Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I nearly always forget that one too, until I see it on my list - I've been taking them regularly for about two years now, and still it's not a habit, LOL! So much for 21 days!
For years I was taking pills regularly and I frequently forgot them. Now I haven't had to take anything regularly for a couple years and I STILL sometimes get the feeling I am forgetting something important and then remember that I am forgetting to take my pills which I no longer take. :D
So far:
--set alarm for 5:45
--skipped shower and dressed nice, thinking I'd shower after my walk.
--got to meeting on time
--had stomach ache after meeting, skipped walk
--came home to hubby watching bad news on tv, watched 15 minutes (am a little disturbed that DD, 11, is returning from grandparents alone in another week)
--checked email, answered a few significant ones.
--cuop here, responded to a few.
--have decided not to shower
--use toilet (but put it off later twice at nursing home--not nearly so long, though)
--drink water (why do I ignore these things!)
--leave by 11:15
--check nursing home calendar and follow, starting with lunch
--conduct healing meditation
--pick hymns for 3:30 service BEFORE PIANIST ARRIVES
--conduct worship
--had meaningful conversation with 2 separate friends--VERY IMPORTANT--had been letting friendships slide. told them about working on procrastiation & clutter
--visit hospital on way home
--go to grocery store
--have light supper
--check out websites on squalor and hoarding, join
--check email
--return email
Hmm. did all that. whaddya know. nothing extraordinary, but I sure am tired. glad i did these. will post a few thoughts under insights, then go to bed.
To do--do before bed routine:
--use toilet
--take heartburn medicine
--brush teeth
--wash face & moisturize
--put on pjs
--set alrm for 6:30
--go to bed
One's a procrastinator and clutterer/hoarder like me, and I think it was good for both of us. The other was in a metaphysical group with me and is always supportive and non-judgemental. Today we agreed we're not just peers but friends, and that we need to devote some time together and have a little enjoyment.
I'm doing better with my procrastination - which has been a very serious, lifelong problem - than I ever have before. This forum really helps me. Partly it's the bookending, and partly the interaction with fellow procrastinators. I learn from other people, and the peer support makes a big difference.
I feel hopeful about solving this problem for the first time in my life!
Verizon Wireless's Web site is irritating the hell out of me. Every time I try to log in it tells me my account is locked and I have to reset the password. I go through this cumbersome routine to reset the password, and now the site is hanging and I can't log in. I hate Verizon.
I'm feeling extremely cranky and I don't want to do any more work. Theoretically I'm going to spend 15-30 minutes on my accounting.
I said I would work until 8pm and I will. Just 45 minutes more...
I'm opening mail now (it's the next item on my to-do list!). Usually I just shove it in a pile until it's at an overwhelming and urgent state, and then it takes me three days to go through. But I'm developing new habits.
Anyway, I just received my new driver's license, and the picture is actually good! It's kind of hard to see, though, because of the weird wavy coating they put over it to prevent forgeries. In fact, the picture is so blurry it actually reduces the need to make forgeries - it could be almost anybody! (Not really, but almost.)
Hello all. I tried to post last night but it timed out on me and Medium had already started so I gave up :).
So before I start Friday's thread I thought I'd FINISH yesterdays (!)
Ta da:
- put a load of washing on
- dressed and fed DS (who is now parked in front of Sesame Street while I do my morning routine )
- morning routine (excluding sweep floors and swish'n'swipe)
- pack bag for DS for going to babysitter while I visit client B
- client B appointment
- finished proposal for client A
- sweep floors, swish'n'swipe
- put washing in dryer
- ate something
- went shopping to relax with some "me time" but DS threw lots of tanties (tired after a short sleep) so I came home even more worn out! I did buy a new handbag, tho
- fed and bathed DS
- file at least 10 things in my 'to file' folder
- pick out 5 things from my "enter into computer" folder and do them
- make dinner (DH has been doing it all week, I should tonight)
Didn't do:
- update my Master To Do list
- spend 15 minutes finishing something (longer if it doesn't hurt too much
- add graphics to thread...oops..
Removed (can't do it now because it's too late)
- Ring client C to book next appointment (am definitely procrastinating on this one)
- Ring client D for review of last appointment (my presentation)
I did go to bed at 9pm but watched TV and did puzzles till after 10.
*Take DDog wee to vets
*Morning Routine
*Check if mobile phones need charging
*Send Ecards
*Chase up book order
*Go to town next to the next town for shopping I can only get there
*Take Ddog to 'beach'
*Daytime Routine
*Send Email to ask if there's a place left at the yoga festival
*Look for a suitable First Aid Course (Started)
*Menu plan
*Shopping list
*Got Tickler up-to-date (I seem to have fallen out of the habit of checking it each day)
*Made evening meal, washed up, and put away
*Planned a date night for next week (trip to theatre - will have to book tomorrow as the booking office is closed)
*Did some banking
*Desk rescue
*Did a bit of tidying
Instead of going through my PayPal notification backlog, I checked email. ::sigh:: Okay, I'll do it now. I still have 20 minutes before I have to leave.
I forgot to click the Post button for my last check-in. :(
I don't have time to write to the second client before leaving for my appointment (I need a full hour), so I'm going to do the PayPal notifications - mindless and I can quit at any time.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 7:00am (per plan!).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
----Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
----Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
----Take pills.
----Make and eat breakfast, wash dishes.
----Shower and dress.
----Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
Finished Morning and Daytime Routines, and answered a query from DSO - wonder where he is, BTW, he said he wanted a date night tonight - looks like I've been stood up :O Oh well, I'll get more stuff done on my list.
Picked laundry up off garden and put it back on line. Here he is. Gonna go make tea now. BBL (possibly ;) )
I'm going to go get the mail now and also pick up a sandwich so I can eat lunch while I write to clients. I'm not going to have time for a lunch hour. It's okay if I eat at my desk because right after that I'm going out for a while.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 7:00am (per plan!).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
----Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
----Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
----Take pills.
----Make and eat breakfast, wash dishes.
----Shower and dress.
----Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
I am curious, Milo--I put 10:19 above because that's what time I'm starting. When I'm finished, I'll try to remember to list the time I finish just before I post. Then compare to the time it lists at the bottom in your time. Is there a half hour difference as well as several whole hour differences?
Anyhow, here are my lists:
So far:
--After final CI figured out what I would speak on today at 6:45 meeting
--after mentioning in CI that I was procrastinating using the toilet, I procrastinated about that 1-1/2 more hours!
--set alarm for 5:45 instead of 5:30
--skipped shower and dressed nice, thinking I'd shower after my walk.
--got to meeting on time
--had stomach ache after meeting, skipped walk
--came home to hubby watching bad news on tv, watched 15 minutes (am a little disturbed that DD, 11, is returning from grandparents alone in another week)
--checked email, answered a few significant ones. Need to organize my mailbox and clear stuff out, but NOT INTERESTED. Can go on someday list.
--cuop here, responded to a few. (I'm really surprised about the lag in news coverage early on.)
--have decided not to shower, good enough (truly ok, and I don't feel insecure about it)
I have one hour before I am due at nursing home. I know I need to make copies of my tax stuff before I dump it at the CPA, and I don't think I have time for that now, so I'll have to copy tonight (glad I put new bulbs in the porch lights, because otherwise it is way dark and creepy over there at night alone!) and go to CPA tomorrow.
I am in a really bad mood. So I will take the time between now and departure to journal.
To Do:
--use toilet (yes, I am procrastinating about that now!!!)
--drink water (why do I ignore these things!)
--journal until 11:10
--leave by 11:15
--check nursing home calendar and follow, starting with lunch
--pick hymns for 3:30 service BEFORE PIANIST ARRIVES
--visit hospital on way home
I don't like the picture of myself I am seeing right now. :sick: But at least I am plugging away at it. I know it will be a struggle, but I trust it will get better. I hear myself berating and shaming myself inside my head, and I know that doesn't help, so I will try to find the GOOD inner parent to work with my moody inner child--or teen, feels more like a teen. Hmm. A clue. Off to my journaling now.
Slider, don't be too worried about trying to work out the time difference because I am very arbitrary in what time I put in the top of my posts - partially because I just 'round up' and because sometimes I take a while to post while I do other things.
The ambiguity (sp?) of that is good for my anonymity, too. Sorry if that frustrates you!!!!
I'm not surprised you had stomach ache with all that procrastination about going to the loo! (DSO and I are the same - usually when we're on the computers).
Time differences aren't always in full hours, or even half hours for that matter. Have a look at this link and you'll see the minutes are different for quite a few places.
I am not frustrated about where Milo is, I was just CERTAIN that it couldn't be a half-hour difference. So I was trying to prove that, LOL! Silly me. I had no idea. And it never occurred to me to look it up online.
All we know is you're known here as Milo, and you're somewhere in Australia - pretty big place! Anyone who knows me will recognise me from my posts, but I don't think it will do any harm to my reputation for people to find out I'm only human! In fact, if someone local did find me in here we could set up our own face-to-face group!
In some lines of work I can understand that it could be a distinct disadvantage.
I'm running late - partly because I dawdled for a few minutes before getting started, and partly because of spending 5 minutes to catch up on posts here. That's okay.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 7:00am (per plan!).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
----Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
----Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
----Take pills.
----Make and eat breakfast, wash dishes.
----Shower and dress.
----Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
I'm running late this morning for a few reasons that aren't really my fault. One reason, for example, is that my tablet pc blue-screened (again) and I spent some time trying to figure out what was causing the problem.
Anyway, here is my day plan:
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Wake up: 7:00am (per plan!).
Post first check-in and CUOP.
Morning Routine
----Empty dish drain and wash any dishes from previous day.
----Make bed (convert futon back into couch).
----Take pills.
----Make and eat breakfast, wash dishes.
----Shower and dress.
----Review to-do list and make a plan for the day.
----Work on PayPal notification backlog - target time: 30 minutes.
----Work on accounting backlog - target time: 1 hour.
----Straighten work area to prepare for next work day - target time: 15 minutes.
This goes to 8pm, but since I didn't work two days in a row and I have an eye doctor appointment today, I think this is reasonable. It's still only 7 hours of work.
You've got your planned break in there too (1 hr lunch), and you've built in time to get out so you don't go stir crazy! Will you be able to work/chill out whilst travelling, or are there too many changes?
You put off showering and dressing, but you still finished it by 9:30. Great! I like to eat and mess around a little before jumping in the shower, too--but I have to watch it, because when I allow myself to put off showering, I often procrastinate too long and run out of time or get caught by somebody while I'm still slumming. But you simply moved it to a later place in your priorities and that worked. Good for you!
I tend to put off showering so I like to do it before I eat breakfast (breakfast then is a reward). I didn't do it that way today because I was so interested in hearing the news, but in general that's my plan. I'll just make my bed first to give me time to wake up.
If I leave the shower to last, I can end up procrastinating on it like crazy and not get dressed until very late. I try to do first the tasks I least, and use the ones I like as a reward.
Having a strange day. Went to the vets and got that sorted, then decided to take DDog to the 'beach' as a reward (in quotes because there's not much sand on our beach). Missed the turnoff and ended up at the next town, which is where I was planning to go later anyway to get her dog food and some shopping for me that I can't get locally, so I nipped to the shops (quickly because I had DDog with me - that stopped me dawdling!), then took her to the beach. Some people actually ~pay~ to have 'beach hair'. With me it just comes naturally ;)
Had lunch, put shopping away, and went to peg laundry out - I hadn't turned the bloody dial enough and it hadn't even washed . So I've got the laundry going now, and yesterday's is dry and folded (laundry is in my Routines).
So my menu plan is going to be a bit back to front because I did some of the shopping first ;). Also, a book turned up that I'd ordered that I was planning on chasing up today, so I can cross that one off too (I don't think that one even made it to my previous post).
I'm going to see what else is on my list in my previous post...
*Vets Done
*Routines In Progress
*Charge phone Done
*Email Ecard Done - and another one too
*Running - arggh!
*Book yoga festival?
*Menu plan (blargh)
*Shopping list...
~~~~Also done~~~
*Ddog walk (part of Daytime Routine)
*Some of the shopping
*I'm going to finish off the Daytime Routine
*and finish the menu plan
*and finish the shopping list
(we were talking about finishing things off yesterday, weren't we?)
pro's CI - 11:55pm (last check-in)
I didn't get to bed by 11pm, but at least it's before midnight!
pro's CI - 11:50pm
I thought I was all done until I saw "take pills" in my to-do list. I always forget that!
I do too
I nearly always forget that one too, until I see it on my list - I've been taking them regularly for about two years now, and still it's not a habit, LOL! So much for 21 days!
For years I was taking pills regularly and I frequently forgot them. Now I haven't had to take anything regularly for a couple years and I STILL sometimes get the feeling I am forgetting something important and then remember that I am forgetting to take my pills which I no longer take. :D
Even funnier!
pro's CI - 11:15pm
I'm late getting to bed. I'm supposed to be asleep by 11pm so I can get up early.
slider's last CI-- 9:30 pm
So far:
--set alarm for 5:45
--skipped shower and dressed nice, thinking I'd shower after my walk.
--got to meeting on time
--had stomach ache after meeting, skipped walk
--came home to hubby watching bad news on tv, watched 15 minutes (am a little disturbed that DD, 11, is returning from grandparents alone in another week)
--checked email, answered a few significant ones.
--cuop here, responded to a few.
--have decided not to shower
--use toilet (but put it off later twice at nursing home--not nearly so long, though)
--drink water (why do I ignore these things!)
--leave by 11:15
--check nursing home calendar and follow, starting with lunch
--conduct healing meditation
--pick hymns for 3:30 service BEFORE PIANIST ARRIVES
--conduct worship
--had meaningful conversation with 2 separate friends--VERY IMPORTANT--had been letting friendships slide. told them about working on procrastiation & clutter
--visit hospital on way home
--go to grocery store
--have light supper
--check out websites on squalor and hoarding, join
--check email
--return email
Hmm. did all that. whaddya know. nothing extraordinary, but I sure am tired. glad i did these. will post a few thoughts under insights, then go to bed.
To do--do before bed routine:
--use toilet
--take heartburn medicine
--brush teeth
--wash face & moisturize
--put on pjs
--set alrm for 6:30
--go to bed
It's good to make time for friends! They are very important. Were they supportive of your work on procrastination?
Yes, very
One's a procrastinator and clutterer/hoarder like me, and I think it was good for both of us. The other was in a metaphysical group with me and is always supportive and non-judgemental. Today we agreed we're not just peers but friends, and that we need to devote some time together and have a little enjoyment.
pro's CI - 10:30pm
pro's CI - 7:45pm (WORK IS DONE!!!!)
I'm done with work. Now my time is my own until 10pm and my evening routine (so I get to bed on time).
Now enjoy!
how are you doing, slider?
Did you have a good day today?
was working on my CI when you posted
Wasn't really pleased with it (you can see my CI now), but as I have been thinking and writing in insights, I feel at least I have some new awareness.
You are making AMAZING progress!!!!
this forum really helps me
I'm doing better with my procrastination - which has been a very serious, lifelong problem - than I ever have before. This forum really helps me. Partly it's the bookending, and partly the interaction with fellow procrastinators. I learn from other people, and the peer support makes a big difference.
I feel hopeful about solving this problem for the first time in my life!
Lost a post
I thought I had replied to this but just noticed it was gone.
Basically it said "Me, too!" and that we can all tell the great progress you've made.
pro's CI - 7:30pm
Verizon Wireless's Web site is irritating the hell out of me. Every time I try to log in it tells me my account is locked and I have to reset the password. I go through this cumbersome routine to reset the password, and now the site is hanging and I can't log in. I hate Verizon.
I'm feeling extremely cranky and I don't want to do any more work. Theoretically I'm going to spend 15-30 minutes on my accounting.
I said I would work until 8pm and I will. Just 45 minutes more...
pro's CI - 7:10pm
I said I would work until 8pm and I will. Just 45 minutes more...
opening mail
I'm opening mail now (it's the next item on my to-do list!). Usually I just shove it in a pile until it's at an overwhelming and urgent state, and then it takes me three days to go through. But I'm developing new habits.
Anyway, I just received my new driver's license, and the picture is actually good! It's kind of hard to see, though, because of the weird wavy coating they put over it to prevent forgeries. In fact, the picture is so blurry it actually reduces the need to make forgeries - it could be almost anybody! (Not really, but almost.)
pro's CI - 4:50pm
Time estimates
You're pretty good with those time estimates pro - when I first started doing that I was regularly out by 15 mins or more.
me, good with time estimates?
No way! I'm historically TERRIBLE at this. It must have been some lucky guesses.
Off to do errands now. I'm looking forward to being outside. It's BEAUTIFUL. Maybe I'll have lunch in the park.
Milo's 8:30pm CI at 5:45 am!
Hello all. I tried to post last night but it timed out on me and Medium had already started so I gave up :).
So before I start Friday's thread I thought I'd FINISH yesterdays (!)
Ta da:
- put a load of washing on
- dressed and fed DS (who is now parked in front of Sesame Street while I do my morning routine )
- morning routine (excluding sweep floors and swish'n'swipe)
- pack bag for DS for going to babysitter while I visit client B
- client B appointment
- finished proposal for client A
- sweep floors, swish'n'swipe
- put washing in dryer
- ate something
- went shopping to relax with some "me time" but DS threw lots of tanties (tired after a short sleep) so I came home even more worn out! I did buy a new handbag, tho
- fed and bathed DS
- file at least 10 things in my 'to file' folder
- pick out 5 things from my "enter into computer" folder and do them
- make dinner (DH has been doing it all week, I should tonight)
Didn't do:
- update my Master To Do list
- spend 15 minutes finishing something (longer if it doesn't hurt too much
- add graphics to thread...oops..
Removed (can't do it now because it's too late)
- Ring client C to book next appointment (am definitely procrastinating on this one)
- Ring client D for review of last appointment (my presentation)
I did go to bed at 9pm but watched TV and did puzzles till after 10.
Norm's 8pm BE
*Take DDog wee to vets
*Morning Routine
*Check if mobile phones need charging
*Send Ecards
*Chase up book order
*Go to town next to the next town for shopping I can only get there
*Take Ddog to 'beach'
*Daytime Routine
*Send Email to ask if there's a place left at the yoga festival
*Look for a suitable First Aid Course (Started)
*Menu plan
*Shopping list
*Got Tickler up-to-date (I seem to have fallen out of the habit of checking it each day)
*Made evening meal, washed up, and put away
*Planned a date night for next week (trip to theatre - will have to book tomorrow as the booking office is closed)
*Did some banking
*Desk rescue
*Did a bit of tidying
Date night!
*Watch DVD
*Drink tea
*Snogging ;)
Everything else can wait :)
Good day!
You've had a productive day, too, Normy - well done.
Thanks Milo!
pro's CI - 2:30pm
Time to leave for my optician appointment.
WTG pro
You are going great!!!!!!!
I'm very proud that I finally wrote to one of my clients. I have more to go, though.
pro's CI - 2:10pm
Instead of going through my PayPal notification backlog, I checked email. ::sigh:: Okay, I'll do it now. I still have 20 minutes before I have to leave.
WTG pro! :)
pro's CI - 1:40pm
I forgot to click the Post button for my last check-in. :(
I don't have time to write to the second client before leaving for my appointment (I need a full hour), so I'm going to do the PayPal notifications - mindless and I can quit at any time.
I feel very good about having written one of those dreaded client reports today - finally. I have some more to write.
Norm's 6 pm BE
Finished Morning and Daytime Routines, and answered a query from DSO - wonder where he is, BTW, he said he wanted a date night tonight - looks like I've been stood up :O Oh well, I'll get more stuff done on my list.
Picked laundry up off garden and put it back on line. Here he is. Gonna go make tea now. BBL (possibly ;) )
pro's CI - 12:20pm
I'm going to go get the mail now and also pick up a sandwich so I can eat lunch while I write to clients. I'm not going to have time for a lunch hour. It's okay if I eat at my desk because right after that I'm going out for a while.
slider's first CI--10:19 am
I am curious, Milo--I put 10:19 above because that's what time I'm starting. When I'm finished, I'll try to remember to list the time I finish just before I post. Then compare to the time it lists at the bottom in your time. Is there a half hour difference as well as several whole hour differences?
Anyhow, here are my lists:
So far:
--After final CI figured out what I would speak on today at 6:45 meeting
--after mentioning in CI that I was procrastinating using the toilet, I procrastinated about that 1-1/2 more hours!
--set alarm for 5:45 instead of 5:30
--skipped shower and dressed nice, thinking I'd shower after my walk.
--got to meeting on time
--had stomach ache after meeting, skipped walk
--came home to hubby watching bad news on tv, watched 15 minutes (am a little disturbed that DD, 11, is returning from grandparents alone in another week)
--checked email, answered a few significant ones. Need to organize my mailbox and clear stuff out, but NOT INTERESTED. Can go on someday list.
--cuop here, responded to a few. (I'm really surprised about the lag in news coverage early on.)
--have decided not to shower, good enough (truly ok, and I don't feel insecure about it)
I have one hour before I am due at nursing home. I know I need to make copies of my tax stuff before I dump it at the CPA, and I don't think I have time for that now, so I'll have to copy tonight (glad I put new bulbs in the porch lights, because otherwise it is way dark and creepy over there at night alone!) and go to CPA tomorrow.
I am in a really bad mood. So I will take the time between now and departure to journal.
To Do:
--use toilet (yes, I am procrastinating about that now!!!)
--drink water (why do I ignore these things!)
--journal until 11:10
--leave by 11:15
--check nursing home calendar and follow, starting with lunch
--pick hymns for 3:30 service BEFORE PIANIST ARRIVES
--visit hospital on way home
I don't like the picture of myself I am seeing right now. :sick: But at least I am plugging away at it. I know it will be a struggle, but I trust it will get better. I hear myself berating and shaming myself inside my head, and I know that doesn't help, so I will try to find the GOOD inner parent to work with my moody inner child--or teen, feels more like a teen. Hmm. A clue. Off to my journaling now.
Oh, yeah. It's 10:50 now!
Not exact...
Slider, don't be too worried about trying to work out the time difference because I am very arbitrary in what time I put in the top of my posts - partially because I just 'round up' and because sometimes I take a while to post while I do other things.
The ambiguity (sp?) of that is good for my anonymity, too. Sorry if that frustrates you!!!!
Stomach Ache
I'm not surprised you had stomach ache with all that procrastination about going to the loo! (DSO and I are the same - usually when we're on the computers).
Time differences aren't always in full hours, or even half hours for that matter. Have a look at this link and you'll see the minutes are different for quite a few places.
I'm not sure that there ~was~ a time lag about the news BTW - I don't hear about things because I don't have a telly.
Wow--thanks, Normy
I am not frustrated about where Milo is, I was just CERTAIN that it couldn't be a half-hour difference. So I was trying to prove that, LOL! Silly me. I had no idea. And it never occurred to me to look it up online.
My anonymity is going to get blown soon with you two detectives on my case!!!!!!:P
I'm going to have to throw in a few dodgy times to throw you off!!!! }:)
All we know is you're known here as Milo, and you're somewhere in Australia - pretty big place! Anyone who knows me will recognise me from my posts, but I don't think it will do any harm to my reputation for people to find out I'm only human! In fact, if someone local did find me in here we could set up our own face-to-face group!
In some lines of work I can understand that it could be a distinct disadvantage.
pro's CI - 11:40am
I'm running late - partly because I dawdled for a few minutes before getting started, and partly because of spending 5 minutes to catch up on posts here. That's okay.
pro's CI - 10:30am
I'm running late this morning for a few reasons that aren't really my fault. One reason, for example, is that my tablet pc blue-screened (again) and I spent some time trying to figure out what was causing the problem.
Anyway, here is my day plan:
This goes to 8pm, but since I didn't work two days in a row and I have an eye doctor appointment today, I think this is reasonable. It's still only 7 hours of work.
Good plan
You've got your planned break in there too (1 hr lunch), and you've built in time to get out so you don't go stir crazy! Will you be able to work/chill out whilst travelling, or are there too many changes?
don't know
I can't say how it will go until I try it. I guess I'll be able to answer at the end of the day.
Norm 3.30 pm
I got sidetracked![Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting](
I've been posting and reading the news.
pro's CI - 9:30am
I'm moving a little slowly this morning - partly because I've been listening to the very disturbing news.
Good going!
You put off showering and dressing, but you still finished it by 9:30. Great! I like to eat and mess around a little before jumping in the shower, too--but I have to watch it, because when I allow myself to put off showering, I often procrastinate too long and run out of time or get caught by somebody while I'm still slumming. But you simply moved it to a later place in your priorities and that worked. Good for you!
procrastinating on showering
I tend to put off showering so I like to do it before I eat breakfast (breakfast then is a reward). I didn't do it that way today because I was so interested in hearing the news, but in general that's my plan. I'll just make my bed first to give me time to wake up.
If I leave the shower to last, I can end up procrastinating on it like crazy and not get dressed until very late. I try to do first the tasks I least, and use the ones I like as a reward.
Normy 2.15 pm
Having a strange day. Went to the vets and got that sorted, then decided to take DDog to the 'beach' as a reward (in quotes because there's not much sand on our beach). Missed the turnoff and ended up at the next town, which is where I was planning to go later anyway to get her dog food and some shopping for me that I can't get locally, so I nipped to the shops (quickly because I had DDog with me - that stopped me dawdling!), then took her to the beach. Some people actually ~pay~ to have 'beach hair'. With me it just comes naturally ;)
Had lunch, put shopping away, and went to peg laundry out - I hadn't turned the bloody dial enough and it hadn't even washed . So I've got the laundry going now, and yesterday's is dry and folded (laundry is in my Routines).
So my menu plan is going to be a bit back to front because I did some of the shopping first ;). Also, a book turned up that I'd ordered that I was planning on chasing up today, so I can cross that one off too (I don't think that one even made it to my previous post).
I'm going to see what else is on my list in my previous post...
*Vets Done
*Routines In Progress
*Charge phone Done
*Email Ecard Done - and another one too
*Running - arggh!
*Book yoga festival?
*Menu plan (blargh)
*Shopping list...
~~~~Also done~~~
*Ddog walk (part of Daytime Routine)
*Some of the shopping
*I'm going to finish off the Daytime Routine
*and finish the menu plan
*and finish the shopping list
(we were talking about finishing things off yesterday, weren't we?)