Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Sunday, 15 March 2009


 Came to believe

 that a power
 greater than ourselves

 could restore us to sanity.


CI do it now

Did the test - a little later htan planned.   That's ok - progress not perection

babarino 8:30

For tonight
Vacuum upstairs(done)
Taxes for tomorrow (done)
Check for tomorrow(done)

That's it

Hope-Faith CI 5:45

Kinda of late in the eventing to be getting my butt in gear, but I am. I have several things that I would like to accomplish prior to going to bed. Need to put a time frame on them in the next so by 7:00 I need to clean out my van and put the rest of the laundry away. CI at 7:00


Hope-Faith 8:10 CO

CO 1 hour and 10 min later then I committed to but I got more accomplished. I actually put clothes away and cleaned out van by 6:30. Since 5:45 in addition to the task I had metioned I also loaded dishwash, cleaned off kitchen bar, fixed a quick supper, kids got baths and we had cupcakes and icecream to celebrate my sons birthday. We have a big part planned next weekend.

two more items to accomplish and then I will sit down. Have a great evening.


CI Doit now

Prep test for per 4



kromer 3:30

Today I've been to church, met my bf's dad (which was a little scary, but I think I passed :) ), made some progress cleaning out my inbox, and called my brother and a friend.

Now, I need to do some work. Specifically, I need to study for my statistics midterm tomorrow. It shouldn't be too hard, but I need to do the work, and I'm feeling a lot of resistance. Right now, I'm going to print out all the lect. notes and practice midterm. Then I'm going to head home and go over the lecture notes. 

kromer 5:35 CI

OK, I printed the notes, came home and had some dinner (I was hungry early)...then I stalled out and have been web-flipping for about 45 minutes. Since I have an exam tomorrow (and generally a pretty busy week), this is not helpful. I'm going to turn on my website blocker, head to the chatbox and work my way through this studying.

online PA 12-step meeting starting NOW.

all procrastinators welcome

Sunflower to do list

Read 20 units

Falcon CI Sunday a.m.

Hi pro buddies,

I'm not doing too bad this morning, except that I slept really late, and decided I didn't have time to go to class.

I got the dishwasher emptied and refilled, and most importantly I already did 20 minutes on my MIT -- sorting papers for work.

Stuff to do today:

  • Sort work papers
  • Run a load of laundry
  • Get groceries
  • Exercises
  • Call Mom
  • Call L & A 
  • Answer pers. ad

Going to take a short break, then set timer for another round of sorting.  It's going pretty fast, shouldn't take too many rounds.


Falcon CI Sun. eve.

I got the papers sorted!  Woohoo!  It's going to be so good to start the work week already organized and set to go.

Got the groceries, laundry is in the dryer, left a message for L&A, going to call Mom in a few minutes.  Still gotta do the personal ad.  Took a long walk with my friend, so I might be lazy & skip the arm exercises tonight.



O.k., everything is done now except the arm exercises, which I am gonna blow off tonight.  Going to make a sandwich for tomorrow, then get to bed.

Good night!



ByGodsGrace todays CI

Word and prayer for the day:

Psalm 25:4-6 “Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me,  for you are God my Savior,  and my hope is in you all day long.”

God I am so grateful for your grace and mercy and patience as I learn and grow more everyday in You… 


My to do list: 

Read Bible/Pray

Daily CI

Church (good thing I get to try again at 6!)

Online meeting

Email invoice - detail to JOB1

Open mail, Email mom, aunt

ck bank acct

church 6pm  Awesome and a friend came too and wants to come again, so great to see God touch someone!

Recycler 9:50am EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

I am in a total state of disorganization here!

Mid-day I have a party to go to. I need to get ready for it, but I also need to do things around the condo! Aieeee!!!

Ok, I am going to thrash about uncoordinatedly and see what I can get done!!!

Have a great day! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Thrashing about

Recycler -- thanks for making me chuckle!  I'm familiar with that disorganized state, and next time I'm in it, I'm going to remember to put "thrash about uncoordinatedly" on my to-do list when I need to get started!  Wink

Hope you day goes well!


Thanks, Falcon lol

Hi Falcon!

Thanks for the good wishes :) lol, yes, thrashing about pretty much describes today lol. ;)

Updating my CI: When my friend walked in, they said "good, your place looks messy as my place: lol. That made me laugh, too, and then I didn't feel so bad lol. Anyway, I did get the things ready in time to take to the party. I was able to be attentive to guests at the party, and overall had a good time.

Being back home, I need to call one of my sponsors or friends in [my other] program. I'm not manic/depressive, but am attending to issue(s) of concern, while alternating with a party, other issues of concern, social activities, etc. ((sigh) Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

5:55pm. OK, I've taken a little break, and I'm ready to start moving things around the place again. I talked on the phone with someone in [my other] progam. I think I'm just nervous today; I'll probably be nervous the rest of the day, so I'll try to not sweat it; just make it through the rest of the day/one day at a time it!

7:30pm. I feel very relieved after talking with landlord (for the rental condo that my lease finished up in April). He is getting some hot leads for people that want to rent it. This helps me feel like I won't have to be worried about it much longer! And he's going to have a neighbor look at the thermostat (trying to change over from heat to air then back to heat, and somehow it need some help). Serenity Prayer time again, but I do feel relieved that someone else will try to help, too!

Have a great night, everyone! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Journey 9:15

Good morning!  Hanging out at the nursing home with Dad again today.  Mom's bp is still high so she is resting.   I hope she will be able to take over next week cause I have an extremely busy week at work coming up.   But whatever happens we will deal with it.   For some reason I am better at dealing with crisis situations than I am at dealing with everyday life.   Probably one reason I'm a procrastinator, because once a situation reaches crisis proportions I seem to be able to handle it.   Guess I'm an adrenaline junkie!

Anyway I have a movie to watch and some games to play while I'm here, and I am planning to work for a few hours also.  DH and DD have dinner and the housework under control. so that's kind of nice.   Dad's a bit restless this morning and he was a mess when I got here so we're going to relax for an hour or so, maybe I'll try to nap while he does. 



Be where you are; otherwise you will miss your life. - Buddha

Crisis syndrome

My 2 cents on my "crisis syndrome".  Thanks for bringing it up.

When the goal is clear and the options are limited and defined, decision making is much easier.  I focus on the results at hand and the fear of being "wrong" is far from my mind.  That is my biggest area of procrastiantion: decision making.   

Of course in truth there is no "wrong" (not talking about moral decisions) that is a myth that is in my head only.

Progress not perfection. 


Do it now 

i know what u mean!

Maybe we should make a checklist of procrastination syndrome symptoms and include dealing with crisis situations... (and knowing your right from your left, lol) I totally can relate to what you said! Maybe because we are procrastinators we have just learned to deal with the crises we create - learned to function in that frenzied last minute mode! Is crises even a word... crisises... i'm procrastinating getting ready, gotta go! You and your family and dad will be in my prayers today.

 2 Cor. 12:9  "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

thank you bgg

Yep, I think this is part of the "syndrome" lol.  


Be where you are; otherwise you will miss your life. - Buddha


I look forward to joining tomorrows meeting for my first day towards recovery.  RoundTuit

Welcome Roundtuit :-)

I agree you are in the right place, keep coming back and posting and sharing and learning - this site has been a wonderful tool to help me get back on track and I know you will find the same. We all know exactly how you feel! Be encouraged. :-)


2 Cor. 12:9  "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

Weekly online 12-Step P.A. meeting in meetings chatbox

Procrastinators Anonymous weekly 12-Step meeting in "meetings chatbox".

Those of you who have clock changes, remember that
the MEETING remains on STANDARD time year round.
This meeting does not change alongside the clocks.

(This means that for some of you, the meeting might seem to be
an hour "off" from where it was before the clocks changed.) 

Meeting at 3:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time !

(Meeting is Sunday 7:30 PM GMT -
STANDARD time year round -- click on links below)

Meeting is held:

  • Sunday morning/midday in Hawaii/Alaska and Pacific Time
  • Sunday afternoon in the Americas
  • Later Sunday evening in Europe/Africa
  • Very early Monday morning in Asia/Australia/NZ

> Click here to find your timezone equivalent for today's meeting.

> Click here to find your timezone equivalent for next week's meeting.

Online P.A. meeting remains Standard Time year round.

This is because we have people in all different time zones --
all over the planet -- northern and southern hemispheres --
each zone changing in and out of daylight time at different times.

It works when we "work it". Let's do whatever it takes to find recovery. All are welcome.
