Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Tuesday, 12th of September, 2006
Hello, all! Hey, BIG CHEER to pro for throwing off the monkey!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!
And welcome to scarlett, good to see new checkers-in (it is so a word!)
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slider's 10:37 pm CI
Well, I'm back home with my laptop and a new printer/scanner (never had a scanner before but I have coveted one for some time).8) Although I am eager to hook up the printer and cruise my laptop online, I will refrain and go to bed momentarily. The only reason why I didn't get home early enough to be in bed now is that I goofed around in the parking lot of Best Buy messing around with my phone and media network. I spent about 35 minutes on that. What triggered it was getting yet another text message from an unknown source. It's my daughter's horoscope. I don't know where it's coming from, but I let her look at yahoo on my cellphone a few weeks ago, and it started then. I'm sure she did it, but she doesn't know how, doesn't know how to undo it, and neither do I. I don't like getting them because they use up my text message quota--but I didn't need to waste all that time on it becfause at most that will be 31 messages a month out of 200 in the package! I only use a dozen (they came with the media net package), so it really doesn't matter. I think I was just procrastinating about coming home because I like being out at night in a city. It's exciting, and a far cry from my usual evenings. Oh well--I downloaded "Imagine" as a ring tone, so it wasn't a total waste!Got sidetracked--but I'm glad I did. All the steam for clearing the table went out of me once I found my VISA card, for starters, but also I checked the mail, and two of the books I ordered had come! I forgot one task tonight--to call the consultation client. While it would have been very efficient to drop off the materials as I was driving by his church, I didn't have the time, anyhow. Wound up 15 minutes late to dinner because the printer review took longer than I thought it would. So I shall call this client tomorrow.
Good night, everybody. Hi, Milo! Everyone else, if you don't want to be tired, go to bed! ;)
pro's CI - 10:40pm (last check-in)
Bedtime routine is done. Dishes are washed, bed is made up, teeth brushed, contacts out, and I'm clean from a shower. The shower reinforces the whole thing. I like taking a shower at night - feels good to be clean.
Now... Decisions, decisions... I have a feeling that Comedy Central is in my near future, and I won't get to sleep until midnight, but maybe I'll get a sudden blast of maturity before then. }:)
1Focus 10:03
Already done
Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
Meet with goals group
Evening Routine
•Wasn't home for dinner and kitchen duty
•Farm chores (kids to bed before I got to these)
•office chores
•Stay on top of [financial] things to keep current
Didn't Happen:
• Clear my head
• Process inbox at work
• Early to bed
One big focus:
Clean up financial responsibilities
• Process that tax bill
Farm chores
So you got to do some work for yourself, after all, eh? ;) (Did you read about the feast my chickens got?)
scarlett CI 9:45 pm
Okay, did just about everything I wanted to get done tonight, which is *awesome*. It's going to be so nice to come home to a clean kitchen tomorrow after work. 8)
I'm not going to start the inventory tonight, I'm going to reward myself by going to play briefly on a favorite website. I just hope I can calm down, I'm feeling pretty hyper from going going going all day.
I'll check in just before powering down as a comment to this entry.
Last night: bedtime 11:30 pm (target 10:30 pm)
Already done:
Got up 7:20 (target 7 am)
Got to work and ate breakfast
Took vitamins
Checked work email for urgent stuff
Checked personal email for urgent stuff
prep for update meeting
clean desk GTD style (20 min)
process emails 15 min
update upcoming reviews
create plan for catching up on overdue reviews (FROG ALERT!)
Frog 1
Frog 2
sort mail and shred 10 min.
Make and eat dinner
Call C
Meet with S 7:30
More budget stuff
Read directions for inventory
Postponed to tomorrow:
Frog 3 (started today but need help - have arranged for help)
call Rob
job description
review mgmt plan
demo review
fax stuff
start inventory
Computer off and shower - 10 pm
Bed - 10:30 pm
well, 25 min. late turning off the computer. but for me, that's pretty darn good - i've been known to go till 2 or 3.
g'night, all.
bedtime ambivalence
I'm thinking about starting my bedtime routine now (9pm) so I can go to bed by 10pm. Then I'd have no trouble getting up by 6am and I could get to the gym early.
HOWEVER... I just love watching Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, though I can hardly keep my eyes open for it. I record them and could watch the next day, but it's fun to hear them at the end of a day since their shows are news related.
Since I've eradicated "should" from my vocabulary, I guess I have to decide which I want more - to watch Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert the night they air, or get a good night's sleep. :?
Want to get a good night's sleep
So which is it?
I haven't started my bedtime routine yet, so I guess I'm choosing tiredness.
I'm feeling some regret now, because I'm feeling tired and going through my bedtime routine seems hard now. I just want to crash on the couch. (But I won't.)
Wait a sec...
I'm choosing tiredness
That wasn't one of the choices...
watch Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert the night they air
get a good night's sleep
Can't have both. Welcome to the two-choice dilemma }:)
gym resolve tested by rain
And speaking of the gym... I think it will be raining tomorrow morning, so my gym resolve will be tested. I probably won't want to walk over there in the rain. I could take the subway, of course, but rush hour subways aren't that much fun. Walking in the rain probably is more pleasant. Hmmm....
Gettin-it-done's CI
Wow- this site really has helped me today. It is amazing that just putting your to do list in front of someone besides yourself works so well.
Today I accomplished more than usual for sure and didn't do it like a crazy person (time -binging)
-Folded/put Away the 3 day old wrinkled but clean laundry
-Spent time having a "tea party " with the DD's - had a blast- even the 8 m0. old participated!
-swept and "swiffered" the kitchen so DD8mo. had a clean, safe place to crawl- ok and cause it really needed to be done....
- Talked to DH about insurance info.
-recheduled Dr.'s appt. YEA ME! I NEVER do this the same day.
-put the recycling out for garbage man to pick up
- had relax time while DD's slept 8)
-cooked dinner even though I didn't want to and even though DH wasn't going to be home for dinner :O
-Gave DD 8mo. her bath and put her to bed
-Got DD3 involved in cleaning up her toys in the common areas so that they could be adult friendly once she was off to bed. Had fun with her at the same time :)
-Gave DD3 her Bath, read stories with, Put to bed
Still Pending
Fix DD3's lunch for school tomorrow
Evening Routine
Blown off
Grocery shopping (DH went instead)
Folding the clothes that have been waiting in the dryer
WTG gettin-it-done!!
This forum really helps me. I'm glad it's helping you, too. :)
I'm turning the corner on my procrastination problem, and it's plagued me my whole life. I can't believe I'm getting up at 6:30am, going to the gym, going to bed at a reasonable hour, etc. My life was chaos before this forum.
Tomorrow morning my resolve will be tested. It's going to be raining. :O
pro's CI - 8pm
I voted. I love voting. The election system in this country is totally corrupt, but I enjoy the illusion of democracy.
I'm now watching my favorite TV show, "House, MD". :)
also forgot about voting
I need to hurry up - I do want to vote in the primary today.
forgot dinner
I just realized that I need to eat before I leave for the meeting, so I'm going to quit working for now. It's 6pm anyway. I worked a full day - my time is mine now, until bed. :)
Oh, how I love guilt-free evenings of leisure!!!!
pro's CI - 5:35pm
I need to get through the PayPal notification backlog before I can start to refund customers' money. I've got some programming to do for the conversion. So much work. But for now, just the PayPal notifications. It's late in the day, and this is fairly mindless work. I'm leaving for a meeting pretty soon.
scarlett CI 4:50 pm
This is the most productive two days I've had in months. Feels really good. I think the number of things I'm bumping to tomorrow is a pretty good indicator of how much time I THINK things will take vs. reality.
Last night: bedtime 11:30 pm (target 10:30 pm)
Already done:
Got up 7:20 (target 7 am)
Got to work and ate breakfast
Took vitamins
Checked work email for urgent stuff
Checked personal email for urgent stuff
Took vitamins
prep for update meeting
clean desk GTD style (20 min)
process emails 15 min
update upcoming reviews
create plan for catching up on overdue reviews (FROG ALERT!)
Frog 1
Frog 2
Postponed to tomorrow:
Frog 3 (started today but need help - have arranged for help)
call Rob
job description
review mgmt plan
demo review
fax stuff
Make and eat dinner
Call C
Meet with S 7:30
If time - more budget stuff, start inventory.
Computer off and shower - 10 pm
Bed - 10:30 pm
pro's CI - 4:50pm
What a day, I didn't do anything except follow somebody else's schedule all day. It's frustrating since I didn't even look at anything I really need to work on. Oh, well. Some days are like that.
Looking forward to an enjoyable evening.
Tomorrow I'm off work for a training seminar:
Managing Multiple Projects and Deadlines
I wonder if there'll be any anti-procrastination tools...
Anyway it's a good way to not do anything tomorrow }:)
>I wonder if there'll be any anti-procrastination tools...
Anticrastination tools. :)
That's what I said
anticrastination }:)
1Focus 4:33
Morning Routine
Work Routine
• Meet with staff/general plan
• Time Sheets• Specific plan for the day
Work Plan
• 8:30 meeting with boss
• 11:15 drive bus to the barn
• 1:00 train someone else to drive the bus
• 2:00 Department meeting
Didn't Happen:
• Clear my head
• Process inbox at work
I Want to:
Meet with goals group
Evening Routine
One big focus:
Clean up financial responsibilities
• Stay on top of things to keep current
• Process that tax bill
Can you function without clearing your head?
I know lots of things can sort of just work on auto pilot--but if you need to clear your head before tackling a frog, better do it.
Today ran me.
Clearing my head wouldn't have helped, today. Well it might have made me feel better, but it wouldn't have changed the course of the day. There were just too many external demands. You win some, you lose some ;)
slider's 3:15 CI
Got sidetracked--but I'm glad I did. All the steam for clearing the table went out of me once I found my VISA card, for starters, but also I checked the mail, and two of the books I ordered had come!
Ta Da:
--warmed up 2 cups of coffee in the microwave (carafe had gotten cold) and drank them
--scrubbed tub, toilet, sink and counter in kids' bathroom (now, normally these would be frogs in their own right!)
--scrubbed sink in my bathroom
--did abbreviated morning routine
--dried darks twice to try to dewrinkle what I put in there last night (tried to do too much at once, load was too big)
--folded/hung darks and put them all the way up!!!!
--misplaced my journal so spent 15 minutes looking for it
--spent 5 minutes pawing through most recent mail, found new VISA card and opened it
--called to activate VISA card
--searched for bag with desk supplies that I bought yesterday, opened pack with pens so I could sign the card, then put away all the supplies
--cut up expired VISA card
--decided to get on schedule, so I began journalling at the time I had designated and journalled 30 minutes
Since last CI:
--fetched fozen entree and frozen corn from freezer in garage to microwave
--found corn freezer burned, so set aside for chickens, got another bag (bonus: 2nd bag was organic!)
--zapped food while reading SHE forums; also scrubbed toilet in my bath
--ate entree
--got corn and dropped it on the dining room floor! Had to sweep it up with whisk broom set because I couldn't find regular broom (we have 2 that are usually in laundry room and kitchen, both are missing. Will have to inquire with family members)
--took dropped corn and freezer-burned corn to chickens
--stopped to repair DD's fairy garden because I found all her decorative items left out on the lawn where she ahd been rearranging them--was afraid the groundskeeper might want to mow (possibly a rationalization)
--washed the butter out of the whisk broom and dustpan, used soapy whisk broom to scrub out kitchen sink before rinsing
--buffed floor where I dropped corn (butter makes the old dry wood in heavy trafic area look pretty good--but I bet it will collect dirt)
--found big bag of items on desk that need to go over to the church, so I went over there
--stopped to collect mail enroute--found lots of goodies today (my books and things for DD's birthday)
--deposited bag in my study and mail inchurch office
--brought peronal mail home
--thought about not opening the book packages for about 5 seconds, then couldn't resist
--unwrapped The Now Habit, set aside
--unwrapped Conquering Chronic Disorganization by Judith Kolberg, glanced through
--started reading above, read a few chapters, skimmed much of the rest
--cried from page 2 onward. This is cathartic! If I have time down the road I'll do a bok review. I CANNOT organize my stuff till I finish and digest what she says. Even if I try, I cannot--because I am an unconventional organizer, and continuing to try to be conventional will never work! Once I give myself permission to try this other way and come up with a method that will work with my own values and feelings instead of trying to impose a logical order, then I'll be set to go.
Still want to do:
--pick up kids and come home for their chores (animals and other stuff)
--shower and dress for evening
--briefly review printers online
--doublecheck laptop receipt, etc.
--meet DH at DD choice of restaurant, eat
--pick up laptop, buy new printer, and buy software before returning home (and pray it works now)
--install software tonight if laptop is already charged
--kids to bed by 10, me to bed by 10:30, so routines begin by 9:30!
I WANT to remember to call client about church consultation when I get back from picking up kids so I can drop off materials at his church enroute to city!
pro's CI - 4:15pm
I am current on all client reports! Plus I have fulfilled all obligations to two clients and refunded the money for a third client, so I only have one client left and only one more report due to that client (not due yet). I may take on work of this type again at some point, but I need a total break from it now.
Now I am free to start the Big Transition. My customers seem to be in a state of suspended animation waiting for me to make the move. The refunds on this will be a big pain - ouch, ouch, ouch. I'm not sure how much money is involved yet. I've been behind in my PayPal notification reviews for a long time. Time to catch up!
You've made some great progress today!
Just congratulations. I bet you are taking some deep breaths.
Huge step! The Berlin wall is down! Freedom for Pro now! Only a few things to take care of in setting up the new democracy. Good job! Sorry I can't offer any flashy graphics at the moment--I'm sure somebody will shortly!
probably I was confusing
What I call the "client work" and the "customer work" are related but not the same. I realize that's confusing. I don't want to be more specific because I don't want it to be identifiable.
more than a few
>Only a few things to take care of in setting up the new democracy.
Actually, it's a lot more than "a few". It's a big task to convert the business over - a bit overwhelming, actually.
Rexroth 21.05 BST
This is late as I haven't been well today and was unsure this morning if I was posting in the right way in the right place. Also I had such a short list that it did not seem worth it. Anyway here goes:
get up
sort and reply post
shop for food and put away
wash up and tidy kitchen
bath and wash hair
put washing machine load on
Above done and now to do
read useful bits on this site and otherwise
wash up supper things
write journal
Regards Rexroth
It's always worth posting, that's how I'm staying motivated these days.
Rexroth 23.00 BST
Thanks Always. It was worth posting. I feel better for it and I'm now for bed.
pro's CI - 3:35pm
When I finally buckled down and looked over the Dreaded Task, I realized I had a very good reason for not wanting to do this. So rather than do it, I wrote the client an email explaining why I could not, and refunded the client's money.
You know... I'm starting to realize that my procrastination isn't always just self-sabotaging insanity. It's very frequently passive resistance of a task that I have a good reason for not wanting to do. Maybe I should start taking my thoughts and desires more seriously (what a concept!).
Something I wrote was quoted at length in a large-distribution newsletter. The newsletter guy also linked to my Web site, which was nice.
Now guess how many times I've reread my own two paragraphs of text rather than starting the Dreaded Task. ::groan!!::
Snap out of it. Get going! (I say to myself)...
pro's CI - 2:50pm
I'm still procrastinating on the dreaded task, but I have a pretty good excuse. Somebody saw my resume on, and invited me to apply for some very interesting work. It's consulting, which is perfect because I don't want to work full time. It also would be from home - double perfect. I applied. With my luck, I won't hear back (that's what usually happens), but I have a smidgeon more hope of a response this time because they were the ones to contact me.
Take care of the right priorities and doors start to open, or we start to see them as the f(r)og clears.
I did it again - was procrastinating for good reason
As I said in my check-in, when I finally sat down to do the task, I realized that my dread of doing it was for a very good reason. This is work I really should not be doing - don't want to do "for cause". So I wrote the client a nice note explaining why I wasn't the right person for the job, and refunded the client's money.
Now I just have one more client I'm late responding to (very late), and then I can turn my attention to converting the business.
geographic cure
I think I'll move the computer I need to do this work on from where it is to the couch. (Now that I have three notebook computers, I'm always shuffling them around.) The current location of Computer #1 is facing a wall, and who likes to work facing a wall? I'll sit on the couch with the neat little lap table I bought at Staples, put up my feet, and then tackle the dreaded task.
pro's CI - 2pm
I feel myself procrastinating on the client reports I'm overdue on. I'm really dreading one in particular. I'm not letting myself do anything else because I know I need to do this, and I'm also not doing this - my usual pattern. I think I'll bite the bullet and just do it. Next.
slider's noon CI
Wow--it took 3 minutes for this page (9/12) to load! I bet my dial-up is running at about 28! Well, I am off to a wobbly start when it comes to tackling the pile of paper on my table, but in terms of creative procrastination the results have been interesting (I read a funny article by that name somewhere).
Ta Da:
--warmed up 2 cups of coffee in the microwave (carafe had gotten cold) and drank them
--scrubbed tub, toilet, sink and counter in kids' bathroom (now, normally these would be frogs in their own right!) :P
--scrubbed sink in my bathroom :P
--did abbreviated morning routine
--dried darks twice to try to dewrinkle what I put in there last night (tried to do too much at once, load was too big)
--folded/hung darks and put them all the way up!!!! :P
--misplaced my journal so spent 15 minutes looking for it
--spent 5 minutes pawing through most recent mail, found new VISA card and opened it
--called to activate VISA card
--searched for bag with desk supplies that I bought yesterday, opened pack with pens so I could sign the card, then put away all the supplies
--cut up expired VISA card
--decided to get on schedule, so I began journalling at the time I had designated and journalled 30 minutes
Well, it's not quite gobbling up the big froggie, but I think I can now stick to the schedule I set. I want to start with some more journalling for half an hour, so I'll eat lunch and do that until 1:00. Then I WANT TO:
--work on table/desk 30 minutes
--do neutral task 30 minutes
--journal or fun for 30 minutes
--work on table/desk 30 more minutes
--shower and dress for evening
--pick up kids and drive to city
--meet DH at DD choice of restaurant, eat
--pick up laptop before returning home (and pray it works now)
--buy software package and install tonight if laptop is already charged
REMINDER: Don't forget laptop receipt--I WANT my new laptop!!!!
scrubbing bathrooms is good!
The toilet, sink, and tub in my bathroom could do with cleaning. I try not to look at them when I'm in there, but I won't be able to put it off much longer.
Just remembered
I have 2 phone calls to make during lunch, too--that I want to make and be done with! Also, I will CI at 3 pm.
scarlett CI 12:59 pm
A little late checking in, but I've been good and busy! I now know exactly which things I can go back and finish, and which I'm just going to have to deal with not being done. SO - I have reordered my priorities for the rest of the day and the frogs are at the top. Wow, it feels good to have a clear picture instead of a shapeless dread.
Last night: bedtime 11:30 pm (target 10:30 pm)
Already done:
Got up 7:20 (target 7 am)
Got to work and ate breakfast
Took vitamins
Checked work email for urgent stuff
Checked personal email for urgent stuff
Took vitamins
prep for update meeting
clean desk GTD style (10 min)
process emails 15 min
update upcoming reviews
create plan for catching up on overdue reviews (FROG ALERT!)
To do today:
Frog 1
Frog 2
Frog 3
call Rob
job description
review mgmt plan
demo review
fax stuff
clean desk 10 min more(GTD style)
Call C
Meet with S
Make and eat dinner
clear picture beats shapeless dread every time
Sounds like you're doing great! :)
pro's CI - 12:30pm
I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with all that needs to be done to convert my business to the new format (and relieving me of direct client contact). I have some client commitments I have to fulfill, there are programming tasks, refunds to process - very overwhelming. This is the kind of stuff I tend to procrastinate on, but I don't want to procrastinate on this.
pro's CI - 11:40am
I didn't clear my spam folder yet because one of my primary email addresses is down (domain is down). I get most of my spam on that domain. I reported it to my Web host.