Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday January 27 2009

Recycler CI 4:25pm EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

Still chugging along here :)

Did my routine at the gym again this morning :) Using my assignment list at work to keep on track ;)

Um, so what about all those stacked-up boxes at home from moving? Um ... OK, I think we have identified yet another procrastination area! :o

Minimal goal: OK, I think I will try to clear & put away one box each evening. I think I will start with a box at the Back of the room. I have been trying to start with a box at the Front of the room, and it has just been Too Overwhelming. ((sigh)) During the last week in the evening, I've just been sitting in a daze in the living room. I keep thinking "I'm pacing myself," but I think it's crossed over during the last few days. But hey, that's why I'm here.

Good luck with your projects, too! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

*BIG NEWS* Sammy ci :: 2:37 pm

Hello, and happy Tuesday!

I am excited and proud to announce that I am NOT rushing to finish homework for my class tonight be cause I *drumroll, please*


This is big BIG accomplishment for me, and the first time in a lonnnngggg time (years, maybe) that I have completely finished a homework task the day before it was due. Whats even MORE exciting is that The class today isn't until 6 pm, so my regular way of thinking would be "well, i have SOOOO much time before class on Tuesday, I'll just do it then." I overcame that process of thinking, even if only for one day, and it feels GOOD!

Now....I just need to continue this process. I can do it! 

Awesome, Sammy!

That is so awesome and a true inspiration to me for today! Thanks for posting this!


"Study how to use the symptoms of procrastination to trigger the cure!" Neil Fiore

sammy's victory

That is such good news. It's an inspiration. It's so encouraging to see people having some recovery in this problem we share.

And, i think ur right, sammy, follow thru on the process has been one of the most important things to me too.

Great work!

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb

procrastinating by studying procrastination:

Way to go, Sammy!!!

 You can do it! You have done it! You can do it again!

Just take one day at a time!

The Hero's Code:

Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.

that's great, Sammy!

Hi Sammy!

That's great! :)

Way to go! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Journey 2:45 I'm back! (sort of)

Back at work today, working from home.   I am working a bit of a reduced schedule today, 11-6, although I am having a lot of trouble getting back on track.  I'm tired and my mind is unfocused, although Dad is better.   My daughter is sitting with him during the day now and my mom is staying with him at night.  

 He should be released to rehab tomorrow which will be a new set of logistics to work out, but it's very good news.   The doc says there is no reason he should be able to go home after a few weeks.   We were afraid the nursing home would be a permanent thing, but my mom and the doctors say she should be able to take care of him at home once he is physically back to normal. 

N E way, I did some work yesterday, things that had to be done to move along the new project.  Today, I am brain dead but I can catch up my email, figure out the status of my projects, and oh yeah speaking of status do the status report.  Once I figure out a "next action" in each area, I can pick one that I feel capable of doing today and get it knocked out.

I'm not going to expect much more than that.  I'm going to have one cup of coffee to get me thru the afternoon and then cut it out for the day.   I have been living on coffee and diet sodas and I'll have to do a whole caffeine detox when this is over.  I *never* drink sodas - well, maybe once a month or something - but it's been unavoidable and I feel full of chemicals.  ugh ! 

To the chatbox! 



"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
- George Eliot

Journey 6:45

Pretty terrible day.   However, first day back at work and still stressed so I'm giving myself a pass for today.  Tomorrow I shall uphold my usual medium standards.


"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
- George Eliot

Agnus checking in Tues 1:11pm

Hi group! Weather will make me at least 4 hours late on my trip. Going to chat through meeting these MITs given the time remaining, and s-l-o-w-w-w-w airport Internet (at least it's free!). J is tranqued-out for flying (dr's orders given his heart condition), so I am buckling down to some work.

  • Make calls about being late
  • See who is working, who is closing early due to storms
  • Decide where we stay tonight and how to get there safely
  • Determine impact on tomorrow's work
  • Check on Toolkits
  • Create a clean to-do list

welcome back trece8

gd work tece8. we're all about admitting our slip ups here today. several ppl. But we're all re-starting like u.

It seems very positive that you came back to post, and admitted failure, and are trying again. I think it's a very gd omen.

Now back 2 wk 4 me!

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb

procrastinating by studying procrastination:

isabo 1230

dd's preschool this am, did some shopping.  last hour been puttering, putting most stuff away, ate lunch.  I am tired today, again.  Need to burst through that wall and

repot daisy

sweep kitchen

mop kitchen

laundry in, reboot, fold

10 mins in disaster room

15 min in copying zones cleaning list

mactac 1 glass window(looks pretty good even if hubby doesn't like 'em!!)

I have 1.5 hrs before picking ds up from school - how many can I cross of the list???

check in 155

new list

laundry fold, reboot, fold

10 mins disaster room - placing all xmas dec into new tubs

15 min copying zones, mactac 1 glass window

check fire

 I am sure I will find something else todo!


check in 410

new list

fold laundry

check fire

program tv shows

make supper

pretty good day today!  I pushed through the 'wanna nap' wall and accomplished some was not a waste!

back tomorrow

Hope all of you have a good night!

Slipped up this weekend

I fell back on all kinds of things in my work schedule and personal stuff this past weekend; I haven't been on the sight since Friday.  Yesterday I was quite productive, but I didn't record what I was doing.  Today, I feel ready to get back into this, and I will use this past weekend as a reminder that doing this doesn't just happen automatically.  I need to focus and be prepared to at least check in even when I don't feel like it.

So, today, I will

-check the Sanchez GSR

-get the info on the MN Speaker

-do the Ford memo and talking points edits (if they come back to me today)

-research Grayson

-ship the t-shirts and newspaper to Al (personal thing)

welcome back ml

that sounds like a very sober self-assessment. You acknowledged what was wrong, but didnt beat urself up about it. I kno for me i often do, i'm working on that. It sends me into a tailspin.

gd luck today!

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb

procrastinating by studying procrastination:


I appreciate it Clement, and I'm happy to report that I got through everything on my list today (Laughing). Thanks.

that's amazing!

and an inspiration. I have a lot of work 2 do 2nite and it encourages me that u (and others here today) are doing well.

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb

procrastinating by studying procrastination:

GeorgeSmiley 7:30 AM + updates

I've been slacking off on my morning reading, so after I check in here I'm going to do that.

Again, a very long list of tasks. After reading I'll review it and set some MITs here.

7:37 AM: Working on physical in-basket

8:15 AM:  Set MITs

~ Project Q-I

~ Project T

~ Project F-S

~ Project D

~ Project M-2

~ Project P-04

In roughly that order, but may be moving back and forth as blocks occur or opportunities arise

Update 11:20 AM

I've eaten some lunch. Made progress on Projects D and F-S this morning.

Now taking 30 minutes to work on cleaning the basement. Hoping that spending 30 minutes a day until it's finished I'll be able to finally get it done.

Update 3:55 PM

 I've advancd the ball on Projects D, F-S, M-2, and Q-I. And on Project T.

it's unusual for me to successfully bounce from one to another like this and feel like i've done SOMETHING on each one. Feels pretty good.
Signing off for the night. Back in the morning.






The Hero's Code:

Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.

Hope-Faith CI 5:45

Completed all items on am routine except getting ready and feeding animals. Which I will do after I finish Checking In.

When I get to work I will CI with plans for the day.

  1. Lesson Plans A1
    • Review Yesterdays Lesson
    • Update PPT
    • Quia
    • E-mail
  2. Lesson Plans A2
    • Review Yesterdays Lesson
    • Update PPT
    • Quia
    • E-mail
  3. Gather resources for todays classwork
  4. Yesterdays tasks not done
    • Mrs. G and PC
  5. Classroom Clutter 15
  6. Forum
  7. Desktop
  8. Call Mrs. L about NBPTS
  9. Lunch Duty
  10. Set up task in GB


  1. CI 8:05 at work getting everything set up to begin work for the day. List above are the task that I need to complete before 9:30. Good Luck To Me
  2. CI 8:58 Updating task list
  3. CI 9:45 starting class
  4. CI 2:10 Leave early today completed all task except stopping by and seeing Mrs. G which I will try to do on my way out.



Constance's Tuesday o

Constance's Tuesday

o find out, what Professor said about another postponement of my exam (he's probably very annoyed)


O revise FE notes

o first index cards notes

o then Erken's notes

0 read FE and extend notes

o take a nice 5-min-break after each act, but not surfing, no PC: go outside or have some tea 


o reward: watch 24 during lunch break


went to friend's house instead ... we're done with lunch now and I'm going to read O, act 3 now.

check back with what I´ve done ...



0 start reading RJ like this:

-scene, commentary, scene, commentary, scene, commentary - not other method

- take quick breaks between scenes to take a deep breath or excerise a bit

"Study how to use the symptoms of procrastination to trigger the cure!" Neil Fiore

kromer Monday night planning

Scheduled (lots, ugh): Lab mtg 10-12, bio colloquium 4-5, square dancing (yay!) 8-10:30

MITs: 1)Brainstorm sensible way to weight genes, email PF about it
2)Research/brainstorm how to compare arrays across experiments, use to compare male+female data
3)Read chpt 3+4 of sig. proc book, get matlab book+lab nb
4)Ask mark about collaborations

Other tasks: *Revew/notes 3 papers
*List of WM problems+list of files to doc.
*Finish R tutorial
*Email pastor about computer

*Call CV and the Harambee girls

Tomorrow morning first thing I'm going to tackle MIT #1 and start MIT #3, then go to lab mtg.

Update 7:40--got up, had breakfast, did budgeting (which was *not* on the list today, and so shouldn't have been a priority!), now I'm running a bit late. Going to quickly pack lunch and dinner and head out. 


kromer 10:30 CI

went to bio colloquium, picked up matlab book, then found out my friend passed his qualifying exam for grad school, so spent the evening celebrating with him. Not planned, but I think I good decision. I'll go to bed now.

kromer 3:40 CI

Finished MIT #4, and made good progress on MIT #2...I did all the hard thinking required for this MIT, now I just have an hour of relatively mindless work and it will be done.

In the course of working on MIT #2, I read affy/affydata documentation, which was on the to-do list for tomorrow. I feel good about that.

Right now, I'm going to go pick up the matlab book (also cash a check), then head to bio colloquium.

After colloquium, I'm going to call Harambee girls to let them know about plans for tomorrow. Then I'll finish MIT #2 and #1 and have some dinner. If I have time I'll work on MIT #3 before square dancing.

Back after colloquium 

kromer 11:55 CI

I went to lab mtg, and spent 20 min brainstorming sensible ways to weight genes.

Now I'm in DP's lab, so I should really be working on his project. So I'll get working on MIT #2, which will probably take me a few hours, and also do MIT #4 whenever I see Mark. At 4 I'll leave for colloquium, and I can tackle my other 2 MITs after that.

Heading to the chatbox to work on MIT #2.  

kromer 9:10 CI

Not keeping the best focus today...I called CV and got lab nb, also tried to get matlab book but library wasn't open yet.

I'm going to spend 30 min brainstorming sensible way to weight genes, then head to lab mtg.