Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
This morning at the gym I did my full cardio, stretching, and ab exercises.
At the office this morning, I began working down my to-do list. I did a project for a boss; it may have to be re-done at some point in the future, but that's ok! We were communicating about it, but somehow didn't end up with the same time table.
At lunchtime, I bought a sandwich, did an online errand/paid a bill, and went in a quiet room for a few minutes meditation. After lunch I continued to work on my assignment list. We still have people out on vacation, so I made calendar notes about a few items to check with staff when they return. At the end of the day my project list is looking good. Tomorrow I will go over the assignment list, then I think I can edit one of those once-a-year projects that I do when I have time.
A year ago I had planned to buy 2 pairs of shoes, but I didn't; so I bought equivalent pairs tonight. I also picked up a cosmetic pre-purchase, and bought one other item. Arriving at home, I started a load of clothes to wash, and have also fixed & eaten dinner. Next: continue with washing/drying clothes; I think I will run the dishwasher, too ;) I'm eye-ing a stack of stuff in the living room. I think I will move some of it arournd; I'm not sure if I will finish moving all of it tonight, but maybe I can get a good start on it.
8:25pm. Stacks of stuff sprawling across an area of the floor are reduced to a so-so pile on one chair. I also dried, folded & put away the washed clothes, and took a bag of trash to the dumpster. Really, that's enough for tonight. If I do a little more on that stack tonight, that would be great, but not required ;) Next: write an email to a friend, then brush teeth!
Finally got my car today. Our tenant (mechanic)was supposed to bring it out yesterday and did not show, went to work today with my husban at 6 (got up at 4) and after the gym, tried to call tenant and no one picked up phone. I guess he was sleeping He fianally called me back and came out with the car and I had to drive him back. I made some stops and got home after 1. I am happy I got the car. I did not want to keep relying on him and not get it. , so (car done)I am tired and need to stay away from negative/judgemental thoughts. Got alot done yesterday, thanks to being able to keep moving and not shut down (all because HP and this site).I need to rest a bit now, then dinner for husband, go to town.
Yesterday was great. I did my tasks and finished the day with a sense of completion and it felt great to see that happen. Today I have a clean canvass and can create an een greater feeling by increasing the number of hours I spend doing actual work by one. Baby steps for me a person who is creating a new way of being around structure and possibilities for my life. Now I
Create a plan until 12noon
send in reports to client
phone lawncare company
get answer to spending discretion of potential clients
A bit late to lab today...I finished up budgeting/bills this morning that I hadn't quite gotten through yesterday.
Another busy day today.
*Talk to MG about getting mice, retinoid injections (will do this next)
*Work on VAD/RA injection proposal:
->Write embryonic ovary section (working on this now)
->Finish section on analysis methods
->Clean up section on dosage, finish choosing response genes
->microburst sequencing section
*Work on G's project:
->spend 1 hr figuring out how to download stuff programmatically from Transfac (I think maybe there's a cookie issue? but I'm not sure)
->download relevant bg seqs
*Call/email miniparish+deacons
*Email DG(will do this next)
Other tasks:
*email re: renters insurance,email re: raffle tickets, email Kevin *2
*microburst es. taxes
*1 hr work on meiotic blocks
*Talk to people about practicing dissection, try to get mouse anatomy book, look up where I can get protocol book
*Write up hh stuff
*1 hr work on meiotic blocks proposal.
Breaks: dinner w/ uncle+brother
I'll start by working on downloading from transfac. I'll limit this to an hour (b/c it could easily become an infinite time sink...)
OK, haven't been quite as productive as I would like, so I'll need to do some work after I get home from dinner, but I haven't been too bad either. I wrote embryonic ovary section, microbursted sequencing section and mostly finished cleaning up dosage section.
I also did some tasks that were not on the list but that I decided were important...taked to SS and MG about sequencing protocol, and talked to TE about animal protocol addition.
After dinner, I'll have some quick tasks:
*Call DC (one of the deacons) (10 min)
*Email other deacons (10 min)
*Email miniparish members w/ email access (it'll be a little late when I get home, so I think I'll need to put off calling until tomorrow) (10 min)
*Start bg seq downloads (20 min)
*Email DG (20 min)
*Finish cleaning up dosage section (too tired to do this tonight but I did microburst, will finish up in the morning)
Than, in any remaining time I have this evening, I'll work on the analysis methods section. I probably won't get done with it tonight, but that's not a crisis.
Had a reasonably productive morning, but now I'm feeling myself beginning to stall out. I'm going to break stuff down step by step. Next tasks are:
1)Write embryonic ovary section
2)Talk to MG
3)Email DG (will do this next)
4)Clean up section on dosage(working on this now)
That's enough on the list for now. Back when done w/ each.
tiptree CI
k, I'm tired of having unproductive days:
to do:
8 hours of work:
- 6 hours of roadmap development
- 1 hour dcm anon
- 1 hour on bugfix
2 hrs of reading
1 hr guitar practice
1 hr cleaning
smaller tasks:
- mail check
- pay bills
- return DVDs
- cull 10-20 books
- walk the dog 2x
Recycler CI 6:55pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
This morning at the gym I did my full cardio, stretching, and ab exercises.
At the office this morning, I began working down my to-do list. I did a project for a boss; it may have to be re-done at some point in the future, but that's ok! We were communicating about it, but somehow didn't end up with the same time table.
At lunchtime, I bought a sandwich, did an online errand/paid a bill, and went in a quiet room for a few minutes meditation. After lunch I continued to work on my assignment list. We still have people out on vacation, so I made calendar notes about a few items to check with staff when they return. At the end of the day my project list is looking good. Tomorrow I will go over the assignment list, then I think I can edit one of those once-a-year projects that I do when I have time.
A year ago I had planned to buy 2 pairs of shoes, but I didn't; so I bought equivalent pairs tonight. I also picked up a cosmetic pre-purchase, and bought one other item. Arriving at home, I started a load of clothes to wash, and have also fixed & eaten dinner. Next: continue with washing/drying clothes; I think I will run the dishwasher, too ;) I'm eye-ing a stack of stuff in the living room. I think I will move some of it arournd; I'm not sure if I will finish moving all of it tonight, but maybe I can get a good start on it.
8:25pm. Stacks of stuff sprawling across an area of the floor are reduced to a so-so pile on one chair. I also dried, folded & put away the washed clothes, and took a bag of trash to the dumpster. Really, that's enough for tonight. If I do a little more on that stack tonight, that would be great, but not required ;) Next: write an email to a friend, then brush teeth!
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Hope-Faith CI 5:00 pm
Vic 8/06/09
Finally got my car today. Our tenant (mechanic)was supposed to bring it out yesterday and did not show, went to work today with my husban at 6 (got up at 4) and after the gym, tried to call tenant and no one picked up phone. I guess he was sleeping He fianally called me back and came out with the car and I had to drive him back. I made some stops and got home after 1. I am happy I got the car. I did not want to keep relying on him and not get it. , so (car done)I am tired and need to stay away from negative/judgemental thoughts. Got alot done yesterday, thanks to being able to keep moving and not shut down (all because HP and this site).I need to rest a bit now, then dinner for husband, go to town.
Moving Forward and Enjoying It
Yesterday was great. I did my tasks and finished the day with a sense of completion and it felt great to see that happen. Today I have a clean canvass and can create an een greater feeling by increasing the number of hours I spend doing actual work by one. Baby steps for me a person who is creating a new way of being around structure and possibilities for my life. Now I
Create a plan until 12noon
answer emailsfollowup with clientlunch
mj thursday ci
call cdr
1 hr on business
check passport
mable help
walk dogs
order meds
kromer 10:10 CI
A bit late to lab today...I finished up budgeting/bills this morning that I hadn't quite gotten through yesterday.
Another busy day today.
*Talk to MG about getting mice, retinoid injections (will do this next)
*Work on VAD/RA injection proposal:
->Write embryonic ovary section (working on this now)
->Finish section on analysis methods
->Clean up section on dosage, finish choosing response genes
->microburst sequencing section
*Work on G's project:
spend 1 hr figuring out how to download stuff programmatically from Transfac (I think maybe there's a cookie issue? but I'm not sure)->download relevant bg seqs
*Call/email miniparish+deacons
*Email DG(will do this next)
Other tasks:
*email re: renters insurance,email re: raffle tickets, email Kevin *2
*microburst es. taxes
*1 hr work on meiotic blocks
*Talk to people about practicing dissection, try to get mouse anatomy book, look up where I can get protocol book
*Write up hh stuff
*1 hr work on meiotic blocks proposal.
Breaks: dinner w/ uncle+brother
I'll start by working on downloading from transfac. I'll limit this to an hour (b/c it could easily become an infinite time sink...)
kromer 5:25 CI
OK, haven't been quite as productive as I would like, so I'll need to do some work after I get home from dinner, but I haven't been too bad either. I wrote embryonic ovary section, microbursted sequencing section and mostly finished cleaning up dosage section.
I also did some tasks that were not on the list but that I decided were important...taked to SS and MG about sequencing protocol, and talked to TE about animal protocol addition.
After dinner, I'll have some quick tasks:
Call DC (one of the deacons)(10 min)*
Email other deacons(10 min)*
Email miniparish members w/ email access (it'll be a little late when I get home, so I think I'll need to put off calling until tomorrow) (10 min)*
Start bg seq downloads (20 min)*Email DG (20 min)
*Finish cleaning up dosage section (too tired to do this tonight but I did microburst, will finish up in the morning)
Than, in any remaining time I have this evening, I'll work on the analysis methods section. I probably won't get done with it tonight, but that's not a crisis.
kromer 12:25 CI
Had a reasonably productive morning, but now I'm feeling myself beginning to stall out. I'm going to break stuff down step by step. Next tasks are:
Write embryonic ovary section2)
Talk to MG3)Email DG (will do this next)
4)Clean up section on dosage(working on this now)
That's enough on the list for now. Back when done w/ each.
Failed to complete tasks
Failed to complete tasks yesterday. :(
Aug 5th:
-write birthday card for a friend
-organize my (huge)todo list-answer mails
-send new phone number to family
Aug 6th:
-check bank accounts
-mail S.W.
-get biometric photos for passport renewal
-mail pics to M.
Edge's CI - 8:16am
Ended up falling asleep early yesterday and didn't finish my to-dos. Feeling a bit under the weather, but have to go to work regardless.
For now won't post a list of to-dos. Will see how today goes before deciding. Leaving for work now.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Sarito CL 7h00
household: vacuum & wash floors; dinner plans
ger: hw early; rewrite chif & ord notes; correct class notes
mus: rev scales; dech Bar & Whis new bk
self-care: run
Lol, Sarito :D
I was going to use that very same graphic to start today's thread :grin: Great minds think alike, lol :-D
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson