Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday, 14th of September, 2006

pro's CI - 1:30am (Friday - last check-in)

I did my whole bedtime routine, which is good because my dishes are washed and I'm showered and feel better - though VERY tired.

Good night!

1:30am is not the time to CUOP!!

I gotta turn off this computer NOW. 'Night!! :P

pro's CI - 12:20am (Friday)

I'm exhausted. I really need to go to bed. I wrote the program to correct the database. It doesn't box exactly (3 off), but it's close enough.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:45am (target: 6:30am).
  • Morning Routine
  • Vacuumed rug (necessary before I'd be willing to lie down on it for exercise, but I'm sure the vaccuum didn't thrill my downstairs neighbor since it's just 8am).
  • Moved rug a little closer to couch (for reasons that have nothing to do with exercise.
  • Changed from exercise clothes into street clothes.
  • Check email and clear spam folder.
  • Reflection.
  • Review to-do list.
  • Go through PayPal notification backlog.
  • Pick up mail.
  • Write program to identify a certain class of customer I need to be able to identify.
  • Wash lunch dishes, and make/eat dinner.
  • Write program to identify key customer characteristic.
  • Modify program to set characteristic correctly in database.
  • Write program to fix incorrectly set database variable.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.
  • Bedtime routine

*~*~*~*~*~*~Blown Off~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Exercise.
  • Rinse out workout clothes.
  • Make post-workout protein shake.
  • Handle mail, pay bills, filing.
  • Meeting.
  • Free Time. (I'm working through the evening - programming).
  • Write program to analyze damage to business by month.
  • Modify program to reconfigure business pricing.
  • Write program to send out personalized letters to customers.
  • Do clean-up.

Close enough

WTG on getting the job done, and not feeling it has to be 'perfect'!

Shame about the routines, but you're still in the stage of catching yourself as you break the new habit - each stage of changing a habit can take time.

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Daily Show

Bill Clinton is going to be on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart! Isn't that cool?

Naturally, I'm watching the Daily Show and the Colbert Report now - can't help myself.

I guess today was a total backslide as far as routines go.

You can change that!

You can always tape it and go to bed so you DO get up and go to the gym.

You aren't powerless, pro!!!!

it's too late

It's nearly 1am and I haven't even started to get ready for bed. I have to make up the bed (I sleep on a futon) and that takes time. I'm not up for taking a shower - I don't even want to brush my teeth. I'm so tired - just want to crash.

I'll never get up in time to go to the gym. It will probably be raining, anyway. But the real reason I don't want to go is because I want to time binge on this programming thing and get it done so I can stop people from cheating me, and I can be free of it and start on my accounting backlog.

maybe I'll at least do my whole bedtime routine

Or maybe not. I'll see how I feel after making up the bed - if I'm up for a shower and washing the dishes.

pro's CI - 10:55pm

I did what I said I wouldn't do - stayed up programming.

My contacts are sticking to my eyeballs very uncomfortably - I really need to take them out.

I'll never get to the gym tomorrow because I'm not getting to sleep early enough tonight.

On the bright side, I've gotten pretty far in the programming.

Gotta go get these contacts out...

scarlett CI 10:40 pm

Good night tonight. I hope I sleep better. I'm going to bed and if my hips start bugging me, I'm going to take something right away. Sleep beats out my dislike of OTC painkillers.

G'night, all!

Done at home:
put clean sheets on bed (i've been sleeping on top of the comforter with a sheet for 2 weeks!)
started inventory (4 done)
fed cats
make/eat dinner
scoop pan

Go to bed!

Already done at work:
eat breakfast
take vitamins
check work/personal email for urgent stuff
work order
update for staff mtg
fax stuff
review plan 20 min
Frog 4a (20 min)
Frog 4b (20 min)
Frog 3 WHOOT!!!
call Al
email Karen

Bump to tomorrow:
check on library (waiting to hear)(call John)
call IA & B&B to set up visit
Frog 4a
Frog 4b
check on R tickets
job description
Check on submission deadlines
update $$ on each tab in spreadsheet
Clean desk 20 min. GTD style
review 20 min

good night, scarlett!

I hope you sleep well.

JestRight - 5:50pm


Odometer, Unload; Mail; DeForward; Key; Trash; Undress; ToHome
PREPARE: Gymclothes, Herbs, Vits, Breakfast, Water
ClothesSack (Shoes,Socks,Undies,Belt,Shoehorn)

JestRight - 5:44pm - CI

CI, FreshSched, PlanTomorrowThruNextWeekday, NetSpend, Receipts,

Finances, ToOffice, Messages, ClearDesk@Office, Contacts, ClearEmail
"Cash Flow Want-To's"

1Focus 8:33

Already Done

Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
• Interview applicant
• Office moves
• Review notes from yesterday
• Process inbox (partial)
Evening Routine
• Dinner and hang with family
• Farm chores with the whole family
• Scoop catbox
• Office chores
•Process that tax bill

I want to:
• Early to bed (lights out 10:00pm)

Put off
• Run errands I didn't get to Tuesday (priorities have shifted, scheduled for tomorrow)
•Go for a walk with the fam (save this for weekends)
• Help in kitchen (wasn't anything to do)
• Clean up kitchen (DW took care of this for me)

One big foucs:
• Dig up tax information for 2002

^^^I'm going to need some help on this one^^^

Dig up tax information for 2002

You can do it! Little pieces...

another tax year bites the dust.........

way to go!!

2002... i need to do it to.

i'd be proud to be your wingman, ace.

pro's CI - 8:15pm

I'm going to have to resist the urge to stay up late programming. I feel very time urgent about fixing this now that I see what's really been going on.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:45am (target: 6:30am).
  • Morning Routine
  • Vacuumed rug (necessary before I'd be willing to lie down on it for exercise, but I'm sure the vaccuum didn't thrill my downstairs neighbor since it's just 8am).
  • Moved rug a little closer to couch (for reasons that have nothing to do with exercise.
  • Changed from exercise clothes into street clothes.
  • Check email and clear spam folder.
  • Reflection.
  • Review to-do list.
  • Go through PayPal notification backlog.
  • Pick up mail.
  • Write program to identify a certain class of customer I need to be able to identify.
  • Wash lunch dishes, and make/eat dinner.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Write program to analyze damage to business by month.
  • Write program to reconfigure business pricing.
  • Write program to send out personalized letters to customers.
  • Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.
  • Bedtime routine

*~*~*~*~*~*~Blown Off~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Exercise.
  • Rinse out workout clothes.
  • Make post-workout protein shake.
  • Handle mail, pay bills, filing.
  • Meeting.
  • Free Time. (I'm working through the evening - programming).

Tomorrow's another day, right?

You don't have to get it all done tonight. This is a good change and for the long haul. Take your time so you'll have the energy you need to go the distance.

Sweet dreams, pro.

Resisting time-binges

Hi pro! TRY to go to bed on time. If you stay up all night you will have a migraine tomorrow, blow off the gym and the meetings and potentially backslide (I am using scare tactics here!!!! :lol:).

ho ho! You did predict it!

I don't think the migraine trigger was sleep deprivation (there's another high-probability candidate), but I did get a migraine! Actually, I knew I was getting one last night and thought about taking meds to prevent it but didn't.

I'm feeling better now. Pain fading, less nauseous. The meds make me tired and I sort of want a nap.

JestRight - 4:46pm Thursday 9/14/2006 - 1st CI

GOOD MORNING or whatever
Internet down at home, gotta be at office to post
Anyway, been gloomy here
CUOP here and an attitude audio via headset plus sisters prayer have turned things around - the gloom has lifted



CI, FreshSched, PlanTomorrowThruNextWeekday,
Finances, NetSpend, Receipts,
ToOffice, Messages, ClearDesk@Office, Contacts, ClearEmail
Want-Tos (Cash Flow)

gettin it done CI 7:40

I accoplished everything today except:
for foldiong the second load of kid clothes and didn't put the first one away( folded in basket.)
blew off consignment stuff. I'm in pretty good shape for the sale. Don't have to drop off the stuff till Sat. eve.

Prepared dinner and I also cleaned the kitchen
Took recyling out to garage.
Spent more quality time with the kiddos this afternoon.
Farm chores w/ the family.

TOmorrow A. m. Is a stay in town while DD3 goes to school day, so I won't get anything much done in the A.M. and my plan in the P.m. right now is to vacuum downstairs and finish up today's laundry. then maybe watch a movie w/ DH. 8)

Now I'm off to "vege" in front of the TV and do some needlepoint. Woo hoo. I deserve it!

See everyone tomorrow. HAve a great night and morning!


Great to see you taking your just rewards there g-i-d! Isn't it a great feeling to do something we enjoy without feeling guilty?

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pro's CI - 7:15pm

I identified the customer group I needed to identify, and I'm feeling a little sick to see how large a number it is. I need to make this business change quickly.

But I'm hungry right now - guess I'll eat (and brood about my business errors).

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:45am (target: 6:30am).
  • Morning Routine
    • Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
    • Make and eat breakfast.
    • Dress (showered night before).
    • Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
    • Take out pills for the day.
    • Swallow morning pills.
    • Wash breakfast dishes.
  • Vacuumed rug (necessary before I'd be willing to lie down on it for exercise, but I'm sure the vaccuum didn't thrill my downstairs neighbor since it's just 8am).
  • Moved rug a little closer to couch (for reasons that have nothing to do with exercise.
  • Changed from exercise clothes into street clothes.
  • Check email and clear spam folder.
  • Reflection.
  • Review to-do list.
  • Go through PayPal notification backlog.
  • Pick up mail.
  • Write program to identify a certain class of customer I need to be able to identify.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wash lunch dishes, and make/eat dinner.
  • Write program to analyze damage to business by month.
  • Write program to reconfigure business pricing.
  • Write program to send out personalized letters to customers.
  • Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.
  • Bedtime routine

*~*~*~*~*~*~Blown Off~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Exercise.
  • Rinse out workout clothes.
  • Make post-workout protein shake.
  • Handle mail, pay bills, filing.
  • Meeting.
  • Free Time. (I'm working through the evening - programming).

not yours

not YOUR business errors
but rather the business errors you have just parachuted in and identified
you are the new person here.

my business, my errors

These business errors are mine. I own the business - whose else could they be?

I'm feeling really disgusted.


would you just GO with me on this??? lets make it a game - PRETEND!


I like making things into games - changes my attitude and makes it easier to get things done. That's why I like 'challenges' too - not because they're particularly challenging or that I'm competitive - I like the fun of the group participation and feeling we're all pulling together as a team.

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Don't dwell on it

Don't be disgusted - everyone makes mistakes!!!!!

scarlett CI 6:20 pm

Almost took a nap when I came home, but decided to get stuff done instead. Yay!

Moved work stuff to bottom. It was distracting me. Now to make and eat dinner. May CUOP while eating, or watch a little TV.

Done at home:
put clean sheets on bed (i've been sleeping on top of the comforter with a sheet for 2 weeks!)
started inventory (4 done)
fed cats

make/eat dinner
scoop pan

Already done at work:
eat breakfast
take vitamins
check work/personal email for urgent stuff
work order
update for staff mtg
fax stuff
review plan 20 min
Frog 4a (20 min)
Frog 4b (20 min)
Frog 3 WHOOT!!!
call Al
email Karen

Bump to tomorrow:
check on library (waiting to hear)(call John)
call IA & B&B to set up visit
Frog 4a
Frog 4b
check on R tickets
job description
Check on submission deadlines
update $$ on each tab in spreadsheet
Clean desk 20 min. GTD style
review 20 min

work IS a distraction!

LOL! I find work distracting too! :p

I used to hate sheet changing, then I made it a regular Friday thing, first thing I get up (well, not today as DSO is still in it, but when he's up...) that way I don't have to think about it in advance - seems to make it easier for me. I've only done the burrito thing once in three years now.

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sheet changing

I have to strip and make my bed EVERY DAY because I sleep on a futon that I have to fold back into a couch to have a place to sit, then make back up into a bed at night.

Sheet changing

You don't do the laundry every day though do you? That' what I mean by 'change the bed' - I do make the bed every day (didn't used to, but I like it now).

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A Fellow sheet change hater

I HAte to change the sheets worse than just about anything. Major major frog. 2 weeks isn't so bad.... :D


It was kind of fun sleeping on top of the comforter. Rolled myself up like a burrito.


whats a frog?

'Eat that Frog'

It comes from a book about procrastination. I think pro posted a link to it in Wednesday's thread??? And I also mentioned it in the books thread, too.

FROG definition

Something that you tend to procrastinate on a lot and have a really hard time doing.

time to go to yoga!

see y'all later.

u go

u go, pretzel girl

you know what was funny?

I hadn't been in forever and the teacher came over to help me with a pose where I was bent in half, tush in the air. As he walked away, he said, "Welcome back." I guess it's an occupational hazard for yoga teachers, recognizing people by their tushes.

Yoga teachers

I recognise them by their feet - I used to have to take a register for the College, and I did it when everyone was lying on their back so recognising feet was helpful. You can tell a lot about a person's posture by looking at their feet.

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pro's CI - 5:45pm

I'm so glad I've got the yucky stuff out of the way now (client reports and PayPal backlog) so I can concentrate on the programming. It's a tricky problem, but I like programming so that's okay.

I feel like skipping the meeting tonight, but that would be bad. I'm committed to 90-in-90, and anyway I need to get out. Also, this is the meeting where we go out afterwards, and I like that. It's close to the only social contact I get, so I shouldn't skip it - especially to stay home and be a nerd.

Oh - but it's supposed to really rain tonight - thunder and lightening. That would be a valid excuse to skip the meeting. :P

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Wake up: 6:45am (target: 6:30am).
  • Morning Routine
    • Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
    • Make and eat breakfast.
    • Dress (showered night before).
    • Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
    • Take out pills for the day.
    • Swallow morning pills.
    • Wash breakfast dishes.
  • Vacuumed rug (necessary before I'd be willing to lie down on it for exercise, but I'm sure the vaccuum didn't thrill my downstairs neighbor since it's just 8am).
  • Moved rug a little closer to couch (for reasons that have nothing to do with exercise.
  • Changed from exercise clothes into street clothes.
  • Check email and clear spam folder.
  • Reflection.
  • Review to-do list.
  • Go through PayPal notification backlog.
  • Pick up mail.
  • Write program to identify a certain class of customer I need to be able to identify. (In progress.)

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Write program to identify a certain class of customer I need to be able to identify.
  • Straighten work area to prepare for next work day.
  • Meeting
  • Free Time
  • Bedtime routine

*~*~*~*~*~*~Blown Off~*~*~*~*~*~*

  • Exercise.
  • Rinse out workout clothes.
  • Make post-workout protein shake.
  • Handle mail, pay bills, filing.

don't wanna go!!!!

I really don't want to go to the meeting tonight. I want to work on my program. I've earned it - I got through my PayPal backlog. I can just take today as a blow-off day, since I blew off the gym as well. I'll go to two meetings tomrrow. :D

It's probably going to rain cats and dogs and no one will be there anyway.

OHHHHH - that guy who mops the hall with that toxic stuff that stinks to high heaven is at it. Maybe I'll go to the meeting after all. If I stay here, I'll be asphyxiated (am I spelling that right?).

Yup, spelled right.

Wow, you've got a lot of different motivations going on. It sounds like you really don't like going out in the rain. I guess you need to balance your need to be social/go to a meeting/not asphyxiate with your energy level.

Will you feel better (if wetter) if you go? Or are you in the programming groove and want to get that done?

(if this isn't the kind of FB you're looking for, please let me know.)

it's more a pull to than a push away

The reason I didn't want to go to the meeting was more that I wanted to program than that I didn't want to go out in the rain. If I felt like going to a meeting, I'd go in the rain.

I've been wanting to get to this programming. I like programming, and also it's my ticket to freedom from this business mess. But I couldn't do it until I got through my business backlog. I did that today.

the smell will fade and it's gonna pour

I'm not going. I'll go to two tomorrow.


good luck on your programming, then!

patter and clatter

i can hear the patter of raindrops and the clatter of computer keys

1Focus 4:59

Already Done

Morning Routine
Work Routine
• Meet with staff/general plan
• Time Sheets
• Specific plan for the day
• Clear my head
Work Plan
• Interview applicant
• Office moves
• Review notes from yesterday
• Process inbox (partial)

I want to:
Home Plan
•Go for a walk with the fam
Evening Routine
• Help in kitchen
• Dinner and hang with family
• Farm chores (include kids)
• Clean up kitchen
• Scoop catbox
• Office chores
• Early to bed (lights out 10:00pm)

Put off
• Run errands I didn't get to Tuesday (priorities have shifted, scheduled for tomorrow)

One big foucs:
•Process that tax bill