Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
DS is doing ok with a little ibuprofen. Am using those new bandages on him. They look like rubber or silicone, and they stay on for 3-4 days at a time. They cover wound like an instant scab, protect it, and absorb the ooze. He seems to be much more confortable than I expected him to be--so seems to be better than gauze or telfa for abrasions. The burns are just anointed with a little burn creme, no covering (besides, they're on his palms).
So far:
--got DH to take DS to band
--slept late
--showered & dressed in a hurry after emergency phone call
--spent morning with DS at clinic after he had an accident in band (lesson: NEVER use a nylon rope to play tug-of-war, especially not a stretchy climbing rope with intense rebound, and don't wrap the rope around your arm and hand for extra grip. 3 kids got injured when the rope broke. It was rated for 400 pounds; there were 12 kids on each side pulling. They were stronger than the rope, but the rope was stronger than their skin. DS is groaning in the bathroom now, attempting to take a shower despite all the abrasions and 2nd degree burns)
--took DS back to band hall for gear and to show friends he was alright
--took DS & crew to lunch
--got Rx and dropped it at friend's house where he was staying the afternoon
--did communion services on two units of the nursing home
--picked up DS so he could take shower and change clothes before going to a band concert
--check email
--re-doctor wounds when DS is dry enough
--take him back to friend's house
--meet friend's mom at 8 to drive to nearby town to hear local bands play (several band kids are in these bands)
--bring DS home
--broiled some salmon while DH sauteed from veggies
DS had me doctor him and drive to friend's house right away, so I missed the window of opportunity for calling the accountant. Procrastination by taxiing! So I still have to make an appointment, and I still have to copy everything.
To do tonight--bedtime routine:
--take plate to kitchen and rinse
--take meds
--brush teeth
--wash & moisturize face
--set alarm for 8:00 because Boy Scouts will be trimming hedges in backyard for a project
That doesn't count as procrastination, that counts as an emergency! If we can't respond to the needs of the moment we're just as much slaves to anticrastination as we were to procrastination!
But the part after DS shower. I had originally told him I wanted him to airdry well before I applied the bandages. While he was drying, I was going to call the CPA. But he got impatient and wanted me to do it immediately, and feeling sorry for him, I did as he asked. I COULD have told him I needed to make an important phone call--either before the doctoring or before the taxiing to the friend's house, but I didn't. That was partly codependency, and partly an excuse for procrastinating. A HUGE reason for my perpetual tardiness and procrastination is taking care of other people's minor needs before taking care of my own basic needs, sometimes even my own really urgent needs. In fact, maybe I need to try to identify how much of my procrastinating is tied to codependency. I've worked on codependency a long time. But it seems I still hold onto it sometimes as an excuse for not doing something else. And maybe I still do it more than I realize. Hmm.
Despite all the other factors contributing to my procrastination, I think the bottom line is I don't want to take care of me. I'd rather take care of others and have others take care of me. :(
Hi tl - nice to hear from you. I've been lonely here this evening.
Sounds like you were busy today!
> i keep wondering why i keep the insanity of procrastination!
For the first time in my life, I'm starting to think that maybe I don't have to do this anymore. I'm feeling very good about how I've been working recently, and very hopeful. It's better than the occasional bursts of time-bingeing I've done in the past because I'm making plans and sticking to them.
I'm a low-bottom procrastinator (or have been), so if I can overcome this, anyone can!!
I'm going to go to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be beautiful, and there's a rare stinky flower blooming there (last bloomed in 1939). There's a picture on their home page. It says, "One of the world's largest, rarest, and stinkiest flowers." :)
Sunday I need to do laundry and clean my apartment.
I've been thinking I wanted to visit the Botanical Gardens anyway. I haven't been there all summer, and they are lovely. The stinky flower (I always forget the real name) is a great excuse. It only blooms for two days, so the timing is perfect.
I did everything on my to-do list today - met my commitment to myself 100%. I feel very good about that. This procrastination thing has been trashing my self-esteem.
I don't have to go to bed early tonight because I don't have to get up early tomorrow, but I'm feeling tired, and I want to stick to my routines so they become habit, so I'll do my evening routine now. I'll probably read or watch TV in bed for a while.
In "First Things First", Covey talks a lot about living a life of integrity, and the importance of keeping the commitments you make to yourself. I've been working on that. If I decide to do something, I want to follow through and do it so I can learn to trust myself again.
One of the reasons I hesitated to go bike riding this afternoon was that I couldn't trust myself to do the hour of work when I came back. But I did it, and I feel good about that.
Tomorrow is Saturday. I don't have to get up early tomorrow if I don't want to. I'm trying to standardize my work day to 9-5, M-F (like normal people). Since I don't have to get up early, I can stay up later if I want.
Since I don't have to get up early, I can stay up later if I want.
Don't go ~too~ far out from your 'regular' time - it makes it hard to get back into it on the weekdays (speaking from experience here, LOL!). Since I started getting up within the same time range ~every day~ (unless there's a late night event on - doesn't happen often in my life now!) it's been so much easier for me, and once I'd established my bedtime/morning routines I've been much more rested, which leads to me being much more productive.
I didn't stay up too late - I was asleep by midnight. But then I woke up at 3:30am and couldn't go back to sleep. It's 4:50am now, and I'm still awake. So my hours are going to be screwed up anyway.
I haven't been sleeping well all week - not sure why. I keep waking up during the night. Usually I can go back to sleep, though.
Not sure what I am accomplishing checking in now--the day has alread mostly run--but I guess it's a good habit to establish
So far:
--got DH to take DS to band
--slept late
--showered & dressed in a hurry after emergency phone call
--spent morning with DS at clinic after he had an accident in band (lesson: NEVER use a nylon rope to play tug-of-war, especially not a stretchy climbing rope with intense rebound, and don't wrap the rope around your arm and hand for extra grip. 3 kids got injured when the rope broke. It was rated for 400 pounds; there were 12 kids on each side pulling. They were stronger than the rope, but the rope was stronger than their skin. DS is groaning in the bathroom now, attempting to take a shower despite all the abrasions and 2nd degree burns)
--took DS back to band hall for gear and to show friends he was alright
--took DS & crew to lunch
--got Rx and dropped it at friend's house where he was staying the afternoon
--did communion services on two units of the nursing home
--picked up DS so he could take shower and change clothes before going to a band concert
To Do:
--check email
--re-doctor wounds when DS is dry enough
--take him back to friend's house
--meet friend's mom at 8 to drive to nearby town to hear local bands play (several band kids are in these bands)
--bring DS home
--bedtime routine
What do I want to do with the time I have after dropping off DS? It'll be aboaut 2-1/2 hours. Too late now for CPA--but not too late to call and make appt. So I'll toss that in right now. Then what? I think I need a nap.
I was going to take a break now to go on a bike ride, and then come back and finish the additional hour afterwards (after dark). I'm waffling on this - feel I "shouldn't". But maybe I should! I did exactly what I'd planned, and I worked well today. I will! Off for bike ride after this - be back later.
(I do seem to be doing a good job estimating time. How odd! I never could do it before.)
Just tried to find my last BE to update - it was quite a detailed one and it's not there! Bah humbug! I ~really really really~ thought I'd pressed the 'post' button. Well, here's a trimmed down and updated version.
*Morning caffeine
*Fired up computer and checked and responded to Emails, got rid of spam
*Let Ddog out
*Post on SHE Board (10 mins timer)
*Morning Routine
*1.5 hrs Homework and fighting with PC
*10 min CI (slightly over Evil )
*Typed up first mantras for Monday class
*Decided on transport for today (walking)
*Leaving do (without ex-colleagues!)
*Daytime Routine (including DDog walk)
*About 1.5 hours internet and CUOP
*Check internet for local car dealerships that will service my car
*Booked MOT/Service for car
*Typed up second mantra - perfectionism took over and I did it beautifully and with great detail and it's fab (I ended up with two handouts). Not printed out though because we've run out of ink (new printer - not got the hang of its dietary needs yet)
*Sent flyers to Uni
*Went shopping (change of plan) - still no ink cartridges though, all the cartridge shops are shut
Change of plan:
*Watch DVD
I really like this thing of having evenings off and not feeling guilty about it. :)
~~~Carry Forward~~
*Check course plan for next week's CC and see what I need to prepare from here
*Play with new calendar
*Speak to director of course re extra modules (that's another frog - but I can't eat two in a row)
It's so weird... For the first 20-30 minutes of the PayPal notifications backlog, it felt unbearably boring. Then once I got going I didn't want to stop. Typical ADD hyperfocus. But I'm stopping. I have to learn to avoid time-bingeing.
I'm totally on-track with my to-do list! I don't think that's ever happened before in my entire life.
I really need to stay current on these PayPal notifications. It pisses me off when people cheat me - especially when I could have prevented it by keeping up each day.
I always write to the cheaters to say I've caught them, and they always send me hugely nasty flames back, as though I'm the guilty one.
I'm about to write another one - second today. I have two more after this in my backlog. Those I'll do tomorrow.
The guilt about this is excrutiating. I feel very ashamed when I'm writing them because I'm so late in doing it. I'm going to do the work when I say I will from now on. The self-loathing from not doing the work is much worse than the pain of doing the work.
I know this looks repetitive but the program is really my #1 priority right now... and I can't really think of a better way to break it into pieces.
- Source control task 1
- Source control task 2
- Check/update calendar
- Program 30 min
- Relax 10 min
- Program 30 min
- Relax 10 min
- Program 30 min
- Lunch
- Program 30 min
- Relax 10 min
Took another look at my PDA and realized I DO have another project that needs some attention soon. I resent that project too. It took me way too long to complete it (because I was mostly goofing off) and now it needs some updates.
I think it's great that you program for 30 minutes and relax for 10. I'm very obsessive when I'm programming. I can go for hours and hours without getting up even to eat or go to the bathroom (NOT a healthy thing). I'd force myself to go to bed when I had sudden urges at 3am to rewrite entire sections that were already working fine.
Checking my mailbox at noon doesn't accomplish much. I just asked when the mail was usually ready, and was told 4-4:30pm, so I need to adjust this down in my to-do list.
I ate lunch outside. What a beautiful day it is today. I'm looking forward to a bike ride later.
The phone calls took longer than expected, so I'm adjusting the to-do list accordingly. I didn't really think I was going to write to three consulting clients today. :P
Well I'm glad I invited DSO and my friend whose birthday it is to my leaving do as none of my colleagues turned up - not entirely unexpected, because of the time of year (but given that none of my family turned up for my birthday earlier this year it probably gives you an idea of why I'm reading 'How to Make Friends and Influence People', LOL!).
Poor DDog couldn't make it all the way back on her own so I had to carry her for the last bit (and she's quite an armful!). She loved going to town though - it was an olfactory delight for her, and she made it a one-dog mission to clear up the beefburgers, bit of cake, etc that were strewn on the ground. I'm not keen on her eating leftovers in the street, but it felt mean not to let her have some of it (I drew the line at the cake - she's not got many teeth as it is without giving her all that sugar).
So we had a very pleasant lunch. Felt quite a bit warmer than the 17C that the forecast says it is, but then it cooled down quite and it got quite chilly. Took a long time to get back because she was going so slowly.
So I'm treating myself to a 30 min internet break to post this and CUOP, then getting back to the list.
*Morning caffeine
*Fired up computer and checked and responded to Emails, got rid of spam
*Let Ddog out
*Post on SHE Board (10 mins timer)
*Morning Routine
*1.5 hrs Homework and fighting with PC
*10 min CI (slightly over Evil )
*Typed up first mantras for Monday class
*Decided on transport for today (walking)
*Leaving do (without ex-colleagues!)
*Daytime Routine (including DDog walk)
*Another 15 mins CUOP
*Type up second mantra and copy for Monday classes
*Send flyers to Uni
*Book MOT/Service for car
*Check course plan for next week's CC and see what I need to prepare from here
*Play with new calendar
*Speak to director of course re extra modules (that's another frog - but I can't eat two in a row)
slider's 11:12 pm CI
DS is doing ok with a little ibuprofen. Am using those new bandages on him. They look like rubber or silicone, and they stay on for 3-4 days at a time. They cover wound like an instant scab, protect it, and absorb the ooze. He seems to be much more confortable than I expected him to be--so seems to be better than gauze or telfa for abrasions. The burns are just anointed with a little burn creme, no covering (besides, they're on his palms).
So far:
--got DH to take DS to band
--slept late
--showered & dressed in a hurry after emergency phone call
--spent morning with DS at clinic after he had an accident in band (lesson: NEVER use a nylon rope to play tug-of-war, especially not a stretchy climbing rope with intense rebound, and don't wrap the rope around your arm and hand for extra grip. 3 kids got injured when the rope broke. It was rated for 400 pounds; there were 12 kids on each side pulling. They were stronger than the rope, but the rope was stronger than their skin. DS is groaning in the bathroom now, attempting to take a shower despite all the abrasions and 2nd degree burns)
--took DS back to band hall for gear and to show friends he was alright
--took DS & crew to lunch
--got Rx and dropped it at friend's house where he was staying the afternoon
--did communion services on two units of the nursing home
--picked up DS so he could take shower and change clothes before going to a band concert
--check email
--re-doctor wounds when DS is dry enough
--take him back to friend's house
--meet friend's mom at 8 to drive to nearby town to hear local bands play (several band kids are in these bands)
--bring DS home
--broiled some salmon while DH sauteed from veggies
DS had me doctor him and drive to friend's house right away, so I missed the window of opportunity for calling the accountant. Procrastination by taxiing! So I still have to make an appointment, and I still have to copy everything.
To do tonight--bedtime routine:
--take plate to kitchen and rinse
--take meds
--brush teeth
--wash & moisturize face
--set alarm for 8:00 because Boy Scouts will be trimming hedges in backyard for a project
Goodnight, all!
not all delays are procrastination!
I agree with Normy, Slider. If you had something urgent to do, it's not procrastination to put off other things - it's common sense.
and poor DS! Hope he's soon feeling better.
Procrastination by taxiing!
That doesn't count as procrastination, that counts as an emergency! If we can't respond to the needs of the moment we're just as much slaves to anticrastination as we were to procrastination!
Not the emergency part
But the part after DS shower. I had originally told him I wanted him to airdry well before I applied the bandages. While he was drying, I was going to call the CPA. But he got impatient and wanted me to do it immediately, and feeling sorry for him, I did as he asked. I COULD have told him I needed to make an important phone call--either before the doctoring or before the taxiing to the friend's house, but I didn't. That was partly codependency, and partly an excuse for procrastinating. A HUGE reason for my perpetual tardiness and procrastination is taking care of other people's minor needs before taking care of my own basic needs, sometimes even my own really urgent needs. In fact, maybe I need to try to identify how much of my procrastinating is tied to codependency. I've worked on codependency a long time. But it seems I still hold onto it sometimes as an excuse for not doing something else. And maybe I still do it more than I realize. Hmm.
In fact
Despite all the other factors contributing to my procrastination, I think the bottom line is I don't want to take care of me. I'd rather take care of others and have others take care of me. :(
procrastination and self-care
That's an interesting point. You want to start a thread about this in the "Insights" board?
New thread?
Maybe you could post a new thread on Codependency and Procrastination in the Insights forum, so this thought doesn't get lost?
:) (I just repeated what you said.)
pro's CI - 11pm
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
TL - BE - 9:45 PM
Hello Pro - great accomplishments 8)
I'm back from leadership retreat. I'm an officer for two engr organizations on campus.
we had workshops, etc.
i committed to start my hw the day assigned and watch the tv classes day of lecture.
i keep wondering why i keep the insanity of procrastination!
i'm tired and will have a to do list tomorrow AM. i'll be out of town until Sun PM.
hope all is well :)
hello, TL!
Hi tl - nice to hear from you. I've been lonely here this evening.
Sounds like you were busy today!
> i keep wondering why i keep the insanity of procrastination!
For the first time in my life, I'm starting to think that maybe I don't have to do this anymore. I'm feeling very good about how I've been working recently, and very hopeful. It's better than the occasional bursts of time-bingeing I've done in the past because I'm making plans and sticking to them.
I'm a low-bottom procrastinator (or have been), so if I can overcome this, anyone can!!
pro's CI - 10:40pm
I get benefit from checking in even when no one is here, but it's much more fun with others are here! :(
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Sorry Pro
It was 20 to 4 in the morning here - I was getting my zeds
(Milo and I get it at the other end of the day if that's any consolation).
I understand!
stinky flower
I'm going to go to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be beautiful, and there's a rare stinky flower blooming there (last bloomed in 1939). There's a picture on their home page. It says, "One of the world's largest, rarest, and stinkiest flowers." :)
Sunday I need to do laundry and clean my apartment.
Saw that on the news...
Hope it's worth the smell!!!
Good grief!
It's like a triffid, LOL!
Hmm, not so sure I'd want to visit a flower called the 'corpse flower', but then I think maybe I would because my curiosity would overcome me!
the Botanical Gardens are beautiful
I've been thinking I wanted to visit the Botanical Gardens anyway. I haven't been there all summer, and they are lovely. The stinky flower (I always forget the real name) is a great excuse. It only blooms for two days, so the timing is perfect.
It's enormous, too. Very odd flower.
pro's CI - 10:05pm
I did everything on my to-do list today - met my commitment to myself 100%. I feel very good about that. This procrastination thing has been trashing my self-esteem.
I don't have to go to bed early tonight because I don't have to get up early tomorrow, but I'm feeling tired, and I want to stick to my routines so they become habit, so I'll do my evening routine now. I'll probably read or watch TV in bed for a while.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
WTC Pro!
I did everything on my to-do list today - met my commitment to myself 100%.
living a life of integrity
In "First Things First", Covey talks a lot about living a life of integrity, and the importance of keeping the commitments you make to yourself. I've been working on that. If I decide to do something, I want to follow through and do it so I can learn to trust myself again.
One of the reasons I hesitated to go bike riding this afternoon was that I couldn't trust myself to do the hour of work when I came back. But I did it, and I feel good about that.
come to think of it...
Tomorrow is Saturday. I don't have to get up early tomorrow if I don't want to. I'm trying to standardize my work day to 9-5, M-F (like normal people). Since I don't have to get up early, I can stay up later if I want.
I'm still working on those receipts now, though.
Danger Danger!
Since I don't have to get up early, I can stay up later if I want.
Don't go ~too~ far out from your 'regular' time - it makes it hard to get back into it on the weekdays (speaking from experience here, LOL!). Since I started getting up within the same time range ~every day~ (unless there's a late night event on - doesn't happen often in my life now!) it's been so much easier for me, and once I'd established my bedtime/morning routines I've been much more rested, which leads to me being much more productive.
I know you're right!
I didn't stay up too late - I was asleep by midnight. But then I woke up at 3:30am and couldn't go back to sleep. It's 4:50am now, and I'm still awake. So my hours are going to be screwed up anyway.
I haven't been sleeping well all week - not sure why. I keep waking up during the night. Usually I can go back to sleep, though.
slider's first CI--4:00 pm
Not sure what I am accomplishing checking in now--the day has alread mostly run--but I guess it's a good habit to establish
So far:
--got DH to take DS to band
--slept late
--showered & dressed in a hurry after emergency phone call
--spent morning with DS at clinic after he had an accident in band (lesson: NEVER use a nylon rope to play tug-of-war, especially not a stretchy climbing rope with intense rebound, and don't wrap the rope around your arm and hand for extra grip. 3 kids got injured when the rope broke. It was rated for 400 pounds; there were 12 kids on each side pulling. They were stronger than the rope, but the rope was stronger than their skin. DS is groaning in the bathroom now, attempting to take a shower despite all the abrasions and 2nd degree burns)
--took DS back to band hall for gear and to show friends he was alright
--took DS & crew to lunch
--got Rx and dropped it at friend's house where he was staying the afternoon
--did communion services on two units of the nursing home
--picked up DS so he could take shower and change clothes before going to a band concert
To Do:
--check email
--re-doctor wounds when DS is dry enough
--take him back to friend's house
--meet friend's mom at 8 to drive to nearby town to hear local bands play (several band kids are in these bands)
--bring DS home
--bedtime routine
What do I want to do with the time I have after dropping off DS? It'll be aboaut 2-1/2 hours. Too late now for CPA--but not too late to call and make appt. So I'll toss that in right now. Then what? I think I need a nap.
pro's CI - 5:05pm
I was going to take a break now to go on a bike ride, and then come back and finish the additional hour afterwards (after dark). I'm waffling on this - feel I "shouldn't". But maybe I should! I did exactly what I'd planned, and I worked well today. I will! Off for bike ride after this - be back later.
(I do seem to be doing a good job estimating time. How odd! I never could do it before.)
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
ouch, ouch, ouch!!!!
I just came back from picking up my mail. My electric bill this month is $172.74 from running the air conditioner constantly.
pro's CI - 4:35pm
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Blah! and Norm's 9pm BE
Just tried to find my last BE to update - it was quite a detailed one and it's not there! Bah humbug! I ~really really really~ thought I'd pressed the 'post' button. Well, here's a trimmed down and updated version.
*Morning caffeine
*Fired up computer and checked and responded to Emails, got rid of spam
*Let Ddog out
*Post on SHE Board (10 mins timer)
*Morning Routine
*1.5 hrs Homework and fighting with PC
*10 min CI (slightly over Evil )
*Typed up first mantras for Monday class
*Decided on transport for today (walking)
*Leaving do (without ex-colleagues!)
*Daytime Routine (including DDog walk)
*About 1.5 hours internet and CUOP
*Check internet for local car dealerships that will service my car
*Booked MOT/Service for car
*Typed up second mantra - perfectionism took over and I did it beautifully and with great detail and it's fab (I ended up with two handouts). Not printed out though because we've run out of ink (new printer - not got the hang of its dietary needs yet)
*Sent flyers to Uni
*Went shopping (change of plan) - still no ink cartridges though, all the cartridge shops are shut
Change of plan:
*Watch DVD
I really like this thing of having evenings off and not feeling guilty about it. :)
~~~Carry Forward~~
*Check course plan for next week's CC and see what I need to prepare from here
*Play with new calendar
*Speak to director of course re extra modules (that's another frog - but I can't eat two in a row)
you crack me up!
I thought of putting the loo on my ta-da list, but did not. :D
Well, at that point in my day it was pretty much all I'd achieved! And it ~is~ something I tend to put off sometimes. (Speaking of which....)
little breaky-poo
Well, I didn't launch immediately into the next client report - I checked my email. That's okay - I needed a break. But now I need to do it!
pro's CI - 3pm
It's so weird... For the first 20-30 minutes of the PayPal notifications backlog, it felt unbearably boring. Then once I got going I didn't want to stop. Typical ADD hyperfocus. But I'm stopping. I have to learn to avoid time-bingeing.
I'm totally on-track with my to-do list! I don't think that's ever happened before in my entire life.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Fantastic Pro!
I'm totally on-track with my to-do list! I don't think that's ever happened before in my entire life.
You're doing a fabulous job!
caught another cheater
I really need to stay current on these PayPal notifications. It pisses me off when people cheat me - especially when I could have prevented it by keeping up each day.
I always write to the cheaters to say I've caught them, and they always send me hugely nasty flames back, as though I'm the guilty one.
Some people in this world are just dirt.
Geez, this is boring. Even while watching TV, these PayPal notifications are hard to get through. I wish I hadn't gotten behind.
That's good enough incentive to keep up once you're up to date! ;)
pro's CI - 1:50pm
Another consulting email written! I still have more in my backlog. I really want to get current on these. The guilt is awful.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Way to go on the consulting emails!
Thanks! another one coming up...
I'm about to write another one - second today. I have two more after this in my backlog. Those I'll do tomorrow.
The guilt about this is excrutiating. I feel very ashamed when I'm writing them because I'm so late in doing it. I'm going to do the work when I say I will from now on. The self-loathing from not doing the work is much worse than the pain of doing the work.
todayfirst 1:34 PM EST
I know this looks repetitive but the program is really my #1 priority right now... and I can't really think of a better way to break it into pieces.
- Source control task 1
- Source control task 2
- Check/update calendar
- Program 30 min
- Relax 10 min
- Program 30 min
- Relax 10 min
- Program 30 min
- Lunch
- Program 30 min
- Relax 10 min
- Program 30 min
- Relax 10 min
- repeat...
Took another look at my PDA and realized I DO have another project that needs some attention soon. I resent that project too. It took me way too long to complete it (because I was mostly goofing off) and now it needs some updates.
sounds good to me!
I think it's great that you program for 30 minutes and relax for 10. I'm very obsessive when I'm programming. I can go for hours and hours without getting up even to eat or go to the bathroom (NOT a healthy thing). I'd force myself to go to bed when I had sudden urges at 3am to rewrite entire sections that were already working fine.
I'm learning better ways now!!
pro's CI - 12:55pm
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
pro's CI - 12:30pm
Checking my mailbox at noon doesn't accomplish much. I just asked when the mail was usually ready, and was told 4-4:30pm, so I need to adjust this down in my to-do list.
I ate lunch outside. What a beautiful day it is today. I'm looking forward to a bike ride later.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
pro's CI - 11:20am
The phone calls took longer than expected, so I'm adjusting the to-do list accordingly. I didn't really think I was going to write to three consulting clients today. :P
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Norm's 4.15 BE
That was supposed to be a half hour break and it's turned into nearly an hour. Oops.
Norm's 3.18 pm BE
Well I'm glad I invited DSO and my friend whose birthday it is to my leaving do as none of my colleagues turned up - not entirely unexpected, because of the time of year (but given that none of my family turned up for my birthday earlier this year it probably gives you an idea of why I'm reading 'How to Make Friends and Influence People', LOL!).
Poor DDog couldn't make it all the way back on her own so I had to carry her for the last bit (and she's quite an armful!). She loved going to town though - it was an olfactory delight for her, and she made it a one-dog mission to clear up the beefburgers, bit of cake, etc that were strewn on the ground. I'm not keen on her eating leftovers in the street, but it felt mean not to let her have some of it (I drew the line at the cake - she's not got many teeth as it is without giving her all that sugar).
So we had a very pleasant lunch. Felt quite a bit warmer than the 17C that the forecast says it is, but then it cooled down quite and it got quite chilly. Took a long time to get back because she was going so slowly.
So I'm treating myself to a 30 min internet break to post this and CUOP, then getting back to the list.
*Morning caffeine
*Fired up computer and checked and responded to Emails, got rid of spam
*Let Ddog out
*Post on SHE Board (10 mins timer)
*Morning Routine
*1.5 hrs Homework and fighting with PC
*10 min CI (slightly over Evil )
*Typed up first mantras for Monday class
*Decided on transport for today (walking)
*Leaving do (without ex-colleagues!)
*Daytime Routine (including DDog walk)
*Another 15 mins CUOP
*Type up second mantra and copy for Monday classes
*Send flyers to Uni
*Book MOT/Service for car
*Check course plan for next week's CC and see what I need to prepare from here
*Play with new calendar
*Speak to director of course re extra modules (that's another frog - but I can't eat two in a row)
todayfirst 10:20am EST
Making a bit of progress on the program design this AM. One or two more sessions should get me to lunch!
- Source control task 1
- Source control task 2
- Check/update calendar
- Program 30 min
- Relax 10 min
- Program 30 min
- Relax 10 min
- repeat...