Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 21st June 2010

strike check in 1.03 pm

Hi again friends, old and new!

I have not been here for a couple of weeks - I got a new job remember (getting a job was my main reson of distress and procrastination a couple of months ago). I really enjoy my work and last week my boss offered me a new role to take on after summer, kind of like a promotion, just after three weeks. But I have worked my a** off so I feel proud.

I have not been this happy for a long time and I just want to hug everyone - I love you everyone! :D Although I'm high on endorphins I still have some work left with from my other job, but basically I have vacation now and summer is here!


  •  clean apartment 



So happy to hear your wonderful news. Congratulations!!

♥Just when I thought it was safe to go in the water (Queue: shark music) when my Yoffee was off the antibiotics the condition returned. Prayers & guidance for her healing, please HP & All.♥

Crazybug late CI

Didn't check in this morning, but had a fairly productive day as I was working on stuff that didn't have a lot of resistance factor.  BUT, I did make a verbal and written committment to my boss that I would complete a BIG projec this week so I know that I'll really need to keep up my CIs here and use the chatbox.  It's been a while since I've made such a committment as they usually render me completely paralyzed.  I guess i figured with the help of the very good people here that I can follow through on my promise.  Progress...not perfection...

Go, Crazy Bug, Go!

Congrats on the productive day. I'll be reminding myself "Progress, not perfection" this week too!

Gnothi Seauton ~ Know Thyself

Gwen D: CI 3pm

Boy oh boy, is that cartoon perfect, or what??

Bracing myself for total stress. The kind that I doubt I can tolerate anymore. That's bad. (Breathe! Breathe!)

In ONE MONTH I must accomplish so much! I don't think it's possible!! Why haven't I understood exactly what's at stake until this second? Oh, because the freelance job just appeared, and that is always the thing I understand how to do, and so I do it first. Crazy!

(No hyperventilating!)
I will enter in all the pages of the 60 page book now. Only that. Then I'll get to the other stuff. That's enough NOW. By the end of the day. Period.

1. Visualisation.
2. Break it down into small steps.
3. Exercise brute-force willpower. Grit your teeth and say, "I'm just going to do it, dammit!"
4. Use a timer to commit to doing it for a short period of time.
5. Recognise your own excuses and play devil's advocate.
6. Eliminate distractions.

Gwen D: CI 10:30 PM

Despite the fact that I still have far too much to do and that I should have been doing more these last few weeks, today was a good day. I actually used the new tools I've been studying and mulling over. I made 30 pages of content and mapped out more. I think I was spending too much time over the past month conceptualizing and not enough DOING. Oh well.Tomorrow I'll make it a work work day. I'll try to get my server set up. And spend time making half-way-there deliverables. I'll go to that one last dumb meeting. Also, I'll tell people I'm going to be unavailable for other things. Set limits and make a plan to work at home in concentrated bursts instead of commuting in. Then I'll go see my friends play a rock show! Yay!!I have 30 days to finish the book and the site and the newsletter. I can do that, right? Maybe I should make a long-term page for the next four months. Thanks, fellow pro's, for the fellowship!

Great progress Gwen!

Wow! I am so impressed and inspired by you. Keep up the great work and the great attitude.  And...keep...on....going!  you can do it!

hope4meandu check-in 5:111PM-Wow Goal_Allegro excellent start

Hi All,

That's exactly where I am - in overwhelm - the good news is I'm here.

-Need to clean for guests this weekend. Focusing on the rooms that need to be done, if more gets done, Woo Hoo
-tonight: finish laundry, dust dining room & living room.
-Instituting a 10 minute home stretch/workout Monday, Friday & Sunday this week to try & get myself going on an exercise routine. I have back issues, and instead of going to my 5th p.t., figure i'll try to do it myself.
-go in backyard and help neighbor clear away the tree he had to cut down in the backyard.

These are things I can't afford and am stressing about (some I realize are luxury problems:
-an exerminator
-nail clippers for Yoffee
-next phase of Yoffee's treatment
-dining room table that is really cheap that we know about
-meds for me
-food for this weekend
-$ for a favor someone is nice enough to do for me, but she can't afford either.
-gym for me & husband

There is an organization that helps with food in the area which someone told me about, thankfully, and I will contact them tomorrow.

♥Just when I thought it was safe to go in the water (Queue: shark music) when my Yoffee was off her antibiotics the condition returned. Prayers & guidance for her healing, please HP & All.♥

Back to

Important: Finish ad at work and make some progress with english homework (at least one essay) If this is done, then it will be a sucessfull day.





10:00 catch bus

11:00 work


lunch with mom and grocery shopping





work out




Scribbler's CI

Back after a vacation week. Today's list:

  • get up before 7 a.m.
  • coffee, paper, healthy breakfast
  • Check-ins
  • Cut grass
  • Send query
  • Email Evan


  • Eat healthy lunch
  • Do 3 CIO
  • Call or email 5 re: Masters10 (did two)
  • Add 5 to CP db


  • Open mike
  • Read, relax
  • Healthy dinner
  • Bed by 11  p.m.

That looks good for now. I'll check in later to update completed tasks and add comments. I hope  everyone is having a productive and procrastination-free day. Scribbler


Later ... the yard work pretty much kicked my fanny. Two hours of hot, exhausting labor. I got a few key chores completed, but only 1 of the 3 CIO things I need to do.  Now I need to go to the bank and do some shopping. I'll try to catch up later. For now, not a bad first day back from vacation. Hope all are well.  Scribbler


kromer 8:40 CI

I had a hard time focusing yesterday. Today I'm going to list out 8 hrs of tasks. I'll push myself to do the first hour straight through, then if I need to slow down that's OK.

*Conference report (3 hrs) (have made progress on this; working on this some more now)
*Read & understand protocol, get in touch w/ JM, order supplies (2 hrs) (have made progress on this; all that remains is simply placing orders)
*Bug histology people
*Take care of expts
*Clean off slides (45 min)

*Work on scheduling 

*Dig out notes and email about MK's lab (30 min)

OK, going to start with an hour of focused work on conf. report. 

vic 6/21

Show up (done)

Thought for today: This is one I can remember !!!

"If you Can do a half-assed job of anything, you’re a one-eyed man in the kingdom of the blind."-Kurt Vonnegut, Jr


Great quote Vic!

I love your quote Vic! Cute little gargoyle too! I saw it last night and have been secretly holding onto this thought all day and it has made all the difference! Thank you!

> Allegro

Busy Monday

I have a lot to do today

1. Wash Up

2. Get Dressed

3. Eat Breakfast

4.Clear Off My Couch

5. Clear Off the Tables

6. Make Up the Bed

7. Wash my Sleep Apnea Stuff

8. Go to my 7:00 12-Step Telephone Meeting

9. Read some 12-Step literature

10. Go to my volunteer job

11. Go to my paid job

12. Take a Shower for the night

13. Get my sleep apnea stuff ready for the night.

14. Make Phone Calls

That's enough for today

ndb check-in 9:50 am

My goal for today is to work only from my Autofocus-list (see about autofocus), and not anything else without writing it down on the list first. The list is a bit long to post here, but I'll try to post when crossing off things.

done so far 21/6

Things I've done so far:

  • cleared email
  • cleared 2/3 of gmail
  • cleared paperwork on desk
  • called N
  • cleaned up task list
  • planned travel to meetings for tomorrow and next week
  • researched scanning software

Hm, not the most pressing tasks, I'm afraid, but at least I stayed on the list most of the time.

Update 4:30 pm:

  • reviewed project requirements
  • analyzed incident report
  • corrected M's letter
  • replied to E

Almost time to go home, but I'm finally getting the hang of this!


Rexroth Check In

Woke after a good nights sleep feeling exhausted and thinking of the forest of monoliths towering over me some of which look like they are about to fall on me.

Get up - I'm still in bed at 7.30
Prayer and reflection
Clean up in kitchen which I didn't finish yesterday as I was writing CoDA step one
Put on washing maching
Put some other clothes to soak
Write journal
Write a little on step one
Start work on hospital complaint
Bath and wash hair and get ready to go out this evening

Thats it for now

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Up Date

Above except step one work but I have done a heck of a lot on the hospital complaint
I'm almost ready to go out to CoDA meeting

Go out to CoDA meeting

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out

Back from a good CoDA meeting. I feel better this evening than I did this morning

Night Folks


The monoliths aren't that big

The monoliths aren't that big - in the end they're just little bits of sand piled up one on top of each other. You can do it Rexroth!

> Allegro

Thank you Allegro

Thank you Allegro - they seemed very big this morning and this evening they are much smaller


movingalong's monday hope

Hello all.

I have been experiencing a bit of recovery in past few days.

This fills me with hope for the week.

I will remember to check in with higher power throughout my day.

Joy to all.

-- movingalong

Goal_Allegro Check In 21/6

Going to check in early today so that I'm not tempted to procrastinate in the hallways of this site!

Hopefully Monday will be a more productive day! Wish me luck!

Tasks today:

- be conscious not to give even one minute to the enemy today
- online meeting
- breakfast
- wash b dishes
- shower
- start check in thread
- check in
- call bday dinner for Jon
- input food diary

- wash lunch dishes

> ops (to be broken down)
- locate op
- read requirements
- research background
-----> reward:

- list criteria
- draft format of letters
-----> reward:

- draft content of letter
- scrutinise attachments
- send off
- note details

- pack bag for M's movie: water, food, tissues
- leave for M's movie on time
- pick up bills from M

- don't delay in coming home
- get ready for bed
- go to bed without procrastination

> Allegro

Goal_Allegro Check Out 21/6

Tried harder to try not let the enemy not take a single minute today. But due to illness and getting up early for the online meeting - I spent half the day resting and the other day running around doing errands.

But still, achieved most of my goals besides the dreaded ops. Will try again tomorrow. My life is in my hands, what I do today will determine my tomorrows - let's not waste it.

My tasks:

- be conscious not to give even one minute to the enemy today
- online meeting
- breakfast
- wash b dishes
- set up leech block
- shower
- call bday dinner for Jon
- input food diary
- wash lunch dishes

- pack bag for M's movie: water, food, tissues, glasses
- computer
- leave for M's movie on time
- pick up bills from M
- paper towels

- don't delay in coming home
- check in

- start check in thread
- thanks for leechbloch
- get ready for bed
- go to bed without procrastination

- ops (to be broken down)

Mon 21st "the longest day" - my first E-check-in

To do:

1. PRIORITY get orthopedic appt -- immediate. 2. Adjust schedule at all costs for that. 3. Inform others for changes: gym training, my appt, school, activities. 4. Call folks 5. Wash dishes 6. Open bills. 7. Pay electric and telephone ....don't sweat the others today [BREATHE] 8. Begin putting some clothes away 9. Phone bridge 11 am -- but do not miss anything crucial just to make phone bridge as a crutch. 10. Fill gas. 11. Check tire pressure. 12. If time. go to tire store and order tires.

DONE: Contemplate Father's Day (late night whisper to sleeping kids). Try this check-in. Brush teeth. Take shower. Unpack Sunday's trip bags. Unpack car. Put leftovers away. Clean out school work/bags. Set up snacks for Monday and for end of year party. Set up sleeping bag. Sort out medicine.

Deepest thanks to Prosick & to Goal-Allegro for the how-to and motivation!

Congrats on your 1st check MD!

Hi MD!

Congrats on your first check in! Looks like your days are packed! Best of luck as you work through each of the moments in your day! Keep coming back here!

> Allegro

the day is still in progress (or is that prog-LESS?)

Much appreciated, Allegro-Fortissimo!

I confess maybe I packed them with stuff and made it appear that I was A tad bit busier than I was (so I admit that).......

am now in mode of saving the universe for must scale it back and just try and do the few things I am committed to.....otherwise the evil pendulum of extremes awaits!!

 I was going to connect with movingalong but I forgot the times....I think she said 530 pm EDT.......I will shoot for that
 well, I did get my schedule sorted out for next 36-48 hrs of key must muster courage and pay a bill or two

MD's Check-out (6/21)

Mon 21st "the longest day" - my first E-check-in

To do [[[ I DID THESE ]]]

1. PRIORITY get orthopedic appt -- immediate. 2. Adjust schedule at all costs for that. 3. Inform others for changes: gym training, my appt, school, activities. 4. Call folks 9. Phone bridge 11 am -- but do not miss anything crucial just to make phone bridge as a crutch. 10. Fill gas.


5. Wash dishes 6. Open bills. 7. Pay electric and telephone ....don't sweat the others today [BREATHE] 8. Begin putting some clothes away  11. Check tire pressure. 12. If time. go to tire store and order tires.

Honestly, I am dreading if any bill is indeed due tomorrow but orthop. appt takes priority. I also committed to going to bed at reasonable time tonight (am failing that presently).


 - Got stuff together for kids activities Tuesday.....Arranged next wk schedule for dentist and summer camp. Then, TONIGHT: Impromptu outdoor Star Trek movie with kiddo so nothing done at night as intended (BILLS/CHECK-IN/CLOTHES). Instead of those, we searched the galaxy for Spock and joined him on Vulcan.

[[ HAD DONE THESE PREVIOUSLY EARLY A.M. MON]]: Contemplate Father's Day (late night whisper to sleeping kids). Try this check-in. Brush teeth. Take shower. Unpack Sunday's trip bags. Unpack car. Put leftovers away. Clean out school work/bags. Set up snacks for Monday and for end of year party. Set up sleeping bag. Sort out medicine.

Deepest thanks to Prosick & to Goal-Allegro for the how-to and motivation!

Congrats and Good work prioritising MD!

Yes I often fall victim to the evil pendulum of extremes as well! Good work in prioritising your important tasks for today!

Don't get too stressed out with you bills, you didn't procrastinate with them, you did more important things like arranging appointments and finding Spock! Everytime has it's time and place.

Keeping up with your checking in!

> Allegro