Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I haven't checked in for a while. . . life has been throwing all kinds of crazy things at me. Nothing terrible, just a bunch of random stresses and aggravations. I've been too busy keeping my head above water to have time to procrastinate!
I have a bunch of stuff I need to do today & tomorrow. Next up: do a mind-sweep of all the different things on my mind, then figure out tasks for today & tomorrow.
Not doing too bad. . . I got all the bills paid, balanced the checkbook and figured out some other financial stuff. Got one load of laundry hung and another in the washer. Emailed one person. And most importantly, got some list-making & organizing done so I know what I'm doing when!
Next: going to clean up & go to the bank. Then come back & clean the bathroom and do some dusting.
Yay! I got all the critical stuff done for today, and have a little time left over before my evening committment. Instead of fooling around, I want to get a little jump-start on tomorrow's stuff.
Going to go see if the cat is sleepy enough that I can clip her claws. If not, I'll work on Project H for a little while.
Good morning! Well, I've been up since 9. I did one load of laundry but then sat down at the computer to make my grocery list and I've been here for an hour with no grocery list
I did look at the weekly ads, so I guess it wasn't all goofing off! Now to make my grocery list and get out of here and get to the store before the after-church crowd gets there. I'll check back when I get home from the store. I'm always tired when I get home from food shopping and have a tendency to want to sit down and zone out instead of putting away the groceries. See you at about 2 pm.
Soon you will harvest what you are planting today - Steve Pavlina
I often find myself feeling like I don't want to do things because they are too exhausting, especially groceries, laundry, etc. Silly, because it really doesn't take that long to do, but I have often felt resentful of the fact that after all I have done that this still must be done! So silly, but I do think it has to do with being tired. Recently I am dog sitting and getting a good 40 minute walk in the morning and am really enjoying it and the endorphins (who knew!) and am less inclined to whine to myself about such things. (as you can imagine, I have been a rather sedentary person up til now...)
me too E, and here I go now to put things away. I've been home 45 minutes. I did put away the cold stuff before sitting down, but now it's time to go do the rest!
Soon you will harvest what you are planting today - Steve Pavlina
This CLR task is a bear! I've been planning to finish it for the last 2 days and haven't. I made progress today at least, but still am not done.
That ate up most of the day, though I did go to church and PA mtg, and dealt with phone calls and emails. I also cooked myself a healthy dinner. Going to briefly pray now and go to bed.
I think it was an OK day in terms of focus and avoiding binging, but I still apparently have trouble estimating time requirements and dividing my time btwn different tasks. Tomorrow I'll try setting a time limit on how much time I can spend of CLR task, so it doesn't continue driving out all my other projects.
Had a chocolate cookie with reese's peanut butter cup on top. I felt kind of ill afterward. My teeth hurt. I cannot eat processed sugars like that because my teeth begin to hurt. Then I felt sort of ill as I said, felt like I was on a rollercoaster. I swear it was the only indulgence I've had in like a week. uh ohs. NOt counging the croissant and the savory pastry which was not sweet at all, and I did not experience the same weird feeling afterward.
I only mention this, cuz sometimes I get little foods as a means of procrastinating. I was feeling antsy, having stayed inside all day,and had to get out. It just so happened that by the time I left I was hungry again, but because of my cash flow I could not go to a restaurant. So instead I had the free cookie that was not what I most desired. I most desired sushi but I cannot go to any restaurant right now and I have to be very modest with anything I buy at all, period. OF course I didn't want to go back inside, as I couldn't make myself get out of the house. It was horrible. I really need an offline component to a 12 step program about procrastination, so that I am FORCED to get out the door. I also need real people with recovery, and less of the cross-talky chicanery.I would appreciate, if someone out there, my HP, for instance, would PLEASE help me get the rent for June, and please help me to get the right notice from the place where I work so I can get the deferral. Again, please don't leave any comments thanks. I just need to share, and feel comfortable sharing at my highest level.
One of my procrastination strategies is to wait until I cannot do anything about the thing at hand. I procrastinate to the point of not doing something, and then I procrastinate, simply because I fear very strongly that I cannot do anything about it. When the irony/truth of it is that I am the one who unconsciously or consciously put myself in the situation of being powerless. But why would I want to put myself in the position where I could not do ANYTHING to better my situation? Why would I want to put myself in the position where I could not do anything about the past or the present? WHY? I can't handle it for many reasons. I've been so "High" for so lng I don't know what it's like to be sober. So I cannot even tell you how I really feel or why I do things. I lie to people constantly. I promise them that I am capable of work that I am a great person, but I cannot even put myself in front of a computer and do the work that I know I ought to do.
From now on, no processed sugars without brushing my teeth directly afterward. My teeth are ...yeah. I cannot do it b/c of the teeth. This addiction is harder than the other addictions. ALl of my other addictions were about *not* doing something. They were about finding a replacement behavior. They were about doing something else, in some cases, or sharing, etc. But this addiction is about doing something. This is the fucking topline program and that is tough shit. Tougher than all the rest of my programs combined. You mean I have to invest in myself? Be responsible for making myself comfortable and not complaining my way out of things? You mean I actually have to do something for me and not procrastinate until I cannot do it? You mean I cannot bail? My lifestyle right now has been avoidant. I know I don't show it on the outside. I've been to twenty interviews, and applied to 600 companies. I feel like a horrible person, even though I"m not. Even though the truth is that when I went to those karaoke nights, I went there so as to stop wanting to killmyself, and to stop obsessing about whomever. I wanted to feel alive, feel whole and feel like I were an amazing person who was worthy of respect, who didn't have to compare hirself with so and so. THis is what I have always done inall of my addictions. I have alwys been avoiding my fears. I hate this addiction. I hate that I make promises I cannot keep and am further shamed by my mother and anyone else that I reveal my secrets to, except you guys, who understand what it's like to be a chronic procrastinator.
I need to believe in something. Yet I feel inept in this area. If I do this program, I really have to do the work at some point, just like in my other program: If I am going to do the program, I had to abstain... Staying meant abstaining from bottomline behavior, and staying here, means sustaining topline behavior. It's so vague though. What does that mean?
I'm going to be in and out all day, so I thought I should do a quick CI to get the day started, because I'm not sure that I will be on the computer during the rest of the day.
This weekend I have accomplished a number of foundational things that need to be done. I still have a ways to go, but have gratitude for what is already done. Thanks, HP! :)
I'm going to try to go on a bike ride now before it rains.
awww... how cute!
thanks for the daily thread, recycler!
tonite i will participate in meeting and do some so cles. that is all. studied in morning/afternoon for exam i had an hour ago. need down time.
managed to go for a shortish walk/run and get a good night's sleep last nite so i am incredibly grateful.
Hope-Faith CI 1:50
What have I done today.
What is left to do
vic - ck in
1,Grateful list:
1. got to church 2. saw Terminator movie yesterday with family 3. not raining right now 4.this site 5. the PA meeting today
2,Put program first
Falcon CI Sun.
Hi pro buddies,
I haven't checked in for a while. . . life has been throwing all kinds of crazy things at me. Nothing terrible, just a bunch of random stresses and aggravations. I've been too busy keeping my head above water to have time to procrastinate!
I have a bunch of stuff I need to do today & tomorrow. Next up: do a mind-sweep of all the different things on my mind, then figure out tasks for today & tomorrow.
Hope everyone's been doing well!
Falcon CI midday
Not doing too bad. . . I got all the bills paid, balanced the checkbook and figured out some other financial stuff. Got one load of laundry hung and another in the washer. Emailed one person. And most importantly, got some list-making & organizing done so I know what I'm doing when!
Next: going to clean up & go to the bank. Then come back & clean the bathroom and do some dusting.
Falcon CI Sun. Eve.
Yay! I got all the critical stuff done for today, and have a little time left over before my evening committment. Instead of fooling around, I want to get a little jump-start on tomorrow's stuff.
Going to go see if the cat is sleepy enough that I can clip her claws. If not, I'll work on Project H for a little while.
Journey 11 am love the giraffe!!
Good morning! Well, I've been up since 9. I did one load of laundry but then sat down at the computer to make my grocery list and I've been here for an hour with no grocery list
I did look at the weekly ads, so I guess it wasn't all goofing off! Now to make my grocery list and get out of here and get to the store before the after-church crowd gets there. I'll check back when I get home from the store. I'm always tired when I get home from food shopping and have a tendency to want to sit down and zone out instead of putting away the groceries. See you at about 2 pm.
Soon you will harvest what you are planting today - Steve Pavlina
not liking to put things away and tiredness
I often find myself feeling like I don't want to do things because they are too exhausting, especially groceries, laundry, etc. Silly, because it really doesn't take that long to do, but I have often felt resentful of the fact that after all I have done that this still must be done! So silly, but I do think it has to do with being tired. Recently I am dog sitting and getting a good 40 minute walk in the morning and am really enjoying it and the endorphins (who knew!) and am less inclined to whine to myself about such things. (as you can imagine, I have been a rather sedentary person up til now...)
asking for help to do the next right thing
Journey 3:15 putting things away
me too E, and here I go now to put things away. I've been home 45 minutes. I did put away the cold stuff before sitting down, but now it's time to go do the rest!
Soon you will harvest what you are planting today - Steve Pavlina
Weekly P.A. 12-Step meeting in "meetings chatbox"
Procrastinators Anonymous weekly 12-Step meeting in "meetings chatbox".
This meeting follows a 12-Step Meeting format.
Meeting is held:
(Meeting is Sunday 7:30 PM GMT -
STANDARD time year round.
Click on links in RED below -- to give exact time in your time zone)
> Click here (in this red type) to find your timezone equivalent for today's meeting.
> Click here (in this red type) to find your timezone equivalent for next week's meeting.
Sunday 3:30 PM, USA Eastern DAYLIGHT Time
Sunday 8:30 PM, British DAYLIGHT Time
Monday 5:30 AM, Sydney Australia STANDARD Time
It works when we "work it". Let's do whatever it takes to find recovery. All are welcome.
No obligation to attend. No need to "report in". No attendance taken.
Come when you feel called to come!
All are welcome!
CI dotnow
goals for day: diary
study 2 hours and review it.
call RK , R. Eisnman about M Kessler and Ar w kids alone
Prj Hiz - way overdue
doantions: way over due
mortgave info and car decsions
read 2 texts
tomorrow summer job
online meeting 3?
byGodsGrace todays CI
Good morning everyone! Thanks for the starter Recycler - love the giraffe peeking out at us!
Last day of assembly on this job - will get it done - but see so many areas I can improve... and will by Gods Grace :-)
praying an overcoming day for all!
kromer 8:35 CI
Scheduled: Church 9:45-1, PA mtg 3:30-4:30 my time.
*Get CLR running!
*Bg reading plan for DP's project
*Return phone calls, deal w/ 500 emails
*Clean kitchen
*Prayer/quiet time
*Buy hard drive
Other tasks:
*Notes from 2 mtgs
*1 hr mouse development review.
Going to work on getting CLR running until I leave for church.
kromer 1:40 CI
Worked on getting CLR running, went to church, had lunch.
Now, I want to work a little longer on getting CLR running, then take care of phone calls+emails, then go to mtg
kromer 11:40 CO
This CLR task is a bear! I've been planning to finish it for the last 2 days and haven't. I made progress today at least, but still am not done.
That ate up most of the day, though I did go to church and PA mtg, and dealt with phone calls and emails. I also cooked myself a healthy dinner. Going to briefly pray now and go to bed.
I think it was an OK day in terms of focus and avoiding binging, but I still apparently have trouble estimating time requirements and dividing my time btwn different tasks. Tomorrow I'll try setting a time limit on how much time I can spend of CLR task, so it doesn't continue driving out all my other projects.
Good night, all!
please don't leave comments, thanks
Had a chocolate cookie with reese's peanut butter cup on top. I felt kind of ill afterward. My teeth hurt. I cannot eat processed sugars like that because my teeth begin to hurt. Then I felt sort of ill as I said, felt like I was on a rollercoaster. I swear it was the only indulgence I've had in like a week. uh ohs. NOt counging the croissant and the savory pastry which was not sweet at all, and I did not experience the same weird feeling afterward.
I only mention this, cuz sometimes I get little foods as a means of procrastinating. I was feeling antsy, having stayed inside all day,and had to get out. It just so happened that by the time I left I was hungry again, but because of my cash flow I could not go to a restaurant. So instead I had the free cookie that was not what I most desired. I most desired sushi but I cannot go to any restaurant right now and I have to be very modest with anything I buy at all, period. OF course I didn't want to go back inside, as I couldn't make myself get out of the house. It was horrible. I really need an offline component to a 12 step program about procrastination, so that I am FORCED to get out the door. I also need real people with recovery, and less of the cross-talky chicanery.I would appreciate, if someone out there, my HP, for instance, would PLEASE help me get the rent for June, and please help me to get the right notice from the place where I work so I can get the deferral. Again, please don't leave any comments thanks. I just need to share, and feel comfortable sharing at my highest level.
One of my procrastination strategies is to wait until I cannot do anything about the thing at hand. I procrastinate to the point of not doing something, and then I procrastinate, simply because I fear very strongly that I cannot do anything about it. When the irony/truth of it is that I am the one who unconsciously or consciously put myself in the situation of being powerless. But why would I want to put myself in the position where I could not do ANYTHING to better my situation? Why would I want to put myself in the position where I could not do anything about the past or the present? WHY? I can't handle it for many reasons. I've been so "High" for so lng I don't know what it's like to be sober. So I cannot even tell you how I really feel or why I do things. I lie to people constantly. I promise them that I am capable of work that I am a great person, but I cannot even put myself in front of a computer and do the work that I know I ought to do.
From now on, no processed sugars without brushing my teeth directly afterward. My teeth are ...yeah. I cannot do it b/c of the teeth. This addiction is harder than the other addictions. ALl of my other addictions were about *not* doing something. They were about finding a replacement behavior. They were about doing something else, in some cases, or sharing, etc. But this addiction is about doing something. This is the fucking topline program and that is tough shit. Tougher than all the rest of my programs combined. You mean I have to invest in myself? Be responsible for making myself comfortable and not complaining my way out of things? You mean I actually have to do something for me and not procrastinate until I cannot do it? You mean I cannot bail? My lifestyle right now has been avoidant. I know I don't show it on the outside. I've been to twenty interviews, and applied to 600 companies. I feel like a horrible person, even though I"m not. Even though the truth is that when I went to those karaoke nights, I went there so as to stop wanting to killmyself, and to stop obsessing about whomever. I wanted to feel alive, feel whole and feel like I were an amazing person who was worthy of respect, who didn't have to compare hirself with so and so. THis is what I have always done inall of my addictions. I have alwys been avoiding my fears. I hate this addiction. I hate that I make promises I cannot keep and am further shamed by my mother and anyone else that I reveal my secrets to, except you guys, who understand what it's like to be a chronic procrastinator.
I need to believe in something. Yet I feel inept in this area. If I do this program, I really have to do the work at some point, just like in my other program: If I am going to do the program, I had to abstain... Staying meant abstaining from bottomline behavior, and staying here, means sustaining topline behavior. It's so vague though. What does that mean?
Please do not leave comments. Thank you.
Recycler CI 6:10am EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
I'm going to be in and out all day, so I thought I should do a quick CI to get the day started, because I'm not sure that I will be on the computer during the rest of the day.
This weekend I have accomplished a number of foundational things that need to be done. I still have a ways to go, but have gratitude for what is already done. Thanks, HP! :)
I'm going to try to go on a bike ride now before it rains.
Have a great day, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)