Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Please contribute to PA! and a big thank you to PRO

As you make your budget for June, please remember to include a few bucks or euros for the PA site.  Pro does a LOT of work on this site for free, but there are also fees to be paid for web hosting, domain names, and software maintenance.   Pro is unable to pay these fees for us, so please remember to contribute and keep the site alive!

We do understand that times are hard and many people - especially procrastinators! - don't have extra money, but even a SMALL donation, even one dollar or one euro will help.  If EVERY one of us contributed even one dollar every month, that would go a long way towards paying our fees.  And of course, if you're able to contribute $5 or $10 a month that would be awesome!  

Thanks for your time, and hopefully, your money too. 8)



aka the Gentle Reminder Lady 


bump one more time then I'll let it go til July!

'Today you have the opportunity to handle those old situations in a completely new way.' -  Michael J. Emery

bumping up the gentle reminder

'Today you have the opportunity to handle those old situations in a completely new way.' -  Michael J. Emery

bumping up the gentle reminder

'Today you have the opportunity to handle those old situations in a completely new way.' -  Michael J. Emery