Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 28th June 2010

It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
Beautiful day

Touch me
Take me to that other place
Reach me
I know I'm not a hopeless case

What you don't have you don't need it now
What you don't know you can feel it somehow
What you don't have you don't need it now
Don't need it now
It was a beautiful day

(U2 lyrics)

Agnus halfway point

I got off to a slow start this morning but then had good productivity - yay God!

  • pet care
  • J's meds
  • order refills (J and me)
  • iron at least one backlogged item
  • vaccuum at least one room
  • 20 minutes ice on the bruised rib/kidney
  • call chiropractor and massage therapist
  • arnica montana til I run out (put on shopping list)
  • microburst the pile on my desk
  • go through yellow notepads and schedule action items
  • 12:15 incoming important call
  • 12:30 each lunch (with HP's help, no matter how I feel)
  • prioritize Outlook task reminders
  • live event
  • notes from same
  • prop resubm

Next up: dinner! :-)

hope4meandu check-in (6:13PM)

Hello All,

Today's List:
-call S & emails
-order meds
-put check in bank
-do food shopping
-visit M at Berman's
-got 3 missed calls yesterday from 3 different numbers - investigate
-work on website
-talk to D next store about putting an ad in for doggy business
-got to GG & ask for job

To do this evening:
-order Yoffee's supplements, toothpaste & nail clipper
-send resumes
-before our neighbor comes, re-clean bathroom
-to work for ML and email to her

Work out this week:
10 minutes on Wednesday, Friday & Sunday

Kind regards all!!

♥Prayers & guidance needed & appreciated for my Yoffee's healing.♥

MD check-in

Goooooood Monday, PA!

PREFACE: I am realizing even specific short task lists may not be good for me.....experimentation continues. Thanks for sounding board here. I might need check-in more for day-day-analysis or what & why. Last wk's check-in proved more valuable in that vein; otherwise, check-ins are becoming "groan....yet-one-more-list-to-manage" and could lead to further procrastinating by papering over my failings and fooling myself by shortening my lists. Yep, I can lie to myself and to you, both quite well.

LAST 48 HOURS: not so good with me -- No interent connection (a good reason and also an excuse) as well as bad moods, i.e. home arguments....good reason and yet not an excuse, but a manifestation of not getting to my weekend things. Typical Sunday spell: over anticipate, get the "homework-not-complete" style Sunday jitters, get exhausted, and sleep earlier than unplanned with little done.

Overall goal [underlined from Sat:]: do ANY little bit on (a) clothes, (b) bills, (c) realtor/house hunt, (d) car .......but do SOME for each category.... 

What I did get done on SUNDAY: SLEEP - for a change, somwhat more restful than usual, SUMMER CAMP bags sorted/packed [needed, but was not written down], HOUSE CLEANING (was not on list but was important--wife reminded me); although cleaning toilets felt pleasant, this was an avoidance of the (a) clothes task since cleaning was done to make Monday more palatable with spouse.

THIS MORN: missed aerobics (went bit too late) but instead I did this: NECESSARY PHONE CALLS for other kiddo/my health appts reshuffled to accomodate needs this wk and so TOMORROW's physiotherapy (PT) quickly re-sched to today AND done, so as to do aerobics tomorrow. (Equally good - I admit I got lucky)

Lesson learned: all-or-none aint the way to go.....ok, to reshuffle....(Since I did NOT meet my (a-b-d), I began (c) in earnest pretty well (this was unavoidable since most open houses are only Sun) and now I am suddenly (false euphoria??) remotivated to do even more of that, I must calmly refocus on (a-b-d-) for next 48 hrs equally.


chick CI

Thanks for the beautiful starter Lucky.


emails project w

e and r material

kromer 9 CI

Hmm, looks like there's two check-in threads today.

Tasks for today are:
Scheduled: Mtg 11:30-12:30 and 1-2
Read JC paper (about half done with this)
Look at slides
Read about how to do IP injections, other ways to improve expt technique

Talk to labmates about RA measurement idea (have spent some time on this)

Medium priority:
Get library card (30 min)
Make deacon list (45 min)
Make schedule for the week (45 min)
Cooking for the week (2 hrs)

Lower priority:
Step-by-step plan for EA's project (1 hr)
Clean slides (1 hr)

Rexroth Check In

Thanks for starter, Lucky, and it is a beautiful world out there I'm back from walking in it.

Up late after a good night's sleep
Prayer and reflection
Out for exercise walk and back to more exercise - I didn't think I felt well enough and now I've finished I feel so much better!
Checked phone messages, emails and post
Washed up

Bath hair personal care
Admin work

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out

Above and supper and clear up

Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep - it is quiet but very hot

Night Folks


tuffl CI

today's to do list:


shower + breakfast DONE

email to UL DONE Smile

finish backup DONE

call A DONE

take cat to vet DONE


draft cover letter job A (1.30-2 done Smile + 7-7.30)

put docs together job A (?) DONE Smile

lunch (2-2.30) DONE

call O (2.30-3) DONE

call AN (?)

buy M for P (2.30-3)

meet with A at 3 pm (leave at 2.30) DONE

go shopping (5.30) DONE

cook (6) DONE Smile

call T (7.30-8) DONE Smile

look up F (8-8.15) DONE (possibly at the end of August)

start sorting docs for T (?)

tomorrow's list: DONE Smile

  • shower + pack bag DONE
  • leave at 8 DONE (8.30)
  • breakfast with J (9) DONE
  • be at library (11) cancelled the rest from here on as i stayed at J's all day
  • CI
  • draft cover letter job A (1st par - 15 min, 2nd par - 2x15 min, break, refine 15min) (11-1) DONE Smile
  • call AN 
  • buy M for P
  • visit gran (around 3)
  • be home (around 5 or 6) DONE (7)
  • go running for half an hour DONE Smile
  • finish cover letter job A (by 8 )
  • have diner DONE



1.  Excercise

2.  Shower and sunscreen

3.  Iron clothes and make lunch

4.  Upload CC files for work

5.  Letters to send forms, talk to HR about insurance

6.  Get to work on time (leave before 8)

7.   Brainstorm words and issues for resume

8.  Update resume

9.   Find three ads for work

10.  Rough CL

11.  Fax names to Baum

12.  Do a rough draft of Psychotrope on Google docs

13.  Letter CC

14.  Twitter stuff

Stefinle59 Monday June 28 CI

Unemployed once again. I don't know if it's easier to keep track of my life's pieces and parts when I am working or not working but here goes another attempt to get it together as I have to find work ASAP


Brush teeth

Find something to where that I can possibly go on interview with


Make a hard copy of this list

Check bank account

Prepare a bag to take out for the day with pen and notebook

Go to Amy's for coffee by 6:30am

Take food to Amy's

fill out Y app turn in

Grab something to eat

Drink plenty of water

Buy a comb and something for hair

Check classifieds for Sunday

Apply for assistance

Apply for unemployment

Look for jobs online at tp and cl

Appt at neighboring at 4:30pm

Work on 4th

Run on bike path

Call Janie


begin to pick up in apartment










Go online and look at jobs at



ndb check-in 28/6

Tomorrow is my last day in this job, so I've got a bunch of things to clear today and tomorrow:

  • pack books and paperwork to take home finished it Tuesday
  • test B-eqp done Tuesday
  • presentation E-safety done
  • weight factors p-project done! This was by far the hardest task on my list Smile
  • update I-code done, although not as well as I would have liked
  • file current projects to network done
  • file current projects to USB Tuesday, done
  • archive email done
  • email JB on p-project dropped
  • call FB on p-project done Tuesday
  • give DVD-archive to boss done Tuesday
  • clear out desk
  • return keys, badge, pager done Tuesday
  • return lab-coat

That's about it, I think.


Lucky CI

Before work:

Up by 7 :)
Check in :)
Dress smartly :)
Straighten hair :)
Pack soup, spoon, nuts, apple :)
Set phone alarm for 2pm for doc call :)

Prayer time :)
Full makeup :)
Read :)
(On way home) Buy light bulbs - Forgot, do tomorrow

Pod check Got in too late
Sort hol dates around 7-8 Aug - Part done, need to check calendar
Email :)
Paper - Part done
Tasks - Part done
Archive bible attack :)
Contracts :)
Tea/last orders
Check in with D - He wasn't there
Tidy & plan/double checks - Part done

Buy Coachies & poo bags :)
Jacket to dry cleaners Forgot to pack it - bring tomorrow!
Macmillan - email helpers :)
Call docs :)

After work:
Check calendar re hol :)
C EH homework :)
Rat cuddle
Vitamins :)
Clear kitchen
Dog face wash
Email/social sites :)
Floss/brush teeth/wash face/moisturise :)
Tomorrow's list :)
Email reports :)
Check in :)
BED straight after check in!:)