Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Today was a day spent entirely in procrastination. Aside from reading manga and looking for ways to waste my time, I did little else. I think the right words for it would be "willful procrastination". Me rebelling against myself. ...Ah well. Will see how tomorrow goes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Huzzah for people into Japanese stuff! *huggles*
This is the first time I hear about Nippon Misaki, but I looked 'er up and it's so cute x3 How extensive is your collection thusfar?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Yes, the Japanese stuff is fun :) I like anything that is kawaii :)
With the nippon Misaki, I have about 28 of them. I also like Pullip, but have only 1 of them. I like harajuku; sometimes Miskai can be a 3D version of that style.
Showing up, paid $600 for small scrape near front fender, clean rental property a bit, ck, hm, (done)
Feling extreme negativey about self. Watched Patch Adams for first time yesterday, I felt like him, even though I am intelligent, everything I do seems to be stupid and wierd. His sign was a butterfly at the end of the movie. My sign is the step workbook.that Jo shared, I have been trying to fi nd a way to do updated 4th step and here it is.Al Kohallek Goes On A Serendipity Journey -
I am up to step 4 now, have not picked up any addictions, have not shut down, and am on my knees. Don't know if I am making sense,but I do know that is where I need to be. I have prayed, God,anything but don't let me pick up, get fat or have finalncial problems. Well here I am, the workbook says:
Doing what’s suggested in these Workbooks and/or Workshop Papers may cause you to let go of some parts of your personal “reality.” You may stop being a user and become an owner of your own stuff.You may find yourself giving up some of your old resentments, pains and fears.You could even find yourself with a new understanding and/or awakening. Maybe you will find your Self
Been AWOL for a few weeks. Trying to get back in to the working routine after having the summer off. Thankful for the long holiday. I really have to make my time count and at this point I am not doing a very good job at it.
I am just getting started after taking son to fall ball practice, lining up play date for children and hitting a couple of yardsales. Now it is time to get focused on my house for awhile. (I have lots to do)
Prepare ribs and chicken to cook on grill later
Move kittens outside for some play time
AM routine -- I have not completely completed the routine since I have started back to work. Shoud readjust but not sure how I would like to.
This morning I went on my bicycle ride. After that I bought provisions, put gas in my car, and went to the library. Arriving at home, I put away the refrigerated groceries, then took some time for meditation. I've just eaten lunch, & filled up a bag of trash to go to the dumpster.
I have just over an hour before going out to interview someone. I'm going to try to do a couple of things around here, and change clothes so I can do some errands after the interview. I hope to update my CI later.
5:25pm. I went to give the interview. The person organizing the interview didn't show up. ((sigh)). I got an email from them later. While it wasn't a big deal, I had organized my day around it. ((sigh))
While I was out, I did several errands, with better-than-expected results. For the reason prompting these errands, I still have a ways-to-go with it. However, I am trying to cooperate with HP re turning lemons into lemonade. Thank you, HP.
Back at home, I rested; which was partly needed & partly low-functioning. It's still a priority for me to be Good to myself this day/week/month. I got up & have put something in the oven to cook. Next: puttering around is a good goal for this evening. I might update my CI later; I'm not sure.
7:50pm. I cooked 2 things this afternoon/evening. One has been put in a storage container in the refrigerator, and one I still need to box up during the next 30 minutes. I need to keep puttering about.
9:05pm. I put the cooked item(s) into the fridge. I ran the dishwasher. I did 2 budgeting projects that I like, so that made me really happy :) Next: I need to do a meditation exercise before getting ready to sleep.
Checking in from the blackberry today. I'm trying an experiment and going to try not to even boot up the pc today, since that is where most of my temptations are!
"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country." - Kurt Vonnegut
Today I've got lots to do (I feel like there are not enough hours in the day to do what I want!)
OK, MITs are to pay bills/do budgeting, to return library books and to get final CAC proposals in for HU and BrdU (waiting for responses to a couple emails, but this task is basically done :) )
Other tasks are to do estimated taxes, finish G's project, and do a general literature search
Edge's CI - 11:17pm
Today was a day spent entirely in procrastination. Aside from reading manga and looking for ways to waste my time, I did little else. I think the right words for it would be "willful procrastination". Me rebelling against myself. ...Ah well. Will see how tomorrow goes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Showing up. sharing is doing service. thanks, Vic
Thanks vic :)
Today is a new day, right? :*
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
hi Edge
Hi Edge!
I didn't know you were into manga! I collect nippon Misaki.
Good luck with everything! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Hey recycler :)
Huzzah for people into Japanese stuff! *huggles*
This is the first time I hear about Nippon Misaki, but I looked 'er up and it's so cute x3 How extensive is your collection thusfar?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
hey Edge :)
Hi Edge!
Hugs to you, too :)
Yes, the Japanese stuff is fun :) I like anything that is kawaii :)
With the nippon Misaki, I have about 28 of them. I also like Pullip, but have only 1 of them. I like harajuku; sometimes Miskai can be a 3D version of that style.
What kind of manga do you like? :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
hugz Edge
Praying you will have a better day tomorrow!
"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country." - Kurt Vonnegut
*Hugz journey back*
Thanks, journey :) Hoping so too :grin:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Vic 9/5
Showing up, paid $600 for small scrape near front fender, clean rental property a bit, ck, hm, (done)
Feling extreme negativey about self. Watched Patch Adams for first time yesterday, I felt like him, even though I am intelligent, everything I do seems to be stupid and wierd. His sign was a butterfly at the end of the movie. My sign is the step workbook.that Jo shared, I have been trying to fi nd a way to do updated 4th step and here it is.Al Kohallek Goes On A Serendipity Journey -
I am up to step 4 now, have not picked up any addictions, have not shut down, and am on my knees. Don't know if I am making sense,but I do know that is where I need to be. I have prayed, God,anything but don't let me pick up, get fat or have finalncial problems. Well here I am, the workbook says:
Doing what’s suggested in these Workbooks and/or Workshop Papers may cause you to let go of some parts of your personal “reality.” You may stop being a user and become an owner of your own stuff. You may find yourself giving up some of your old resentments, pains and fears. You could even find yourself with a new understanding and/or awakening. Maybe you will find your Self
Hope-Faith CI 3:30
Been AWOL for a few weeks. Trying to get back in to the working routine after having the summer off. Thankful for the long holiday. I really have to make my time count and at this point I am not doing a very good job at it.
I am just getting started after taking son to fall ball practice, lining up play date for children and hitting a couple of yardsales. Now it is time to get focused on my house for awhile. (I have lots to do)
rec ci
I am trying to check in over the weeekends to see if that helps me be more productive. I want to:
Walk dog
Work on photos
Do laundry (in process)
Get dishes washed (in process) and put away
Organize after de-cluttering
Potential Energy 2:15
I felt better going to work this morning since I am at least trying to catch up with my related responsibilities now. I just hope to stick with it
complete at least 1-2 reports-with what I have need to get the rest next time im at work2. find sept. invites and send responses3.
sched. wk.end. agenda for sept.4. get printer fixed
5. clean at least half hr.Recycler CI 11:15am EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
This morning I went on my bicycle ride. After that I bought provisions, put gas in my car, and went to the library. Arriving at home, I put away the refrigerated groceries, then took some time for meditation. I've just eaten lunch, & filled up a bag of trash to go to the dumpster.
I have just over an hour before going out to interview someone. I'm going to try to do a couple of things around here, and change clothes so I can do some errands after the interview. I hope to update my CI later.
5:25pm. I went to give the interview. The person organizing the interview didn't show up. ((sigh)). I got an email from them later. While it wasn't a big deal, I had organized my day around it. ((sigh))
While I was out, I did several errands, with better-than-expected results. For the reason prompting these errands, I still have a ways-to-go with it. However, I am trying to cooperate with HP re turning lemons into lemonade. Thank you, HP.
Back at home, I rested; which was partly needed & partly low-functioning. It's still a priority for me to be Good to myself this day/week/month. I got up & have put something in the oven to cook. Next: puttering around is a good goal for this evening. I might update my CI later; I'm not sure.
7:50pm. I cooked 2 things this afternoon/evening. One has been put in a storage container in the refrigerator, and one I still need to box up during the next 30 minutes. I need to keep puttering about.
9:05pm. I put the cooked item(s) into the fridge. I ran the dishwasher. I did 2 budgeting projects that I like, so that made me really happy :) Next: I need to do a meditation exercise before getting ready to sleep.
Have a great day, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
journey 10:45
Checking in from the blackberry today. I'm trying an experiment and going to try not to even boot up the pc today, since that is where most of my temptations are!
"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country." - Kurt Vonnegut
journey 1:30
Home from gym and food shopping. I REALLY want to log on to the computer but I can survive one day without it, right?
"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country." - Kurt Vonnegut
kromer 10:10 CI
Good morning, all!
Today I've got lots to do (I feel like there are not enough hours in the day to do what I want!)
OK, MITs are to
pay bills/do budgeting, toreturn library booksand to get final CAC proposals in for HU and BrdU (waiting for responses to a couple emails, but this task is basically done :) )Other tasks are to
do estimated taxes, finish G's project, and do a general literature searchWorking on bills/budgeting now (in the chatbox)