Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday 11 September 2006
Rexroth - thanks for starting the day thread. Point of information.... Usually the first message in the thread is just a general "to everyone" message. I just say "Good morning". Normy sometimes posts a group progress report.
I reposted your check-in as a response to the first message. You should put your name in the subject to identify your own check-ins. I also like to put the time.
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pro's CI - 10pm (last check-in)
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Good night!
Goodnight, pro!
pro's CI - 10:10pm
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
pro's CI - 9:50pm
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
1Focus 9:48 That's a wrap
I started the day overwhelmed planning on doing nothing, ended up felling pretty good about myself and having a pretty productive day.
It sure was great to see some new names on the boards and, of course, to see pro run with yesterday's decision. I hope tomorrow will be as much fun as today. :)
glad to be here!
Sleep well.
Cool! Good job, 1Focus!!
I'm happy to see the new faces here, too.
Good night! See you tomorrow.
1Focus 9:45
Partial credit for paperwork
1Focus 9:36
Catbox done.
1Focus 9:05
Already done:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
Other Stuff
Leaving work a few minutes early to pickup DD3 from my brother's (3hour round trip, including dinner)
• Find my keys (right where they're supposed to be, I was sleep walking this morning)
Evening Routine
• Farm Chores (include the kids)
Ran out of time:
• Oh, and clean out that inbox! (it has been stabilized)
Blown off:
• Clean up after dinner
I want to get done:
Evening Routine (mostly won't apply, since I'll be home late)
• Paper chores
• scoop catbox
• Early to bed (Lights out at 10:00)
One big focus:
Clean up financial responsibilities
• Stay on top of things to keep current
• Process that tax bill
that report for the boss?
Did you get that report written today that you were stressing about earlier?
Report done
It wasn't the report I was stressing about. I was feeling overwhelmed by the number of things I'm supposed to be working on right now. Fortunately, the only one who seems to care is me. I have to keep remembering that to keep from stressing.
stressing from demands
I react the same way when I have many demands on me. I think it's that hyper-responsible, demand-sensitive thing in me. I'm always apologizing for things that others haven't even given a thought to. I imagine people's expectations of me to be much higher than they are. For example, I'm always trying to meet impossible deadlines that I created in my own head. If I hadn't made such aggressive promises, no one else would have expected it of me. Lots of nutty stuff like this.
In any case, congratulations on getting it done!
I'm always apologizing for things that others haven't even given a thought to. I imagine people's expectations of me to be much higher than they are.
Oh, me too. Definitely. I'm working hard to stop "pre-emptive self-scolding" and apologizing for stuff.
Me too
One of the reasons I gave up the College work was because of the unreasonable expectations they had - but they haven't actually been following through on what the stated expectations are! I've got that 'hyper-responsible' streak too, and if I'm asked to do something in my job I'll try to do it, even if no-one else bothers to get it done.
...and I thought it was all about you today ;)
pro's CI - 9:05pm
Time to start my bedtime routine. I'm feeling tired because I didn't really sleep enough last night - went to bed too late.
I just read the most hilarious essay by David Sedaris in the New Yorker. That guy cracks me up. The magazine was worth buying just for that.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
glued to my seat at bedtime
Why do I always dawdle when it's time to get ready for bed? I'm going to bed a lot earlier than I was, but not as early as would serve me best in the morning (notice I avoided saying "should" here).
I think the reason I dawdle is that I'm triggering my demand resistance by converting "want" into "should". I tell myself I "have to" go to bed (and then instantly don't want to), rather than telling myself that I want to go to bed because of all the benefits of doing this - for example, sleeping when I'm tired. :P
I can't help but notice
for the last several nights, right now is when several of us are on here and available at the same time. It's fun :)
hmmm.... maybe that's it!
That's what happened to me
The night before last I think - no-one here for ages, then just as I was getting ready to knock off people started posting! You know I don't like to get left behind on posts! DSO used to play online games and had to knock it on the head - he couldn't bear people carrying on without him whilst he slept/ate/went to the loo etc! I'm a bit like that here.
Also, up until earlier this year I didn't enjoy sleeping. Felt like a waste of time. I knew that physiologically I was a wreck without it, but it was so BOOORRRRINNGG! Anyway, since I got myself into an 'earlier to bed, earlier to rise' routine I've enjoyed the benefits, and the surprise side effect is that I actually enjoy being in bed and sleeping much more. Still resist going though (I don't like all that 'getting ready for bed' stuff either - try to get that done before I get too tired and whiney).
scarlett's CI - 8:34 pm
Done so far:
work order
Call Tim
call Chris (LM)
call Jerry (LM)
call Ted (he said to talk to Jerry)
stop by Cindy’s
Prep stuff for faxing
email forms to Josh
on web – approve w/ comments
reply to Brent
resched Dr. M appt
call Christine (LM)
email Jim and Jerry with edits
fix meal
budget stuff - enter next round of bills, project expenses out for next two weeks
do dishes - start at 9:30
start inventory?
shower at 10
bed @ 10:30
Okay, don't know if I'll get to everything tonight. The inventory may be too much. BUT - I've been really good about listening to myself today, stopping procrastination before it gets out of hand, not going overboard on the workout... and I made a kickass healthy dinner from scratch, with leftovers for lunch.
A big part of what I need to do is be patient with myself and be realistic about what I can get done.
Oh well...
Nights are so hard for me - trying to get to bed on time.
I worked on my budget, sent some emails I needed to. Then I got caught up in the program my roomie was watching, and that was it. Scooped the cat box.
Sleep beats out dishes right now, so the dishes will wait until tomorrow. Shower and bed now.
Patience and realisticness
They are of prime importance. Knowing your limits and not feeling bad about it is good too.
One thing at a time!
pro's CI - 7:45pm
I'm tempted to write another client report tonight, but on reflection I think the healthy thing for me to do right now is take the evening off. I've earned it. I worked steadily, without procrastinating and with no break, from 11am-6pm, and that after doing a gym workout in the morning. That's not too bad!
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Evening free! Next up: bedtime routine (but not yet).
Really, it's giving me energy just watching you go at it.
I'm glad!
I'm not always inspiring - trust me on that! But today I did well. :)
pro's CI - 7:05pm
Went to meeting and brought back food. Watching news. Of course, there's not much on but 9/11 stuff - especially here in New York.
I haven't decided yet what I'll do tonight (work, something else...?).
mildly cool
I'm watching the local New York station (channel 1). They have a poll about tomorrow's election. To vote on it, you just press a button on your Time-Warner Cable remote. I guess they can do that because everyone watching is local. I pressed a button on my remote and the TV said "thank you". :) (I'm easily amused.)
meeting time
Outlook reminder just popped up. Be back later.
break time
I need to take a break before I do more - get up from the computer, take a walk. Get my mail!! (almost forgot about that)
Sorry I haven't been cheering others on today as I'm being cheered. I'll catch up on posts eventually. Right now I'm trying to bull my way through this business transition. I have a customer base that's sort of in shock. I need to act quickly.
I'm so proud of you!
You have made a monumental step, and I am really happy to be along with you for the ride. I look forward to the next steps!
Norm's 10.15 pm BE
Overrode autoshutdown so I could make my final post for the day!
Did all the jobs I had on my list, plus went to payroll (which I forgot I was supposed to be doing, duh! I kind of knew it on one level, but not the one that did my list!). Lost my keys, found my keys. Already got several responses re newsletter, and responded to enquiries (and got valuable feedback from people I respect about the format and content).
Started doing Daytime Routine - need to cook and eat evening meal, make food for Tues, put another load of laundry in, take DDog out, and do Before Bed Routine.
Night night folks!
pro's CI - 5:10pm
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
1Focus 4:30
Already done:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
• Deal with that important unimportant project for THE boss (measurements made, plan in my head, pick up parts tomorrow)
• Create on-call schedule, so I'm not the only one responding at 2am
• Made inbox less precarious
• Call about unscheduling that thing
Ran out of time:
• Oh, and clean out that inbox! (it has been stabilized)
I want to get done:
Leaving work a few minutes early to pickup DD3 from my brother's (3hour round trip, including dinner)
Evening Routine (mostly won't apply, since I'll be home late)
• Find my keys
One big focus:
Clean up financial responsibilities
• Stay on top of things to keep current
• Process that tax bill
scarlett CI 4:20 pm
Oy! One email took waaaay longer than I thought it would, but I've saved a draft of it so that next time will be much faster (I send this same email frequently).
Done so far:
work order
Call Tim
call Chris (LM)
call Jerry (LM)
call Ted (he said to talk to Jerry)
stop by Cindy’s
Prep stuff for faxing
email forms to Josh
on web – approve w/ comments
reply to Brent
resched Dr. M appt
call Christine (LM)
Still to do:
email Jim and Jerry with edits
Bump to tomorrow:
update upcoming reviews and email out
prep for update meeting
fax stuff
gym or dvd
fix meal
do dishes
budget stuff
start inventory
I'll tell you right now... any time you see "review" in my to do list, it's big and it's green and it croaks like crazy. One of the biggest recurring frogs in my job, along with "site visits."
(LM means "left message" in my shorthand, in case you were wondering.)
Well, you know what we do with big croaking green things here!
Riiiiiiight. Tomorrow for
Riiiiiiight. Tomorrow for lunch - frog sammich!
1Focus 3:40
Already done:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
• Clear my head (journaling)
Work Plan
• Get that report done for boss
• Call sub re work done last week (he actually called me first)
• Deal with that important unimportant project for THE boss (measurements made, plan in my head, pick up parts tomorrow)
• Create on-call schedule, so I'm not the only one responding at 2am
• Call about unscheduling that thing
I want to get done:
Work Plan
• Oh, and clean out that inbox! (it just dumped onto my desk)
Pickup DD3 from my brother's (3hour round trip, including dinner)
Evening Routine (mostly won't apply, since I'll be home late)
• Find my keys
One big focus:
Clean up financial responsibilities
pro's CI - 3:40pm
I must say... I'm doing better today with work than I have for months. I haven't procrastinated once! It's because I'm closing the odious part of my business. What a relief!
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Well done!
That's terrific, I'm glad you're feeling such an immediate relief.
This is fun to be part of.
Go pro, go!
Thanks to both of you for cheering me on!
I just finished another client report. :)
You're really storming ahead today pro! Can't you just sniff that freedom?!
I am throwing off the shackles!!!!
I am going to be FREE to pursue what I WANT!!!!!! :)
1Focus 2:40
Already done:
Morning Routine
Work Routine
Work Plan
• Get that report done for boss
• Call sub re work done last week (he actually called me first)
• Call about unscheduling that thing
I want to get done:
Work Routine
• Clear my head (journaling)
Work Plan
• Deal with that important unimportant project for THE boss
• Create on-call schedule, so I'm not the only one responding at 2am
• Oh, and clean out that inbox! (almost conveniently forgotten again )
Evening Routine
• Find my keys
One big focus:
Clean up financial responsibilities
My Mac just crashed. That's not supposed to be able to happen. :(
I want popcorn. I'm hungry, and also anxious, and I haven't had popcorn in a long time. I think I can have it now. Or am I rationalizing? I don't want to be fat.
Popcorn okay
It's really one of the better snack/junk foods available. I say go for it. }:)
cottage cheese vs. popcorn
Well, right now I'm eating cottage cheese with fruit, and that's very good.
I pop organic popcorn in the microwave, so that's as healthy as it gets (I guess) except that I put butter on it. But only a little! }:)