Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Up by 8 :)
Check in :)
Breakfast (egg on toast - need energy today!) :)
Clear kitchen - Part done
Leave by 9.30 10 - friend running late! :)
Prayer time on walk :)
Collect prescriptions :)
To E&N's for house move :)
PM: Vitamins :)
Clear kitchen
Dog face wash
Email/social sites - Part done
Floss/brush teeth/wash face/moisturise
Tomorrow's list
Email reports
Check in
BED straight after check in!
(i) CARRYOVER LESSON-LEARNED from FRIDAY: the older the task (bills and clothes), the higher the mountain one has to climb to simply begin the first step.....I failed on those two tasks today (Friday)
(ii) WAS HESITANT to do this Sat. check-in (and same for Fri checkout because of those two big task shortfalls). Once I forced myself to DO THE FRI CHECK-OUT, I am surprisingly re-focused to continue this (in my first wk of on-line checks)
(iii) HISTORICAL "SAT. MINDSET" one of papering over previous week's shortcomings and mentally delaying the worrying about them to Sun night/Mon morning. This was compounded by resulting anxiety/bad mood (mine) impacting family weekends. So far, anxiety under control, mainly since objectives realistic/limited
SO, big goal for TODAY: do ANY little bit on (a) clothes, (b) bills, (c) realtor/house hunt, (d) car .............but do SOME for each category....
EARLY IN DAY - sleep in a bit (for a change) breakfast with kids, go to birthday party with one and/or to karate class with the other. I must correct "yesterday's news: I did not get to finding or wrapping present last night. Could not find it in garage box. Panicked this morning, espec since party early. Then I breathed and said, ok I'll go to party, make an apology, and come back with pricier gift from store. What made it worse was seeing old boxes of stuff 1-5 yrs old in garage. Finally, after sweating, happily found present, packed it with son's help (an unplanned pleasant teaching experience), and got to party on time -- and stayed and relaxed/ate/drank at party (a pleasantly unplanned break) while talking to host about houses (so began sm step for item (c))
THEN, after 2 pm: get to the above (a-b-c-d) dreaded "hangers'on" So now doing unplanned check-in update. Will get some rest and try beginning (a, b, d)
UNLIKE FRI, this time I am trying this as a 4-part focus, not a detailed blow-by-blow.....however it shakes out..........roll dem dice!
Well that did not go according to plan. My tum was bad so I stayed in and worked on some admin stuff to do with my health. I've finished it, four letters with enclosures and argument and it is finished and so am I. I've posted the letters and filed everything and there is nothing more to do for a few weeks and not much to do anyway.
As well as letters above
Emails post
Tidy table
Tidy kitchen
Relax and take it easy - maybe watch a programme on the web
> Be conscious to not give even one minute to the enemy today!
- don't turn on comp in morning
- breakfast
- get ready
- weigh in
- workout
- use foam roller
- shower
- notify for booking Nick's for ent cd
- wipe down laptop
- discuss Ts with Jon (a little progress)
- return Ts email - input CK
- reply to CK forum
- start thread - check in/out
> Clean apartment - clean bathroom
- tidy foyer
- tidy TV area
- tidy desk (half done)
- tidy book area - wash soap dispensers
- refill soap dispensers
- wash bottles
- wash pyrex containers
- be on time for gummi bear fest
- be at ferry whart 4:45
- leave house 4:10
- pick up ent book - register ent book - get ready for bed
- go to bed without procrastination
> organise pre-start goals (might not get to these)
- wisdom teeth
- hair cut
- swim prep
> organise op searches
- J search (1/6)
- T search (4/32)
- check
> others
- suspend 3 net for another month
- burn dvds
- read books
Saturday June 26, 2010
I have done a few things today.
1. Did my 11th Step2. Went to two 12-Step telephone meetings3. Started reading 12-Step literature4. Ate breakfast5. Look for some stuff that I needNow, there are many things I need to do today
1. Go to a third 12-Step telephone meeting
2. Post some Al-Anon literature
3. Wash Clothes
4. Complete reading 12-Step literature
5. Read some other literature
6. Write down books I need to bring back
7. Put groceries away
8. Put clothes away
9. Clear off couch
10. Clear off tables
11. Clear off floors
13. Eat dinner
14. Get dressed
15. Go to Face to Face 12-Step meeting
16. Make bed
17. Wash dishes
18. Put things up to recycle.
19. Get my numbers caught up.
That's all I have
kromer 12:45 CI
Lots do to today!
I need to make some progress on lab work:
*Coverslip slides
Emails to B and D and to lab tech*Re-create plasmid map(working on this now)
And I want to keep in touch w/ friends and family:
*Call home
*Dinner w/ C and L (an a bit of cooking for this)
I have some chores to do (clean up in lab, do laundry)
Finally, I want to take care of some church stuff: buy a book and put deacon list somewhere accessible.
OK, I'll start w/ church stuff, then I'll send emails.
Lucky CI
Love the kitten, Goal_Allegro!
Up by 8 :)
Check in :)
Breakfast (egg on toast - need energy today!) :)
Clear kitchen - Part done
Leave by
9.3010 - friend running late! :)Prayer time on walk :)
Collect prescriptions :)
To E&N's for house move :)
PM: Vitamins :)
Clear kitchen
Dog face wash
Email/social sites - Part done
Floss/brush teeth/wash face/moisturise
Tomorrow's list
Email reports
Check in
BED straight after check in!
MD Check-In (Mid-day update/underlined)
(i) CARRYOVER LESSON-LEARNED from FRIDAY: the older the task (bills and clothes), the higher the mountain one has to climb to simply begin the first step.....I failed on those two tasks today (Friday)
(ii) WAS HESITANT to do this Sat. check-in (and same for Fri checkout because of those two big task shortfalls). Once I forced myself to DO THE FRI CHECK-OUT, I am surprisingly re-focused to continue this (in my first wk of on-line checks)
(iii) HISTORICAL "SAT. MINDSET" one of papering over previous week's shortcomings and mentally delaying the worrying about them to Sun night/Mon morning. This was compounded by resulting anxiety/bad mood (mine) impacting family weekends. So far, anxiety under control, mainly since objectives realistic/limited
SO, big goal for TODAY: do ANY little bit on (a) clothes, (b) bills, (c) realtor/house hunt, (d) car .............but do SOME for each category....
EARLY IN DAY - sleep in a bit (for a change) breakfast with kids, go to birthday party with one and/or to karate class with the other. I must correct "yesterday's news: I did not get to finding or wrapping present last night. Could not find it in garage box. Panicked this morning, espec since party early. Then I breathed and said, ok I'll go to party, make an apology, and come back with pricier gift from store. What made it worse was seeing old boxes of stuff 1-5 yrs old in garage. Finally, after sweating, happily found present, packed it with son's help (an unplanned pleasant teaching experience), and got to party on time -- and stayed and relaxed/ate/drank at party (a pleasantly unplanned break) while talking to host about houses (so began sm step for item (c))
THEN, after 2 pm: get to the above (a-b-c-d) dreaded "hangers'on" So now doing unplanned check-in update. Will get some rest and try beginning (a, b, d)
UNLIKE FRI, this time I am trying this as a 4-part focus, not a detailed blow-by-blow.....however it shakes out..........roll dem dice!
Rexroth Check In
Up early at 6.30 I'm wide awake
Prayer and reflection
Checked emails
Bath and wash hair etc
Get ready and go out to DA meeting
Possibly a bit of shopping on the way back
Then whatever...
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Update
Well that did not go according to plan. My tum was bad so I stayed in and worked on some admin stuff to do with my health. I've finished it, four letters with enclosures and argument and it is finished and so am I. I've posted the letters and filed everything and there is nothing more to do for a few weeks and not much to do anyway.
As well as letters above
Emails post
Tidy table
Tidy kitchen
Relax and take it easy - maybe watch a programme on the web
Regards Rexroth
Allegro Check In 26/6
Focus for this week:
1) Happy Pace
2) Setbacks are not Derailments
3) Use small blocks of time to keep life smooth
> Be conscious to not give even one minute to the enemy today!
- don't turn on comp in morning
- breakfast
- get ready
- weigh in
- put on wrist bands
- workout
- use foam roller
- shower
- notify for booking Nick's for ent cd
- wipe down laptop
- discuss Ts with Jon
- return Ts email
- input CK
- start thread
- check in/out
> Clean apartment
- clean bathroom
- tidy foyer
- tidy TV area
- tidy desk
- tidy book area
- wash soap dispensers
- refill soap dispensers
- wash bottles
- wash pyrex containers
- be on time for gummi bear fest
- pick up ent book
- register ent book
- get ready for bed
- go to bed without procrastination
> organise pre-start goals (might not get to these)
- wisdom teeth
- hair cut
- swim prep
> organise op searches
- J search (1/6)
- T search (4/32)
- check
> others
- suspend 3 net for another month
- burn dvds
- read books
Allegro Check Out 26/6
> Be conscious to not give even one minute to the enemy today!
- don't turn on comp in morning
- breakfast
- get ready
- weigh in
- workout
- use foam roller
- shower
- notify for booking Nick's for ent cd- wipe down laptop
- discuss Ts with Jon (a little progress)
- return Ts email
- input CK- reply to CK forum
- start thread
- check in/outPROJECTS
> Clean apartment
- clean bathroom- tidy foyer
- tidy TV area
- tidy desk (half done)
- tidy book area
- wash soap dispensers- refill soap dispensers
- wash bottles
- wash pyrex containers
- be on time for gummi bear fest- be at ferry whart 4:45
- leave house 4:10
- pick up ent book
- register ent book- get ready for bed- go to bed without procrastination
> organise pre-start goals (might not get to these)
- wisdom teeth
- hair cut
- swim prep
> organise op searches
- J search (1/6)
- T search (4/32)
- check
> others
- suspend 3 net for another month
- burn dvds
- read books