrtec

Works better than ANYTHING! And that would be pro-Pro! (Couldn't reply to this on the day you posted it because server has been down--or not quite there, anyhow, LOL).

pro's CI - 6:20am

I started to watch Jon Stewart last night, felt very tired, and had the amazing maturity in the moment to turn it off. :) I recorded it.

It's still dark at 6am. Hmmm... Have headache.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:15am (target: 6am).
  • Morning Routine
    • Dress (showered night before).

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Morning Routine
    • Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
    • Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
    • Take out pills for the day.
    • Swallow morning pills.
    • Make and eat breakfast.
    • Wash breakfast dishes.

Rexroth 11.02 BST

Hi Today am in a muddle and am very uncomfortable and list:

get up
check emails
email S
deal with post
sort out washing

above done and to do

30 min legal/admin project

and thats all I feel able to do today. It does not feel to be very much.

Glad you're here, Rexroth.

My whole week was like that last week. Hang in there.

Familiar feeling

Hi Rexroth. I felt like that yesterday. Horrid day. Today has been great!

But you are checking in, so that's good. Keep trying, but at the same time be easy on yourself, okay?

I'm off to bed now, have a good afternoon :)

Thanks 21.39 BST

Thanks friends. I am feeling a whole lot better this evening. I've done an hour on my legal/admin task and am making good progress I think and feel I know what to do and it feels striaghtforward at last. I have not been for a walk as in doing the exercise I don't feel my knee and ankle are ready for it yet. I'm going to spend a little more time on the net and then journal, prayer, bed and sleep.

Feeling grateful Rexroth

that's great, Rexroth!

What a big accomplishment! When you came here, the task felt totally impossible, and in no time at all your on your way and doing it!!

Milo 5pm

Yay! I got to the frogs!!! I felt PHYSICAL resistance even going to open the files I needed. My eyes started darting around, looking for distractions. Wow - it was a strong resistance! But I pushed thru it - yay me!!!!

I didn't finish them, but I made progress. Will finish them next week (have to - job finishes next week).

Ta Da:
- up late (6:35 instead of 6:15) but managed to still be ready on time, thank goodness
- kids fed, dressed and happy
- counted fundraising money
- returned fund-raising money to childcare centre
- had 2 chocolate biscuits for breakfast (forgot to have breaky at home!)
- CUOP (actual 10 mins)
- Check emails (actual - 5 mins)
- Make system changes for a project and teach someone how to do it for when I leave (actual 1 hr)
- Job A ready to test (actual 45 mins)
- Job B ready to test (15 mins)
- Job C changes made (10 mins)
- Job E that I decided to do because I was on a roll and ahead of schedule :O (40 mins)
- replied to business email (had to - needed to confirm consultation time for tomorrow before she changed her mind! :))
- Mmmmm....lunch
- Frog 1 (2 sets of 30 mins)
- Frog 2 (2 sets of 30 mins)
- some unplanned work that came to me 'urgently' (so they said) (1hr)
- rang a client and planned consult tomorrow (20 mins)

Rescheduled for next week -
- Frog 4 (2 sets of 30 mins) (I haven’t missed Frog 3, it’s scheduled for tomorrow!) (now next week...forgot I had tomorrow off)
- Job D review of requested changes and set up meeting (30 mins)

To Do:
- update timesheet before leaving (10 mins)
- buy materials for consult tomorrow on way home from work
- kids dinner, bath, book, bed
- make & eat dinner (I MUST have veges...had hot chips (fries) for lunch and biscuits for breakfast..and no veges yesterday either }:)
- plan tomorrow - it will be a busy day
- load of washing
- go for a walk if it's still light enough
- might do some ironing
- evening routine (shine sink, check calendar, brush teeth, wash face, lay out clothes)

Milo 1pm

I mis-calculated. I only have time for 2 sets of 30 minutes for frogs. Re-adjusted schedule. I had it planned from yesteday afternoon, but when I checked in this morning I wrote it down wrong!

So I have got lots done! Now I have done all my customer-related stuff (ie, that people jump up and down for), I can get onto my frogs (that my boss jumps up and down for!). So no telling me off for putting off frogs this time - that's the way it was on the plan 8)

Lunch first! Tummy rumbling....

Ta Da:
- up late (6:35 instead of 6:15) but managed to still be ready on time, thank goodness
- kids fed, dressed and happy
- counted fundraising money
- returned fund-raising money to childcare centre
- had 2 chocolate biscuits for breakfast (forgot to have breaky at home!)
- CUOP (actual 10 mins)
- Check emails (actual - 5 mins)
- Make system changes for a project and teach someone how to do it for when I leave (actual 1 hr)
- Job A ready to test (actual 45 mins)
- Job B ready to test (15 mins)
- Job C changes made (10 mins)
- Job E that I decided to do because I was on a roll and ahead of schedule :O (40 mins)
- replied to business email (had to - needed to confirm consultation time for tomorrow before she changed her mind! :))

To Do:
- Mmmmm....lunch
- Frog 1 (2 sets of 30 mins)
- Frog 2 (2 sets of 30 mins)
- Frog 4 (2 sets of 30 mins) (I haven’t missed Frog 3, it’s scheduled for tomorrow!) (now next week...forgot I had tomorrow off)
- Job D review of requested changes and set up meeting (30 mins)

gettin-it done Morning schedule

6:30 am Wake up
Get dressed
Make Bed
6:45 Make breakfast for everyone
Clean up from Breakfast
Feed/water kitties
7:30 -ish Get Dd3 dressed and ready for preschool
ready school bag and REMEMBER TO GET HER LUCH-BAG- Luncheoning at school is new for us this week.
8:15-ish load up
8:30 leave for school
9:30 back home- put Dd down for nap
Start Dark Laundry
Dinner Plan
Declutter my bedroom
Clean Mstr. Bath, Powder room
Transfer Laundry
fold Laundry if time alots
12:20 Leave to p/u DD# from school

dressed in 15 minutes?

You can get dressed and make the bed in 15 minutes? That's impressive! I can't do it nearly that fast - I've timed myself. I've started showering in the evening and that helps, but I still can't do it that fast. Do you shower the night before?


Yea most of the time I do shower in the evening. But like 1Focus said- no primping in the A.M. -- see also response to Milo's "GAWD" comment. :)

It's easy

no primping allowed }:)


I'd DIE if I couldn't primp!!!! I have to feel pretty to function!!!