Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Have a nice project for next week. Valued my worth, go me!
1 PM client email down, only 1 more to go. Will finish before dinner.Done
Dinner Out: Like procrastination on tasks, I can "wait" to eat the right amount, the healthiest choice until tomorrow. I want to start making some eating commitments here too, and stop waiting for optimal health, and fitness until tomorrow.
So my one small HC (health commitment) for the duration of the day is make a healthy meal choice this evening (going out w/ hubbies clients) and have food left over to take home.
I ate half of a salad and half of my soup. I would have brought the extra home but my husband polished it off.
Working off yesterdays list. Trying desperately to not fall of the wagon.
Hi My Name is Hope-Faith and I am a Procrastinator. I have spent all of my adult life Procrastinting. Over the past year I have learned to develop routines that keep me from procrastings on my everyday daily activities and things that need to be done to maintain a somewhat oraganized lifestyle. It has been a awesome.
Today I have realized that while my routines have brought much peace and comfort into my life I have also used them to allow me to Procrastinat. So for today I will only complete rotuine items that are necessary to keep me sane tomorrow.
When I update tonight I will use this smiley to post on my routine for items that I did not accomplish. I will forgive myself and not hold it against myself.
Today I need to get paper work turned in for
3/11/10 Done
3/25/10 -Intent Done
3/25/10 - GR Done
EEO Done
WS Done
3/26/10 SB and SB Done
3/29/10 I can not remember what this one is for, I have to get better at my coding or improve my memory one.
4/1/10 80/70
I need to make appointments for (trying to make up codes so that I can be semi private yet post here so I can stay organized and focused and now I have forgotten what my codes where for, I should have written them down )
Hi - Been lat for work every day - I rush off all lateand swearing, risk getting ticet/accident on my way in, then am off balance all day and people are rightfully annoyed with me. I have been pretty down about it all -- also as usual. but this is a new day!!! and this can always be a new start. I need to :
- get off the computer, feed birds and reptiles, give meds to those who need them, sweep and vacuum bird room floor, shower, get dressed, feed myself, call my boss and ask if Mango survived, leave for work by 11:30 am (that would be amazing), bring steam clener to work if I do leave at reasonable time, be focussed and loving and competent at work all day, do all bird/reptile care when I get home, and get to bed by 1am.
I do not see how to do lists and strike outs like you guys do.
Got that contract done yesterday thank God and was on time for appointment, but nothing else really done. I had insane thoughts 2x about smoking something illegal and a third thought about smoking a cigar! A cigar ad triggered the latter - it contains a pipe tobacco that my Dad smoked when I was a kid. (also my last tobacco product 25 years ago, part of my quitting-cigs strategy). I think I'm just missing my Dad.
Late yesterday had a discouraging email from boss, then a panic call from boss, and this morning another major rush job. It's job security to be able to respond to these things but it sure make it tough to plan a day and keep a schedule!
MITs today -
EM report DONE
next steps on EM DONE
respond to MM new project DONE
respond to GJ/TA new project PROGRESS MADE
read brg stuff
Stuff I now need to hold off until the new projects are more solid or until the veep returns from vacation, whichever comes first!:
identify one action I can take toward annulment
read case study stuff
sched J med appts
chk receipts for tax deductible items
identify ONE action I can take about 2008 late tax return
Has been really hard to check in, as it's busy and my boss is here a lot this week. He also controls everything I say and do. Some changes at work are stressful, he's hired 2 new people, so my quiet, safe haven is now filled with an egomaniac who doesn't stop talking. The subject is also mostly about how great he is, and a person who hasn't been hired yet. I feel like all the joy I try to put out there is eaten up & spit out into anger, mush and impatience. I must admit I'm feeling angry, stressed, depleted, put upon and sorry for myself. I hope my boss doesn't come in today. Honestly, the only person in my life who is good to me is my sponsor and that saddens me.
Have lots to accomplish today:
-balance checkbook
-call Dr. P set up appt. for Y appt. Thursday
-call p.t. is L in?
-write up and email amended food list
-make p.t appt. for next Friday
-have to go to the g, ma, & reg Dr. for checkup - been years
-cancel w for tomorrow and make appt for other place
♥"Prayers for my Yoffee's complete & speedy recovery and prayers for direction & clarity on how she can be healed.♥
Seriously, if you're allowed to use headphones at work, they really do help with the chatty cathies. (dating myself - who remembers chatty cathy??) You can listen to some light classical music or whatever and it really does help to say " well, I gotta get back to work" put on your headphones and turn your back, it will usually shut them up.
"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel
jo you are too funny -- I DO remember Chatty Cathy!
And, I still have my original 1959 Patty Play Pal; remember her? I keep meaning to get around to having her appraised but that hasn't even made it onto a to-do list yet!
Today is a bit of a weird day...half work, half I'll have to work hard to do either whole-heartedly
Schedule is:
*Work at home until about 9:30 or 10, whenever bf wakes up
*Maybe spend some time w/ him before he catches plane home
*Head to lab
*Go out to lunch w/ friends 11:30-1:30ish
*Work in lab 1:30-5
*Go to church, prep brief reflection, give 5-6:30
*Lead youth group lesson on healthy eating 6:30-8:30
*Work in lab 8:30-11
So, clearly I'll have to deal w/ a less-than-ideal work schedule...but I get to do lots of fun stuff, so I think it's worth it. It does mean I need to prioritize what I work on.
I'd say the main MIT is to work on gonial prolif. project...I'd like to get a scatter plot of (one measure prolif) vs. (expr change) and also talk to MG about another potential measure of prolif.
I'd also like to make progress on S8 expt. planning...ideally I'd go through 2 or 3 more expts and take notes.
I think that will use up the whole day, but if I have extra time I can work on state taxes, organize struct. results or work on physiology studying.
OK, right now I'm going to do a little work on gonial prolif. project.
A bit of a tough day...I was right that the switching back and forth was rough.
I think I could have scheduled more small, concrete, time-limited tasks...the gonial prolif. project is a kind of big sprawling thing anyhow, and trying to shoehorn it in little intervals didn't work so well.
That said, I had some nice relaxation, had good harambee/mini-preaching, and made a little progress on the gonial prolif project, so the day wasn't a total loss.
I'll take this as a lesson for how to deal w/ disrupted routine, remember how much I enjoyed my break time, and try not to beat myself up.
Saturday is totally free and Sunday is mostly free, so I'll have time to catch up on some of the missed work.
Also, I have long-weekend trips Easter weekend and the weekend I'll remind myself to start lining up short, concrete tasks for travel time, since that's disrupted and mixed work/leisure.
OK, time to go home, do laundry, clean and get back on track for tomorrow!
OK, worked at home for a bit, spent some time w/ bf, went out to very nice lunch, that was fun!
Now, I have a little more than 2 hours to work...and I more feel like napping, I had a lot of food :)
I want to work on gonial prolif. project. Here are some small steps:
*Map Adult data to EG id
*Plot expr of housekeeping genes (working on this now)
*Figure out correction factors (will do this soon)
*Implement correction factors (will do this soon)
*Calc. gonial percentage
*Figure out how to make scatter plot w/ R (have made some progress on this)
*Plot vs. expr ratio in my datasets
I am SLAIN by the threadstarter! :) Just about getting back on the wagon today after a truly dire start...! Before work:
Up by 6
Check in :)
Prayer & visualisation over tasklist
Make bed
Pack calendar for R :)
Dress smartly :)
Straighten hair
Clear kitchen
Got Everything Check: phone, keys, contacts, makeup, wash stuff, book, diary
Early to work
Send info to Payday Express :)
Full makeup :)
Prayer time :)(at lunchtime!)
Read some of book :)
Do some of creative writing book :)
Backlog - Part done
Email - Part done
Paper- Part done
Tasks- Part done
Contracts- Part done
Tidy desk :)
Got Everything Check: phone :)
30m writing
Get some fresh air :)
Renew prescription for C :)
Call Payday Express :)
After work:
Pack optician stuff
Email/facebook/lj/forum :)
Charge phone :)
Vitamins :)
Clear kitchen - in progress
Tomorrow's list
Wash face/brush teeth - floss - clean contacts properly
Email report
Check in
Bed straight after check in!
Walked round park
Bath and personal care
Checked emails - very good news a child I sponser overseas has had a successful operation
Received two packages in post - a new copy of a book as the old one fell apart and an adapter for my radio so I don't have to keep fiddling with the wires to make contact
Sort and tidy and I don't know I have lots to do
Tidied and sorted a load of stuff
Found voucher which I need to change by the end of the weekend
Sorted renewal of craft organisation - but not posted it
Can't find keys missing since last weekend
Can't find valuation file which I had carefully sorted out
I'm tired from exercise and pulling everything out won't help
Wash up
Have another look for file and keys but before looking think!
I'm not going to alter the above. I have just foudn my keys - in one of the many pockets of the trousers that I am wearing and in which I am sure I had looked many times.
I have issues with administration/ paperwork and a backlog of important letters to sort out. Today I am clearing the decks. Anybody want to be my email buddy today? I could do with some encouragement.
I slept all afternoon and got little done. :( Feel frustrated and despondent. I think I will call this my day off as I was very active on Sunday which was the day I said I would have off. At least then I don't feel so guilty and useless.
Still tomorrow is another day. A fresh new day. A better day I hope.
I also called my bank and talked about one important thing. I also sorted and washed a lot of clothes. I listened 1 hour of Joyce Meyer conferenceses. I think that I am on my "Safety Area" (I call my active life Safety Area :)) already since Ive done so much already today. Glad and grateful about it. :)
-When I look into the future, it is so bright it burns my eyes ~ Oprah Windfrey
Mid-Day Check-in
Talked to all clients.
Have a nice project for next week. Valued my worth, go me!
1 PM client email down, only 1 more to go. Will finish before dinner.Done
Dinner Out: Like procrastination on tasks, I can "wait" to eat the right amount, the healthiest choice until tomorrow. I want to start making some eating commitments here too, and stop waiting for optimal health, and fitness until tomorrow.
So my one small HC (health commitment) for the duration of the day is make a healthy meal choice this evening (going out w/ hubbies clients) and have food left over to take home.
I ate half of a salad and half of my soup. I would have brought the extra home but my husband polished it off.
Hope-Faith CI 12:50
Working off yesterdays list. Trying desperately to not fall of the wagon.
Hi My Name is Hope-Faith and I am a Procrastinator. I have spent all of my adult life Procrastinting. Over the past year I have learned to develop routines that keep me from procrastings on my everyday daily activities and things that need to be done to maintain a somewhat oraganized lifestyle. It has been a awesome.
Today I have realized that while my routines have brought much peace and comfort into my life I have also used them to allow me to Procrastinat. So for today I will only complete rotuine items that are necessary to keep me sane tomorrow.
When I update tonight I will use this smiley
to post on my routine for items that I did not accomplish. I will forgive myself and not hold it against myself.
Today I need to get paper work turned in for
I need to make appointments for (trying to make up codes so that I can be semi private yet post here so I can stay organized and focused and now I have forgotten what my codes where for, I should have written them down
Planning for tomorrow
Trying to Not be so Discouraged
Hi - Been lat for work every day - I rush off all lateand swearing, risk getting ticet/accident on my way in, then am off balance all day and people are rightfully annoyed with me. I have been pretty down about it all -- also as usual. but this is a new day!!! and this can always be a new start. I need to :
- get off the computer, feed birds and reptiles, give meds to those who need them, sweep and vacuum bird room floor, shower, get dressed, feed myself, call my boss and ask if Mango survived, leave for work by 11:30 am (that would be amazing), bring steam clener to work if I do leave at reasonable time, be focussed and loving and competent at work all day, do all bird/reptile care when I get home, and get to bed by 1am.
I do not see how to do lists and strike outs like you guys do.
Bye - Birdlady
Agnus 11:15am and closeout 9:15pm
Got that contract done yesterday thank God and was on time for appointment, but nothing else really done. I had insane thoughts 2x about smoking something illegal and a third thought about smoking a cigar! A cigar ad triggered the latter - it contains a pipe tobacco that my Dad smoked when I was a kid. (also my last tobacco product 25 years ago, part of my quitting-cigs strategy). I think I'm just missing my Dad.
Late yesterday had a discouraging email from boss, then a panic call from boss, and this morning another major rush job. It's job security to be able to respond to these things but it sure make it tough to plan a day and keep a schedule!
MITs today -
Stuff I now need to hold off until the new projects are more solid or until the veep returns from vacation, whichever comes first!:
Journey 10 am
Stressful day at work . . .lots to get done, and lots of pressure from the boss who's getting pressure from above . . .
I've been to the gym, read email and checked calendar, and now I'm going to work on Project V until I hear something different from the boss!
"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel
Melin 3pm
Ok I have done a few things today. I'll do the rest after a 15-minute break.
Essays batch 1Essays batch 2AerobicsCall IndepLaundryEssay batch 3
Prepare for meeting tomorrow
Register marks etc
Prepare parent talk
Look for lost paper
Mail S + J
hope4meandu checkin (8:42AM) Thanks Huma for the starter!!
Hi All,
Has been really hard to check in, as it's busy and my boss is here a lot this week. He also controls everything I say and do. Some changes at work are stressful, he's hired 2 new people, so my quiet, safe haven is now filled with an egomaniac who doesn't stop talking. The subject is also mostly about how great he is, and a person who hasn't been hired yet. I feel like all the joy I try to put out there is eaten up & spit out into anger, mush and impatience. I must admit I'm feeling angry, stressed, depleted, put upon and sorry for myself. I hope my boss doesn't come in today. Honestly, the only person in my life who is good to me is my sponsor and that saddens me.
Have lots to accomplish today:
-balance checkbook
call Dr. P set up appt. for Y appt. Thursday-
call p.t. is L in?-write up and email amended food list
-make p.t appt. for next Friday
-have to go to the g, ma, & reg Dr. for checkup - been years
-cancel w for tomorrow and make appt for other place
♥"Prayers for my Yoffee's complete & speedy recovery and prayers for direction & clarity on how she can be healed.♥
hugs hope
Ignore the new guy as best you can with an "I'm too busy to chat" attitude! Hang in there!
"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel
Blessings and thanks ((Jo))
♥"Prayers for my Yoffee's complete & speedy recovery and prayers for direction & clarity on how she can be healed.♥
earplugs help too!
LOL Agnus!!! Thanks for the laugh!!
♥"Prayers for my Yoffee's complete & speedy recovery and prayers for direction & clarity on how she can be healed.♥
re: earplugs
Seriously, if you're allowed to use headphones at work, they really do help with the chatty cathies. (dating myself - who remembers chatty cathy??) You can listen to some light classical music or whatever and it really does help to say " well, I gotta get back to work" put on your headphones and turn your back, it will usually shut them up.
"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel
chatty cathy? omg!
jo you are too funny -- I DO remember Chatty Cathy!
And, I still have my original 1959 Patty Play Pal; remember her? I keep meaning to get around to having her appraised but that hasn't even made it onto a to-do list yet!
kromer 8:40 CI
Today is a bit of a weird day...half work, half I'll have to work hard to do either whole-heartedly
Schedule is:
*Work at home until about 9:30 or 10, whenever bf wakes up
*Maybe spend some time w/ him before he catches plane home
*Head to lab
*Go out to lunch w/ friends 11:30-1:30ish
*Work in lab 1:30-5
*Go to church, prep brief reflection, give 5-6:30
*Lead youth group lesson on healthy eating 6:30-8:30
*Work in lab 8:30-11
So, clearly I'll have to deal w/ a less-than-ideal work schedule...but I get to do lots of fun stuff, so I think it's worth it. It does mean I need to prioritize what I work on.
I'd say the main MIT is to work on gonial prolif. project...I'd like to get a scatter plot of (one measure prolif) vs. (expr change) and also talk to MG about another potential measure of prolif.
I'd also like to make progress on S8 expt. planning...ideally I'd go through 2 or 3 more expts and take notes.
I think that will use up the whole day, but if I have extra time I can work on state taxes, organize struct. results or work on physiology studying.
OK, right now I'm going to do a little work on gonial prolif. project.
kromer CO
A bit of a tough day...I was right that the switching back and forth was rough.
I think I could have scheduled more small, concrete, time-limited tasks...the gonial prolif. project is a kind of big sprawling thing anyhow, and trying to shoehorn it in little intervals didn't work so well.
That said, I had some nice relaxation, had good harambee/mini-preaching, and made a little progress on the gonial prolif project, so the day wasn't a total loss.
I'll take this as a lesson for how to deal w/ disrupted routine, remember how much I enjoyed my break time, and try not to beat myself up.
Saturday is totally free and Sunday is mostly free, so I'll have time to catch up on some of the missed work.
Also, I have long-weekend trips Easter weekend and the weekend I'll remind myself to start lining up short, concrete tasks for travel time, since that's disrupted and mixed work/leisure.
OK, time to go home, do laundry, clean and get back on track for tomorrow!
kromer 2:40 CI
OK, worked at home for a bit, spent some time w/ bf, went out to very nice lunch, that was fun!
Now, I have a little more than 2 hours to work...and I more feel like napping, I had a lot of food :)
I want to work on gonial prolif. project. Here are some small steps:
Map Adult data to EG id*Plot expr of housekeeping genes (working on this now)
*Figure out correction factors (will do this soon)
*Implement correction factors (will do this soon)
*Calc. gonial percentage
*Figure out how to make scatter plot w/ R (have made some progress on this)
*Plot vs. expr ratio in my datasets
Lucky CI
I am SLAIN by the threadstarter! :) Just about getting back on the wagon today after a truly dire start...! Before work:
Up by 6
Check in :)
Prayer & visualisation over tasklist
Make bed
Pack calendar for R :)
Dress smartly :)
Straighten hair
Clear kitchen
Got Everything Check: phone, keys, contacts, makeup, wash stuff, book, diary
Early to work
Send info to Payday Express :)
Full makeup :)
Prayer time :)(at lunchtime!)
Read some of book :)
Do some of creative writing book :)
Backlog - Part done
Email - Part done
Paper- Part done
Tasks- Part done
Contracts- Part done
Tidy desk :)
Got Everything Check: phone :)
30m writing
Get some fresh air :)
Renew prescription for C :)
Call Payday Express :)
After work:
Pack optician stuff
Email/facebook/lj/forum :)
Charge phone :)
Vitamins :)
Clear kitchen - in progress
Tomorrow's list
Wash face/brush teeth - floss - clean contacts properly
Email report
Check in
Bed straight after check in!
Rexroth Check In
Walked round park
Bath and personal care
Checked emails - very good news a child I sponser overseas has had a successful operation
Received two packages in post - a new copy of a book as the old one fell apart and an adapter for my radio so I don't have to keep fiddling with the wires to make contact
Sort and tidy and I don't know I have lots to do
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Update
Tidied and sorted a load of stuff
Found voucher which I need to change by the end of the weekend
Sorted renewal of craft organisation - but not posted it
Can't find keys missing since last weekend
Can't find valuation file which I had carefully sorted out
I'm tired from exercise and pulling everything out won't help
Wash up
Have another look for file and keys but before looking think!
I'm not going to alter the above. I have just foudn my keys - in one of the many pockets of the trousers that I am wearing and in which I am sure I had looked many times.
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Update
Washed up
Made and eaten supper
Wash up again
Wash trousers
Write journal
Have another look for file and papers I'm sure it is because I am tired
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Done and a few bits of sorting and I still can't find the file.
Night Folks
Going to finish all my Assignments today
Will keep you guys posted.
I procrastinated again
But I can't pin-point where and when.
Wrote 1 answer.
But I'll get there.
Starting out now @ 11:44 am
Mechatronics assignment#2
Melin at noon
One batch of essays marked and corrected. Now I am going to take a lunch break. In the afternoon I have two more batches to correct.
got only two hours left in
got only two hours left in today`s work day:
read 60 pages till noon
write expertise till 1pm
says "sorry for my silly English, not a native speaker here :-) "
"Failing to plan is planning to fail"
Helen's CI
I have issues with administration/ paperwork and a backlog of important letters to sort out. Today I am clearing the decks. Anybody want to be my email buddy today? I could do with some encouragement.
Study TMA01 1/20 (1st April)
Chase Steamer
v pillow case return
Reply -Money from solicitor
Flatten your T-shirt transfer
Letter to W
Tax return
Move fire alarm
Put lock back
Voice recorder
Check phone refund
Amazon Money
Check phone bill
Central heating problem
Plant seeds for garden
check eon
CV - Edit education
Fix printer
Helen's check out
I slept all afternoon and got little done. :( Feel frustrated and despondent. I think I will call this my day off as I was very active on Sunday which was the day I said I would have off. At least then I don't feel so guilty and useless.
Still tomorrow is another day. A fresh new day. A better day I hope.
Thanks to Lucky and to you all for listening
Me Me! (If not too late!)
Me Me! (If not too late!)
Thanks Lucky
That will be great!
huma CI
Hey everyone! I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday.
By 11am:
By 12noon:
Nightime by 930pm:
"It is never too late to be who you might have been" - George Eliot
"Fall seven times. Stand up eight." - Japanese proverb
Love the Smile Huma
That smiley face makes me smile. And encourages me to create that kind of smile for myself! Go you.
I love that statement Huma!
"I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday"
This might show up as my tag line one of these days!
"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel
Guten Tag ,
To do;
-Call M, or K and try do solve the problem
-Go to post and send the letter
-moderate lunch & supper
-work out; pilates
I also called my bank and talked about one important thing. I also sorted and washed a lot of clothes. I listened 1 hour of Joyce Meyer conferenceses. I think that I am on my "Safety Area" (I call my active life Safety Area :)) already since Ive done so much already today. Glad and grateful about it. :)
-When I look into the future, it is so bright it burns my eyes ~ Oprah Windfrey