Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Friday 29 May 2009
A hay stack is made of single straws.
Many drops fill a bucket.
A journey starts with the first step
Even the smallest effort is infinitely more than not doing anything.
The procrastinator's law of thermodynamics is that it takes a lot to take that first step, so I will give myself credit for every bit of effort, no matter how small
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I am recruiting a sponsor or a co-sponsor. Please let me know if you'd like to help me work on the steps for this program. I am looking for someone I can check in with a few times a week, and then develop a plan of bottomlines and toplines that are specific to my behavior in this program.
Thanks. : )
comedy todo list for
comedy todo list for Friday, May 29th:
And here's why:
THe objective of creating this list is to figure out what qualities of him that I admire, and want for myself to start thinking about how I can attain those qualities and accomplishments for myself. Often what I do in my sex and love addiction is that I seek out people who have qualities that I feel I lack or that I look up to, instead of going out and doing what it would take to make myself feel confident. Being him is overkill of course; but what I'm looking to do is do enough so that I feel comfortable with myself and am no longer looking for attention from a man to fulfill me. In this way I feel like these addictions of Procrastination and sex and love addiction work off of each other.
That having been said. I accomplished a lot of program work in my CoDA program today, and I am waiting for two of my sponsors to call me back tomorrow, so that I can finish the procedure. I have two more letters to write: one to myself and one to my HP but I will do it all in good time.
fudo shin
I am loving that you are jealous of your crush because "he is so far-fetched intellectually that no one can understand what he's saying" and "He exercises pretentiousness on a daily basis" along with that wonderful pearl that "he wears matching clothing". I really identify with these ridiculous desires lol!
asking for help to do the next right thing
Thanks, e. I needed some
Thanks, e. I needed some comic relief.
e's friday
up late, rainy outside, even the dog slept in! Got out to walk after 11:30 and took the overdue but busted dvd back to the shop. Worked on dishes and now am getting ready for stints on the taxes.
asking for help to do the next right thing
ByGodsGrace todays CI
Hi Everyone!
It makes my day to come here and know I am not alone!
I have had a rough couple of days trying to recover from the last deadline I had - just didnt want to restart - major resistance - should have felt better about taking a short break - i never have weekends or true days off - but I felt guilty for being burned out and just couldn't make myself focus or even make a list of things to do for work.
It is my birthday today...37 years old. I had a bit of a pityparty last night - not too bad which I am grateful for because I know that shows progress - but got some sleep and feel better today - God promises tears may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning! :-)
I can't get back any of the time I have wasted or used ineffectively or any of the time that was lost in a bad marriage or other hard times - but I can make the most of the rest of my days!
I have thought of the poem chickadee posted and will pray on it more today...
From: Mary Oliver's poem The summer Day
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?
Word and prayer for the day: Psalm 139: 13-14For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.Help me God to see myself as you created me.
My to do list:
Enjoy the day with dd! Maybe a hair cut or gift for myself, library return
pay bills, Catch up on email, return calls, plan pending deadlines/supply orders
Happy belated BBG-Day
Hippo Birdie 2 Ewes!
asking for help to do the next right thing
Happy B-day.
Happy B-day.
A late very Happy Birthday
A late very Happy Birthday to you bGG!
and many good wishes for your next year :)
*-._.-* *-._.-* Happy Birthday bGG! *-._.-* *-._.-*
Soon you will harvest what you are planting today - Steve Pavlina
bGG = birthday Girl Grows!
Happy b-day!
thank you everyone!!!
You all really made my day!
I am so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful group :-)
Ag 11am,4pm
Good morning, PAers! Hope everyone has a great Friday. After a productive day yesterday I rewarded myself with an hour of "play" last night in the small secondhand camper-trailer we recently bought. It came without instructions so I had some fear/procrastination about it and it's been sitting in the yard barely touched for a month. But once I prayed and got started, it was fun - like a childhood playhouse! Going to check forecast and decide if tonight is our debut adventure - just three miles to a small park for the first try.
But first, I have real work to do! Already had sponsor and sponsee calls, and did some food prep; also two work related calls. Next up:
read the scary reportupdate samewrite step1 stuff to sponseebathe dogbe on time for 12:45 PTwell, almost: 3 minutes late. progress not perfection! Who but a PA would understand being chronically late for something as nice as a massage?schedule revision of w3isabo ci 1055am
Where today's starter is all true, it neglects to mention the amount of effort it takes to create that first step. straw. bucket.
Just finished finances...I need to go to the food bank to get staples like milk, bread, potatoes. How do I tell my hubby?? Gas went up again, and son's birthday is in this two week period. invitations already out. pool paid for. Do I uninvite everyone? How would I even do that?
not in a very good mental state right now I feel very heavy and sluggish. I don't want to bring daughter with me to bank.
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
Isabo, wishing you strength
Isabo, wishing you strength and luck to cope with all this.
I added a little postscript to the starter--for you and all of us. because it can be so, so, hard to take that first step...
I've been there and it stinks. Thank God for food banks and church pantries - we would not have made it sometimes without them. What we found was that during tough times, our friends and neighbors were very understand and enjoyed being asked to bring "potluck" to parties. Feeling for you, and praying for you.
@isabo re:finances
Yuck, sorry you are having such a hard time! I'm struggling financially too, as I think a lot of us are, but I know it just made things worse when I pretended everything was fine and tried to keep up a lifestyle I could no longer afford . . . once I sat DH and DD down and showed them the situation on paper, it was much better. I mean, the finances weren't any better but at least I wasn't facing the problem alone.
Good luck with the party!
Soon you will harvest what you are planting today - Steve Pavlina
thank you
Nothing is worth more than this day - Goethe
kromer 9:25 CI
Good morning all!
I've decided to try not turning on my computer until I get to lab..helped me get to lab on time today, so I think this is a good plan. But it means I'll be CI-ing a little late today. So far, I've had breakfast and prayer/quiet time.
Scheduled: Youth group 4:30-9, formal 9-11
MITs for the day
*Finish clustering analysis for MC's project
*Finish reading chpt. 1 of HTT
*Finish running CLR and make slides with results
*GO analysis for MC's data
*Order backup harddrive
Other tasks
*1 hr organizing code
*Analyze agreement between replicates
*Comparison of SMN data to timecourse data
I'm trying to wean myself off working with music and working with the chatbox...these things are helpful to me, but they make it look like I'm slacking off in lab. I'm going to try to spend at least an hour this morning working without both, and another hour working without one.
Right now I'm going to try to finish clustering analysis for MC's project.
kromer 11:50 CI
Keeping my own personal journal is proving a decent substitute for the chatbox, so I think I'll keep going with that. Working without music is harder (one of my labmates has the radio playing, and there's in general a fair amount of noise, so I get easily distracted)...I'll try taking breaks from music and gradually reducing the volume).
I'm making slow but reasonably steady progress...have made some progress on clustering analysis, and, in the course of that, have spend 1 hr organizing code. Right now, I'm going to finish running CLR, finish pre-processing data for clustering analysis, then get lunch (possibly at lunch seminar)
Update 1:20--finished running CLR, got lunch and lunch seminar, almost done pre-processing data for cluster analysis, will check back when that pre-processing is done.
kromer 4:30 CI
Have been working SO SLOW the past few days...I thought my focus was OK today, but I haven't gotten any of my MITs done, and I don't have any more work-time... I will try again tomorrow. (I did make progress on CLR and clustering analysis, but that's it)
Journey 9 am where is everybody this morning?!
Good morning! I have stayed up an hour past my bedtime the past three nights and I'm feeling it today. Need to get back into the habit of going to bed early!
This morning I'm going to finish a writeup that I started working on yesterday. I'm into it, so it'll be easy. I have an interesting lunch & learn provided by Big Corporation and I'm looking forward to that. The weather is beautiful, finally a sunny weekend ahead. I had a great workout this morning, I feel great, and it's going to be a great day! And it's payday! It jsut don't get much better than this.
Have a productive and enjoyable day everyone!
Soon you will harvest what you are planting today - Steve Pavlina