Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Done already:
Sat morning meditation mtg, brunch, other mtg
Came home in a mood to CLEAN! That last happened, umm, NEVER. Swept and mopped kitchen and bathroom floor, tidied and dusted meditation space.
Chatted with parents
Ate lunch
Shopped with friend
Ate dinner
Drove friend back home
Post Big List
CUOP here and 2 other online haunts ;)
Synch quicken w/ bank account
Little budget work
Shopping research
Chatted w/ sister
To do:
Update blog
Relax a little - read a little before bed
put off till Sunday:
Pay bills
If finish that, then online shopping
I think it would be helpful to type out my morning/work day/evening routines for myself. Maybe that will be a goal for tomorrow.
Yes, definitely do that. Then put them up on your wall where you walk past it most. It will remind you until it becomes a habit.
And don't try to do them all at once. Just make your evening or morning routine first (I'd suggest evening because it better prepares you for the next day, but morning is also great if you'd prefer it - it's a personal preference!), get that down pat, then you can build on it with the others.
i'm still here. not sure for how much longer. i'm doing, um, dating research? this guy i went out with briefly wants to go out with me again, so i'm rereading blog entries to see if i think it's a good idea.
I finished my bedtime routine - whole thing, including washing the dishes, straightening the apartment, and taking a shower - and I feel quite a bit better than I did before. I'm feel more settled, less out of control.
I realize something... When I'm feeling down and don't want to do my morning and bedtime routines, that's when I most need to do them. If I am getting up early, getting dressed right away, going to bed early, keeping my apartment neat, washing the dishes after eating, and taking my pills... I'm WAY ahead of where I was. If I do these things, the middle of the day gets better automatically.
I feel pretty good now. Maybe I'll read in bed for a while - a nice escapist novel, not a self-help book or a technical manual. :P
You're SO right about the routines. And if you're having a bad day you can always start from scratch at any time of the day, even if it's 4pm. It lifts my mood, obviously it works wonders for you, too.
Routines are awesome. Wish I knew that 15 years ago....
ACTUAL FINISH TIME: 8:00 pm (estimated)
Tomorrow I think I will be able to do more than "Here's what I did today." ;) But it's been a good day.
Done already:
Sat morning meditation mtg, brunch, other mtg
Came home in a mood to CLEAN! That last happened, umm, NEVER. Swept and mopped kitchen and bathroom floor, tidied and dusted meditation space.
Chatted with parents
Ate lunch
Shopped with friend
Ate dinner
Drove friend back home
To do:
Not sure how much I'm going to do tonight. I think I'll work on my big list, get it started.
Update blog
Synch quicken w/ bank account
Little budget work
Pay bills
If finish that, then online shopping
Those are weekend to dos, so if I decide to just watch tv instead, that's okay too.
I didn't get much more done after returning from my errands. I went to get the mail and bought some groceries, and since then I've been playing Tetris and watching stupid stuff on TV. I skipped the meeting tonight - I couldn't deal with a big group of people. I'm tired. It's almost 9pm, so I think I'll start my bedtime routine. If I'm going to just relax today, I'd like to really relax - watch a good movie or read a good book - not just zone out with Tetris.
>I know you have books lying around you haven't read yet
I certainly do. I have unread novels stacked up on the floor! I started a really good book and then put it down because I felt too guilty. Maybe I"ll pick it up again.
Already done:
No morning routine (I don't have one for weekends)
•Out of bed
•Ready for anything
•Eat breakfast
•farm stuff I forgot last night
•Clean up around the house a little
•Spend some time with the kids
•Specific plan
•complete 2002 tax documentation
•help DW load the car
Nothing to add. Blew off the rest of the day. Feeling pretty good about financial stuff. I think it is officially no longer a burden. Maybe I can start something else soon. Go me!
I just encountered an outrageous security breach on the Web site of a major company. I was going to post the details here and a warning, but then realized I might be cuing criminals to the exploitation opportunity. I've reported it to the company - both called and sent an email.
Warning: Never place an online order on any site that is not secure. There should be a certificate verifying the identity of the site owner, and the site should be encrypted. You can verify this by making sure the URL starts with https rather than http. If you're using Internet Explorer, make sure you see the closed lock in the lower right of the status bar. You can click on this lock to read the certificate. Other browsers probably display this information, too, but I don't know where.
I don't get it, why are weekends so hard. They're supposed to be fun! The structure and routine of "work" must help a lot. I guess the goal needs to be to treat the weekends the same way...structured, that is, not work ;)
Already done:
No morning routine (I don't have one for weekends)
•Out of bed
•Ready for anything
•Eat breakfast
•farm stuff I forgot last night
•Clean up around the house a little
•Spend some time with the kids
•Specific plan
Up next:
•process inbox
•complete 2002 tax documentation
•help DW load the car
That's basically what Andrea Perry points out in Isn't it About Time - that procrastinators often have 'flat' weekends because they have put off planning anything to do. It never used to occur to me ~to~ plan anything to do - I was just grateful if I had a day where I didn't have to work! Now I'm beginning to appreciate that I can use my time usefully on household stuff and recreation, and that takes some planning!
I'm in a baaaaaad mood. The streets of New York were crowded as hell today, plus it was hot and humid (like hell), and basically I felt like I was in hell. On days like this I miss living in the country, but then I remember how lonely I was there and think I'd rather suffer the crowds.
I'm glad to be back home with my packages. I was carrying too much to stop to get food on the way home, which is a pain. Also didn't get the mail. I live on the 5th floor of a walk-up, so going out again means The Stairs. Later. Maybe I'll just chill and watch a movie now.
Maybe part of the reason I'm feeling like killing everybody I encounter on the street is because I haven't been to a meeting for two days. I'm always more irritable when I don't go to meetings.
Decided to go ahead and bookend today, to help me feel more together, rather than using the crisis as an excuse for falling apart.
Ta Da:
--got up at 8:30 (target: 11:30)
--loo (and worked with toilet handle that broke)
--checked email
--got dressed, put on makeup
--fed dogs
--restarted dryer with DD clothes in it
--folded clothes that were dryest
--called people to find someone to support DMIL when I tell her the news
To Do:
--eat and caffeinate
--pick up DS from parade and take back to bandhall
--pick up DD from slumber party
--go home
Figure out the rest later, because DS just called and said he is ready to be picked up! Poof!
I like the way this programme shows my name as in the state I'm sometimes in I feel I'm likely to forget it. Today I'm taking it easy as it's the weekend so
up prayer bath hair sort of rhymes...
30 min legal/admin project - need to find a name for it.
sort emails and post
speak with other tenants about response to landlord (Robin Hood where are you when we need you?)
Clear up as not well yesterday and made a bit of a mess of papers etc.
phoned friends and will talk later
some time research investments and hobby on WWW and some time wandering about.
30 min hobby
bed sleep perchance to dream and I hope not a repeat of nightmares of last two nights.
I've finished and this including starting my craft hobby again which I'd left for months. I can't do it perfect first time so I wouldn't do it at all. (crazy thinking). As an extra I've written an email to my Landlords and it was polite, much more polite than I felt like. I started today feeling really unhappy and unclear. I've finished feeling clean and clear and I'm grateful to you folks for being here and supporting me.
I'm longing to leave this apartment. I've been cooped up in this one room for two days. I have the part numbers of the printer cartridges written down, and I'm all ready except that I'm waiting for my PDA to finish synching, and it's taking forever. I hadn't synched in a while so the Inbox had gotten very out of date - so out of date that it couldn't figure it out and I had to delete the partnership and resynch. I synch my money management program (with the idea of recording my purchases in real time so I don't have to enter them later - though I haven't actually done it yet), and getting that resynchronized is taking FOREVER. It's up to 3068 of 5332 items. I thought I only synched the last 30 days. Should I maybe have only synched the last 7? Could I have only synched the last 7? I can't remember. This feels endless. Maybe I'll play a game of Tetris.
This is ridiculous. I don't need to bring my PDA with me. I've got to get out of here. I have no idea why it's taking so long, and I don't care. I'm not sitting here one second longer!!!!
Well, I must say... My reversion to previous ways (no routines, crash on the couch in the wee hours) has convinced me that I don't want to go back to that. Yuck. I feel a lot better when I stick to my routines.
I don't know why programming throws me off like that. I just want to sit there doing it until the program is done, and that's not practical or healthy.
I got up at 8:15am this morning. Since I went to bed past 2am, it could be worse. I'm going to try to get back on track today. I haven't been to meetings in two days (never left the apartment yesterday). I need to make up for that.
I think I'll go to the Farmer's Market in Union Square today. Besides liking the market, I want to buy some shoes, and there's a Staples there. (My printer is out of ink.)
scarlett CI - 10:53 pm
Done already:
Sat morning meditation mtg, brunch, other mtg
Came home in a mood to CLEAN! That last happened, umm, NEVER. Swept and mopped kitchen and bathroom floor, tidied and dusted meditation space.
Chatted with parents
Ate lunch
Shopped with friend
Ate dinner
Drove friend back home
Post Big List
CUOP here and 2 other online haunts ;)
Synch quicken w/ bank account
Little budget work
Shopping research
Chatted w/ sister
To do:
Update blog
Relax a little - read a little before bed
put off till Sunday:
Pay bills
If finish that, then online shopping
I think it would be helpful to type out my morning/work day/evening routines for myself. Maybe that will be a goal for tomorrow.
Yes, definitely do that. Then put them up on your wall where you walk past it most. It will remind you until it becomes a habit.
And don't try to do them all at once. Just make your evening or morning routine first (I'd suggest evening because it better prepares you for the next day, but morning is also great if you'd prefer it - it's a personal preference!), get that down pat, then you can build on it with the others.
Goodnight!! *sob* everyone's leaving me.... :(
i'm still here. not sure for how much longer. i'm doing, um, dating research? this guy i went out with briefly wants to go out with me again, so i'm rereading blog entries to see if i think it's a good idea.
jury still out.
Always worth a try, hey?
You're better off seeing him again to decide than looking back.
Just my opinion (says me who hasn't dated for almost 10 years!!!!). :lol:
Rereading, there was a lot of miscommunication and stuff. Might be worth another try. I think I'll let him buy me dinner. ;)
(I've haven't had an actual relationship in 6 years, so...)
pro's CI - 10:35pm (last check-in)
I finished my bedtime routine - whole thing, including washing the dishes, straightening the apartment, and taking a shower - and I feel quite a bit better than I did before. I'm feel more settled, less out of control.
I realize something... When I'm feeling down and don't want to do my morning and bedtime routines, that's when I most need to do them. If I am getting up early, getting dressed right away, going to bed early, keeping my apartment neat, washing the dishes after eating, and taking my pills... I'm WAY ahead of where I was. If I do these things, the middle of the day gets better automatically.
I feel pretty good now. Maybe I'll read in bed for a while - a nice escapist novel, not a self-help book or a technical manual. :P
I'm with you on all that
You're SO right about the routines. And if you're having a bad day you can always start from scratch at any time of the day, even if it's 4pm. It lifts my mood, obviously it works wonders for you, too.
Routines are awesome. Wish I knew that 15 years ago....
Good idea on the novel, too :).
good realizations, there.
Sleep well.
JestRight - 7:34pm - Closing Bookend
ACTUAL FINISH TIME: 8:00 pm (estimated)
DONE AS PLANNED: BootUp, AlarmOff, CoffeeOn, Khoong, SplashFace/Comb/Deodorant, FirstCI, PourCoffee, Breakfast, Vits
HerbalTea, SuitUp, Cell, BORKey, Cards, Handkerchief, CoffeeOff,
WindowsOpen, Forward, CellOn, CellMsgs,
1000am RubenMorenoActingClass
0300pm HerbalTea
0330pm Gym AND Trail Workout
0530pm Core, Stretching
1200nn Lunch
PlanSocialTonight(A/B/C), PlanFriendsTonight(A/B/C),
Hiked, worked out, AND swam.
0700pm Odometer, Unload; Mail; DeForward; Key; Trash; Undress; Restuff
Prepare: Herbs, Water, Breakfast, Vits, Food4Car
Hankie, Cards, Clothes
0800pm Dishes/Bathe/Brush/Shave/Face/Clothes; Confessions
0830pm LightSupper & Dishes OR Redress/Drive
0500am Webcast, TBN,
0530am Confessions
0600am Call Mom, ClearDesk@Office
0630am ToOffice, Finances, NetSpend, MailOut, Contacts
0700am Messages, ClearEmail
Face, Eyes, CI
0900am 9amCALLS
0100pm Storytelling&Social Want-to-Do’s
H/F/A Want-to-Do’s
0600pm ERRANDS – staples, rite-aid, produce,
0730pm ToHome, Briefcase, Wallet, PostReceipts, ClearDesk@Home
scarlett CI 9:39 pm
Tomorrow I think I will be able to do more than "Here's what I did today." ;) But it's been a good day.
Done already:
Sat morning meditation mtg, brunch, other mtg
Came home in a mood to CLEAN! That last happened, umm, NEVER. Swept and mopped kitchen and bathroom floor, tidied and dusted meditation space.
Chatted with parents
Ate lunch
Shopped with friend
Ate dinner
Drove friend back home
To do:
Not sure how much I'm going to do tonight. I think I'll work on my big list, get it started.
Update blog
Synch quicken w/ bank account
Little budget work
Pay bills
If finish that, then online shopping
Those are weekend to dos, so if I decide to just watch tv instead, that's okay too.
Thinking about finding the Sunday mtg and going.
not too much more done today
I didn't get much more done after returning from my errands. I went to get the mail and bought some groceries, and since then I've been playing Tetris and watching stupid stuff on TV. I skipped the meeting tonight - I couldn't deal with a big group of people. I'm tired. It's almost 9pm, so I think I'll start my bedtime routine. If I'm going to just relax today, I'd like to really relax - watch a good movie or read a good book - not just zone out with Tetris.
I'm with Jester on that one
It's the weekend, for goodness sake!! Do your routines, yes, but as for expecting yourself to do more??? Naahh!!!!!
I do agree with you on the Tetris, tho. Do something that adds value to your day, like a book or movie like you said :)
Why don't you start a new book that you haven't read yet? I know you have books lying around you haven't read yet ;)
true relaxation
>I know you have books lying around you haven't read yet
I certainly do. I have unread novels stacked up on the floor! I started a really good book and then put it down because I felt too guilty. Maybe I"ll pick it up again.
Maybe its just my impression, Pro
my impression is you had a kick-a.. er, terrific week, Pro. enjoy the earned rest
you're right
I did have a good week. I get depressed on weekends for some reason. I noticed the pattern recently. 1Focus says he does, too. Neither of us know why.
DONE AS PLANNED: BootUp, AlarmOff, CoffeeOn, Khoong, SplashFace/Comb/Deodorant, FirstCI, PourCoffee, Breakfast, Vits
HerbalTea, SuitUp, Cell, BORKey, Cards, Handkerchief, CoffeeOff,
WindowsOpen, Forward, CellOn, CellMsgs,
1000am RubenMorenoActingClass
0300pm Change, HerbalTea, Drive, Confessions
0330pm Gym OR Trail Workout
0500pm Drive
0530pm Core, Stretching, Face, Eyes, CI
0900am PlanSocialTonight(A/B/C), PlanFriendsTonight(A/B/C), 9amCALLS
1200nn Lunch
0100pm Storytelling&Social Want-to-Do’s
H/F/A Want-to-Do’s
0600pm ERRANDS – staples, rite-aid, produce, cleaners
0700pm Odometer, Unload; Mail; DeForward; Key; Trash; Undress; Restuff
Prepare: Herbs, Water, Breakfast, Vits, Food4Car
Hankie, Cards, Clothes
0730pm ToHome, Briefcase, Wallet, PostReceipts, ClearDesk@Home
0800pm Dishes/Bathe/Brush/Shave/Face/Clothes; Confessions
0830pm LightSupper & Dishes OR Redress/Drive
0500am Webcast, TBN, GurdjieffMeditation
0530am Confessions
0600am Call Mom, ClearDesk@Office
0630am ToOffice, Finances, NetSpend, MailOut, Contacts
0700am Messages, ClearEmail
1=Antediluvian Frogosaurus – requires sword, buckler, and a fair damsel to rescue
2=giant Texas bullfrog – “never get through it
entertaining to-do list
That was fun to read! :)
What's Khoong?
I wondered that
What's Khoong?
JestRight - Oops -
Oops - previous post is my interim CI
1Focus 4:53
Already done:
No morning routine (I don't have one for weekends)
•Out of bed
•Ready for anything
•Eat breakfast
•farm stuff I forgot last night
•Clean up around the house a little
•Spend some time with the kids
•Specific plan
•complete 2002 tax documentation
•help DW load the car
I want to (really I do):
•process inbox
One big focus:
Financial stuff
1Focus 9:34
Nothing to add. Blew off the rest of the day. Feeling pretty good about financial stuff. I think it is officially no longer a burden. Maybe I can start something else soon. Go me!
no longer a burden -
That's terrific news! Congrats.
pro's CI - 3:10pm
I'm back and cranky and hot and tired and hungry. HALT - Hungry Angry Lonely Tired. I've got them all. Maybe I'd better address my HALT issues.
Where does "hot" fit it?
Just wondering. :P
hot goes with angry
I just encountered an outrageous security breach on the Web site of a major company. I was going to post the details here and a warning, but then realized I might be cuing criminals to the exploitation opportunity. I've reported it to the company - both called and sent an email.
Warning: Never place an online order on any site that is not secure. There should be a certificate verifying the identity of the site owner, and the site should be encrypted. You can verify this by making sure the URL starts with https rather than http. If you're using Internet Explorer, make sure you see the closed lock in the lower right of the status bar. You can click on this lock to read the certificate. Other browsers probably display this information, too, but I don't know where.
1Focus 1:27
I don't get it, why are weekends so hard. They're supposed to be fun! The structure and routine of "work" must help a lot. I guess the goal needs to be to treat the weekends the same way...structured, that is, not work ;)
Already done:
No morning routine (I don't have one for weekends)
•Out of bed
•Ready for anything
•Eat breakfast
•farm stuff I forgot last night
•Clean up around the house a little
•Spend some time with the kids
•Specific plan
Up next:
•process inbox
•complete 2002 tax documentation
•help DW load the car
One big focus:
Financial stuff
That's basically what Andrea Perry points out in Isn't it About Time - that procrastinators often have 'flat' weekends because they have put off planning anything to do. It never used to occur to me ~to~ plan anything to do - I was just grateful if I had a day where I didn't have to work! Now I'm beginning to appreciate that I can use my time usefully on household stuff and recreation, and that takes some planning!
I'm with you on weekends!
I'm in a baaaaaad mood. The streets of New York were crowded as hell today, plus it was hot and humid (like hell), and basically I felt like I was in hell. On days like this I miss living in the country, but then I remember how lonely I was there and think I'd rather suffer the crowds.
I'm glad to be back home with my packages. I was carrying too much to stop to get food on the way home, which is a pain. Also didn't get the mail. I live on the 5th floor of a walk-up, so going out again means The Stairs. Later. Maybe I'll just chill and watch a movie now.
Maybe part of the reason I'm feeling like killing everybody I encounter on the street is because I haven't been to a meeting for two days. I'm always more irritable when I don't go to meetings.
Last weekend
We both said the same thing last weekend. What are we going to do about it?
I dunno.
Every Saturday night I go to the same meeting and complain about it.
I was thinking I'd do something fun and relaxing now, like watch a movie. Maybe that will cheer me up.
I need to get something to eat, though. Much as I don't want to go out again, I think I need to one more time to get some food and pick up my mail.
Go up and down enough and you have met your exercise quotient (for cardio, at least)!
JestRight - 9:16am - Opening Bookend
DONE AS PLANNED: BootUp, AlarmOff, CoffeeOn, Khoong, SplashFace/Comb/Deodorant,
WORKING ON RIGHT NOW: FirstCI, PourCoffee, Breakfast, Vits
0500am HerbalTea, Webcast, TBN,
SuitUp, Cell, BORKey, Cards, Handkerchief
0530am CoffeeOff, WindowsOpen, Forward, CellOn, CellMsgs, Confessions
0900am PlanSocialTonight(A/B/C), PlanFriendsTonight(A/B/C), 9amCALLS
1000am RubenMorenoActingClass_______________________________________
1200nn Lunch_______________________________________________________
0100pm Storytelling&Social Want-to-Do’s
0300pm Change, HerbalTea, Drive, Confessions
0330pm Gym OR Trail Workout ________________________________________
0500pm Drive
0530pm Core, Stretching, Face, Eyes, CI
H/F/A Want-to-Do’s
0600pm ERRANDS – staples, rite-aid, produce, cleaners
0700pm Odometer, Unload; Mail; DeForward; Key; Trash; Undress; Restuff
Prepare: Herbs, Water, Breakfast, Vits, Food4Car
Hankie, Cards, Clothes
0730pm ToHome, Briefcase, Wallet, PostReceipts, ClearDesk@Home
0800pm Dishes/Bathe/Brush/Shave/Face/Clothes; Confessions
0830pm LightSupper & Dishes OR Redress/Drive
0600am Call Mom, ClearDesk@Office
0630am ToOffice, Finances, NetSpend, MailOut, Contacts
0700am Messages, ClearEmail
1=Antediluvian Frogosaurus – requires sword, buckler, and a fair damsel to rescue
2=giant Texas bullfrog – “never get through it
slider's first official CI (10:30 am)
Decided to go ahead and bookend today, to help me feel more together, rather than using the crisis as an excuse for falling apart.
Ta Da:
--got up at 8:30 (target: 11:30)
--loo (and worked with toilet handle that broke)
--checked email
--got dressed, put on makeup
--fed dogs
--restarted dryer with DD clothes in it
--folded clothes that were dryest
--called people to find someone to support DMIL when I tell her the news
To Do:
--eat and caffeinate
--pick up DS from parade and take back to bandhall
--pick up DD from slumber party
--go home
Figure out the rest later, because DS just called and said he is ready to be picked up! Poof!
How are you going? Feeling okay?
Hope everything goes okay with DMIL and DH. Did you visit him today? You indicated you would, but I couldn't figure out exactly when you meant!!
Look after yourself and try not to worry about anything except DH and the kids, okay?
Thanks, Milo
We're ok, DH is fair. I appreciate everyone's support!
Rexroth 15.50 BST
I like the way this programme shows my name as in the state I'm sometimes in I feel I'm likely to forget it. Today I'm taking it easy as it's the weekend so
up prayer bath hair sort of rhymes...
30 min legal/admin project - need to find a name for it.
sort emails and post
speak with other tenants about response to landlord (Robin Hood where are you when we need you?)
Clear up as not well yesterday and made a bit of a mess of papers etc.
phoned friends and will talk later
some time research investments and hobby on WWW and some time wandering about.
30 min hobby
bed sleep perchance to dream and I hope not a repeat of nightmares of last two nights.
Your sense of humor
Shows you still have some spunk left! Hope you have good going today.
Rexroth 21.45 BST
I've finished and this including starting my craft hobby again which I'd left for months. I can't do it perfect first time so I wouldn't do it at all. (crazy thinking). As an extra I've written an email to my Landlords and it was polite, much more polite than I felt like. I started today feeling really unhappy and unclear. I've finished feeling clean and clear and I'm grateful to you folks for being here and supporting me.
Glad you're here
and that you had a good day.
pro's CI - 10:10am
As soon as I look up the ink cartridges needed by my computer, I'm outta here. Gotta get outside!!
wanna get out of here
I'm longing to leave this apartment. I've been cooped up in this one room for two days. I have the part numbers of the printer cartridges written down, and I'm all ready except that I'm waiting for my PDA to finish synching, and it's taking forever. I hadn't synched in a while so the Inbox had gotten very out of date - so out of date that it couldn't figure it out and I had to delete the partnership and resynch. I synch my money management program (with the idea of recording my purchases in real time so I don't have to enter them later - though I haven't actually done it yet), and getting that resynchronized is taking FOREVER. It's up to 3068 of 5332 items. I thought I only synched the last 30 days. Should I maybe have only synched the last 7? Could I have only synched the last 7? I can't remember. This feels endless. Maybe I'll play a game of Tetris.
there must be something wrong with this.
This is taking WAY too long. I don't know how to abort it without screwing up my computer and/or my PDA.
I'm outta here!!
This is ridiculous. I don't need to bring my PDA with me. I've got to get out of here. I have no idea why it's taking so long, and I don't care. I'm not sitting here one second longer!!!!
pro's CI - 9:20am
Getting back on track with routines...
pro's CI - 8:40am
Well, I must say... My reversion to previous ways (no routines, crash on the couch in the wee hours) has convinced me that I don't want to go back to that. Yuck. I feel a lot better when I stick to my routines.
I don't know why programming throws me off like that. I just want to sit there doing it until the program is done, and that's not practical or healthy.
I got up at 8:15am this morning. Since I went to bed past 2am, it could be worse. I'm going to try to get back on track today. I haven't been to meetings in two days (never left the apartment yesterday). I need to make up for that.
I think I'll go to the Farmer's Market in Union Square today. Besides liking the market, I want to buy some shoes, and there's a Staples there. (My printer is out of ink.)