Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Saturday December 19, 2009
Keep smiling!!!The quickest, most accessible way to experience joy in this world is to give it to others. Offer a sincere smile, a kind word, or a bit of assistance just because you can, and see how incredibly good it makes you feel. The better you feel, the more you'll get accomplished. Express joy even though you have no specific reason, and you'll discover that joy is its own best reason.By focusing on the positive side, you make everything more positive. -- Ralph Marston
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Falcon CI Saturday
Hi pro amigos!
Stuff I need to do this evening:
Edited to add: O.k., got some things done. I'm sleepy so I'm heading to bed. The rest will need to wait till tomorrow.
jkl/check in
I am so glad I checked in. Got all task done but one row of light on the tree. Waiting for son to come back from hardware store. Feels good to get all completed. Got lot done in lilttle time. House looks good.
Thanks hp/site
Rexroth check in
Thanks for starting vic.
A lot I've had a positive day sorting out admin and at last getting somewhere
Also I've cleaned up and cleared up a lot.
Relax a little and write my journal
and I do feel positive so I don't need to act as if for once and I'm grateful
Check In
Have not check in last two day. Am feeling a little overwhelmed and need to take it one step, one minute, all I can do is today'
Next hour and half
Let go let go. HP please give me strenght.
Vic 12/19
Show up (done)
Being positive does not come automatic for me, but I do function better when I am.Choose to start now, before it gets to hard to do.