Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday June 2, 2010

Hi, I'm new here. Yesterday using the chatbox helped a lot, so let's try checking in for today.



I guess I'm late, but I made a list on a piece of paper on the way to school on the bus.  Here it is so far.






stop by advisor and ask about the grade


do some homework


email instructore about questions or find info

do a REAL workout
WOW! Best Workout in Months.  My arms can hardly move.


one load of laundry

clean workout place and bed









Gwen D: CI Wed June 2 2

Hi all,

I think I need PA right now. To help give perspective on what's possible. Oh boy. I made today a "work at home" day. I fear I'm failing. I wish days were 72 hours long. I wish I didn't feel so darn dizzy.

I hadn't eaten properly in two days, so it made sense to go to the restaurant this morning. And I had to do that tiny bit of shopping, and walking around the neighborhood. 

My boss trusts me. It's great. But he did ask, "what can you show me." So, I'd better try to make something before the day is through. (Tho I did work much of Memorial Day weekend. )

Okay. List.

  • @health
  • take ginko, niacin, b 12drink water
  • @liv room/office
  • use air filter and open windows
  • put away shoes
  • clear closet, make piles for giveaway
  • dust surfaces
  • vacuum rug
  • @kitchen
  • set alarm for 20 minutes
  • wash all dishes
  • sweep floor
  • mop floor
  • empty garbage
  • make soup or something out of sausage and leeks
  • @laundry
  • take dirty clothes downstairs
  • get change
  • wash two loads
  • dryput away, fold, etc.
  • hang up leftover clothes or take to dry cleaner
  • @home office
  • solve Time Machine backup problem
  • @uc work [start in 40 MIN in the clean house with laundry going...]
  • call vahid and talk web in a box (do this tomorrow)
  • set up workstation in clean room
  • make cup of tea
  • put on space music/headphones okay
  • create content types
  • make taxonomy based on your notes
  • download new modulespanels everywhere?etc.
  • download new clean theme

Look at that mess. What's REALLY possible? Which trumps which?

Maybe LAUNDRY/CLOTHES simultaneous with real site building.

I'll try! 

Gnothi Seauton ~ Know Thyself

Gwen D: CI 10:38 pm

I did everything except these things.
  • make soup or something out of sausage and leeks
  • @laundry
  • take dirty clothes downstairs
  • get change
  • wash two loads
  • @home office
  • solve Time Machine backup problem
  • @uc work [start in 40 MIN in the clean house with laundry going...]
  • make cup of tea
  • put on space music/headphones okay
  • create content types
  • make taxonomy based on your notes
  • download new modulespanels everywhere?etc.
  • download new clean theme
My house feels so much better.  I am full of good intentions about tomorrow and real work. See how that goes.

Gwen D: Report

I guess I'm a nutcase. Or I'm doing just the exact right thing. I do not know. But this is what I'm doing...

Apparently I'm SPRING CLEANING on my work-at-home day!


I'm going to keep going, on the theory that the dust and clutter and confusion in my living environment makes it difficult to perform my money work.

Go Gwen D!!

Just wanted to send you a hug and thank you for your post.  I really identified with the LAUNDRY or SITE BUILDING dilemma.  Ummm...been there, done that one more times than I want to admit.

Your post also reminded me of the other Delphi command...which seems to apply to me this week:  μηδέν άγαν  (Nothing in excess, or nothing too much--meden agan). Those Greeks sure knew how to boil it down to the essentials.

Thanks Kitty!

Whoops! I replied to myself before I refreshed to see your note. (Yeah, I'm a professional!)

Anyway, it's cool to hear from you and learn another self-evident bit of Greek wisdom. Thanks! I'm going to take that to mean that my pursuit of balance by doing a little spring cleaning might be an okay idea..

Take care!

Zytex check-out

* Suit-Up and Turn-Up! (so hard today - I am so full of dread) Smiling

* Finances: list the documents/institutions I need & plan to send requests :-)

* Team: write-up my agenda items for each member & go talk with them one to one :-)

* CR & T2M Documents - continue progress on these documents :-(

Progress not perfection. Especially pleased I made progress on the financial stuff.




Congrats Zytex!

Progress not perfection.

That is fantastic.  And going on the quotation list!!! :)  Congrats on all your progress.

Potential Energy 5

Hi alll,

tonight- go for a walk, 

call to sched vj

call zs to cancel appt

call reports Q

Invoice C

Update daily notes


tiptree CI

to do:

1) 1992: doc edits
2) 1959: try to script M.
3) work on pub. problem/characterize it
4) 1884: finish implementation
5) 682: fix breadcrumb issue
6) confirm that 1837 is fixed
7) 1712:jpg export
8) read 20 pp. Polya
9) finish training
10) s/s
11) 1860
12) 1850
13) exercise
14) pay bills
15) vacuum daughter's room
16) stain remover
17) vacuum car
18) Cat. tutorial
19) get out of the house
20) 25 pp. office book

Vic 6/2

Show up (done)

Found out yesterday husband's mother passed 2 weeks ago and we were not told. Feel ????like I am dreaming.???Like hard to breath.

Want to shut down, just need to be gentle with myself today.


Prayers & sympathy for you and your family.

♥"Joyful thanks & prayers to HP & you all for my Yoffee's recovery is almost complete.♥

(Thanks All from Vic)

Thanks everyone for support. Because of PA, I did not shut down, or pick up. One more test with son and he is done with math. Good chance for an A. Worked through stuff and just grateful that our immediate family is not like the family of origins. The Chain Has Been Broken- Thank You God!!!Our obnoxious teens changed into the finest of fine young men during this hard time.So much to be grateful for.We decided to have our own memorial.  This too shall pass. Thank you all my  wonderful "showing up" friends.

oh vic! I'm so sorry

I'm sorry to hear of her passing, and send prayers for you and your family.  It really sucks that you were not notified.   I'm just horrified to hear that, no matter what is going on in the family, that's pretty terrible.  lots of warm hugs and prayers being sent your way.


'I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday.' - Huma


so sorry. so sad! prayers with u vic!

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb


Vic, I am so sorry and cannot even imagine what you and your husband are going through.  We are all thinking of you.  Lots of hugs -- Kitty

Kitty late update 11:25 am

  • 7:30 CT Phone Meeting done!
  • Doctor's appt done!
  • Grocery done!
  • 11:30 CT Phone CI done!
  • Meditation done!
  • Return phone call done!
  • Call RP/Complete RP form done!
  • Call U done!
  • 2:30 CT Phone CI done!
  • 5 A s (Did 6!) done!
  • Mail form to TDM done!
  • Send fax to LJ done!
  • 4:30 CT Phone CI done!
  • PT
  • Gratitude Journal
  • 8:30 CT Phone Checkout

Very productive and positive day.  Even got good news about tomorrow.  Wow.  I can't believe how much my life has changed in the 3 weeks that I have been here!  Thank you all!

Fed SmBiz outline AP: call

Fed SmBiz outline
AP: call KT
FedSmBus more
1 hr Earmks inc prj pg
230pm lunch
2 hrs BRG incl proj pg
get stuff for sewing class
5pm call Vickie
5:15 leave for sewing class
7:45 dinner

"Routine is the shark cage that lets me swim safely in the real world."  Anonymous

Scribbler CI

It seems as though most people had good days yesterday. Way to go everybody who did! Everybody who didn't, keep trying. :) I had a good June 1. I got everything on my to-do list done except exercising, and I'd say that cutting the grass qualifes as considerable exercise, since it takes nearly two hours of pretty constant effort. I was especially pleased to complete the article I'd been struggling with for several days. I have a couple of followup items to do on that today. Here's the list:


  • Get up before seven, drink coffee, read paper, have good breakfast
  • Do checkins - BRIEFLY (still spending too much time on this)
  • Do lowcost factcheck
  • Call RB re: cat, plants
  • Start CIO project


  • Lunch w/son
  • Daughter's graduation
  • Finish JH book


  • Exercise
  • Get Unplugged book
  • Read, music (start writing new song), relax
  • Bed before 11 p.m.

Some other stuff I need want to get started on includes:

  • clean van
  • wash car
  • start custom pub database
  • look into setting up new website
  • straighten up Quicken accounts 
  • clean out garage
  • repair termite damage
  • repair sink drain
  • replace weatherstrip
  • install GFI outlets
  • return review gadgets
  • sell extra guitar
  • D/o Gibson w/daughter
  • remove rooftop antenna
  • get SB paperwork done
  • fx shower door water shield
  • replace bulbs
  • get new passport

Maybe I should add another: make list of lists of to-dos. 

Scribbler's to-dos

"make list of lists of to-dos"

 LOL.  That is priceless.  Laughing

Rexroth Check In

Up prayer and reflection
End of month accounts
Post letter which I forgot yesterday
Checked emails and post

Reply to one important email
Phone friend
Wash up and tidy up in kitchen
List matters from finances which need further work
Write journal

I'm feeling a bit better today at long last but I'm still not properly well.

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out


Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep

Night Folks


huma CI

The month started off well for me yesterday. Hoping to keep it going today.

Good luck to all my friends here! Laughing

  • HS info to NY
  • football proposal
  • report to HR at PA
  • blog entry
  • SEO analysis - topic A
  • SEO analysis - topic B
  • bills
  • followup with Brian
  • followup with new lead

"A year from now, you may wish you had started today." - Karen Lamb

"Fall down seven times, stand up eight." - Japanese proverb

Babarino ci 6.2.10

Personal tasks (done)

finish P1 (in progress)

hope4meandu's check-in 10:03AM

Hi Fellows,

Wow, it's been a long time, since I've showed up with a to do list. Nice to see you all again.

My cleaning procrastinating has taken a turn towards the positive, I think. Sunday and Monday were successful, but yesterday I was too tired. We are having company on Saturday, so the things that must get done are:

-clean stairs & stairwell
-wash floors & dust in dining room, kitchen & living room
-give Yoffee a bath and clean bathroom
-make up food list on what I will prepare
-go to pharmacy
-laundry on Friday

This is doable and I will ask for hubby's help.

Want to turn over some needs/desires:
-a pool for Yoffee to swim in for her legs and exercise (and she loves to swim)
-a safe exercise program for my back...p.t. was a bust this time (oh well)
-to get back on track with making amends....procrastinating lots on this one.

Without you guys, I'm toast, not even buttered with jelly, dry burnt toast!!

Have an inspiring, baby step day!!

♥"Joyful thanks & prayers because my Yoffee's recovery is almost complete.♥

Crazybug 10:05am CI

Made some progress yesterday afternoon, but would like to begin making progress in the mornings as well. I'm wanting to train myself to 'front load' my day. Today I have some concrete tasks to work on and then a pile of amorphous stuff which always throws a wrench in my work engine.

So today:

  • respond to renewal request
  • receipts
  • research bug (1 hour max)
  • transfer content and develop summary pages

I am so thankful for this community. I found the quote below and it has reminded me to take small steps rather than try to conquer the world with a 'perfect' plan...






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I have received no assurance that anything we can do
will eradicate

suffering. I think the best results are obtained by
people who work quietly

away at limited objectives, such as the abolition of
the slave trade or

prison reform, or factory acts, or tuberculosis, not
by those who think

they can achieve universal justice, or health, or
peace. I think the art of

life consists in tackling each immediate evil as well
as we can. To avert

or postpone one particular war by wise policy, or to
render one particular

campaign shorter by strength and skill and less terrible
by mercy to the

conquered and the civilians is more useful than all
the proposals for

universal peace that have ever been made; just as the
dentist who can stop

one toothache has deserved better of humanity than all
the men who think

they have some scheme for
producing a perfectly healthy race." - C.S. Lewis



Don't know what happened in my post above with the formatting. Sorry!

Journey 9:15 & updates

Yesterday was a great day, and I'm hoping to make today a great one too!  I've been to the gym for swimming, had a shower, and I'm making some breakfast.   I'll post my todo list shortly. 

UPDATED 10:30 with todo list!

  • Swim
  • Shower
  • breakfast
  • to do list
  • rotation duty - one hour planned
  • rotation duty - allow one hour for unplanned stuff
  • Project V - work on network problem - 1 hour - postponed due to call
  • Project M storage meeting - 1 hour
  • Project M Build meeting - 1 hour
  • Team Meeting - 1 hour
  • Project V - more network and/or  second build - 1 hour postponed due to rotation duty call
  • Project Z - get dates and submit charter - 1 hour - worked on it 30 mins
  • journal - 10 minutes - postponed
  • calorie king - 10 minutes
  • filing - 10 minutes
  • quiet time - 10 minutes 
  • Project V - PK reading - 15 minutes - postponed
  • dinner - 1 hour
  • pull the leftover pork and freeze - 30 minutes
  • dishes - 30 minutes
  • change sheets if time - 30 minutes
  • clean out cat carrier and put away - 15 minutes
  • install new card in MP3 player, reformat, and reload - 1 hour
  • prepare clothes for work/gym for Thursday and Friday - 15 minutes
  • earrings
  • water plants
  • feed birds
  • ADDED:  rotation duty call, approx. 2 hours


This is about 12 hours of work, but I'm hoping to have some multi-tasking time during those three hours of meetings.   If not, some stuff will be postponed! I'll work on my rotation duties first. 

UPDATE 5 pm Well a problem arose that I had to deal with as I'm the duty pager person this week, so some stuff had to be postponed, but that's ok.  I'm going to work on the dates for Project Z for half an hour then call it a day!  I've been putting off getting started on that, so if I go ahead and face it it will get easier right?




'I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday.' - Huma

kromer 8:30 CI

Yesterday was pretty good, going to try and make today good as well.

Scheduled: BASS  mtg 5-6:30

*Make dentist appt
*Finish IHC (and work on organizing during breaks)
*Go though globinclear protocol (by myself and then with someone else)

Other tasks:
*Work on VAD comp
*Work on teaching portfolio (finish rough of philosophy statement)
*Chores (change, setup, ask about plate reader, email about phenome
sets, buy supplies, pick up pass)

OK, going to start the IHC now. I'll work on organizing during breaks and try to figure out what supplies I need, then I'll go do a few chores and make dentist appt. during some of the breaks. 

tuffl CI

unexpectedly finished yesterday's TDL. yay!

to do today:




- research [2.5] - in progress

- structure (decide on most important pts) [0.5] - in progress

- 1st par [1]

- 2nd par [1]

- p1

- journal



p2 (1 or 2 par) based on ol

questions G


i've always wanted to keep a journal but was never very successful at it. however, today i'd really like to give it another try.

check-in ndb

Things I absolutely have to get done today:

  • deal with email
  • get back to K. on next week
  • call C
  • read protocol for tomorrow
  • cancel V-subscription
  • arrange location for 18th meeting
  • arrange meeting with J on last Monday's topic
  • deal with incident report
  • deal with report on 710-changes

    And what I would like to get done today:

  • calendar july-dec
  • mealplanning
  • concept for pump-evaluation
  • concept for PvE-card
  • ask R for conformity-statements
  • call G.C.

    Nicole :-)

    update ndb

    Things I absolutely have to get done today:

  • deal with email done!
  • get back to K. on next week done
  • call C  he's out; try again next week
  • read protocol for tomorrow done
  • cancel V-subscription
  • arrange location for 18th meeting
  • arrange meeting with J on last Monday's topic
  • deal with incident report
  • deal with report on 710-changes


    And what I would like to get done today:

  • calendar july-dec done
  • mealplanning
  • concept for pump-evaluation
  • concept for PvE-card
  • ask R for conformity-statements
  • call G.C.
  • ndb check-out

    Well, 5 out of 9 ain't bad Cool.  Problem is that the remaining four *have* to be done this week, but tomorrow and Friday are filled with back-to-back meetings. I guess that means evening work Surprised

    Zytex check-in

    Was out ill yesterday (will post seperately on that).

    Today I need to make progress on the following important items

    * Suit-Up and Turn-Up! (so hard today - I am so full of dread) :-)

    * Finances: list the documents/institutions I need & plan to send requests

    * Team: write-up my agenda items for each member & go talk with them one to one

    * CR & T2M Documents - continue progress on these documents

    While there are dozens of other things, making progress on these is whats improtant.

    Today I ask my Higher Power and the members of PA for help - please pray or send healing energy my way - this is an extremely difficult day, my lowest ebb - I hope I have reached rock-bottom as I do not want to sink any lower.

    Respect, Paul

    Lots of energy


    Sending you lots of positive energy and a belief that you can tackle the tasks that are before you today.  When I get really low, just focusing on 15 minutes at a time helps (or whatever length of blocks of time you can handle). Positive energy ~~~~~~~~~~~