Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Tuesday Aug 11, 2009
(i am so rarely first here :))
"Where once we felt despair, we will experience a newfound hope."
from "The "Promises of Recovery" in Procrastinators Anonymous" < >
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fudoshin - successfully completed my week plan - 11:39pm
Please do not leave advice. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
A week ago I made the following rules and I said I would hold to them until tonight at 11:10pm. I succeeded.
I can use Facebook, once every other day for twenty minutes.
I can use Youtube, Ustream once a week, during the course of one day, or one 24-hour period.
Recycler CI 8:40pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
This morning at the gym, I did my full cardio, only equipment-based stretching, and only 1 set of ab exercises. I had slept well and felt really comfy in bed this morning, didn't get up on time lol; I arrived at the gym, but didn't have my full time for everything.
At the office this morning, I responded to emails and returned phone calls. At lunchtime, I ate food that I had brought, and went into a quiet room for some time of meditation.
You know those stacks of envelopes (mail) that can build up. During the last year I've paid my car and home insurance online so those are current, but I hadn't actually opened the paper bills/envelopes from the insurance company. I opened those today and separated the parts I need to keep in a reference file. Elapsed procrastinating time: about 10 months. lol. At least I was current with Paying the bills, even if I wasn't current with opening the paper part, lol. In re-stabilizing, I think I am getting to the part where I can pay and File, hopefully within the same day or Week. I still have stuff in my stack to go through. I also renewed a magazine subscription that had lapsed. I think I had only missed 1 issue, though.
After lunch, I did other emails and projects. I did some work on the Long-Term section of my assignment list. At the end of the workday, I updated my assignment list for tomorrow, and highlighted the things I need to work on first.
AFter work I came home, rested and ate dinner before going to my volunteer meeting tonight. Volunteer meeting did not go well. ((Sigh)) ((Sigh)) Oh well, my Goal is Helping Other People, whether it works or not. ((Sigh))
OK, home now; trying to switch gears. Do I just want to surf the Internet for 10 minutes before getting ready to sleep? I don't think I need to call anyone. Do I want to email anyone? mmmm, I will think about it.
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
The 12step workbook
Thank you journey for this site.1.started day 1 of the 40 day commitment, but I think it may take me longer-that's ok.The workbook found at:
2. Take PA Step 1-We were having trouble with personal relationships, we couldn't control our emotional natures, we were a prey to misery and depression, we couldn't make a living, we had a feeling of uselessness, we were full of fear, we were unhappy, we couldn't seem to be of real help to other people—was not a basic solution of these bedevilments more important ... ?
Many of us at one time thought that the sole object of our Program was the overcoming of difficulties, problems. To limit our Program to problem fixing only is much like judging the power and abundance of the ocean by a few empty shells on the beach. Knowledge and a better understanding of the Program can be useful tools if we put them to work. The real object of our Program is to seek and find a Higher Power that will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. In turn It will help us awaken, to realize, to develop our own higher faculties and powers. In other words His will for each of us is individualized. In reality any learning, awakening is but the preparation for a life filled with a good amount of joy, happiness and freedom to be our created Self.
re:12 step workbook
Yeah, I've been doing it for a couple of weeks and I'm on day 3
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
CI Do It Now 5:41 pm tues
fu with Knln DONE fu again DONE
home at 3 DONE
send ;etters to knln DONE
check list DONE
make sched (plan) DONE!!
Vic 8/11
Hi. Still showing up, one day at a time, by the grace of God.
The feelings of trama have decreased. Just feel tired. Husband called this morning and acted like he was never even mad at me. He even said would I like to go without the boys? Talk about Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde- Before I could think I said, I got the impression you did not want to go alone. So now I have to check new options, girl from time share never called back. Feel pressured, tired etc.
My sponsoree called, had her 7th child- oldest just went in rehab, etc. shared much of promises, etc. Her husband is a sucessful professional but her life is as insane as mine and heavy into the guilt/punishment addiction. Had to drive sons back/forth, etc. Feel like something is amiss with son's friends parents, and they are kind of dumping him on me but acting like I want to take him in?? Mom is in Texas and doesn't call me. Not sure what is happening.etc., etc. tenant called, said her fax machine does not have ink so wants me to frive there with the lease, another tenant need something else, son wants driver permit, etc., etc. feel like I am going in a million directions plus went food shopping again.
I need to let got of thinking is I work hard enough, am organized enough, plan enough, all will run smoothly, All that is required is to place a demand upon ones own mind for an enlarged awareness of the truth (syn: "God"). If this is a dominant desire (syn: "prayer") it is possible to "let go of old ideas". (pg 58). By that personal choice people in recovery can change beliefs which had previously been guiding forces in their life. (pg 27). There was a time when that equality and freedom of choice seemed impossible. However, with new knowledge of reality, that personal belief system can be changed.
1. let go 2. accept 3. pray 4. focus 5. call 6. trust
My favorite promise in PA is:The desire for avoidance shall disappear.We shall face the present and the future with steadfast hope.
Thanks all for being part of the "we" in the promises.
GeorgeSmiley 12:32 PM
I've been online several hours this AM, but I got a later start this morning because Mrs. GS had to get a medical test. All was fine w/ that, Thank God.
No. 2 son just got home from morning day camp. We'll have lunch together, then figure out what to do.
Want what you have. Be who you are. Do what you can. ~Forrest Church
The Hero's Code:
Show Up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
Journey 11 am
late checking in but I have been working . . .had monthly review with boss at 9:30 so had to get ready for it. I was well prepared and it went well. I hate those meetings but I have to admit it helps me to do a better job, because I'm reporting progress on each project each month AND it gives me a time to bring up issues, and then he brings up issues. It is surprising sometimes what he feels is important vs. what I think is important. So it's a VERY good thing to have this communication although I dread it SO much every time.
So, after the meeting I took a half hour break, now I'm going to make my todo list for the rest of the day, have a snack and quiet time, then check back.
Oh, yeah, and LOG OFF the personal computer so that I am not distracted by games and fun stuff. I can log it back on when I take a lunch break, but then I have to log off again.
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
kromer 9:50 CI
OK, had hard conversation with friend last night. Still in a bit of a tither about that. So, the same drill as yesterday: break things down into tiny steps, work through them (in chat or in my journal), worry about making progress *not* about how fast I go.
OK, here are the tasks that I *can* work on today. If I don't get through them all (or if I only get through one or two of them) that's totally fine (this is just a mind-dump of everything I could be working on). I don't have to go in any particular order, it's OK to pick the easiest tasks.
*Start all bg runs
*Finish proposal
*Email K 2x, email about raffle tickets
*Email JA, EF
*Get alt. GSEA running
*Finish/write up Notch lit. search
*30 min cleaning room, pack
*Brainstorm how to improve analysis
*Alexander technique class
*Call IA, AG
*Ask MG about dissection practice
*Ask EA about dosage
OK, to start I'll work on bg runs. Here's the step-by-step breakdown of this task:
1)Get seqs matching in N content (+-20% on seq len, w/in 2fold #ns)
2)Download additional random seqs if necessary
3)Compute new markov bg
4)start 2 test bg runs
5)Start 100 real bg runs
Will work with chatbox and timer to get through this
Update 10:10--while code for bg runs goes, I'll start breaking down my next task (finishing proposal...this is a biggie). Steps for this:
1)Clean up dosage section
2)Finish VAD section
3)Finish injection section
4)Outline analysis section(what I've thought of so far)
Once I've done this, I think it makes sense to take a little time out and work on brainstorming ways to improve analysis, so that the analysis section of my proposal will be more complete. When I get to that point, I'll post a breakdown of how to do the brainstorming.
kromer 1:30 CI
OK, here's an update on what I'm working on:
OK, to start I'll work on bg runs. Here's the step-by-step breakdown of this task:
Get seqs matching in N content (+-20% on seq len, w/in 2fold #ns)2)
Download additional random seqs if necessary3)
Compute new markov bg4)
start 2 test bg runs5)
Start 100 real bg runsWill work with chatbox and timer to get through this
Update 10:10--while code for bg runs goes, I'll start breaking down my
next task (finishing proposal...this is a biggie). Steps for this:
Clean up dosage section2)
Finish VAD section3)
Finish injection section4)
Outline analysis sectionNext, getting matching seqs+computing markov bg...should take about 15 min to get started computing. Then, I'll take 15-20 min and finish cleaning up the dosage section.
Update 4:30: I'm making decent progress. When I've finished the above I will:
1)Go see if I can find EA and talk to her about dosage (wasn't around, will talk to her tomorrow morning)
2)Go talk to MG about addendum+dissection practice (wasn't around, will talk to her tomorrow morning)
3)Brainstorm how to improve analysis (won't necessarily get through this all before I go home, but I can start)
spend a little while (15-20 min) thinking/writingabout text mining ideab) spend a little while (20 min-ish) thinking/writing about classifier idea (mostly done w/ this)
c) think/read about how to identify significant trends in data
d) list of some next steps I can take
4)Go home at 6, get healthy dinner, go to Alexander technique class.(doing this now)
re: hard convo
I hate those difficult conversations and usually suffer in silence just to avoid them . . . good for you!
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
CL ci
late start. God help me recover from that.
9:45 wkofinished at 11:20 ie 35 min late11:20 deal w/ mail problem - 20 min11:40 :( dithering :( - 30 mindone at 12:1012:10 surf n stuff :( - 30 mindone at 12:4012:40 quiet time- done at 2:20 - wonderful study in hosea about the symbol of the adulterous wife taken back by the faithful husband. The husband was mad/hurt, but forgiving in the end. Analogy that when we are wayward, God (the husband) always takes us badk. This is at the heart of the acceptance i feel from god when i restart after my multiple failures every day. Forgiveness. Clean slate.1:10 decide tasks- first task is obvious and uragent2:30 worked pretty well, once i got going----------
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb