Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday 7 August 2009

The smallest step is infinitely more than staying still.



 Today I believe that even a small step counts; present in the present moment and aware of my goals, I can take a step.

thanks all for being here

Recycler CI 4:40pm EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

This morning at the gym I did my full cardio, stretching, and ab exercises.

At the office this morning, I worked on projects from my assignment list. At lunchtime, I ate a lunch I had brought, and went into a quiet room for a while for meditation.

After lunch, I continued with my project list. Another department is having a big (external) crisis today, so I am trying to make sure all my stuff is done. A few minutes ago I finished doing everything I can on my assignment list, so I have updated & highlighted it for Monday. The other department's external crisis will be going on through Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, so I want to be able to help in case I am needed.

Next: after arriving at home, I need to quickly sort through that one medium pile of papers on the chair. Friends are coming over, then we will go out to eat with a social group. Fortunately PA has been helping me be more consistent with keeping the condo cleaned up, so there is only "one pile" instead of The Whole Condo to clean up, lol! ;) Since I will be going out, I may not be able to update my CI later.

Have a great night, everyone! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

GeogeSmiley 11:50 AM: Paralyzed

For weeks now, I've been stuck. Again.

I've gotten certain projects done, and on time even. But now I'm just completely spinning my wheels. I can't even begin to begin.

I'm completely powerless over the most trivial distractions. And I don't even know where to start.

Even coming here has taken a big effort. It all feels so pointless.

My office is a mess. Two big deadlines loom. More tasks that need to get started ASAP haven't even gotten started.

I'm feeling desperate and just want to escape.




Want what you have. Be who you are. Do what you can. ~Forrest Church

The Hero's Code:

Show Up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.

Update 5:22 PM; 6:06 PM; 8:38 PM

Back from the bookstore. Son's reading his book. I'm making phone calls now.

Update 6:06 PM

OK, 2 calls and one other contact made. 2 messages left, one interview done.

Mrs. GS is home, so will spend time w/ her and family.

Might take more time tonight to at least file the stuff I triaged.

Update 8:38 PM

Family's in bed. Gonna get a little more done tonight, then unwind w/ some TV and crash. 



Want what you have. Be who you are. Do what you can. ~Forrest Church

The Hero's Code:

Show Up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.

solidarity to you   I

solidarity to you


I am hobbled my the mess in my own office--it's some kind of symbol and reality of an obstacle moving ahead. When i set a goal of fixing it all, I do nothing. Dawning realization that I might do better if I promise myself to put one thing away each day.

Update: 4:15 PM

 Well, I took some time and triaged the crap all over my office so that I can begin to act on something.

Taking no. 2 son to the bookstore, then back to home office to make some phone calls.





Want what you have. Be who you are. Do what you can. ~Forrest Church

The Hero's Code:

Show Up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.



I'm sorry you are struggling right now but it makes me feel better to know that you also struggle at times . . .like me!   Keep on keepin' on and you will get through this phase as you have before.  We're with you, keep posting. 


"The elevator to success is out of order.   You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard

Great Job!!

You took the first (two) steps

That is a success

progress not prefection


Do It Now 




Hi George

I'm just coming back after a long while, and maybe not the best for giving advice, but maybe comfort? I was wondering if maybe you could get some help, maybe hiring an organizer for a short time, just to start the ball rolling. I hope this is a good suggestion, as I really don't know you at all.

I would give myself pats on the back for sharing, as there are times even when I was in this group that I backslided, and things piled up again, etc. progress, not perfection.


Grateful for you

Thank you for sharing. I know that is the first step in breaking the paralysis.

I started today with things falling into place- then I thought, "This is too good to be true" and sure enough, things fell out of place.

I am working on the concept of gratitude: I think the following quote says it all (for me):

"Nothing new can come into your life without the field of gratitude."
Rev. Michael Beckwith

I want to stop the sabotage and I am so grateful for this site to share and connect with people like me. I know you will take your next step.

SAM - 10:30am

1.   gym -weights and cardios

2. prepare  a breakdown of your weekly gym schedule

3. breakfast

4. lunch  by 12: 45

5. Read about trd - 11:00-1:45

6. Trd after gym

7. go  for dinner.



Journey 11:30 beautiful thread starter

Good morning; I'm taking it easy today, working from home about 1/2 day.  Had a medical test yesterday and I'm still recovering.   I'm a big weenie; I thought I'd come home yesterday morning and be able to do stuff around the house but I stayed in bed and watched reruns of detective shows all day.  

Today I'm still feelin kinda puny so I asked the boss if I could work from home.  

Still, I need to work during the hours I've designated as work hours so checking in.


"The elevator to success is out of order.   You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard

Hope-Faith CI 10:45

  • AM Routine Done
  • VBS Done
  • Compost  
  • Shopping Postponed
    • Wall Paper 
    • Bat
    • Groceries
    • Shoes
    • Items for care package
  • Phone Calls Call for appointments
  • Beach Activities  Done
  • Balance Gift Cards Done
  • CR for kids 
  • Practice Ball -- Family Time 
  • Afternoon Routine
  • Vacation Bible School 
  • Utility Room 30 min clean/windows
  • Front Entrance
  • floors 
  • PM Routine'
  • Process Toms
  • Pick blueberries to make blueberry jam  
  • Compost
  • Labels for bags
  • Money Jar
  • hope-faith

    kromer 8:25 CI

    Checking in before I leave home (normally I try not to turn on my personal computer in the morning, but today I had to check email before I left)

    I've decided to start adding time estimates to my last, so hopefully I can start to gain a better sence of time (by seeing when my ests are off and when they are right)

    MITs for the day (lots of relatively short tasks) are:
    *Email DG, JA (40 min)
    *Finish VA/RA injection proposal
    ->Finish sequencing section (20 min) (actually took about 45 min...apparently I'm not very good at estimating time...)
    ->Finish analysis section (1.5 hr)
    ->Finish expected results section (1 hr)
    ->proofread (40 min)
    *Call rest of miniparish, check plates for picnic, email Re: raffle tickets (30 min)
    *Ask about practicing dissections, look for mouse anatomy book (30 min)
    *Write draft CAC addendum and email to TE (2 hrs) (working on this)
    *Email about renters insurance (15 min)
    *Start bg runs for GD (30 min)(done: actually took a little over an hour...there were some unexpected bugs)

    Other tasks (prob will get at most one of these done, but they'll be a starting pt for my list tomorrow) are:
    *1 hr work meiotic blocks
    *Write up hh reults
    *get alt GSEA running
    *organize papers
    *Read gen. interest papers
    *Download JASPAR data

    Scheduled/breaks: lunch w/ friend, youth group, call AG

    Right now I'm going to have prayer time and head to lab. When I get to lab, I'll start the bg runs, then I'll spend an hour or so working on the VAD/RA proposal (sequencing and expected results sections). Then I'll email DG, look for mouse anatomy book and ask around about practicing dissections.

    kromer 2:25 CI frustrated

    somehow today I've lost track of how much time stuff should be taken. Sequencing section, bg runs, and starting work on CAC addendum took all of the morning. Then I went out to lunch with a friend, and he was very chatty and I let myself get caught up in that...ended up spending an hour and a half, should have been responsible and cut it short. I need to leave at 5:10 so I can get to youth group and make miniparish calls at a reasonable hour, meaning that my workday will be very short today.

    Oh well, need to stop beating myself up, I can get some more work done this evening, and I can make up some work over the evening. I want to try and get the CAC draft (at least mostly) done in the next hour, then I'll look for a mouse anatomy book, then I'll work on the analysis and expected results sections of the VAD/RA injection proposal.

    Back here when I'm done w/ the CAC draft. 

    Update 3:50--done w/ CAC draft, talked to a couple people about it. Now I want to work on the analysis section of my proposal: hope to get this done before I leave for the day. 

    Update 4:30--OK so I didn't do what I said I would, but I did find some possible mouse anatomy books and also talked about how to practice mouse dissections. Now, I'm going to work a bit on my proposal (expected results section seems easiest to handle right now), then at around 5 I'll get phone numbers, then head to church.

    Back at 5 when I've done some work w/ my proposal. 

    Today I take another baby

    Today I take another baby step towards my goals and the starter today is perfect.

    finish presentation

    get dressed

    charge computer

    print out index pages

    take 15 minutes before the meeting to meditate and collect my thoughts

    enter my meeting remembering propserity is mine today

    Vic 8/7/09

    Love the starter. I could stare at it all day. No time to lose today- yesterday got my car- almost took all day.

    Have to focus and not panic. Small steps, visualize, it will be ok.

    1. pray, gratitude, send, breakfast, make bed get suitcase

    cancel dr. appt/reschedule. ;stop newspaper for wk ;ask brian to feed cats ;send e-mail (internet, food, plane time,dvd);check plane schedule; wash; dishes; passports; pd bill, mail; sponsor;drove son to work and picked him up(done)Call Bank of Am;call AAA about phila parking;cancelgf (done)  ; get library stuff; deposit bank; mail;

    Panic My younger son has not come home, he was at friends, not answering cell phone, just noticed both sons passport is expired, need to go to store

    Sick feeling in stomach; Habit?Familiar?

    I feel like crying. There was a time in my life when all this was fun. I feel like my mother now-CRAZY. I hated to be with her when she acted negative/fear/panic/sabotage, etc. and now I am doing the same thing. What happened to me?God help me "act as if" I could be the old me.

    Send older son out to look for younger one.

    Fouund younger son. Acting as if is nice thANKS FOR LETTING ME SHARE. FINISH PACKIND AND GO.