Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
2pm Cat to vet -- DONE now - Shower 5pm - Leave house -- take ck with me 6pm - Arrive at MP
After MP - deposit ck -Drive Home
-Work on invitations -Write to-do list for Friday
-Prep & brainstorm for Sat session
On going list fitting in what I can...
0) Write up invitations & print -- DONE
1) Work on WB editing
2) Input 2009 fin. data to excel 3) Fill out ind cont form & copy DONE
4) Learn CSync to transfer files to desktop comp
5) Write cover letter for N job
6) Write cover letter for S job
7) Upload portfolio for S job
8. Call M&M and schedule meeting next week
9) Call airlines about missing refund
10) Check with C. on form that was emailed
11) Drop by B
12) Find B. contest award
13) Car wash 14) New Check to deposit --- DONE
15) PhMTX -- practice more
16) Edit 4 A. -- IN PROGRESS, TWO DONE
17) Import cards -- PARTIALLY DONE
18) Re-organize & re-prioritize to-do list
20) Schedule cpa appt?
21) Con. deadlines
22) BU comp!!! (CSync or other)
23) Open new bank acct -- GOT INFO FROM ONE BANK, NEED MORE TO COMPARE 24) Reply to P. B. -- DONE
25) Clean up living room -- PARTIALLY DONE
26) Email px 2 K. A. --- needs to be done soon, have to find info first
27) Order cruise control
I am not sure if I understand how this checking in thing works, but here I am. I am in the middle of a paper that is already overdue and I am having a hard time envisioning it being done, ever. Today I will:
neaten up section R, which is almost done. I think I can finish this section and I hope that will give me a boost.
see what else needs to be done in section D and then start on it.
just look at the next chapter and figure out a list of what it needs.
Have a report I want to finish by tommorrow. They are waiting for the report to make the next move.
I am in that dark place again, the one we all know and don't understand. This is the only place I can "talk" about it and know that other know. I feel like I am ready to jump out of my skin and paraylized at the same time,
Right now I will do the next 3 things and keep checking in:
I feel like someone up on stage, with severe stage fright, but I have read of successful people who have felt that way a nd have overcome it.
So here goes, One thing that helped before was my friend said "just do the job" so that is my focus "the job" no assessments included, just the job.
1. put disc in my computer 2. see if what I am looking for is on this dis3,
1 start writing.
7:30 pm Well since before, I had to pick up son at work, make dinner, younger son broght friend and I had to take him home, and go to store to pick up milk and few items.
Back to writing. Whatever, so hard not to beat self up, plan on staying up all nite, and/or call tommorrow and make up some excuse, or ???? why??I really need an act of God to help me. Write, check in later.
10min ci :)
10min emerg email only / ck mtgs - missed a mtg. have one in 7 min :/
30min quiet time
60min wko
15min rdy
10min dailies
10min work plan
work hard.
10min ci :)
10min emerg email only / ck mtgs - missed a mtg. have one in 7 min :/ :)
30min quiet time :-(
60min wko :)
15min rdy :-(
10min dailies :)
10min work plan - eh
work hard. - eh
(ok, after i checked in before i fell asleep again so i'm starting over...)
it's now 16.33 and i've just woken up... this time i am dressed and i have a cup of coffee.
i've just read a passage of 'the feeling good handbook' which reminded me that thinking i have to produce lots of good work in the next 5 days is going to make me frozen with fear of failure so instead i am going to just think i need to produce some work today and i can keep working on it to make it better. it doesn't have to be perfect now...
so today i need to
do some observational drawing (done 1 piece will do more now)
do some sketchbook work
review my old portfolio to see what i can use
clean the kitchen
also, instead of feeling bad about having only just got up i can think of it as morning now and not go to bed til 4 in the morning.... i don't have any responsibilities to anyone else after all i can just focus on my work... and time IS an illusion anyway right?
UPDATE 2:30 *whew* I'm 'on-call' this week and it's been non-stop phone calls and trouble tickets this morning. Now that I have a chance to breathe, I want to do nothing! But I will not do nothing, I will write up the minutes of this morning's meeting and get them distributed, then figure out how to add the new people to the distribution list and the sharepoint. I am tired from the hectic morning but this task is easy, I just need to do it. The workday will be over in 3 hours, so I'll just stay busy and it will go by fast. Right? Right!
UPDATE 3:30 The above is done, now I need to decide whether to do project work or more on-call stuff. I think I'll go ahead and finish up the on-call stuff just in case tomorrow turns out to be as busy as today.
UPDATE 5:00 ok that is done. I am waiting for some batch jobs to run, and I'll review the status of my 3 projects and write down the next action on each. Then I'm going home. This has been a busy day and I'm tired, but I feel good that I have worked hard today.
I will stop by the library and pick up dog food on the way home, pick up dinner, and then relax!
Every time you get up and get back in the race, one more little piece of you starts to fall into place - (from "Stand" by Rascal Flatts)
So glad to hear your happy surprise, Rexroth-YAY! Sometimes the good guys DO win.
I've spent some time this morning seeking knowledge of God's will for me and the Power to carry it out. Seems like this should be my plan du jour:
Banking DONE!
Shower to shoes DONE!
AH flow planning, content to DD DONE!
Sort debits to Q
BREAK - stretch, personal calls, water (missed this completely but did drink some water)
AP mtng plan,DONE!
AP presentation prep
EM sub SoW review and recommendations
LUNCH -stretch,vitamins, water DONE!
ST consolidations Progress...
BREAK - stretch, calls, water Not
Look up an old friend I've been thinking about (using an online service that I ordered when it was free, but which was automatically renewed at a ridiculous cost due to some stupid paypal might as well use it...) Not
Walk the dog DONE!
DINNER - vitamins, water, DONE! calls Not
7pm leave for 12 Step mtng DONE!
10pm bedtime Not
Hope everyone enjoys an "HP Sighting" today, some moment when you clearly see your progressive recovery or other example of your Higher Power's care for you.
this is my first check in and am new. i have a number of things to accomplish today:
(1) get to the office by 7:30 a.m. [did not happen - got in at 10 a.m. even though I got up at 6 a.m.Iworked from 8 a.m to 10 a.m. on two articles which i finished but this was lower priority than my other work.
(2) return all phone calls even if it's to schedule a conference call for later [not done yet] -
(4) meet friends for dinner at 7 p.m. (which means leave office by 6:15 p.m.)
(5) do bills from yesterday
[not done yet] -
(6) no internet during the day
[did not keep this so far today; will adjust that no internet after 2 p.m.] -
Perhaps it's a good sign that this was probably one of the most difficult days . . . shows that what I have accepted as "normal" for so long and have struggled to change . . . is getting to me. I had given an assignment last week to 2 employees. It was small but necessary and I assumed they got it done and found out tonight it had not. They let it fall through the cracks. But my lack of management and holding them accountable didn't help them "remember" that it had to be done. Now it's a mad rush tomorrow. Not only am I not managing my own time but not that of the people who report to me. I am so frustrated and do not want to keep living life like this.
I ended up having a total meltdown with myself -- feeling discouraged that I've been working on these same issues for years and years. It's a start. And tomorrow is another day - but I am committed to working this program.
What a day! I have returned from shopping in the early afternoon to find that a deal has gone through and I have received a lot of money and have reached the end of part of a legal/business argument that I have been involved in for many years aqnd which I put of dealing with for many years.
Up and got ready and went out shopping
Shopping not very successful but done
Home and the info above
Phoned solicitor
Dealt with emails and post
Emailed friend to thank for support over years
Rest I am shocked at the news - good shock but still shock
Write needs and wants
Write journal
File legal letter and note todo to finish up surrounding admin
OK, today is a busy day, but I'm going to do the best I can.
I have TA training 10-3 and Harambee 6-8:30.
I absolutely need to:
*Deal w/ seminar website
*prep for harambee, set up mtg
*make bg slides (made progress), qc/overview slides, slides w/ ES cell results
*Take care of cells and mice
*Call AG
If at all possible, I'd also like to:
*Edit pset, do a little more prep for teaching
*Email ID
*Make slides w/ GSEA results
*Clean up papers
OK, going to take care of seminar website now, then I'll go to TA training. At TA training, I'll talk w/ my co-TA to figure out what teaching prep I should be doing. After TA training, I'll take care of cells and mice, then work on slides.
OK, I got through most of my MITs, but I didn't have time to finish the slides (and I can't work on them while at home, because powerpoint versions are incompatible)
So, I'll do that tomorrow morning (I'll try to get it done before my 10am staff mtg.
For tonight, I want to get through some of my other tasks. Most importantly, I need to fix up pset. There's one part that will take some serious thinking, and that'll probably have to wait until tomorrow when I'm a little fresher, but the rest is just combining edits from 2 people, and there's no reason not to do it tonight. Should take maybe 30 min.
Then, I want to email ID. This should take 15 min, and I've been putting it off for WEEKS.
At that point, I can take a shower and go to bed if I want to. But, if I have extra energy, I'll work on organizing my lab nb papers.
i have just got out of bed. it's 13.40 here. that's very bad. yesterday i didn't get all i planned done and felt really crappy about it and went to bed early!
i have one week to get my portfolio ready for a college interview and i'm worrying.
Prosick Check-in 4:10 pm
2pm Cat to vet-- DONEnow - Shower5pm - Leave house -- take ck with me6pm - Arrive at MPAfter MP - deposit ck
-Drive Home-Work on invitations
-Write to-do list for Friday-Prep & brainstorm for Sat session
On going list fitting in what I can...
0) Write up invitations & print-- DONE1) Work on WB editing
2) Input 2009 fin. data to excel
3) Fill out ind cont form & copyDONE4) Learn CSync to transfer files to desktop comp
5) Write cover letter for N job
6) Write cover letter for S job
7) Upload portfolio for S job
8. Call M&M and schedule meeting next week
9) Call airlines about missing refund
10) Check with C. on form that was emailed
11) Drop by B
12) Find B. contest award
13) Car wash
14) New Check to deposit--- DONE15) PhMTX -- practice more
16) Edit 4 A. -- IN PROGRESS, TWO DONE
17) Import cards -- PARTIALLY DONE
18) Re-organize & re-prioritize to-do list
20) Schedule cpa appt?
21) Con. deadlines
22) BU comp!!! (CSync or other)
24) Reply to P. B.-- DONE25) Clean up living room -- PARTIALLY DONE
26) Email px 2 K. A. --- needs to be done soon, have to find info first
27) Order cruise control
Thondiel on Thurs
I am not sure if I understand how this checking in thing works, but here I am. I am in the middle of a paper that is already overdue and I am having a hard time envisioning it being done, ever. Today I will:
Vic 1/28
Show up (done)
Have a report I want to finish by tommorrow. They are waiting for the report to make the next move.
I am in that dark place again, the one we all know and don't understand. This is the only place I can "talk" about it and know that other know. I feel like I am ready to jump out of my skin and paraylized at the same time,
Right now I will do the next 3 things and keep checking in:
I feel like someone up on stage, with severe stage fright, but I have read of successful people who have felt that way a nd have overcome it.
So here goes, One thing that helped before was my friend said "just do the job" so that is my focus "the job" no assessments included, just the job.
1. put disc in my computer 2. see if what I am looking for is on this dis3,1 start writing.
7:30 pm Well since before, I had to pick up son at work, make dinner, younger son broght friend and I had to take him home, and go to store to pick up milk and few items.
Back to writing. Whatever, so hard not to beat self up, plan on staying up all nite, and/or call tommorrow and make up some excuse, or ???? why??I really need an act of God to help me. Write, check in later.
CL daily overcoming
addict, checking in.
discouraged today.
10min ci :)
10min emerg email only / ck mtgs - missed a mtg. have one in 7 min :/
30min quiet time
60min wko
15min rdy
10min dailies
10min work plan
work hard.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
CL daily overcoming 2
ty rec!
wound up being an ok day.
10min ci :)
10min emerg email only / ck mtgs - missed a mtg. have one in 7 min :/ :)
30min quiet time :-(
60min wko :)
15min rdy :-(
10min dailies :)
10min work plan - eh
work hard. - eh
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
Hang in there, clement!
You can do it! Inch by inch, its a cinch, yard by yard, its hard... Hope your day goes well!
checking in again...
(ok, after i checked in before i fell asleep again so i'm starting over...)
it's now 16.33 and i've just woken up... this time i am dressed and i have a cup of coffee.
i've just read a passage of 'the feeling good handbook' which reminded me that thinking i have to produce lots of good work in the next 5 days is going to make me frozen with fear of failure so instead i am going to just think i need to produce some work today and i can keep working on it to make it better. it doesn't have to be perfect now...
so today i need to
do some observational drawing (done 1 piece will do more now)do some sketchbook work
review my old portfolio to see what i can use
clean the kitchenalso, instead of feeling bad about having only just got up i can think of it as morning now and not go to bed til 4 in the morning.... i don't have any responsibilities to anyone else after all i can just focus on my work... and time IS an illusion anyway right?
Cal20 checking in - 8:36am
Coming here an checking-in is helping me focus and be accountable.
-Car registration (on-time for once)
-Work on O project – due Monday!
-Send V implementation details for sox
-Add net-price to portal report
New day! Ready, set, GO!
"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”
Journey 10:30 & update
late checkin, busy day, more later!
UPDATE 2:30 *whew* I'm 'on-call' this week and it's been non-stop phone calls and trouble tickets this morning. Now that I have a chance to breathe, I want to do nothing! But I will not do nothing, I will write up the minutes of this morning's meeting and get them distributed, then figure out how to add the new people to the distribution list and the sharepoint. I am tired from the hectic morning but this task is easy, I just need to do it. The workday will be over in 3 hours, so I'll just stay busy and it will go by fast. Right? Right!
UPDATE 3:30 The above is done, now I need to decide whether to do project work or more on-call stuff. I think I'll go ahead and finish up the on-call stuff just in case tomorrow turns out to be as busy as today.
UPDATE 5:00 ok that is done. I am waiting for some batch jobs to run, and I'll review the status of my 3 projects and write down the next action on each. Then I'm going home. This has been a busy day and I'm tired, but I feel good that I have worked hard today.
I will stop by the library and pick up dog food on the way home, pick up dinner, and then relax!
Every time you get up and get back in the race, one more little piece of you starts to fall into place - (from "Stand" by Rascal Flatts)
hope4meandu check-in (10:08AM)
Hi All,
Adorable graphics Inkling, really nice sentiment Agnus and happy to hear your great news Rexroth too!!
Used the chatbox at work yesterday and it helped so, so much. Very grateful.
-send out internal financials
-finish attendance
-do filing
-start getting my deadline materials together
For me:
-checking account
-contact gym to move accounts
-contact Yoffee insurance to move accounts
Will check-in later, as things get going. Be thinking of you all today and wishing all good things!!
♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥
Agnus showing up, and cheers for Rexroth
So glad to hear your happy surprise, Rexroth-YAY! Sometimes the good guys DO win.
I've spent some time this morning seeking knowledge of God's will for me and the Power to carry it out. Seems like this should be my plan du jour:
BankingDONE!Shower to shoesDONE!mtng plan,DONE!LUNCH -stretch,vitamins, waterDONE!DINNER - vitamins, water,DONE! calls NotHope everyone enjoys an "HP Sighting" today, some moment when you clearly see your progressive recovery or other example of your Higher Power's care for you.
tracy-la check in
this is my first check in and am new. i have a number of things to accomplish today:
(1) get to the office by 7:30 a.m.
(2) return all phone calls even if it's to schedule a conference call for later
(3) draft 4 documents (C, Ch, B, G)
(4) meet friends for dinner at 7 p.m. (which means leave office by 6:15 p.m.)
(5) do bills from yesterday
(6) no internet during the day
Have a great day everyone. tracy
this is my first check in
this is my first check in and am new. i have a number of things to accomplish today:
(1) get to the office by 7:30 a.m. [did not happen - got in at 10 a.m. even though I got up at 6 a.m.Iworked from 8 a.m to 10 a.m. on two articles which i finished but this was lower priority than my other work.
(2) return all phone calls even if it's to schedule a conference call for later [not done yet] -
(3) draft 4 documents (C, Ch, B, G)
[finished one] -
(4) meet friends for dinner at 7 p.m. (which means leave office by 6:15 p.m.)
(5) do bills from yesterday
[not done yet] -
(6) no internet during the day
[did not keep this so far today; will adjust that no internet after 2 p.m.] -
Perhaps it's a good sign that this was probably one of the most difficult days . . . shows that what I have accepted as "normal" for so long and have struggled to change . . . is getting to me. I had given an assignment last week to 2 employees. It was small but necessary and I assumed they got it done and found out tonight it had not. They let it fall through the cracks. But my lack of management and holding them accountable didn't help them "remember" that it had to be done. Now it's a mad rush tomorrow. Not only am I not managing my own time but not that of the people who report to me. I am so frustrated and do not want to keep living life like this.
I ended up having a total meltdown with myself -- feeling discouraged that I've been working on these same issues for years and years. It's a start. And tomorrow is another day - but I am committed to working this program.
Welcome tracy-la
So glad you are here with us!!
♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥
thanks for greeting
am looking forward to getting to know everyone and lending support as well as receiving support and inspiration. :)
welcome tracy!
You are off to a good start!
Every time you get up and get back in the race, one more little piece of you starts to fall into place - (from "Stand" by Rascal Flatts)
Rexroth Check In
What a day! I have returned from shopping in the early afternoon to find that a deal has gone through and I have received a lot of money and have reached the end of part of a legal/business argument that I have been involved in for many years aqnd which I put of dealing with for many years.
Up and got ready and went out shopping
Shopping not very successful but done
Home and the info above
Phoned solicitor
Dealt with emails and post
Emailed friend to thank for support over years
Rest I am shocked at the news - good shock but still shock
Write needs and wants
Write journal
File legal letter and note todo to finish up surrounding admin
Think what else to do
Regards Rexroth
Congratulations Rexroth!
Every time you get up and get back in the race, one more little piece of you starts to fall into place - (from "Stand" by Rascal Flatts)
kromer 9:15 CI
OK, today is a busy day, but I'm going to do the best I can.
I have
TA training 10-3 and Harambee 6-8:30.
I absolutely need to:
Deal w/ seminar website*
prep for harambee, set up mtg*make bg slides (made progress), qc/overview slides,
slides w/ ES cell results*
Take care of cells and mice*
Call AGIf at all possible, I'd also like to:
*Edit pset, do a little more prep for teaching
*Email ID
*Make slides w/ GSEA results
*Clean up papers
OK, going to take care of seminar website now, then I'll go to TA training. At TA training, I'll talk w/ my co-TA to figure out what teaching prep I should be doing. After TA training, I'll take care of cells and mice, then work on slides.
kromer 9:55 CI
OK, I got through most of my MITs, but I didn't have time to finish the slides (and I can't work on them while at home, because powerpoint versions are incompatible)
So, I'll do that tomorrow morning (I'll try to get it done before my 10am staff mtg.
For tonight, I want to get through some of my other tasks. Most importantly, I need to fix up pset. There's one part that will take some serious thinking, and that'll probably have to wait until tomorrow when I'm a little fresher, but the rest is just combining edits from 2 people, and there's no reason not to do it tonight. Should take maybe 30 min.
Then, I want to email ID. This should take 15 min, and I've been putting it off for WEEKS.
At that point, I can take a shower and go to bed if I want to. But, if I have extra energy, I'll work on organizing my lab nb papers.
Heading to the chatbox now.
checking in?
am i doing this in the right place...?
i have just got out of bed. it's 13.40 here. that's very bad. yesterday i didn't get all i planned done and felt really crappy about it and went to bed early!
i have one week to get my portfolio ready for a college interview and i'm worrying.
Yep, you're in the right place!
Every time you get up and get back in the race, one more little piece of you starts to fall into place - (from "Stand" by Rascal Flatts)
Inkling checking in
Picking myself up, dusting myself off and starting all over again.
Got up, fed dog, ate breakfast, showered, dressed, put on makeup (!) and arrived at work on time. Now for the next 8 hours:
Way to go Inkling---praying for ya!!
♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥