Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 18th May 2009

Understanding how we are caused to behave as we do gives us increased powers of prediction and control. Instead of supposing people can simply will themselves to be otherwise, we concentrate our energies on creating the conditions which promote constructive personal and social change.

Tom Clark 


Recycler CI 4:45pm EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

Multiple scenario day here! I started typing this C.I. & I am already getting called off the computer for another project!

Have a great night, everyone! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

ByGodsGrace todays CI

Internet was down when we left today so having to post CI late - My daughter graduated prek3 today - YAY!  She did great in the little program - it is happy and sad all at the same time!  It was a wonderful morning!

Word and prayer for the day: Psalm 25:4-6

“Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me,  for you are God my Savior,  and my hope is in you all day long.”

My to do list: 

 Read Bible/ Pray, finish cds, school by 8:45a, prek3 graduation J

Bank, contact  client to transfer, Job2  order supplies, plan assembly schedule

finish cds, IEP mtg 1p jobAB sample, jobCC type invoice/email

email updated portfolio PW, JM, TO, MG, call R, email PS / LS, Clear email

byGodsGrace todays CI

My to do list: 

Bank, contact  client to transfer, Job2 order supplies(Tues) plan assembly schedule

finish cds, IEP mtg 1p jobAB sample, jobCC type invoice/email

email updated portfolio PW, JM, TO, MG, call R, email PS / LS, Clear email

more congrats to bGG's

more congrats to bGG's daughter!

A big day :)

tk u chickadee :-)

A blessing to share it with my pro friends! Thanks for being here for me always! :-)

Congrats on prek3 graduation to bGG's daughter!

They grow up so fast! 


Soon you will harvest what you are planting today - Steve Pavlina

Thank you Journey!

They do grow up fast -  I can't believe how the time goes by!  So glad for the friends and fellowship here helping me be balanced and healthier and able to enjoy every second more with her!

She sang 3 songs with her class and was quite a star, not that I'm biased or anything! :-)

isabo ci 1130am

kids were playing in  my room this am to wake me up.  I asked them repeatedly to clean up the mess they made, doubt they have.  I am scared to look.  I so wanna see Star Trek again, it was so good.  Total escapism.  I feel like crap today, coughing up phlegm, neck feels like there is alot of extra skin.  Joints aches.  I really cannot stay up so late anymore, I am not young.  My mind may be, my body is not.  

so.  today.


dress. make beds, open curtains.  gather laundry.                          done             1210

unload dishwasher.  load.  wipe countertops.  make pancakes, have lunch   done 1245

start laundry cycle.  take out supper meat.  sweep kitchen.  mop floor.    done     115 

tidy living room.  vacuum.                                                          done                135


til later

done at 200pm - feel much better, except for being tight and angry.  think its time for a beer...I am not driving anywhere today and it may loosen these tight muscles of mine enough to relax and think


Nothing is worth more than this day  - Goethe

monday CL

good morning everyone!

Very busy week coming ahead. I'd better get strated.

  • GCI HW  work 30 min then 10 min break. until completed
  • clean up the mess that is my room
  • clean up appt
  • sleep early

GeorgeSmiley 8:40 AM; Update 4:50 PM

Good morning everyone.

Very busy and full weekend. 

Today I'm getting started about an hour later than I wanted to.


MIT#1: Begin project T-C

MIT#2: Finish project P-7

Part-time job tonight.


Pretty much finished my tasks for today. Yay!




The Hero's Code:

Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.

Agnus ci 9:30am, 5:15pm

Bigg day!  God please help me stay on track:

  • Write WII script and send it out
  • Send K drafts
  • Write WIII presentation nd post
  • Clear Inbox progress, steady-by-jerk
  • Schedule incoming tasks right away; no letting them linger in Inbox!
  • Sked itinerary and finish research for this week's trip
  • ship materials to training sites Decided to pack 'em and check luggage
  • Advise teamleader of Fri plan deadline
  • Microburst bills basket
  • Complete reading for final exam

If time I also want to return call to C and call Mom.

Feels like I had a productive day, but it's after 4 a.m. !  I wonder if it actually takes that long to accomplish my MITs. I should add that the list above was compiled after seeking HP direction, but I did not list 2.5 hours of pre-scheduled rehearsals, and did not plan for the 2 hours of extra work they generated. So I guess given those challenges, I did alright.  But I sure would like to get better at guesstimating how much time my work-tasks really take!

Journey 8:50

I'm a bit early to work today, not sure how that happened!   I guess traffic is better since school is almost out.  

I didn't get enough housework done this weekend, partly because I had some social stuff to do, and partly because I was lazy!   So I'll be in catch-up mode on the housework this week.  

Going for coffee now and then making a todo list.  I'll be updating here rather than the chat room today, I think.  I may start using the chat room when I'm working from home only, because although it is actually a very constructive activity, it looks like goofing off to people who happen to walk by!

Back in half an hour with a reasonable and doable todo list in my hot little hand.


Soon you will harvest what you are planting today - Steve Pavlina

Journey 9:50 & updates

Todo list made, and Item #1 checked off.  Now I'm going to make an unpleasant phone call.   

11:00 phone call made, and also item #3 on todo list done.  The result of the phone was annoying and will require followup, but at least it's done for today!   Now preparing for Toastmasters.

1:15 Hot dang!  back from toastmasters, and I overheard a conversation in the hallway that sounds like good news for me in the job area.  taking lunch break, then back to Tedious Task for an hour. 

3:30 worked on Tedious Task for a couple of hours, now double checking what I did tody then moving on to Project L.

5:45 Yay!  a very productive work day.   Heading home now, working from home tomorrow so hopefully I can be just as productive tomorrow.  Tonight I need to do some mending. 



Soon you will harvest what you are planting today - Steve Pavlina

kromer 8:20 CI

Having a rough time getting started this morning.

I have a final exam 9:30-1 and a mtg 3-3:30.

I need to do a little bit more prep for final exam--go over exponential family distros

I also need to do a little more prep for mtg--get better list of co-regulated genes

I need to take care of some church stuff--email out notes from deacon's mtg, deal w/ RW and AM situations.

Finally, I need to do some organization: organize papers, clean room and bathroom.

As a break, I'll go to square dance class tonight, and maybe call AG.

Right now, I'm going to spend 20 min doing last-minute review for final, then 30 min doing mtg prep. 

kromer 4 CI

Final exam went well, meeting went well.

Now I'm feeling really tired and sort of adrift.

I'm going to start myself going my sending out deacon notes and making a schedule for the week, then I'll check back. 

This quotation unsettles me

This quotation unsettles me because I believe that my recovery depends on believing that I am free to make the right choice with the help of HP.

I do not want to use a model where I think I am being 'caused' to behave.

And I think that the 12 steps and the idea that recovery comes from turning to HP and letting go of certain things have been more helpful for me personally than clinging to the idea that externals like the environment can fix the problem.

unsettling quote

I suspected the quote may be unsettling to many but I thought I'd put it out there for it might fit with some. Each to their own ofcourse.

I personally find it fundamental to my thinking - that a HP will help me see through my mind's procrastination tricks. If I understand the situations that promote 'doing' verses 'avoiding', then I can set up those situations, or deal with them better. The important bit is that the HP enables ME to do this. In other words, the HP can alter my will.

To me, knowledge and society are the higher powers to which I have turned. At the moment, knowledge of this forum and the efforts of its contributors is what is enabling me to counteract procrastination. And I am fortunate for both of those things (though I'd have liked them 20 years ago but better now than in 20 years time).

Something else.  My

Something else.  My procrastination virtually crippled me until I realized which persons in my life had driven me to it.  Now I can tell them (not in their face because they have meanwhile died);  I show you!

If you can't move the mountain, move a few stones.

re: understanding why

For myself, I find it counterproductive to spend a lot of time trying to figure out the reasons behind my procrastination.  I think in my case it is more of an addiction than it is a reaction to something that happened to me.   However, everyone is different, and there are many different reasons for this problem.  

So, whatever works for you to overcome this problem is great!   And your experience may resonate with a lot of people on the forums.   Congrats on your discovery and good luck in your journey.  Keep sharing!


Soon you will harvest what you are planting today - Steve Pavlina

I have made the opposite

I have made the opposite experience.  Understanding why I procrastinate has helped me to realize that I am not just lazy and I therefore feel less guilty.  The underlying courses are always to be found in one's childhood.  And after a lot searching and reading I don't know how many books on the subject I know exactly the reasons for my procrastination.

Now I will have to come to terms with the people who drove me become a procrastinator.  I am working on this and have already made a little progress but I still have a long way to go.

Of course, having a forum like this one and being encouraged by others also helps.  And last not least I have appreaciated a lot the excellent articles Pro has provided.









If you can't move the mountain, move a few stones.

Hope-Fatih CI 5:10


  1. AM Routine
  2. Work
    1. Verfiy AAW
    2. Plan


isabo ci 245am

Just finished star trek, I am so tired, kids will be up in 4.5 hours, yet I am still procrastinating.  I wish I had a computer soley for this site, with a huge screen that would be on continuely.  I could communicate instantly, and not be sidetracked into anything else.  I will come on tomorrow am when I get up, there are things that need to be accomplished, and I will only be productive if I focus right away.  And not watch tv or surf. 

strength....and me.

til later....

Nothing is worth more than this day  - Goethe

Deej CI 18/05

List for the week...

  1. More info to review of brochure
  2. Process remaining info notes and call authors on Tuesday if necessary
  3. Prepare for tree measurement, submit data
  4. Prepare for Friday meeting presentation
  5. Follow up on PHS field days, consider making calls to SIRFFN
  6. Collect info on client database
  7. Input to FF plan

But for today... 1, 2 & 3(prep)

Result #1 begun, #2 not done, #3 lots but not finished yet, #6 nearly done