Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday 5 August 2010

Welcome to Thursday

Week drawing to a close

What's to finish?

potential energy 8

1. charge phone     2.  car to garage    3. clean down stairs      4. change flags    5.      check report due list                6. more stuff for s          7. rd. w/ z

8.   water flowers          9  d/ for z    

hope4meandu check-in (noonish)

Thanks Rexroth for the starter.

I related a lot ((Vic)), continued prayers and healing.

Even though I feel I'm not doing as good as I should be with this procrastination, I thankfully, consistently keep coming back. This is my first good group experience in quite a whilem and, house-cleaning is no where I want it to be, but it's better then my last apartment.

For the past week, I've been in a depression and haven't done much. Just wanted to check-in here, to keep the muscles flexed.

Great day all!!

♥Prayers & guidance needed & appreciated for my Yoffee's healing.♥

Thursday's Scribbler CI

I'm getting seriously out of synch here lately. Spending too much time goofing around with music-related  activities and not enough focus on income-generating work. There are also some cost-saving things I need to do, such as getting cheaper car insurance, which have been ignored. Hard to be perfect, I guess. Here goes another shot at it:


  • Get up by seven  (not even close)
  • Coffee, paper, water plants
  • Healthy breakfast (too late for breakfast, it would be lunch now)
  • Checkins


  • Relist guitar and Sims game
  • Healthy lunch
  • Call 2 on password


  • S/u 6 Food10 intvws
  • Exercise - weights
  • file BN sample


  • Pickup kids
  • Healthy dinner
  • Fun w/kids
  • D/o kids
  • Practice setlist
  • Bed by 11

I think I can do all this, but I'm going to have to get going now and focus.

Later ... almost time to go pick up the kids, and I did almost nothing on the food10 article. But I got some important stuff done, and I feel good about the day overall, especially considering I started a couple of hours late.

thurs aug 5 (day 1)

Have created a recovery plan that I am very excited about.


you mean "DAY WON" ?Cool

touche. much better put!

touche. much better put!

kromer 11:20 CI

Slept a bit late by mistake, had prayer time, went to poster session for summer research students, checked on epts.

I'm going to work until 8:15 and then go to bible study. 

MITs for today are:
*2 hrs work on intro
*Small steps on expt.
*Followup reading for ChIP, fill in expt. plan (1.5 hrs)

Next priority are:
*Finish QC
*Deal w/ .last 2 weeks email
*Print e.o stuff

*Write up potential stuff

Lower priority are:
*List of diff expr. genes
*2 hrs ckit reading
*Ref mgmt.

Going to do 30 min of work on QC (fun task to get my started), then do the work on the intro

ScottY CI

Today's plan:

scripture study


work out 

weekly metrics

burndown work

biennial rvw work

tax work

chk on CML 

HP appts

Lefkoe work

schedule trips to tmpl

practice vc

call BM

Agnus checking in

Thanks for getting us started, Rex.  I jsut caught myself trying to overmanage J's life - preparing written evidence for his diabetes appt today to prove my point that his dr must insist that J stop bingeing on junk food, yada, yada, yada.  Truth is I'm just scared to lose him, but it's his life, and he hs a right to his path just as I do. The fact that I choose the fullest possible life and recovery today, while he prefers a small dry life today, doesn't have to be a problem unless I make it one.  So as of this minute, I ask HP to keep me from procrastinating my life by trying to manage his.  Thank you, God. Amen. 

Now, on with my life!

  • Finish the vaca laundry
  • Work my task list, paper pile and emails diligently until 1pm
  • Break for 45 minute lunch
  • Work research 4 hrs
  • Dinner, doggie, dress for mtng
  • 7pm leave for Step meeting

Journey 9 am, er, I mean 11 am.

Good morning!   Busy day, lots of meetings. 

  • Gym
  • Planning
  • C. meeting
  • R. meeting
  • Z. meeting
  • prep for Z meeting (actually I guess this should come BEFORE the meeting lol)
  • Follow up after R. meeting
  • Work on V-G 1 hour
  • vitamins
  • quiet time
  • Check on R for Z
  • FSA - copy, sign, and prepare to mail
  • stalk boss some more about 1)meeting time 2)upgrade
  • stop by library
  • m. ed if time
  • mem write up if time
  • send email about DR
  • laundry

haha I started this post at 9 and now it's 11.   My coworker showed me how to do something sneaky so that I get notified when boss logs on!   He's on  now so off I go for boss stalking.

Update 12:30 Preparing for Z meeting.

'A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.' - Elbert Hubbard


  • call/email 3 accts
  • call JD
  • email Rick
  • OMF
  • effi
  • projector ad
  • wheels ad
  • GCC proposal
  • call re airport
  • send JD info
  • build hosting grid
  • ck checking acct

Every day can be a dream day. Get up in the morning with a smile, thank God, work hard and improve yourself, bond with others, admire the gifts around you, and you'll have lived your little dream of today. Don't waste today. - huma


9:03 AM: Atypically early for me to check in, because I am usually engrossed in my ritual morning review of email, news, and the like. However, I made some pretty good progress yesterday, and want to build on that today.

Goal 1: 20 minutes of clearing yesterday's almost finished reports from my desk. Most of these will just require the quick typo scan.

Back to report.

Vic 8/5

 August 5, 2010 Show up (done) So grateful that I can always look back, with gratiude,  and know that I "showed up" for life and did not shut down because my HP gave me this wonderful way to make it doable with my PA friends.Thank you PA for being here.

I especially like Jo's slogan: I never met anyone in PA and yet this group knows and still accepts me.

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this day, this program, this website, the phone and online meetings, and my life.

Thing I did today.

Went to the 7 a.m. telephone meeting

Went to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

Things I will do today

1. Take a shower

2. Get dressed

3. Get my things ready to be moved for storage

4. Go to the 9:45 telephone CLA meeting

5. Go to my college for class

6. Eat brunch

7. Eat dinner

8. Go to either a face to face meeting or a phone meeting.

9. Post Al-Anon literature for next week.

10. Get my medicine ready for the next two weeks.

11. Make bed

12. Wash dishes

13. Get my sleep apnea stuff ready for tonight

14. Look for some of my library books.

15. Go to the 11:00 a.m. telephone PA meeting

16. Do hair

That's all I have.

tuffl CI

Currently I hardly get anything done - day after day. I want today to be different.


  • DONE Smile CI
  • DONE check emails
  • DONE breakfast & shower

  • DONE get documents from ema & cs
  • DONE mail documents
  • DONE shopping (2)

  • focus on sk and produce a first draft (break it down & use chatbox!)
  • brainstorming for gt
  • first draft gt
  • (draft email to SA) (1.5)

  • DONE prepare diner when done

  • email BC
  • email T
  • email L
  • call O
  • (focus for half an hour on helping jtt)

  • go running (if it'll start raining, tomorrow)


ok, the day ended in me being in a rather bad mood for no obvious reason and i didn't get none of my mits done. but i feel good for at least making an effort, checking in and starting again to try. will try again tomorrow.

Rexroth Check In

Up prayer and reflection
Checked emails

x Get ready to go out to voluntary work
x Take important letter and charity stuff
x Work and post letter at post office and deliver stuff
x Home and stay in for maintenance people
x Deal with mail and emails - a bit of post is part of a larger problem

Regards Rexroth