Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

hope4meandu check-in (12:45PM)

Hi All,

Have been in a depression for a few days, but still showing up and trying to catch up at work. I feel really bad inside...It seems like when it comes to financial things I feel out of control, overwhelmed and hopeless.

Have been working steadily today, thank G_d, this afternoon after lunch I want to:
-complete bonds
-go through to do file
-filing & putting together new notebooks
-get large mailing packages ready for Friday

Good for now.

Take good care!!

♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥

Agnus checking in

I've been focusing more on some of my other recovery needs lately so been a bit scarce here. But I'm certainly not cured! It's always good to catch up with friends here and re-center.  I'm doing personal backlogs today, as I have no urgent work tasks.

A friend who works daily on her vocabulary skills, sent me this today - thought you might get a kick out of it. We may have a common ancestor in King Augeas...At least we're royalty! :grin:

Augean stable 

\aw-JEE-un-STAY-bul\   noun


Meaning: a condition or place marked by great accumulation of filth or corruption 

Example Sentence: The presidency of Ulysses S. Grant was marred by his refusal to clean out the Augean stables of his own administration.

Did you know?  "Augean stable" most often appears in the phrase "clean the Augean stable," which usually means "clear away corruption" or "perform a large and unpleasant task that has long called for attention." Augeas, the mythical king of Elis, kept great stables that held 3,000 oxen and had not been cleaned for thirty years — until Hercules was assigned the job. Hercules accomplished this task by causing two rivers to run through the stables. The word "Augean" is sometimes used by itself, too — it has come to mean "extremely difficult and usually distasteful." We can refer to "Augean tasks," "Augean labor," or even "Augean clutter."

*Indicates the sense illustrated in the example sentence.


Vic 1/20

  Show up (done)

Feels like I am stepping on this bridge. I don;t want to but I have to. I managed to waste away a week on a report, which in the beginning, I swore I would not do this again, yet here I sit, again.


1. GaTHER what I did,

2. pull up report form

3. plan

4. go out for research make calls

5. Start writing one word at a time.

6. Visualize myself doing it.


Inkling Check In

Getting going with a list for this afternoon.


  • Eat lunch
  • Call Mrs. H
  • Send out recent gift forms
  • Send out recent loan forms
  • Call dentist
  • Call computer guy


I am telling my self to breathe steadily and just start with the first thing. 

kromer 9:30 CI

Goodness, so much to do today, I'm tempted to just give it up as hopeless and surf the web all day (because that's sensible, right?)

OK, let's make a plan:

Scheduled: seminar 11-12, supergroup mtg 4:20-7:30ish

Highest priority tasks:
*Place order
*write 2 pset problems
*check on mice and WM
*Plan for RT
*email about data

Medium priority:
*start lab mtg pres
*email YG reminder
*make bday card for brother

lower priority:
*Read about HPLC
*Clean off slides
*Put away dishes
*Read about BLAST

OK, placing order now, then I'll work on pset problems. I'm going to get as much done as possible befoe seminar, then go to seminar and lunch. After lunch, I'll take care of emails and checking on mice/WM, then plan for RT, then go to supergroup meeting. After supergroup meeting I'll finish pset problems, then I'll move on to medium/low priority tasks. Heading to the chatbox now.

Journey 9:15 & update

Good morning all!

I am working from home today.   I also exercised at home, had breakfast, checked my email and calendar.  Now I'm drifting a bit so checking in to get this day on track.  First up I really need a shower, then abnother cup of coffee, to do list, plug my planned activities into google calendar, and then check back here.

UPDATE 11:30 todo list made, schedule planned, and on a conference call now.  sort of a slow start today but not too bad.

UPDATE 3:30  feeling tired after yet another long conference call and I've been goofing off for the last half hour or so.   back to work!  I will work on Project V. for the next hour.


Every time you get up and get back in the race, one more little piece of you starts to fall into place - (from "Stand" by Rascal Flatts)

Rise In Flames Check In

Coming back to the board after a couple of years! Embarassed


Work List:

  • Network Issue Email
  • PS Tech Call
  • Action 01 Report IR
  • Email TB
  • NM Printout
  • NM Ref. MD Report
  • Reimbursement Email
  • Rx call
  • Run C. Fix, close ticket
  • 2 calls with 12 Step Members
  • *clear inbox
  • *clear waiting emails
  • *clear F/U emails



  • email PC, PO, AK & RC
  • *letter to JP
  • *email to CS director


* if possible

Well, not a bad day today

Work List:

  • Network Issue Email

  • PS Tech Call

  • Action 01 Report IR

  • Email TB

  • NM Printout
  • NM Ref. MD Report
  • Reimbursement Email

  • Rx call
  • Run C. Fix, close ticket
  • 2 calls with 12 Step Members
  • *clear inbox
  • *clear waiting emails
  • *clear F/U emails



  • email PC, PO, AK & RC
  • *letter to JP
  • *email to CS director

Well today at work, things went pretty well. I know it is just one day, but tonight, I do feel better about myself. I did most of the things on the work list. However, there are also a few things I do need to work on. I still went on the internet a bit too much today, and tonight, my wife and I took a nap which probably wasn't the smartest thing to do so I wasn't able to write the emails.

I must remind myself: Progress not perfection--and I am really grateful to the messages welcoming me back! 

 Take care, RIF


Welcome back Rise in Flames

Welcome back Rise in Flames.

I was off for over a year when I didn't have a computer and now I have I am so grateful.


Welcome back RIF!

I'm laughing at F/U emails although I'm sure you meant something entirely different than what I'm thinking  })


Every time you get up and get back in the race, one more little piece of you starts to fall into place - (from "Stand" by Rascal Flatts)

Welcome Back Rise in Flames!!

♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥

Rexroth Check In

Morning Folks,

Feel restless this morning and don't know why.

tidy up
check info for going out tonight
needs and wants
deal with post if any
get ready in due course and go out

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Update

Done above and returned phone call to solicitor and seeing him tomorrow and it might just might be the end of another part of my longstanding legal problem and there is an irridescent pink pig fluttering outside my window.

I am powerless over other people's unmanagability and not so hot on dealing with my own either.

Regards Rexroth

irridescent pink pig ??

At least it's not a pink elephant...:D

Glad to hear a possible end in sight for that battle. I once had to juggle 5 different legal cases and attorneys at once - LT disability insurance, SS disability, auto insurance, personal injury insurance, and a class action against a siding manufacturer (the outside walls of our house rotted!).

It was hell-time for someone as paperwork-averse as I am. In retrospect I think it was karma: I used to be very judgmental of people with a lot of legal problems, especially a particular family member, because I suspected that either their own actions or at least their karma was at fault.  :blush: Man, have I repented in ashes for that! 

Rexroth Check Out

Thanks Agnus - some folks worry about me seeing various flying animals but I find it quite natural.

The legal stuff is part of a business problem that has been ongoing for about 25 years and might have been resolved sooner had I faced up to what needed to be done.

Got back from pleasant evening with a talk and food and drink and good company. It's the first time I've been out apart from visits to friends since I've been ill and I enjoyed it though I am now tired out so

Good Night Everyone


Lucky CI

Creeping back after a few days 'off' (aka a few off days) :)

This is my at-work to-do list - haven't thought yet about what to do when I get home:

Tidy desk

Edit work backlog plan

Do any outstanding tasks on email

Do any outstanding tasks in notebook

Move everything off my desktop to U drive

Send Ashley list of apps (and mention printer glitch?)

Check if D&E need filing doing

(If time) Finish letters

(If time) Work on bible changes

Send handover to S&E

Throw out potatoes!!


(Not work-related)

Call debt ppl

Call Angela to postpone

Print chore rotas, timetable, room list

Print some bible readings? No point taking massive book


Cheers Lucky!! I know some times I just check-out!!

♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥