Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I did not check in again yesterday. We are in the middle of a heat wave and I am begining to find that my enenrgy leve;ls are dropping. I did manage to do some shopping, cooked dinner and tidied the kitchen.
Today I have had cofee and breakfast and have unfortunatelly spent about 90 minutes aimlessly surfing .
Trying to do the next right thing.
Now I am going to:
medicate, dress and brush my teeth
take doggy to mothers house and pick up his treasures from the back yard
start watering the pot plants
leave by 9.20 for my volunteer activity
check in when I return by about 12.30
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
"When we multiply tiny increments of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can acco
k, it has been a rocky week. gotta be productive between now and meeting tomorrow:
-- script to fix customer thumbnails (+ fix them)
DONE merge changes that didn't get merged b/c of a script error
-- implement TM folder feature
-- diagnose q. bug
-- log rotation bug
-- write up requirements for add to case feature
-- determine why add to case broken on k.
-- clean office
-- finish library book
-- celebrate b.
-- practice guitar
-- exercise
DONE call rev. dept.
-- clean bedroom
-- review open items and update to-do list
-- date calc bug
-- email notification if invitee views case
-- clear email inboxes
-- cull 5 items
-- move unused furniture to basement
-- if all done, watch DVD
gravy: if way ahead of schedule, work on dcm anonymization feature -> would be great to get some modest prototype working before tomorrow's meeting
This has been a working day and it feels like I am getting things done but I know it is time to plan my next project now that it appears 3 will be complete soon. Each stacks on the other so I have to remember to make a new plan each time a goal is completed.
Good afternoon! Today is a holiday for me but I'm about to do a bit of work anyway as I have a lot to finish up before the end of the year.
This morning, I walked on the treadmill, got my car to the shop (bad battery cable caused the problem Monday) took DD around and "encouraged" her to apply for jobs, visited mom, had a nice lunch out and stopped by the grocery store. Whew!
This afternoon I"m going to do laundry and catch up on a bit of work until they call and say my car is ready.
"The world is my classroom, each day is a new lesson, and every person I meet is my teacher" - Craig Harper
OMG, it really works to list the to do lists!! I'm so thankful!!
Today at work, I must:
-get into the supply room and start clearing it out
-order Yoffee stuff
-send prescription info to Harley
-make copies of cash surrender value
-make copies of i.f. stuff
-bring to front before 4:00PM
-file backlog
-get tabs in state binders
-file all paperwork in binders
-get matching gifts caught up
-do attendance
-figure out flex benefit stuff and submit
-figure out Yoffee prescriptions and submit
Am feeling very grateful, I see my powerlessness in this illness.
Happy trails today, you guys!!
♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥
started early, but tried to squeeze in an extra task, and it took longer than i expected, and didnt really work, and now i probably have to spend more time undoing it.
so that makes me sad.
but i will recover here using the usual tools, and trusting HP to make it happen.
I got an email from wife... doesn't say much and it's not so nice, but at least it gives me hope... at least she's communicating somehow. So does receiving all your prayers so, thank you for that, I really apreciate it!
a minute to thank God!
Show up!
List tasks for today ->working on it!
Attend morning mtng
Attend 1pm mtng
Attend 2pm mtng
Create prtr for Cdt
Start project WF
Report failing BaMs
email cleanup!
Leave home early
Attend today mtng
Work on promo for Rtrmt
Work on promo for AltMt
If this were the last day of my life I wouldn't like to end it like this... so I'll do better!
G'morning group! Today I have had my quiet time, sponsor call, pet care, breakfast, 2 outreach calls, cable repairman visit (J handled most of this one), did some backlogged emails, and made efforts to "look as well as I can, dress becomingly ..." (from the Just for Today poem that OA and Alnon use). Working at home it is easy to fall into slobbiness, which can feel like depression. I need to resist that spiral!
Today my work calls for focuses on Project EM: thoroughly understand the need, draft a process outline, submit to colleagues. If there is any time remaining I will look at a Prospecting op. Lunch at 12:30 (I've been procrastinating eating again, a bad deal for one of my other addictions). During/after lunch I will review the plans my HP and I made today, and check back in here. Hope everyone has a "procr-abstinent" day!
OK, I have a busy day, with lots of scheduled stuff, one big task and lots of little tasks I'd like to get done.
So far today I've had phone CI, prayed, changed mouse food, picked up trash outside my apt.
Scheduled are class 10-1, mtg 1-2:30, coffee w/ labmates 4-4:30, dancing 8:30-10
Big MIT is to work on comparative project.
I'd like to
a)Find refs for species I haven't looked up yet,read as many of these as possible and take notes (have made some progress on this)
b)Review and clean up primate data (have made some progress on this)
c)nice plot of stage lengths
Other relatively important tasks are to:
1)Prep RNA
2)Figure out Stra8 strategy
3)Harambee prep
4)Get new bike headlight
Other lower-priority tasks are:
I)Start looking into teaching microscope
II)Work on stats HW (have done a little of this)
III)Read papers
Today, I'm going to time log, use the chatbox and check in frequently, and try to avoid surfing.
Right now, going to class, and then to mtg. After mtg, I'll start RNA prep, then work on finding refs.
Showing up (done) Grateful for knowing what day it is, got printer to work after I uninstalled the HP printer, got veneer re-bonded at dentist after husband took drain apart and found the one that flipped off right in the drain, got to magistrate and took care of paperwork for citation with son, studied for science with son.
Convalaria in semi recovery Thursday 8.00 am :)
I did not check in again yesterday. We are in the middle of a heat wave and I am begining to find that my enenrgy leve;ls are dropping. I did manage to do some shopping, cooked dinner and tidied the kitchen.
Today I have had cofee and breakfast
and have unfortunatelly spent about 90 minutes aimlessly surfing
Trying to do the next right thing.
Now I am going to:
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
"When we multiply tiny increments of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can acco
Convalaria in semi recovery Thursday 1.30 pm :)
I am back from my volunteer activity and have mananged to have a reasonably healthy lunch. Next I am going to:
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
"When we multiply tiny increments of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can acco
tiptree ci
k, it has been a rocky week. gotta be productive between now and meeting tomorrow:
-- script to fix customer thumbnails (+ fix them)
DONE merge changes that didn't get merged b/c of a script error
-- implement TM folder feature
-- diagnose q. bug
-- log rotation bug
-- write up requirements for add to case feature
-- determine why add to case broken on k.
-- clean office
-- finish library book
-- celebrate b.
-- practice guitar
-- exercise
DONE call rev. dept.
-- clean bedroom
-- review open items and update to-do list
-- date calc bug
-- email notification if invitee views case
-- clear email inboxes
-- cull 5 items
-- move unused furniture to basement
-- if all done, watch DVD
gravy: if way ahead of schedule, work on dcm anonymization feature -> would be great to get some modest prototype working before tomorrow's meeting
Spirit 11/11
This has been a working day and it feels like I am getting things done but I know it is time to plan my next project now that it appears 3 will be complete soon. Each stacks on the other so I have to remember to make a new plan each time a goal is completed.
got cost on labels 2.5 hrsSpirit
Journey 1:30 pm
Good afternoon! Today is a holiday for me but I'm about to do a bit of work anyway as I have a lot to finish up before the end of the year.
This morning, I walked on the treadmill, got my car to the shop (bad battery cable caused the problem Monday) took DD around and "encouraged" her to apply for jobs, visited mom, had a nice lunch out and stopped by the grocery store. Whew!
This afternoon I"m going to do laundry and catch up on a bit of work until they call and say my car is ready.
"The world is my classroom, each day is a new lesson, and every person I meet is my teacher" - Craig Harper
Love Snoopy - Edge!!
OMG, it really works to list the to do lists!! I'm so thankful!!
Today at work, I must:
-get into the supply room and start clearing it out
order Yoffee stuff-
send prescription info to Harley-
make copies of cash surrender value-
make copies of i.f. stuff-
bring to front before 4:00PM-
file backlog-get tabs in state binders
-file all paperwork in binders
-get matching gifts caught up
-do attendance
-figure out flex benefit stuff and submit
-figure out Yoffee prescriptions and submit
Am feeling very grateful, I see my powerlessness in this illness.
Happy trails today, you guys!!
♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥
CL daily overcoming
started early, but tried to squeeze in an extra task, and it took longer than i expected, and didnt really work, and now i probably have to spend more time undoing it.
so that makes me sad.
but i will recover here using the usual tools, and trusting HP to make it happen.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
OCz morning ci
I got an email from wife... doesn't say much and it's not so nice, but at least it gives me hope... at least she's communicating somehow. So does receiving all your prayers so, thank you for that, I really apreciate it!
a minute to thank God!Show up!Attend morning mtngAttend 1pm mtngAttend 2pm mtngCreate prtr for CdtLeave home earlyIf this were the last day of my life I wouldn't like to end it like this... so I'll do better!
Agnus checking in
G'morning group! Today I have had my quiet time, sponsor call, pet care, breakfast, 2 outreach calls, cable repairman visit (J handled most of this one), did some backlogged emails, and made efforts to "look as well as I can, dress becomingly ..." (from the Just for Today poem that OA and Alnon use). Working at home it is easy to fall into slobbiness, which can feel like depression. I need to resist that spiral!
Today my work calls for focuses on Project EM: thoroughly understand the need, draft a process outline, submit to colleagues. If there is any time remaining I will look at a Prospecting op. Lunch at 12:30 (I've been procrastinating eating again, a bad deal for one of my other addictions). During/after lunch I will review the plans my HP and I made today, and check back in here. Hope everyone has a "procr-abstinent" day!
kromer 9:45 CI
OK, I have a busy day, with lots of scheduled stuff, one big task and lots of little tasks I'd like to get done.
So far today I've had phone CI, prayed, changed mouse food, picked up trash outside my apt.
Scheduled are class
10-1, mtg 1-2:30, coffee w/ labmates 4-4:30, dancing 8:30-10Big MIT is to work on comparative project.
I'd like to
a)Find refs for species I haven't looked up yet,read as many of these as possible and take notes (have made some progress on this)
b)Review and clean up primate data (have made some progress on this)
c)nice plot of stage lengths
Other relatively important tasks are to:
Prep RNA2)Figure out Stra8 strategy
3)Harambee prep
4)Get new bike headlight
Other lower-priority tasks are:
Start looking into teaching microscopeII)Work on stats HW (have done a little of this)
III)Read papers
Today, I'm going to time log, use the chatbox and check in frequently, and try to avoid surfing.
Right now, going to class, and then to mtg. After mtg, I'll start RNA prep, then work on finding refs.
Good Morning All,
Today is a day off from work but a very busy day at the house.
Be back at 3:00 to begin working on thses items
Vic 11/10
The way to succeed is to double your error rate.
Thomas J. Watson
love the Watson quote
That's my motivation du jour: I'm off to double my error rate! (hope my boss agrees with this tactic
This quote makes more sense than I thought, if I am not so afraid of making a mistake.
Edge's CI - 5:30am
Woke up extra early today. Need to do a few things before heading out to work. Thinking of getting a tad bit of sleep before then though.
- shower
- hmed 1
- bmed 1
- 8am meds
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 9:44am
Feel like taking today one step at a time. Still feeling anxious and not sure why.
x shower
x hmed 1
x bmed 1
x 8am meds
- 4pm med
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 4:23pm
x shower
x hmed 1
x bmed 1
x 8am meds
x 4pm med
- finish unit 1
x bmed 3
x hmed 2
- create med calendar
- tell D about kitty litter
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson