Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday, October 17, 2009

Recycler CI 8:05pm EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

The company visit went well today.

I also needed to do some shopping in the afternoon after they left, and got some results with that.

During the next hour, I need to fix my gym/work bags. If I can do a couple simple things in addition, that will be great; but doing the gym bags would be the main thing.

Have a great night, everyone! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

fudoshin - meeting - 12:32pm

Time for the meeting in the meeting channel.

Falcon CI Sun.


Hi pro buddies,

Stuff to do:

  • Change clothes - DONE
  • Get groceries - DONE
  • Do laundry - underway
  • Make lunches
  • Clean kitchen - underway
  • Tidy
  • Dust
  • Pay bills - DONE
  • Get stuff ready for the week


Weekly 12-Step P.A. meeting in "meetings chatbox"

Procrastinators Anonymous weekly 12-Step meeting in "meetings chatbox".

This meeting follows a 12-Step Meeting format.

Meeting is held:

  • Sunday morning/midday in Hawaii/Alaska and Pacific Time
  • Sunday afternoon in the Americas
  • Later Sunday evening in Europe/Africa
  • Very early Monday morning in Asia/Australia/NZ

(Meeting is Sunday 7:30 PM GMT -
STANDARD time year round.

Click on links in RED below -- to give exact time in your time zone)

> Click here (in this red type) to find your timezone equivalent for today's meeting.

> Click here (in this red type) to find your timezone equivalent for next week's meeting.

Sunday 3:30 PM, USA Eastern DAYLIGHT Time

Monday 6:30 AM, Sydney Australia DAYLIGHT Time


October 18, 2009 Sunday 8:30 PM, British DAYLIGHT Time

October 25, 2009 Sunday 7:30 PM, British STANDARD Time

It works when we "work it". Let's do whatever it takes to find recovery. All are welcome.

No obligation to attend. No need to "report in". No attendance taken.

Come when you feel called to come!

All are welcome!

Meeting follows traditional anonymous 12-step format.

"Meetings Chatbox" can be found after entering regular check-in chatbox and then looking for the "meetings" tab at the top of the chatbox.


Recycler CI 4:15am EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

Fortunately the crockpot stayed on during the night. Sometime during the night, the electricity flickered off. My digital alarmclock reset, but fortunately the crockpot stayed on, so food will be ready when my company comes over today.

Since I wasn't sure what time it was, I got up a lot earlier than I had planned. However, I still have a lot to do on the condo before my company comes over, so at least I will have some extra time to straighten/clean. (Did I mention that I am a procrastinator? lol). While I will be working by Zones, I will also try to do a little baking, etc.

4:45am. Zone 1 is clear + dishwasher is started.

5:07am. Zone 2 is clear + I have started something to cook in the oven.

5:17am. Zone 3 has been wiped down.

5:52am. Zone 4 is clear. I've started a 2nd load in the dishwasher; bagged up trash, put it outside the door; and started a shopping list.

6:56am. Zone 5 is clear. I have started a 3rd load in the dishwasher. I re-assembled the dining room table, put a tablecloth, placemats & place settings on it. I have turned on the icemaker in the freezer to make ice.

Have a great day! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Way to go!

Way to go recycler! Thank YOU for being here!

thanks, Tammy :)

Thanks, Tammy! :)

Have a great week! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)