Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday October 9, 2009

 It's Friday

Choosing Trust over Doubt
gets me burned once in a while,
but I'd rather be singed than hardened.
Victoria Monfort 


Crayon CI

To do today:

Check in here (done)

Go to classes (done)

 Other stuff is just extra right now... 


Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. 

~William James



Great to see you! 


Potential Energy


Better late than never.

Checking in now to get the rest of my day taken care of so that tomorrow will be on the right track. 

I have had a crazy week and can't remem. when I last checked in. 

Ya know, I scheduled all of those things that I put off for ever (thanks to this site) and they all seemed to take place this weekSmile  I am happy that I am done with them, but exhausted by my scheduling issues. 

To do

Z:  read bk. w/ z                    practice v w/ z                           dinner for z      

Me and home:   Me sit ups                     leisure book              clothes ready for work tomorrow           Clean Kitchen 25 min            dishes         1 ld. wash           sweep floors  

Work:   (for this wk.end. not necessarily tonight) Plan large chunk of time to get through some reports!       Send invoices-no later than Saturday)

Billing  is due         check on credentials    check on eval tools            


To do today...

P.E.D.L. - Plan, Execute, Debrief, Learn

  • Go for a 30 mile bike ride
  • Replace Water Heater
  • E-mail clients
  • Upload new audio book to iPod
  • Reconcile iFly account
  • Send out Financial Statements to owners


  • Candy Bar & a long bath (enjoy my new water heater)

Did well today

I stayed on track and got a lot accomplished today. About 9:30 pm though, I was feeling very tired with work. I was about to give in and leave it to do during the weekend. But I have said that before, and it never gets done. So I stayed and stuck it out. It felt good to get my work accomplished. I got home about 11:30 and enjoyed my bath.

tiptree CI

the rest of the day:

- lunch
- shower/shave
- exercise
- rel. case dialog w/ button
- rel. case selector
- q. bug reproduced
- arch. script fixed/committed
- office clean
- mail check
- finish I. the K.
- pay bills
- 1713 fixed
- grid fix
- walk dog
- vacuum

Spirit 10/09

well this is a late check in today but I have been on task today.  I am breaking for lunch am working from my action list for the week.  I continue to be closer to on time, 5 min late wed and on time yesterday with my outside appointments and haven't missed an outside deadline in a while. Yeah Me.

It is a beautiful day here and I am planning  to work outside for the rest of the work day and finish all the tasks I had lined this week.  Have a great day and great weekend everyone.





e's belated Friday ci

It is already 2 in the afternoon and I have had an okay day, but am finding myself chasing myself in circles. Don't know why it did not occur to me to sign in here!

For right now, just one thing: get recipes for dinner tonight and print them. bbl

asking for help to do the next right thing

Journey 10 am

Happy Friday!  I ended up working very late last night doing a task that my boss dropped on me at the last minute.  I'll be finishing that up this morning. I'll check back when I'm done.


"You've got to trust your instinct, and let go of regret.  You've got to bet on yourself now, star, 'cause that's your best bet." - from All Mixed Up by 311

kromer 9:25 CI

OK, I've been feeling really stuck the last couple days. So I'll try to keep my list manageable today.

*Some lab chores: learn to put on coverslip right, make buffers, clean up lab notebook (will do this next)
*Finish papers on cycle
*Get GSEA and sparse LDA working
*3 HW problems
*Emails (will do this soon)
*Deacon notes (will do this soon)

OK, I'm going to start w/ one of the lab chores, then a hw problem. 

fudoshin - new commitment - (5:46am)

Please do not leave advice or comments.  Thank you.


I'm going to do thirty days of the same stuff, except that I will
permit myself to watch Youtube, only where it relates to school, only
for school-related purposes, like, if a video is linked to by a
professor, etc.  And I have to exercise at least once a day, even if
it's only a walk, and brush my teeth at night: that includes brushing
with the normal brush and the periodontic brush.  My goal is to succeed
in my course work at the calstate, to get my funding from DOR for my BA
program in English and to be able to graduate with my BA by continuous
enrollment.   I also cannot have another self-hating day like this.  I
must, must, must exercise.  I did-- fortunately get to walk tonight. 
And I want to try no porn for thirty days, just for thirty days, that's

* I must avoid all the same sites and fan lines.  No dating sites, etc.

*exception: I can view YouTube sites that are linked to from an email of someone for a school class.

* No porn; if I happen to see some as an advertisement
on a page that doesn't count, but I have to leave the site immediately, I cannot continue looking once I see something.  Pictures of women & men that are revealing chests, genitalia, even if clothed.  (I'm only doing this for thirty
days, so that I make myself exercise.)

* must brush my teeth with a regular tooth brush and periodontic brush before bed

*thirty minutes of exercise (walking, karate, yoga, dance, running, jogging, jog/walk, swimming)


*being on time for appointments, classes, jobs

*going to sleep at 12am

*viewing my goals and affirmations daily

*flossing and using listerine before bed at night.

*showering before bed

*brushing and using listerine in the morning

*working on my homework and projects everyday


fudoshin - 30 days - 10.09.09 5:16am

Please do not leave advice.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 


So I really like the bottomlines I had for thirty days.  I am sorry that one day I decided to watch the trailer for "I hope they have beer in hell," and for that purpose loaded a trailer that was on the youtube site, even though I wasn't actually on youtube.  And I know it's not a big deal, but for some reason I'm really pissed with myself for not following simple instructions, but you know-- I've never been pissed at myself for all the days I missed brushing my teeth or doing my homework, etc.'s time to start letting nonsubstantial things go, triumphing on my accomplishing 30 days of abstinence from my bottomlines, and move on, set some new goals.  

I'm happy to say that I fulfilled my bottomline of tooth brushing.  that's my new one for these thirty days.  So I'm on day 2 now.

The reason why I bowed out of the dating site is because I knew I had some work to do.  I realize and have realized a link between my procrastination and my S&L addiction.  B/c I felt  bad about not running.  I felt anxious about my conversation with my therapist and very uncomfortable characterizing myself as an s. addict in her presence, especially b/c she is an attractive person-- but beyond that, I just felt out and out nervous and freaked out for other reasons, as well as my being obsessed.  I mean, I felt utterly mad that she was basically saying I wasn't getting something out of being with my sponsor, that my sponsor was not of any use to me.  And I don't think that's right.  So my way of dealing with that is to just...act out.  I hate it that I live in a world where I feel the need to look at people like Anoreia, who looks like a gal I spotted at the university I was going to two years ago.  I feel so weirdly cheated-- there is this part of me that was like, "I knew she was hott first, before she got recognized."  I don't want to do this.  I don't think there's anything in particular wrong with porn, but I didn't like the subjectifying porn I was looking at.  And I was only looking at it, because it was how I felt about myself because I was stressed today and had not time to do what I needed to, so that finally when I had the time, I sort of freaked, and didn't use it correctly because i spent all of four hours trying to figure out which train to take?!  From now on, exercise is a priority.  My doctor is wrong.  Exercise is what I need in order to feel sane and to function mentally.  It's really crazy important.  I hate that women like Anoreia have become tools for men's (and women's) eyes.  It's sad, but then-- it isn't.  and I wish I didn't feel the way I did.

Sometimes I feel like a hopeless procrastinator and that I will never learn to mak my routines a routine.  And then, I have my motivation to attempt to do that...  I want to run on a daily basis. 

chick CI

thanks for the starter Vic

Ci to post that I realized the most important tasks were here and I don't need more material to proceed

Vic 10/9

Showing up for me and showing up friends, esp. hope4yuandme, gratitude (done)did my walk yesterday, meeting, got much done. today have a client appt at 1pm. now get ready and be on time.means leave by 12, ready by 11:30(times to aim for)

I read this on line and am grateful I found an answer here:12/06/02I am thankful for perfect strangers coming up to me and reminding me that God is indeed in every person you meet. Some of them even have wonderful messages that help you get in touch with your self and your environment. They can turn up in the stranges places, in line to a haunted house, a gas station, or at the supermarket. God is everywhere, but as we get older we grow a little colder, distrustful, and boring. How do we recapture the innocence we all had when we were younger without appearing foolish or getting hurt?

ck in pm- appt done, swim, meeting, store. Came home tired. my cat would not take no for an answer to be held and petted, feel better,