Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Hi everyone! Hate being inconsistent here - have had internet issues again all week and get going in the day and then am off routine of starting here first so I don't think to come back or can't because no internet. But i am doing well - tho i am having to stay super aware b/c i realize my tendency to hold on to a project or not start out of perfectionism is always there ready to get me off track.
I hope I can start being more consistent again soon and reconnect with everyone. I don't think I will succeed without the fellowship, support and accountability here.
I feel like you are here in spirit when you have computer issues. For me, my head (denial) says I can succeed without the fellowship, support and accountability- I had the same denial with the other issues- my heart knows I can't so I keep coming back , and let my head and heart agree to disagree, while I move forward with tasks. Always, Vic
This morning at the gym I did my full cardio, stretching, and ab exercises.
Trying to help someone at work, but they were giving conflicting information; to clear that up, waiting for a response (hopefully tomorrow). At lunchtime after eating, I bought gifts, then worked on my budget again. By the end of the day, project list was still looking pretty good.
After arriving at home, I have fixed & eaten dinner. I'm washing some clothes. I have picked out dolls for girls at family reunion. I heed to find 2 other dolls, but not sure I feel industrious enough tonight to move everything in the walk-in closet Twice. I'm thinking about it ;)
Really I can putter around the rest of the evening. That may be enough for tonight. If I get anything else accomplished, I will update my CI.
6:40pm. I've decided on 2 substitute dolls, to make things easier for myself ;) I still have to put some things back in the storage closet, but I'm going to goof off a little bit first ;)
7:30pm. One box didn't make it back into the closet, but I've gotten the other ones put back in there. Good enough.
I feel I lost 50 pounds when I woke up today because of getting through yesterday.A true miracle of the program and once again "together we can do wht we could not do alone" I have been keeping a procrastination log as an experiment to ovserve my patterns. I would say my biggest problem is FOCUS. Not having a job right now- I have no STRUCTURE. I am not completing the tasks I thought I would- having more time, so it is not the time, it is me. My sister told me to make a priority list and do that first. I don't know how to do that- everything is a priority, just not being "past due" is good- which reminds me I have a store bill due tommorrow. So I am going to do what the Big Book says, pray for God to show me "the next right thing". I think the next right thing now is my walk. I did not go yesterday and it makes difference. Ifeel soooooooooooo angry right now- it is 20 before 8 and I have not done the letters now it is late and Iam so sick of myself. I did walk, did wash, kitchen and kitchen floor, went for a dip in friend's pool with my son, baked cake, cleaned toilet- but still no letters.I have looked for the return envelope of one letter and don't know where it is and I looked for an hr, then with the other letter it has to go certified mail, so I cannot send it today. I feel like everything is a struggle. I am so sick of it.
ok, with that being said, i will fill out the forms for the one letter. 8:20- done- I eill give myself until tommorrow to find my envelope- I know I pput it "somewhere safe" which as usual, is somewhere never to be found- I put a blank envelope with the papers and stamp in case I do not find it. I almost got off track 100 times. being here is the only reason I stayed focused at all.just feel so angry.
Letter # 2- it is 8:25. I need to find it in my computer and 1 print it 2. have envelope ready 3 send it certified mail tommorrow- I am so angry- I have put this off for months- I must have started this 100 times and spent I don't know how much time on it. that having been said- I will start- ok done it is 9:10. I could not find original paperwork and almost had a meltdown, but I found it., typed, printed and have envelope ready. I foled around with the pronter to print on the envelope but then stopped.
I guess 11/2 hr is not too bad for everything to have them ready to send. I have one more item- I ordered a cell phone on line and it was not what I thought, so now I have to send it back. I want to contact phone people one more time before I return it but not tonight.
Some of the anger is about my mess, mostly about me, I can't stand it. Then after applying for a job all day a few days ago, someone called and my husband answered and of course lost the call. It just made me furious- it was something I really wanted, it was one more reason to be mad- I can't even get a phone call because everything is so messed up. Some anger at my son, I sort of hung out because he needed a ride to a local fair- then he did not go- I could have gone to a meeting, but then the letter would not have gotten done. I "should" be grateful- I also got poison after picking weeds a few days ago, so that is not helping me feel too good.
Once I get out all the garbage feelings, I can let good ones in. So Now I feel grateful. I have to do it like this, but in time it will get better, like the food, alcohol, cig., etc.Thank gooodness there is someplace that works. Need to get some rest, Vic
Yesterday i did OK...go *almost* all the way through all my MITs, but still have a little cleanup work to do.
However, I'mfacing a backlog of a bunch of stuff I should have gotten done earlier this weeklast week. I'll just work hard today and get as much done as I can
*FINISH LIT REVIEW--I've set a self-imposed hard deadline of midnight for getting this done. I don't have much to do...I need to read 1 more paper, write about 12 page, and proofread my work.
*Finish pathway retrieval...I'm really close to done with this, maybe have another hour or 2 of work.
*Fix up bike--I've been letting this slip for a couple weeks and got my payback this morning...back break gave out. So I need to devote a couple hours this evening to fixing this up
*Read 2 papers, start analysis code
Other tasks:
*Email CC and PR
*Plan for gospel concert/church picnic
*Write up my work on Fgf/wnt
*QC/basic proc of VAD data
*Grad school status assessment
I'm going to start by working on pathway retrieval for an hour...hope to get most of the way done.
Yesterday was not a bad day; as usual I was much more productive in the afternoon than I was in the morning. I guess I just need to accept the fact that getting up early does not make one a morning person! I'm going to stop feeling bad because morning is a low energy time for me and just learn to adjust my plans accordingly. Instead of trying to force myself into doing the hardest things first (eat the frog) I will consider doing the easier, more boring tasks before lunch. We'll see if that makes a difference.
Anyway, I've been to the gym, read email, and checked my calendar. I have no meetings on the calendar today so I should be able to set my own schedule if I can stay out of the boss's line of sight. I have spent several hours the past couple of days doing his grunt work .
Making a todo list now, see you PAers laters.
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
Doing the easy stuff first may be a very good idea for me! I've already got some stuff done this morning, even though it's not the top priority stuff. Normally I sit and look at the highest priority item on my list for a couple of hours before I actually get up the gumption to get it done. I could be using that time to do lower priority busy work. Duh! /me facepalms. Why didn't i think of this before?! OK, there I go, berating myself instead of moving forward. Cutting that out right now lol.
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
I'll join you, journey! No more berating self for circadian rhythms - as if we could control them! "Early bird gets the worm" might be best for most, but to me it's like telling an ADHD first-grader to sit still and listen. I've tried for 56 years to become a morning person and it's not working! I am most productive between 11:30am and 11:30pm, so why don't I just go with that? duh...
Here in PA, we're writing the science AND the art of recovery from an unrecognized dis-ease. So I say let's do what works, not do what doesn't, and to the "experts!"
byGodsGrace todays CI
Hi everyone! Hate being inconsistent here - have had internet issues again all week and get going in the day and then am off routine of starting here first so I don't think to come back or can't because no internet. But i am doing well - tho i am having to stay super aware b/c i realize my tendency to hold on to a project or not start out of perfectionism is always there ready to get me off track.
I hope I can start being more consistent again soon and reconnect with everyone. I don't think I will succeed without the fellowship, support and accountability here.
Hi bGG--good to see you here
Hi bGG--good to see you here as always
Your spirit is here
Hi Grace,
I feel like you are here in spirit when you have computer issues. For me, my head (denial) says I can succeed without the fellowship, support and accountability- I had the same denial with the other issues- my heart knows I can't so I keep coming back , and let my head and heart agree to disagree, while I move forward with tasks. Always, Vic
Recycler CI 6:30pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
This morning at the gym I did my full cardio, stretching, and ab exercises.
Trying to help someone at work, but they were giving conflicting information; to clear that up, waiting for a response (hopefully tomorrow). At lunchtime after eating, I bought gifts, then worked on my budget again. By the end of the day, project list was still looking pretty good.
After arriving at home, I have fixed & eaten dinner. I'm washing some clothes. I have picked out dolls for girls at family reunion. I heed to find 2 other dolls, but not sure I feel industrious enough tonight to move everything in the walk-in closet Twice. I'm thinking about it ;)
Really I can putter around the rest of the evening. That may be enough for tonight. If I get anything else accomplished, I will update my CI.
6:40pm. I've decided on 2 substitute dolls, to make things easier for myself ;) I still have to put some things back in the storage closet, but I'm going to goof off a little bit first ;)
7:30pm. One box didn't make it back into the closet, but I've gotten the other ones put back in there. Good enough.
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Agnus 1pm checkin
Been working pretty steadily since 10ish but just checking in now, had a couple brushfires first thing. Onward to today's MITs:
Thurs. ck in Vic
I feel I lost 50 pounds when I woke up today because of getting through yesterday.A true miracle of the program and once again "together we can do wht we could not do alone" I have been keeping a procrastination log as an experiment to ovserve my patterns. I would say my biggest problem is FOCUS. Not having a job right now- I have no STRUCTURE. I am not completing the tasks I thought I would- having more time, so it is not the time, it is me. My sister told me to make a priority list and do that first. I don't know how to do that- everything is a priority, just not being "past due" is good- which reminds me I have a store bill due tommorrow. So I am going to do what the Big Book says, pray for God to show me "the next right thing". I think the next right thing now is my walk. I did not go yesterday and it makes difference. Ifeel soooooooooooo angry right now- it is 20 before 8 and I have not done the letters now it is late and Iam so sick of myself. I did walk, did wash, kitchen and kitchen floor, went for a dip in friend's pool with my son, baked cake, cleaned toilet- but still no letters.I have looked for the return envelope of one letter and don't know where it is and I looked for an hr, then with the other letter it has to go certified mail, so I cannot send it today. I feel like everything is a struggle. I am so sick of it.
ok, with that being said, i will fill out the forms for the one letter. 8:20- done- I eill give myself until tommorrow to find my envelope- I know I pput it "somewhere safe" which as usual, is somewhere never to be found- I put a blank envelope with the papers and stamp in case I do not find it. I almost got off track 100 times. being here is the only reason I stayed focused at all.just feel so angry.
Letter # 2- it is 8:25. I need to find it in my computer and 1 print it 2. have envelope ready 3 send it certified mail tommorrow- I am so angry- I have put this off for months- I must have started this 100 times and spent I don't know how much time on it. that having been said- I will start- ok done it is 9:10. I could not find original paperwork and almost had a meltdown, but I found it., typed, printed and have envelope ready. I foled around with the pronter to print on the envelope but then stopped.
I guess 11/2 hr is not too bad for everything to have them ready to send. I have one more item- I ordered a cell phone on line and it was not what I thought, so now I have to send it back. I want to contact phone people one more time before I return it but not tonight.
Some of the anger is about my mess, mostly about me, I can't stand it. Then after applying for a job all day a few days ago, someone called and my husband answered and of course lost the call. It just made me furious- it was something I really wanted, it was one more reason to be mad- I can't even get a phone call because everything is so messed up. Some anger at my son, I sort of hung out because he needed a ride to a local fair- then he did not go- I could have gone to a meeting, but then the letter would not have gotten done. I "should" be grateful- I also got poison after picking weeds a few days ago, so that is not helping me feel too good.
Once I get out all the garbage feelings, I can let good ones in. So Now I feel grateful. I have to do it like this, but in time it will get better, like the food, alcohol, cig., etc.Thank gooodness there is someplace that works. Need to get some rest, Vic
kromer 9:50 CI
Yesterday i did OK...go *almost* all the way through all my MITs, but still have a little cleanup work to do.
However, I'mfacing a backlog of a bunch of stuff I should have gotten done earlier this weeklast week. I'll just work hard today and get as much done as I can
*FINISH LIT REVIEW--I've set a self-imposed hard deadline of midnight for getting this done. I don't have much to do...I need to read 1 more paper, write about 12 page, and proofread my work.
*Finish pathway retrieval...I'm really close to done with this, maybe have another hour or 2 of work.
*Fix up bike--I've been letting this slip for a couple weeks and got my payback this morning...back break gave out. So I need to devote a couple hours this evening to fixing this up
*Read 2 papers, start analysis code
Other tasks:
*Email CC and PR
*Plan for gospel concert/church picnic
*Write up my work on Fgf/wnt
*QC/basic proc of VAD data
*Grad school status assessment
I'm going to start by working on pathway retrieval for an hour...hope to get most of the way done.
kromer 3:10 CI
OK, I'm doing ok today (though not going as fast as I would like, of course :P )
I've read all the papers for lit. review and am working on writing.
I've finished pathway retireval, though I'd like to format results a little better.
I'm going to go get some caffeine, then I'll finish writing lit. review, then read papers for analysis code, then proofread lit. review.
just_me checking in 3:27 pm
Sew zipper
Physical therapy
Buy catfood
Cut fabric got started and it wasn´t as bad as I thought it would be!
print out train ticket
Chi Gong
Already done:
Mail 1Mail 2LaundryThank you and a good day to everyone!
mamajama Thursday
must do:
reflection on visit
other ecollege work
contact re moving stuff
nice to do:
more boxes
mow lawn
Journey 8:30 am
Yesterday was not a bad day; as usual I was much more productive in the afternoon than I was in the morning. I guess I just need to accept the fact that getting up early does not make one a morning person! I'm going to stop feeling bad because morning is a low energy time for me and just learn to adjust my plans accordingly. Instead of trying to force myself into doing the hardest things first (eat the frog) I will consider doing the easier, more boring tasks before lunch. We'll see if that makes a difference.
Anyway, I've been to the gym, read email, and checked my calendar. I have no meetings on the calendar today so I should be able to set my own schedule if I can stay out of the boss's line of sight. I have spent several hours the past couple of days doing his grunt work
Making a todo list now, see you PAers laters.
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
Journey 10:15 not a morning person
Doing the easy stuff first may be a very good idea for me! I've already got some stuff done this morning, even though it's not the top priority stuff. Normally I sit and look at the highest priority item on my list for a couple of hours before I actually get up the gumption to get it done. I could be using that time to do lower priority busy work. Duh! /me facepalms. Why didn't i think of this before?! OK, there I go, berating myself instead of moving forward. Cutting that out right now lol.
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard
me2 re: mornings
I'll join you, journey! No more berating self for circadian rhythms - as if we could control them! "Early bird gets the worm" might be best for most, but to me it's like telling an ADHD first-grader to sit still and listen. I've tried for 56 years to become a morning person and it's not working! I am most productive between 11:30am and 11:30pm, so why don't I just go with that? duh...
Here in PA, we're writing the science AND the art of recovery from an unrecognized dis-ease. So I say let's do what works, not do what doesn't, and
to the "experts!"
re: me2
Hey, I'm 56 too! we are TWINS separated at birth lol . .
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs . . . one step at a time." - Joe Girard