Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2008

Recycler CI 6:05pm EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

It's getting cold here! No snow yet, but cold!!! Stay warm, all you Northern Hemisphere folks!!!

Today: did stretch & routine at gym. Showered and got dressed for work. Did projects in morning. Went to mid-day activity during lunchtime(+ also ate lunch ;) Projects in afternoon. Talked a few times with other department re Big Event tomorrow; fingers crossed everything goes well. After work, ate dinner at home. Now: surfing Internet before deciding what to do this evening.

Tonight: eventually will call my dad. Maybe immediately, maybe about 7:30. Put painters tape on kitchen areas for this weekend's project ;) Decide on one other mini-project and add that in. Read a few pages. Put on jammies & get ready for bed a little bit early; see if I want to do a few yoga stretches?

Have a great night, everyone! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Agnus 4:45pm update

I have been sidetracked since the dental appt went way l-o-o-ng (not to mention expensive!). Once my timing is thrown off like this I have a hard time getting back on task. Unexpected additions, and completions: 

  • Email replies
  • nawb research and follow-ups
  • phone call with new boss
  • baldridge research
  1. review Anna material and respond
  2. 8:30 a.m. call Mom
  3. 8:35 a.m. leave for dentist appt
  4. 10:30 a.m. email Cheryl a status report on AP Project
  5. 11:00 a.m. Call Philly, Milwaukee and folo-up Maine
  6. 11:30 a.m. call Myra and arrange tour of APs next week; ask about software?
  7. 12:00 lunch
  8. 12:30 DWS webinar edits
  9. AP-DL webinar3 powerpoint
  10. Interview Lyle 2.0 webinar#1; highlight breakouts; email to Cheryl by 3pm
  11. Personal stuff: Find winter clothes for DC trip. Look up a recipe for spaghetti squash casserole. Make a decision on Medicare prescription plan.

I am going to chat through my stuckness on those phone calls I am procrastinating - not sure what has me stuck.

tiptree ci 1:46 pm EST

to do:

- clean office
- clock 7 hours
- clear 4+ bugzilla items
- revisit grid issue
- get out of the house
- clean kitchen
- finish LM
- looking into DICOM PresentationState modifications

Journey noon

I have struggled through the tedious but all-important MIT #1.  MIT #2 is also behind me!     

Now for MIT #3 which should be unnecessary, but was caused by the aforementioned a-hole.   Still it has to be done.  I have a headache from tedious MIT #1, so I think I'll have an aspirin and some lunch. 


"The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom." - H.L. Mencken

physical symtoms from dreaded tasks

i get physical symptoms from doing dreaded tasks, too. Amen Praise to HP that you and i and others here can do that now, because in the past i just couldnt. The dread/resistance was unsurmountable.

But, reading your post, thinking here, i guess the fact that we get physical symptoms from these things must mean that whatever it is that causes us to be this way is very real and very severe. It actually encourages me, because it's more like i have a medical condition that i have to overcome, rather then feeling guilty that i can't "just do it."

Wishing you well w/ the rest of ur day.


Chick CI

very busy morning, no time to delay; now onto the rest of the day's tasks.

print - and think about phone conf

sort ..

do 3 ..6

do a big sort

set next goals

prep for tomorrow now  

Journey 9:30

Good morning!   I was off work yesterday and didn't check in, although i really should have!  I did ok yesterday, trying to get the spare room ready for company this weekend, but as usual could have done better.  

I have one major task that must be done this morning.   I got sidetracked by something that really pissed me off.   There's one guy that I have to deal with at work and he's just an a-hole.   The situation is over and done with and I'm going to just put it out of my  mind and move on.  It really galls me when I can't work with someone because I'm a pretty cooperative and nice person and I can usually get along with most everyone.   But once in a while someone comes along that I just cannot work with.  I think it's his problem, not mine, so I'm just going to move on.  Right, I said that already didn't I?  OK, now I really am  . . . moving on. . .

I must get this first MIT done asap, and once it is out of the way I should be able to think more clearly and feel more confident.   So here goes!   I'm going to clean up, get dressed, and tackle the task. 

My MITs are set and I have exercised for an hour.  Coffee is brewing.  Life is good.  Here we go!


"The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom." - H.L. Mencken

hey jo

we're always here for you to vent to. =) I can personally vouch for your character here, as i have many times been the beneficiary of your kindness and encouragement. I've really been helped by you. Thanks!

I have people like that. from the very start it seems we lock horns. Not sure what that's all about. These days, i just try to submit to god in those times. Give in. Look Up. Let myself be taken advantage of. Because in the end, Love is King. I can't lose, even if i give in.

Ok so i often can't get myself to do that. ;) But i wish i could


thank you clem!

I guess I can't expect everyone to love me :)   The only thing to do is forgive and try to do my best regardless.   You never know what road someone else may be walking so might as well give the benefit of the doubt . . .



"The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom." - H.L. Mencken

Sammy ci :: 7:40 am

I was up by 6:30 this morning. Woo, go me! This is even better because I don't have class this morning... just lots of errands. 

To Do:

Spiritual time

Call L for updates on Subro newsletter 

Bank (around 8:30ish?)

Drive into town (leave home by 9) 

Store (not sure which one yet...Chirstmas shopping, i think)

DMV (oh joy)

Lunch (by 1pm)

"Legend of the Candy Cane" project (haha)

Puppet rehearsal (3-7) 

Tomorrow's homework (7 until whenever it is done!)


I'll check back later today.

Sammy ci :: 9:00 am

Got sidetracked with the edits on the Subrogation newsletter.... Now I'm on my way out the door to get my day started. Running about 30 minutes behind today. Out into the lovely snow! 

Another MIT: Shovel front walk and back porch. Maybe driveway too. 

GeorgeSmiley 7:40 AM check-in

What a great day-starter, Agnus! :-)

[x] Spiritual reading and moment of reflection

[ ] Clean out in-box Update 9:20 AM: Partially completed

[ ] Project L -- MUST GET STARTED ON

[ ] Project P-2 -- More calls to make


Update, 9:20 AM

Some progress on in-box. Late start on Project L.

pro's comment above resonates: With all the things I need to do, it's easy to get overwhelmed and do
nothing because I can't decide what to do first. Must not go there!

[ ] Project DON'T GO THERE!



The Hero's Code:

Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.

GeorgeSmiley 11:15 AM + Updates

[x] Spiritual reading and moment of reflection

[ ] Clean out in-box Update, 9:20 AM: Partially completed

[x] Project L -- MUST GET STARTED ON Update, 11:15 AM: Some progress made. I'll need to make more time this afternoon.

[ ] Project P-2 -- More calls to make


Update, 9:20 AM

Some progress on in-box. Late start on Project L.

pro's comment above resonates: With all the things I need to do, it's easy to get overwhelmed and do
nothing because I can't decide what to do first. Must not go there!

[ ] Project DON'T GO THERE! Update, 11:15 AM.. Working hard to NOT GO THERE! :-)

Update 11 15 AM: Getting some lunch.

Update 2:30 PM: Ran to the PO, the cleaners and the bank, straightened out a question about an October deposit.

Now back to the in-box mess. setting a timer for 30 minutes, then to other projects.

Update, 5 PM: I've spent the afternoon on shuffling in-box papers. Aargh. Then got an email about an overdue project. Double Aargh. So now I'll spend an hour or so trying to get that project advanced so I can deliver it by noon tomorrow.




The Hero's Code:

Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.

hi george

i see "Spiritual reading and moment of reflection" I guess you went and did it, huh? Good work! I hope it gives you peace and insight and strength.

Also "Project DON'T GO THERE!" lol cracks me up :D


CL ci

8:28 : actually a late start. I am feeling down. I really do not want to work, and i did not last night. I thank HP that i got out of bed today. That wasnt me.
12:10pm : wasted most of the morning, but HP visited me in a very unexpected way and i'm now encouraged to face the rest of my day, even tho i kno i have wasted time. I'm ready in HP's strength to make the most of the day that remains. I'll be chatting and setting timers, because those help my higher self constrain my lower self so my higher self can achieve it's goals.


CL ci eve

10:35pm and time to start my night time work session. I dont like this task, and i'm feeling resistance, but i have a still small voice inside that suggests that my attitude might change. Here's praying for that. Using chat and timers.


confusing prayer time.

i wonder if u can help me make sense of this.

In my prayer time today i felt ready to completely give my life to god. And yet i felt stress. I think that was because "giving my life to god" was leading to not putting my whole self into my work at work, and maybe even neglecting my responsibility there. I believe that's the job god's given me, so i feel it wrong to neglect that responsibility, and not give it 100%. So giving my life to god should not be inconsistent w/ giving 100% at work.

Also, i want to serve the people at work and my manager. I want to help my manager achieve their goals, by giving 100% of myself at work. I feel like this attitude of service is also consistent w/ serving god.

and yet, when i think about giving 100% at work, i feel like i'm turning my back on god, and focusing on material, worldly goals, which feels wrong.



thanks ag, george

i'm having an unusual day. After i wrote this i just somehow got very focused on work. Also i've had to use chat many times to day to keep focused. But that is working.

I can't fully digest these now, so i think that's good because i think i'm focused on my MIT which i think is what god wants.

This confusion wasnt "bothering" me, i was just wondering.

Thank you for all the encouragement. The people on this forum have been very good to me, inspiring and encouraging. thank you two and you all!


encouraging clement

I have definitely been where you are and it is not comfortable. I'm sorry you're feeling it.  Confusion is not from God (as I understand Him). So either my addiction's acting up or someone is foisting it on me. In either case my role is to practice recovery: Keep It Simple. One Day at a Time. Surrender. Trust that God is bigger than my craziness. Ask for help and Do the Next Right Thing.  Notice which of my character defects is a contributing factor (e.g. perfectionism, codependency, etc), talk it out, pray for release from it, and make any needed amends including to HP's kid (you!).

You're doing it, Clem. You're alright. In fact you are so alright, methinks the old "world/flesh/devil" thing is trying to sabotage you. Since we share the same faith I also feel free to say: praise breaks through this stuff really fast for me.

I don't know if this will help, but...

 ...when I read your post I thought of my brother-in-law, who is self-employed.

He has told me that his rabbi has encouraged him to commit to being a generous giver to charity. That, in turn, has helped motivate him to give 100% of his effort in his business, because the better his business does, the better his charitable commitments will do. 

This is an example, it seems to me, of aligning one's daily work with the greater good and with god's purposes.

I'm not necessarily suggesting a financial commitment to charity on your part, but perhaps that concept can offer some insight you can use in dealing with your dilemma.



The Hero's Code:

Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.

pro's CI - 8:40am

I'm dressed, the bed is made, and I've had breakfast. And I also found the site for filing for unemployment.

I need to go through my Inbox - big backlog building there, and much of it is job leads right now.

I'm thinking about going to the 9am meeting down the street. Sometimes AA meetings annoy me, but sometimes they get me in a good state of mind to work.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Hope Faith CI 8:30

Good Morning All,

  • AM routine done
  • Call son teacher
  • Check on L's class
  • Make Coffee
  • Check e-mail's
  • Lesson Plans 2nd and 3rd
    • On-line activities
    • e-mail students
    • Activities
  • Lesson Plans 4th
    • On-line activities
    • e-mail students
    • Activities
  1. CI 10:00




kromer 8:05 CI

Busy day today!

*Mtg w/ BT 11:30-1
*Probability class 2:30-4 (if I don't have time to go that's OK) (Didn't go
*Mtg w/ NM 4-5 (+ need to take notes afterwards) (CANCELLED)


*Genome prep

*Process data from last week's experiment, predict nucleosome positions
*Email RJ, go over rotation choice status, read stuff from PP
*Email about Harambee curriculum, enter girls' phone numbers into new phone
*Finish reading CSB100 papers (was supposed to happen yesterday!)

Other tasks:
*Put info about histone modifiers on the wiki
*Finish pset, email CE and AR about working on it
*Start scan w/ diff region/threshold

I'm going to start with easy tasks: entering numbers/emailing about curric, finish reading papers, predict nucleosome position,email RJ, go over rotation choice status. Then I'll head to lab to work on analyzing data from prev. expt.

kromer 6:40

Been an OK day so far.

Processing data from last week's experiment turns out to be a huge task, maybe 12+ hours of work. I've made some progress on it, but haven't finished.

I did genome prep, finished reading 1 of the CSB100 papers, met w/ BT, dealt with Harambee stuff.

Now I'm going to go get some dinner, then email RJ, finish reading CSB100 papers, take notes from mtg w/ BT, and spend another hour working on the data processing. Then I'll take a break for an hour or so and hang out with friends, then go home, go over rotation choice status and microburst reading PP's stuff.  

Rolzup CI

[X] morning chores
[X] meditation
[ ] writing
[X] e-mail dash
[X] check ticklers (file, e-mail, reader)
[ ] G work
[ ] pack lunch
[ ] GTD/family time
[ ] 10:30 to campus


Agnus ci 7:50am

Wow, I couldn't believe my eyes: am I up early? Can it be...recovery?! Even ME?!  woo-hoo!  -  oh wait - yeah. ONE day at a time! Wink    Already did prayer and meditation, sponsor call, food plan, pet care, shower/dress and ate. Next:

  1. review Anna material and respond
  2. 8:30 a.m. call Mom
  3. 8:35 a.m. leave for dentist appt
  4. 10:30 a.m. email Cheryl a status report on AP Project
  5. 11:00 a.m. Call Philly, Milwaukee and folo-up Maine
  6. 11:30 a.m. call Myra and arrange tour of APs next week; ask about software?
  7. 12:00 lunch
  8. 12:30 DWS webinar edits
  9. AP-DL webinar3 powerpoint
  10. Interview Lyle 2.0 webinar#1; highlight breakouts; email to Cheryl by 3pm
  11. Personal stuff: Find winter clothes for DC trip. Look up a recipe for spaghetti squash casserole. Make a decision on Medicare prescription plan.


OOOooh, ag! I LOVE Washington DC!