Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Please do not leave advice. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
30 days ago I made a resolution to avoid certain sites as well as the fan lines on for thirty days. I have achieved my goal!!!! Sites I've been avoiding for 30 days:
social networking sites, including facebook, twitter, youtube
dating sites
chatting sites: woome, chat with a stranger, etc. I cannot be on a
chatting site. MMORPGs count as "chat sites". IRC. The only
exception is 12 step-related chat.
chat programs
YouTube, Google videos, Crackle, and calling anyone's associated fan line
As of this morning I have my thirty days of sobriety from these sites listed here. As such I am awarding myself the thirty-day chip.
Words really make a difference in my head. If I say the word "dicipline" - already I am off to a bad start. I like "training" "abstinence" makes me think of "perfection" with my food, so I use the word "consistency""Check in" makes me anxious but "showing up" is something I am good at.
I also found in my procrastination log, I cannot have a "focus training session" aka "dicipline" with more than 1 or 2 things. I need a biginning and end. The letters I sent yesterday had many beginnings (I started in February) but no end (I sent them yesterday). If I work on one or 2 things at a time and get distracted, I can put off the distraction easier than if I had a list.
I am going to post the 1 or 2 things and they may seem pathetic, but they have to be things I know I can be successful at so I can practise and learn what kind of plan I need, so I can have some confidence to take on the harded ones without making myself sick, crazy or a failure because I could not even try.Then I can edit my daily list so I can keep track. Thanks
10:40 1. Finish dishwasher 2. throw in a load of wash
Yes, actually that's a great way to use the check in forum. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by a huge list, but I can come here, or to my journal, and say: I'm going to do this next. And just think about that task, rather than all the millions of things I could/should/might be doing.
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
I remember going to my 1st 12 step program, thinking I had a 0.0001% chance at recovery, but 30 yrs later, I have so many miracles, beyond my wilest drems, as the BB says.
With this program, which was only by the grace of God that I found it, it got me through the taxes, met wonderful people "who were like me" and had this problem. I now have more hope taht maybe I can recover. I want to think "I wasn't always like this" but I "wasn't always a compulsive overeater, alcoholic, etc. either" .
Anyway, I spent enough time observing my "issues" with this- enough to at least start looking at a solution to work for me (Like finding a food plan)- that took me 8 years in OA, but it still is working - FOR ME.). Using my "food log", I found my biggest problem was sugar. Using my procrastination log, my biggest problem is focus. I have the ability, time, tools, etc., etc.,If I can work with that one thing, I can look at others.I had to do it in OA that way too- stepping stone, In AA I kept relapsing until I could get consistent,I could not do a cold turkey.I am so graeful for everyone here and the stepping stone method.
I saw that I could not edit 1st message so I will here-
10:40 1. Finish dishwasher 2. throw in a load of wash 11:30 done. That was easy, but now I dn't know what to focus on next. 12-noon still do not know where to focus- 1. tidy up downstairs 2. Tidy up my room- I don't want to start a beginning end project yet- I want to do something that needs to be done and my mind seems to be blank, when that happens I try to start something I can't finish and then the cycle starts, I am sure I am jsut blocking it out of my mind whatever it is. this is a good focus, it will keep me busy for now. 4pm got alot done, wash, windows, declutter, but now have to skip the indepth work and wrap it up. I really got distracted because a program friend called and is in crisis and my codependency wants to save her. Husband decided to take off and at 2pm said lets go fishing. At first said yes, then could not find poles and when we did, only 2 poles are intact. Other son does not want to go and had a meltdown because his brother messed up the whole garage looking for poles, also to get at his younger brother because I paid him $30 for cleaning the garage, a task the older one refused to do, so I had to take care of that. I felt angry because my husband does this all the time, at the last minute he says I decided to take the afternoon off and then we have no plans and I already started something else, etc. Now resting. All this made me resentful and I had an early dinner. I still did not walk. In order not to sabotage myself, I will clean up kitchen and downstairs, should be done by 5:30 I need to stay focused and on task and not alow my resentments take over. Will quickly look on line to see if anything is happening. 6:30 pm done. Why does it feel like I didn't do anything?The kitchen and downstairs looks great. It's wierd. Anyway, staying focused helped. Now for a dip in a friend's pool and the store and relax. Focus training over for today. Take care, Vic
Congratulations on a day well done and I hope the pool was summery and fun. I wanted to observe that I've been seeing myself do the same thing you're talking about. I finish something, I can see it's done, and yet I have the overriding sensation of not having actually done anything. What is UP with that?
I wonder if it is because I don't quite have the right understanding of what "done" feels like for most people? I'm just thinking out loud. What if it is not a glorious state of exaltation or anything like that, and is just far more mundane. Like, I'm done with dinner. I'm done brushing my teeth. I'm done with my visit to the pool.etc... I wonder if some habitual part of me expects to feel too much when I do get done with things.
Thank you for sharing. Good to know I am not alone. It is a strange phenomena. Anything that has to do with “time” seems to be wacked out in my brain. I started giving examples, but who cares, I want to spend my energy on a plan now. It seems like “focus” is important. Also completion. I have so much to learn, but this is the only place I had the good fortune of finding any recovery. People on the outside would say “I have that problem too”, but somehow it seemed different than mine. After I found initial relief here, I thought I could handle things on my own, I didn’t need this site,(pride, ego), but the truth is, if I want to be a free person, and not a slave to whatever this thing is that is holding me back, I need the recovery that is offered here.
Up for about an hour, had breakfast and did some tidying and then have been doing nothing for about 20 min.
Today there's a fair amount I want to get done.
*Shopping! (A large fraction of my clothes have holes in them). Need to get a few shirts, a pair of pants, and a couple pairs of shoes
*Write discretization code and run it on at least 2 pathways
*Plan for concert and picnic
*Microburst estimated taxes (very late!)
Other tasks:
*Grocery shopping+cooking
*Start email to DR
*Write up work on BMPs, Wnts, FGF
OK, right now I'm going to have morning prayer time, then write discretization code, then microburst estimated taxes, then head out shopping.
Ordered second pair of shoes, got data from lab, had dinner, called home. Called a friend and he said something that upset me. I watched about an hour of a movie to calm me down, which helped, but means that now I'm a bit behind on my work (and *really* not feeling like doing it). I'm going to pray quickly, then work for a bit in the chatbox, microbursting estimated taxes and then working on my code.
K, I've been up for 2 hours doing nuthin'. Time to get busy. I just texted the kids to invite them for dinner, so I guess I better figure out what I'm going to cook!
Today I'm going to the grocery store, visit mom, get some keys made, straighten the house, clean the bathrooms and make a nice dinner. That should keep me busy, but if I run out of stuff to do I'll clean out the fridge. It's getting kinda sticky in there.
update: feed the hummingbirds, the feeder is empty!
Have a great weekend everyone, productive and enjoyable! Do what you need to do and enjoy the process.
UPDATE: An hour later, I'm dressed, the hummingbirds are fed, and I'm making my grocery list.
UPDATE 11:15 yay, grocery list is made and I'm headed out to visit mom, get keys made, and buy groceries. I'll check in when I get back because I have a hard time getting started again when i get home from food shopping. It's tiring and I feel that I need a break, which is fine, but the break can stretch for hoooouuuurrrs if I'm not careful!
UPDATE 4 pm I ran my errands, visited mom, bought groceries. The cold stuff is put away and I took a break for about 20 minutes. Back to work, first put away the rest of the groceries, then marinate the steaks and straighten and dust the dining room. DH did the floors, so I just need to give the living room and guest bathroom a wipedown, then make the side dishes and dessert. I should have plenty of time to get that done with time to spare before the kids arrive. IF I get up off my a$$ and get to it, that is!
UPDATE 7pm Dinner is on the table, the kids are on the way, have a great sat nite everyone!
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
good start with the checkins Elina! You might want to put your name in the subject line so we all know who is posting. Keep posting!! Have a great day.
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
fudoshin made it to 30 days!!! (10:43pm)
Please do not leave advice. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
30 days ago I made a resolution to avoid certain sites as well as the fan lines on for thirty days. I have achieved my goal!!!! Sites I've been avoiding for 30 days:
chatting site. MMORPGs count as "chat sites". IRC. The only
exception is 12 step-related chat.
As of this morning I have my thirty days of sobriety from these sites listed here. As such I am awarding myself the thirty-day chip.
1 month chip
Congrats fudo_shin!
That's incredible! Great job :)
Edge's CI - 8:40pm
Pleaseohplease, Self, just finish these things so we don't both end up shoveling doodoo for the next three days ;_;
Once those are done, let's not forget this:
Hmed 2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 9:07pm
Meh, finished Hmed and am gonna hit the sack. Will wake up extra early to finish my work.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 8:54pm
Oh God, I'm mentally crippled. I can't get into it. Keep wanting to fall asleep :((
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
mj Saturday checkin
2 boxes
finish reflection
sell speakers
add up claims
Words really make a difference in my head. If I say the word "dicipline" - already I am off to a bad start. I like "training" "abstinence" makes me think of "perfection" with my food, so I use the word "consistency""Check in" makes me anxious but "showing up" is something I am good at.
I also found in my procrastination log, I cannot have a "focus training session" aka "dicipline" with more than 1 or 2 things. I need a biginning and end. The letters I sent yesterday had many beginnings (I started in February) but no end (I sent them yesterday). If I work on one or 2 things at a time and get distracted, I can put off the distraction easier than if I had a list.
I am going to post the 1 or 2 things and they may seem pathetic, but they have to be things I know I can be successful at so I can practise and learn what kind of plan I need, so I can have some confidence to take on the harded ones without making myself sick, crazy or a failure because I could not even try.Then I can edit my daily list so I can keep track. Thanks
10:40 1. Finish dishwasher 2. throw in a load of wash
re: showing up
Yes, actually that's a great way to use the check in forum. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by a huge list, but I can come here, or to my journal, and say: I'm going to do this next. And just think about that task, rather than all the millions of things I could/should/might be doing.
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
Thanks Jo
I remember going to my 1st 12 step program, thinking I had a 0.0001% chance at recovery, but 30 yrs later, I have so many miracles, beyond my wilest drems, as the BB says.
With this program, which was only by the grace of God that I found it, it got me through the taxes, met wonderful people "who were like me" and had this problem. I now have more hope taht maybe I can recover. I want to think "I wasn't always like this" but I "wasn't always a compulsive overeater, alcoholic, etc. either" .
Anyway, I spent enough time observing my "issues" with this- enough to at least start looking at a solution to work for me (Like finding a food plan)- that took me 8 years in OA, but it still is working - FOR ME.). Using my "food log", I found my biggest problem was sugar. Using my procrastination log, my biggest problem is focus. I have the ability, time, tools, etc., etc.,If I can work with that one thing, I can look at others.I had to do it in OA that way too- stepping stone, In AA I kept relapsing until I could get consistent,I could not do a cold turkey.I am so graeful for everyone here and the stepping stone method.
I saw that I could not edit 1st message so I will here-
10:40 1. Finish dishwasher 2. throw in a load of wash 11:30 done. That was easy, but now I dn't know what to focus on next. 12-noon still do not know where to focus- 1. tidy up downstairs 2. Tidy up my room- I don't want to start a beginning end project yet- I want to do something that needs to be done and my mind seems to be blank, when that happens I try to start something I can't finish and then the cycle starts, I am sure I am jsut blocking it out of my mind whatever it is. this is a good focus, it will keep me busy for now. 4pm got alot done, wash, windows, declutter, but now have to skip the indepth work and wrap it up. I really got distracted because a program friend called and is in crisis and my codependency wants to save her. Husband decided to take off and at 2pm said lets go fishing. At first said yes, then could not find poles and when we did, only 2 poles are intact. Other son does not want to go and had a meltdown because his brother messed up the whole garage looking for poles, also to get at his younger brother because I paid him $30 for cleaning the garage, a task the older one refused to do, so I had to take care of that. I felt angry because my husband does this all the time, at the last minute he says I decided to take the afternoon off and then we have no plans and I already started something else, etc. Now resting. All this made me resentful and I had an early dinner. I still did not walk. In order not to sabotage myself, I will clean up kitchen and downstairs, should be done by 5:30 I need to stay focused and on task and not alow my resentments take over. Will quickly look on line to see if anything is happening. 6:30 pm done. Why does it feel like I didn't do anything?The kitchen and downstairs looks great. It's wierd. Anyway, staying focused helped. Now for a dip in a friend's pool and the store and relax. Focus training over for today. Take care, Vic
Hi Vic
Congratulations on a day well done and I hope the pool was summery and fun. I wanted to observe that I've been seeing myself do the same thing you're talking about. I finish something, I can see it's done, and yet I have the overriding sensation of not having actually done anything. What is UP with that?
I wonder if it is because I don't quite have the right understanding of what "done" feels like for most people? I'm just thinking out loud. What if it is not a glorious state of exaltation or anything like that, and is just far more mundane. Like, I'm done with dinner. I'm done brushing my teeth. I'm done with my visit to the pool.etc... I wonder if some habitual part of me expects to feel too much when I do get done with things.
Gnothi Seauton ~ Know Thyself
Hi Gwen
Thank you for sharing. Good to know I am not alone. It is a strange phenomena. Anything that has to do with “time” seems to be wacked out in my brain. I started giving examples, but who cares, I want to spend my energy on a plan now. It seems like “focus” is important. Also completion. I have so much to learn, but this is the only place I had the good fortune of finding any recovery. People on the outside would say “I have that problem too”, but somehow it seemed different than mine. After I found initial relief here, I thought I could handle things on my own, I didn’t need this site,(pride, ego), but the truth is, if I want to be a free person, and not a slave to whatever this thing is that is holding me back, I need the recovery that is offered here.
Hey there Gwen
Haven't seen you in a while!
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
Hope-Faith CI 10:40
Dropped kids off at VBS, Finsihed homework for one class. Next am routine.
kromer 9:40 CI
Up for about an hour, had breakfast and did some tidying and then have been doing nothing for about 20 min.
Today there's a fair amount I want to get done.
*Shopping! (A large fraction of my clothes have holes in them). Need to get a few shirts, a pair of pants, and a couple pairs of shoes
*Write discretization code and run it on at least 2 pathways
*Plan for concert and picnic
*Microburst estimated taxes (very late!)
Other tasks:
*Grocery shopping+cooking
*Start email to DR
*Write up work on BMPs, Wnts, FGF
OK, right now I'm going to have morning prayer time, then write discretization code, then microburst estimated taxes, then head out shopping.
kromer 5:40 CI
OK, have made good progress on discretization code.
Went shopping. Got pants, shirts, and one pair of shoes. The second pair of shoes I think I'll buy online.
Right now I'm in lab. I'm going to the the data I need to run code on 2 pathways and order the second pair of shoes.
Then, I'll go home, have dinner, take a break (call home and a friend), then get back to work.
kromer 10:15 CI
Ordered second pair of shoes, got data from lab, had dinner, called home. Called a friend and he said something that upset me. I watched about an hour of a movie to calm me down, which helped, but means that now I'm a bit behind on my work (and *really* not feeling like doing it). I'm going to pray quickly, then work for a bit in the chatbox, microbursting estimated taxes and then working on my code.
Journey 9:30 UPDATED
K, I've been up for 2 hours doing nuthin'. Time to get busy. I just texted the kids to invite them for dinner, so I guess I better figure out what I'm going to cook!
Today I'm going to the grocery store, visit mom, get some keys made, straighten the house, clean the bathrooms and make a nice dinner. That should keep me busy, but if I run out of stuff to do I'll clean out the fridge. It's getting kinda sticky in there.
update: feed the hummingbirds, the feeder is empty!
Have a great weekend everyone, productive and enjoyable! Do what you need to do and enjoy the process.
UPDATE: An hour later, I'm dressed, the hummingbirds are fed, and I'm making my grocery list.
UPDATE 11:15 yay, grocery list is made and I'm headed out to visit mom, get keys made, and buy groceries. I'll check in when I get back because I have a hard time getting started again when i get home from food shopping. It's tiring and I feel that I need a break, which is fine, but the break can stretch for hoooouuuurrrs if I'm not careful!
UPDATE 4 pm I ran my errands, visited mom, bought groceries. The cold stuff is put away and I took a break for about 20 minutes. Back to work, first put away the rest of the groceries, then marinate the steaks and straighten and dust the dining room. DH did the floors, so I just need to give the living room and guest bathroom a wipedown, then make the side dishes and dessert. I should have plenty of time to get that done with time to spare before the kids arrive. IF I get up off my a$$ and get to it, that is!
UPDATE 7pm Dinner is on the table, the kids are on the way, have a great sat nite everyone!
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
Falcon CI Sat.
Hi all,
Don't wanna!
Don't wanna clean stuff out of the fridge, don't wanna do paperwork, don't wanna!
But I guess I will anyway. I told myself I'd be "at work" by 9:00, so I have 10 minutes to sit & finish my tea. Then. . . the fridge.
9:15 update: I decided to use my 10 minutes to meditate, but was interrupted by a phone call from a friend.
O.k., now the dishwasher, which I need to empty so I can put the fridge containers in it, and then the fridge. Heading over to the chatbox. . .
My day
I would like to learn to use this Forum...lets see how it goes! :)
I have some tasks for today. I wrote them already down...
- Go to the Post.
-Go to the supermarket with shoppinglist
-Call Mum with Skype or- if not available, write a mail
-Remember my OA (Overeaters anonymous) friend with an SMS
- Vacuumclean the flat, feed the birds.
In recovery
re: my day
good start with the checkins Elina! You might want to put your name in the subject line so we all know who is posting. Keep posting!! Have a great day.
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
Thank you Journey!
I m so glad that I made a list. I still have to call my mum, everything else I ve done already. I also cleaned the bathroom, it is clean now in here!
Have a good day all
In recovery
When I look into the future, it is so bright it burns my eyes ~ Oprah Windfrey