Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hope-Faith CI 12:45

  • AM Routine In Progress 
  • Compost  
  • Shopping Postponed
    • Wall Paper 
    • Groceries
    • Shoes
    • Items for care package
  • Phone Calls Call for appointments
  • CR for kids 
  • Practice Ball -- Family Time 
  • Afternoon Routine
  • 6:00 Vacation Bible School 
  • PM Routine'
  • Process Toms
  • Pick blueberries to make blueberry jam  
  • Compost
  • Labels for bags
  • Money Jar
  • hope-faith

    chick CI  

    chick CI


    I let a bit of clutter/dishes/paper pile on table etc accumulate (not to mention office); even though I'm doing way better at avoiding this than a year ago, I  find that I'm now more sensitive to it--it triggers feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where to start at a lower level of clutter.

    Now I am telling myself: a little effort will make a visible difference. And starting.

    Goal: start, make a difference, start filling giveaway bag

    Started;2 tasks done onto next....

    made a difference, keep going


    Journey 9:30

    I've been up for two hours goofing around on the computer.   I've been under the weather for a couple of days but feel much better today.  I need to go invite the kids for dinner and that will be my motivation to get off my a$$ and get to the grocery store and straighten up this messy house.

    My daughter came home for the weekend.  That was the good news.   The bad news was that she brought two kittens with her.  LOL, it wasn't that bad, her roommates found these kittens weeks ago and had been procrastinating about finding a place for them.  They are only allowed to have a maximum of three cats, and with these two they had FIVE cats in an apartment.  *whew*.  So, she find a nokill shelter to take them and brought them home so we could drop them off yesterday.  Maybe she doesn't take after me after all :)

    So, anyway, here goes . . . call kids, make todolist, finish grocery list, get to the store.


    "The elevator to success is out of order.   You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard

    kromer 9:30 CI

    Got a fair amount of stuff to get done today.

    *Email CE, about raffle tickets, DG, JA
    *Pick up coolers
    *Go to med school library: (heading out to do this now
    ->Photocopy articles
    ->Find toxicology ref
    *Call remaining miniparish members + P (doing this now)
    *2 hrs studying lab techniques
    (will do an hour of this at the med school library)

    Other tasks:
    *Wash kitchen floor
    *Work on G's project
    ->Check on bg runs
    ->Download JASPAR database
    ->Email K 2x   

    Breaks: (Maybe) go to lab party

    Right now I'm going to start laundry, coordinate cooler pickup, work on emails

    kromer 4:50 CI

    OK, I'm doing pretty well. Right now, I'm going to do an hour of studying lab techniques, then I'll email DG and email about raffle tickets, then I'll do another hour of studying lab techniques and head to lab party.

    Update 6:50--I've done an hour and a half studying lab techniques, actually want to head home now and clean up before party, will leave the party after 1.5 hrs and send emails/do a little more studying. 

    GeorgeSmiley 7:15 AM

     Unusual for me to check in on a Saturday, but

    1) It's a gloomy day here, so that means lots of inside tasks

    2) I'm needing to work today because I've gotten so little done during the week.


    1) Laundry

    2) Meeting notes and draft letter for Project O.

    3) Filing after my Friday triage

    More after those things are done.



    Want what you have. Be who you are. Do what you can. ~Forrest Church

    The Hero's Code:

    Show Up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.

    Recycler CI 5:45am EST

    Hi Pro Buddies!

    Thanks for the Cyber Teddy Hug, Edge! :)

    I'm going cycling today, also, so I'm trying to get ready for it, too! ;) lol

    Before cycling, I want to start bathroom swishies, line up some stuff to take with me today, and do some preliminary straightening of the condo.

    I'm going to be In and Out today, so I'm not sure how much I will get to update my CI during the day.

    Have a great day! :)



    Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

    Edge's CI - 7:30am


    Going cycling today, so need to prep self and get my gear ready before heading out. Mustn't be late. Don't wanna get out of bed =/

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

    edge's ci - 6:50pm

    omg, fell over while cycling and busted up my right arm bad. going to have to only use my left hand to finish the 5 articles i need to deliver to my boss 2day, even though it's my day off. luvleh.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson