Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Tuesday 2nd December
Tea and biscuits for y'all on Tuesday
wisdom courage serenity hope I can keep starting
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Isabella CI 838pm
I have been out of here for a while.( New hours at work...) I am taking baby steps tonight...
Pay Credit Cards(VISA and MC)DONE !!!!
welcome back isabella
good for you coming back. I wish you recovery here!
For pro
Hi pro,
Haven't seen any postings from you for a couple of days. . . just wanted to say I'm sending warm thoughts your way, and I know others here are, too.
Hope things are going o.k., and that you'll check in when you get a chance; we'll be glad to hear from you.
Hi Pro. I was thinking about you a few minutes ago. We miss hearing from you. Hope everything is going alright.
Sending hugs your way,
Falcon CI Tuesday
Got a bundle of stuff to do this evening. . .
e- a little worse for wear but back
Things fell apart this weekend and so I am regrouping and have been in the mode of thinking about what I want. I had a visit to a new counselor who recommended setting a different kind of goal than what felt like too much: shooting for 10 interviews instead of for a job. That, for some reason, really resonated with me and so I feel better about taking a temporary thing while I figure out what I want to do.
Currently, having moved everything around I am in finding new places for belongings mode. Feeling a bit.... vulnerable, so am glad to have a safe place to share.
meds, water, dishes, put away jewelry. box: one file at a time. laundry: fold and put awa. Plan dinner. cook dinner. shower, etc. talk with c's teacher, pray, eft,
eft is helping my throat feel less achey. cool.
good luck with everything, e :)
Hi e!
Good luck with everything! Hugs!!!
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
thanks recycler
I really appreciate it. I am beginnig to wonder if the planets are aligned in a funny way, because both in here and out of here there seems to be a lot of disruption in relationships!
thanks, e
That sounds like something I should try.... the 10 interviews instead of a job sort of mentality.... thanks for the great idea!!
let us know how that works for you. :-)
tiptree 2:23 PM CI
3 loads of laundry- clock 5 hours
- review bugzilla and plan items thru Monday
- clear 3 bugzilla items
- read for an hour
- also read 2 articles in The Nation + 1 section of the paper
- practice guitar
renew/return library items- play through 8s 3001 - 4000
- clean off desk
- finish DVD
go for a walk-
cull 5 itemsRecycler CI 12 noon EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
Taking a little mid-day break here, so checking in.
Did stretching & stuff at gym this morning; showered & got dressed from work. Took various things over to new condo. Made progress on assignments at work. Ate lunch and shared snacks with others. Next: pay 1-2 bills during lunch; can reward with a little Internet time during remaining lunch break after that. I may update my CI later.
5:55pm EST. At lunchtime, doing the CI helped. I wasn't feeling like paying bills, but after I did my CI, then I was able to do the bills. Did other projects in afternoon. Home now before going to a meditation group tonight. Maybe take 1 thing over to new condo before group?
Have a great day, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Sammy ci :: 10:45 am
Some tea WOULD be lovely. Or maybe some cocoa. I'm sitting by the window in a gorgeous library, watching the snow fall and writing another marketing paper.
Already done: Get up on time (5:30ish), gather school things (and put them in the car), submit training procedure paper, take and email chapter quiz to instructor, eat breakfast (this was rushed this morning...ate in the car), leave the house around 7 (7:05 today), go to Technical Reporting class, visit grandmother.
To do:
Finish marketing paper
Eat lunch
Finish marketing survey
Print ad for photography
Photography class (1:30-5:30pm)
Print marketing paper
Marketing Class (6-10pm)
Things to get done in the next few days: Think about Christmas parade puppet ideas, Schedule/plan puppet ministry at nursing homes, Pick up new sunday school lesson plans from L, Get license plate registration renewed....(they are expired and therefore illegal at the moment!),
I'm on a tight budget this Christmas...anyone have any good ideas for Christmas gifts? I'm quilling some snowflake tree ornaments to give away (similar to these: ) but I am looking for some different ideas.
I'll check back in after Photo class, I think. Have a super Tuesday!
Sammy ci :: 4:15 pm
I'm checking in because I really need to get back on track. Photography went well today, but I need to finish my paper ASAP. Class again at 6.
Sammy ci :: 5:25 pm
Checking in to say that things are going great with my paper. Thank you, HP, for helping me keep my concentration, and for making this past hour seem to stretch on and on!!
Sammy ci :: 5:45 pm
Well, my paper is done (just in the nick of time!), and its time to go to class. Other group members did not keep up with work they promised to do during the week, so hopefully we can get lots done today during class. I'll check back late tonight after class.
donation gifts
someone gave me this last year. It took a while for me to process, because i didnt really 'get' anything, but once i did, i thot it was AWESOME!
The gift is a donation to st jude children's hospital (USA) in honor of the recipient. The amount of the donation is not revealed, so you can give whatever u feel you can.
the christmas sub-category:
And who doesnt want to help sick children? After all, what's this season all about?
This is a GREAT idea! I KNOW i have a few family members who would appreciate this. :-)
gifts for less
I am on a really tight budget myself but have found some very good prices on things that must be purchased on I was able to get $25 gift certificates to for $2! Frankly, though, the presents I have always loved the most have been those from family members who make them. Last year my husband put together a calendar with photographs of the family which I love and will keep: I thought you could put all of that photography to work on something similar.
good idea, e!
thanks, thats another good idea. I actually did something very similar last year! i made a calendar for each of my immediate family members with pictures from our last family vacation. everyone loved it! And I'll have to check out that website, too. After my homework is done, of course!
Agnus check-in 10:45am and final 10pm
DLs: plan 12/16 webinarreturn call to class hostOnSites: Spend one hour studying the evaluation stuffReachout: MO, NCind out when FFFA party is; plan spaghetti squash casseroleCall car insurer for discounts and cards for JSpend 30 minutes on making a Medicare prescription plan decision
GeorgeSmiley 9:45 AM + updates
A late start today. I worked at my PT job until almost midnight and didn't come to bed until 1:15, an hour after I got home. I managed to sleep until 8:30. Needed it.
No tea and biscuits here [but boy, do they look tasty!], but the lovely Mrs. GS made some scrumptious pumpkin and sweet potato muffins. Yum!
MITs for the day:
[x]Time for meditation, spiritual reading and prayer.
[]Project D-G
[]Project L
[]Project U
[x]Project P-2 Update 5:10 PM: Progress made in research tasks
[]Project T-V
I think there are more. I'll probably modify this list in a little bit.
None of the above items represents tasks in themselves. I have various, specific, identified tasks for each.
I'll check in before noon, perhaps sooner.
Update 2:30 PM
A series of getting off track occasions today.
Starting again.
Update 5:10 PM
Progress made on Project P-2.
No advances on anything else.
Task now: go thru my in-box until supper time, and reboot for tomorrow.
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
kromer 8:25 CI
Slow start this morning, but here I am now.
*Genetics class 9:30-11:30
*seminar 11:30-12:30
*mtg w/ PF 3:30-4
*colloquium 4-5
*pay rent
*Read CSB100 papers
*Write 2 pages on coregulators
*get results on 2 datasets
*bug CJ for data + seq, spend 1 hr reviewing signal processing, get set up for genome prep
*email RJ and go over rotation choice status
*Call Gerrie
*Clean bathroom
*email M and CH
Right now, I'm going to work on reading CSB100 papers, then I'll head to genetics class.
kromer 1:35 CI
Not a great day so far, but at least I'm making progress.
I read most of the CSB100 papers, went to genetics class and seminar (seminar went about 30 min late), had a lunch break.
Now I'm going to send CJ an email bugging him for data.
Then I need to get ready for mtg w/ PF, which is freaking me out because I don't feel at all prepared. I'm going to at least write 1 pg on coregulators, get results on 1 new dataset, and write up some careful notes for mtg.I'll get results on a second dataset if I have time.
After mtg, I'll go to colloquium, then I'll take notes from mtg w/ PF, bug CJ for seq, and get set up for genome prep. Then I'll go to the library and spend an hour reviewing signal processing, then I'll head home for dinner, call Gerrie and finish up the rest of my tasks (write 1 more pg, finish reading papers, pay rent).
I'll work in the chatbox for now to keep myself on track.
kromer 5:25 CI
I got the data from CJ, wrote 1/2 page on coregs and got results on 1 dataset, prepped for and went to mtg (which went OK! yay!), went to colloquium, took a 10 min break.
Now I need to take notes from mtg (and make a plan for the week's work on PF's project), go get seqs from CJ, set up for genome prep, spend an hour reviewing signal processing, go home. I'll work in the chatbox while I'm taking notes from mtg/making a plan for the week; should take about 20 min. Back when that's done.
Update 6:50--sent an email to CJ asking for seqs (he's not in lab today), took notes from mtg and made a plan for week. Now I'm starving (and I have to stay on campus until I finish my sig/sys review (since the book I need is in the library), so I think I'm going to go get dinner at the campus bible study, then at 8 I'll call Gerrie and do my studying.
Update 8:20--went to bible study and had dinner, emailed CH and M. Now time to call Gerrie and get my behind to the library! Shoulbe be home by 10ish.
Update 9:20--called Gerrie, got to library, have done 20+min studying, back after another 20 min.
Update 10: Finished my hour of studying, now I'm headed home, should get home around 10:30
Hope-Faith 8:40 CI
Am routine doneUnjammed copiersPlans for L's subLesson plans 2nd & 3rdOnline assessmentActivitiesProjectCopiesStaple papersGrade PapersPlace up desk for 10 min set timerhope-faith
CL ci
8:15am : good, early start today. Already cleared my inbox and caught up here. I felt a sense of loss when i realized my inbox work was done, and it was time to start on the next thing. My what transition issues. Look at MITs for today.
3:50 : a little slow today. Did work on MIT 1 and had quiet time. Now to finish MIT 1.
Chotrain CI 6:30 AM
First and Foremost, I gratefully thank the Energy Source that has returned my soul back to me with compassion and has given me the ability to rise and jump into a Proactive Day.
No Fear Day! I WAS, I AM, I WILL BE without FEAR!!! No Fear Today. Do it, Do it, Do it!!
Peace and Love,
roses CI
mm biscuits where good thanks chick!
here's my today..
get up before 9ameat breakfast away from pcCI, check emailsreadpractice drums for an hour and a halfexerciseshower, clean teeth and dresseat a good lunchCI updatepeace and love
roses update and share
i didn't write in the end, i recorded something i wrote last week.
i want to share it with you guys as it's a huge leap in quality and creativity for me.
it'll be here for a day or two, please let me know what you think!
the lyrics in the second section are Rumi:
i saw you last night in the gathering
but could not take you openly in my arms
so i put my lips next to your cheek
pretending to talk privately
peace and love
Hi Roses,
I am not very familiar with alternative, but its something I've just started to explore in the past week (by recommendation of a friend). Thank you for posting your song! It was a sweet beginning to my Wednesday morning.
watching roses grow
Thanks for sharing this link, roses. I'm quite a bit older than your target audience but a little bit familiar with alternative (nephews have a band in DC area) - and I like your song! So grateful to hear the results of our mutual PA journey. What a gift this is.
thank you so much for your kind words, and i'm glad you like it. i forgot to mention its demo-ish ness, and some things i have to re-record as i didn't have time yesterday (it got late!). i just felt pretty good about what i'd made, so i kept it with mistakes.
it's awesome to have people to share my progress, with this but also day to things.
so thanks everyone
chick CI
it doneset day plan
It's a very very busy few days ahead, I will have no time to procrastinate and just need to remind myself to make a few quiet minutes here and there. It is the first time I feel I can approach this kind of challenge with a willing heart and no dread. That makes me happy. I'll check in now and then to stay focussed. I feel deeply grateful to feel positive now.
great chick
wow that sounds great! I'm very happy for you. Enjoy your positive attitude.