Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Keeping on

11:12 AM: Okay, have already handled legitimate email, phone calls, and some gratuitous email and news viewing. Time to get serious.

Goal 1: 11:20 AM - 1:20 PM: Work on one of two 'big bear' cases left. Didn't get much done yesterday, want to finish one today, one tomorrow. Can work on shorter ones later in the afternoon. Getting rid of these would be *the* major remaining load off. Back to report later.

1:04 PM: Very little progress. Feeling plenty of anxiety. Have had some legitimate incoming phone calls which broke my concentration (and provided relief) and which I used as an excuse to dawdle. Back to it.

Goal 2: 1:10 - 3:10 PM: Work on this bearish case report.

Goal 3: 3:10 - 4:30 PM: Break for late lunch.

Goal 4: 4:30 - 7 PM: If necessary, continue to work onheinous case report. If finished, work on 'regular' cases.

Goal 5: Leave at 7 PM.




Praying 4 more change- dont forget to rest. Just a thought- don;t answer any phone calls.

The Hero's Code:

Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.

 Procrastinator's code - unrealistic assumptions that perpetuate delaying everything I do should go easily and without effort there's a right answer and I'll wait till I find it.

"Self-critical, catastrophic and apprehensive thoughts can make it impossible to move beyond the inevitable obstacles of daily living." Stay out of your head!!

Vic 8/25

 Show up (done) I am always amazed how sometimes a door will open just by showing up and looking up . So grateful for this site as my springboard to willingness.

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I also want to thank tuffi for leading us for today

Things I have done today

1. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

2. Received phone calls from 12-Steppers

3. Went to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

4. Went to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

5. Went to the 10:30 a.m. telephone 12-Step meeting

6. Ate breakfast

7. Sent out five e-mail

8. Prayer and meditation

Things I will do today

1. Take shower

2. Put suntan lotion on

3. Get dressed

4. Read Big Book

5. Read Business book

6. Make bed

7. Wash dishes

8. Put some things up

9. Read 12-Step literature

10. Work on my Second Step in another 12-Step fellowship

11. Eat dinner

12. Go to a 3:00 p.m. telephone CLA meeting 

13. Go to work

14. Called about my book from the library

That's all I have

huma CI

  • see josh re coupon date
  • call acct
  • ck bank acct
  • send info to fpp
  • pay stubs
  • blog
  • job ads
  • prepare 6 seo
  • call for hair appt

Scribbler's Wednesday CI


  • Get up at 7 (actually got up before then today)
  • make bed, calisthenics
  • coffee, paper, water plants
  • healthy breakfast
  • checkins
  • Run
  • Meet with MM
  • Get prescription
  • Get charger at Pep Boys
  • Send 5 Music emails
  • Do 2 CIO
  • Call 2 re: refi
  • Do two Tech10 categories
  • Call 2 re: BN blog
  • Practice setlist
  • Work on new song
  • Healthy dinner
  • Read, relax
  • Bed by 11 

kromer 9:50 CI

Today I haven't had a great start to the day...went to bed late last night, slept in until 8:30 (rather than 6:15!), did some spiritual reading but didn't get a chance for quiet/prayer time, got distracted a bit in lab, and am just now settling down to work.

However, I know from PA that I can start my day over any time. So, I'll try putting that into practice now.

Scheduled: mtg 4:30-5:30

*Read chpt. on DNA rep (mostly done), find asc refs
*Notes from 3 mtgs (have taken notes from 1)
*Deal w/ VAD
*Work 2 hrs on revision (have done 30 min)
*Prayer time

Next priority:
*Finish revision
*Deal w/ WM
*Email Re: cooler
*Exercise (swing?)

Lower priority:
*Clean up bench
*Read 2 of MK's papers

O, this is a lot but I know I can make progress! Going to go away from the computer and read the chapter on DNA rep now. 

Journey 9:45 &

Working at home today and getting a late start on work after going to the gym and stopping by the grocery store.    Off to make todo list!    Back shortly.

UPDATE Noon:  not such a great morning.  I got through my email and planning, then took a long break to help my daughter get ready for a trip to the city,  Took a few minutes then to get back on track but I'm here now and getting work done:grin:


'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy

BC 8/25

tuffl, thanks for starting!

Update 11:21: Started slow this morning but got some momentum during the last 2 hours

Update 2:41: Working through some tasks but ran into some challenges and need help to complete. 

Tasks at work (8AM-5PM):

-Ask G about drawing for project 1 [DONE]

-Check out control boxes to make sure they are usable [DONE]

-Get dimensions for load from ME

-Update reliability information [Partially Completed]

-Get simulation for project 1 running [DONE]

-Get simulation for project 1 running as needed [Partially Completed]

-Read and refresh on failure analysis [Partially Completed]

-Calculate power for component [DONE]

Tasks after work (5PM-Sleep) 

-Pick up suit from dry cleaner [DONE]

-Buy container from Home Depot [DONE]

-Respond to out-of-state friends [DONE]

-Workout [DONE]

-Put up craigslist ads to sell old couch and tv [DONE, by GF]

-Put up ebay listing to sell shoes

-Go through another box of stuff from my parents house (if time permits) 

-Solder earphone connector back together (if time permits) [DONE]

-Clean car interior (if time permits) 

Up and Atom


clean place and look for charger


fill up tank and drop off books

Check and see if big dog books has the text books, if not liberry


charge cell, either downtown or at class

work on thumbnails for class

8:30 - 3pm




call motercycle place


leave for home


work out 





Helen's CI

OK I am reading for the next 2 and half hours then


20 mins washing up


Scrub floor

Wash nets

Move table

Scrub floor

Scrub windows

Study plan

Look for jobs

Send 1 CV

Pay CT - V urgent 


Rexroth Check In

Thanks for starting the thread tuffl

Up prayer and reflection
Checked email
Researched dentist topics on web and decided it would be better to see someone who know what they are doing
Out to dentist my mouth tastes vile and I need to sort it out before I go abroad next Wednesday and I am panicing and have an appointment this afternoon
Back to rest as I did not sleep much last night

Out to dentist
Mail when/if it comes
Stop worrying

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Up Date

Checked todo list before going away - new things seem to appear but it is getting shorter
Out to dentist and nothing wrong and it was as well to know for sure
Stop by pharmacist for medicines
Mail dealt with - sometimes the bin is useful
Trying to relax a bit I'm very tired

Eat I haven't for a long while
Rest and take it easy

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out

Above and tidied and sorted a bit
Planned work for tomorrow

Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep

Night Folks


tuffl CI

i'm glad that i'm back to the regular check in. it really helps to figure out what i want to do each day and not just waste day after day. yesterday i wrote a job application and an email to a friend and i felt really good after that. i had forgotten how it feels when i've achieved something important. trying to build on this today.


DONE check in

DONE check emails - ahem. spent 2 hours surfing the internet. not so good.

DONE feed the cat

DONE shower

DONE breakfast

DONE wash the dishes

write emails to L, L, I

DONE read the news 

DONE make a backup

DONE feed the cat again

continue sa

reorganise computer - in progress

call DONE + meet with M DONE

DONE call B - tried 4x, no answer

DONE prepare diner


that's what i can think of in the moment. for now i'll focus on getting these things done and will amend the list later on.