Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
The temperature inside my rental condo is 66, which is still pretty good without turning on the heat yet (considering it is 32 outside right now). I can turn on the heat if I want to, but I'm going to see if I can go another day or two ;)
Here in the rental condo, I'm keeping the temp at 58, so I'm bundling up here & using the space heater while I type my CI ;) hee hee! ;)
Today at work there were a number of things that kept me at my desk. While one thing didn't work out, we also didn't seem to be getting the whole story on it; it's hard to know what to do in those situations, but my boss said we dealt with it and to sleep well.
After clocking out at 5pm, I worked on my volunteer newsletter, then ate dinner and drove home. Doing my CI now, then will decide what to do next! Goal: to go to sleep on time tonight! ;)
11.30 report cards and important phonecall
1.45 some grading
2.30 some teaching
3.10 duty
3.30 go home and a few errands
4.30 arrive home, feed and wal animal eat dinner
6.30 check in
Onwards in hope!
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
The day is flying by, I can't believe its after 3:00 already!! Its starting to get dark out, too! Oh, if only it would just SNOW...I'm tired of the cold with no snow!
I've spent enough time in the house today.... its time to get out and run some errands:
- 1448 in bugzilla
- 1446
- 1442
- 1376
- 1438
- read paper
- read 25 pp of novel
- read 1 ch of programming book
- pay bills
- meeting about saving library
- exercise
- clean office
- clean by bed
- call R and/or T
I finally got moving :) I have attended one of three meetings and I'm doing administrative type stuff this morning. My MITs are set but I'm going to get this admin stuff out of the way before I tackle them, since I'm feeling so sluggish this am.
2 pm MIT #1 is finally done, also 2 of 3 meetings. One more meeting to go, maybe I'll get a little bit of real work done in between meetings :) Ah, the corporate world.
MITs 1 & 2 are done, and all three meetings have been attended. Now I'm going to put dinner in the oven. I guess I'm not babysitting since no ragamuffin children have shown up on my doorstep, but it would have been nice if someone had bothered to tell me :)
5:30 MIT #3 done, now to go finish dinner and pack gym bag for the morning. I also need to make ahead something for dinner tomorrow so we don't have to pick up dinner.
Coulda been a more productive work day, but not too bad.
"For myself, I am an optimist--it does not seem to be much use being anything else."- Winston Churchill
First and Foremost, I gratefully thank the Energy Source that has returned my soul back to me with compassion and has given me the ability to rise and jump into a Proactive Day.
7:00-7:15 Prayer and Meditation
7:15-7:45 Jump on the treadmill for 30 minutes while I flip through CNN, local news etc
7:45-8:15 Shower, Prepare cloths, eat breakfast
9:00-9:35 Drive to Work/Stop off at bank
10:00-7:00 Work
TD List Call, Empty Inbox, Review Pear Database, Work on AP Program, OPP Talley, To Be Continued.
I find it very difficult really impossible to work at home in the evenings. Evening work at home is really part of a teachers lot. When I arrived at home on Wednesday at about 4.30pm.....the agitationa and anxiety and the work load were insurmountable. Went to bed. Slept untill about 12 midnight. Watched Letterman. Had a coffee. Feeling calmer, more composed and less resisitant.
Now HAVE to get on with MUT's and MIT's.
The Goal is to have one set of 2 or 3 comments on line. Time availiable ...5 hours.
Steps needed.
11 comments for first comment
25 comments for second comment
open software and cut and paste.
Onwards in hope!!!!
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
Hi, hope you got some things done in your five hours but also hope you got some rest. Would it be possible for you to "stay after school" for an hour each day and do some of the evening work then? I know I have a really hard time doing paperwork in the evenings. Sometimes I stay in the office "off the clock" and work on paperwork because it's just so much easier to get it done when I'm sitting at my desk. Once I get home, paperwork is the farthest thing from my mind.
"For myself, I am an optimist--it does not seem to be much use being anything else."- Winston Churchill
my mother would go to sleep at 9:30 each night and get up at 3 to do her lesson plans. I thought she was crazy until I had to do the same thing in order to get anything done for school. I found teaching so exhausting that I had to crash as soon as I came home from school. Hats off to you for even attempting to teach!
Good morning, I've been to the gym and i'm eating a nice warm bowl of oatmeal. It's so cold, it was cold in the gym and it's cold in my house. I'm determined to keep the heat on 68 - everyone else in the house likes it cool and it will save money. But this morning I'm effing freezing and I can't seem to get warm. It would probably help if I get out of my sweaty gym clothes and into some cozies.
working from home again today, and I may be babysitting this afternoon beginning at 4, so I need to get busy. Although I worked 10 hours yesterday and got a lot done, so if I work 6 hours or so today I'll be happy with that.
I've read and responded to email but I haven't set MITs yet. I have several meetings today too so that doesn't leave a lot of time for real work. I'm going to finish my oatmeal, get dressed warmly and get busy.
"For myself, I am an optimist--it does not seem to be much use being anything else."- Winston Churchill
managed to get C up and out the door despite all of his cold symptoms. This was not done without manipulation, but at least he got to physics class! He is to check in by 11 to let me know if he has to come home: I am hoping he hangs in there for the rest of the day.
A starts work today. It is freezling in the apartment and I don't much feel like getting on with things, but the house is a bit of a mess, so I would like to choose some things I would like to get accomplished and go hang out in the chatbox doing them.
8:20am : good start. i've almost all caught up here.
8:25 (5min) : done catching up. Now set MITs. AND set timer.
10:10 : wasted time. did NOT set MITs. had 1hr mtg. i wish i had done better, but i have the strength right now to go on.
12pm (~2hr) : some distraction, using chat box. MITs just adopted from yesterday. Working hard on 1--trying to not time binge.
*** i'm going to stop every 15 min to pick my head up, so as to be aware, make decisions, and not time bing.
12:05 (5min) : right, it's time for my quiet time. that kills me because i was just about to get some work done. But i kno it's the right thing to do, so i'll reluctantly do it.
2:15 (2h10m) : did some quiet time, then got distracted 1.5hrs online. not fatal. trying to not have that debilitating guilt. I am guilty, but i want to accept forgiveness. And it so happens, it's time to pray.
2:20 (5min) : best prayer time in a while. God has, once again, used my failures to make me depend totally on him. I thank him.
4:15 (~2hrs) : been working on MIT 1 almost done. no resistance at the moment.
Step 11, food plan, sponsor call done. Next: Eat. Microburst 5 items from the desk pile. Allocate yesterday's time. Call 1 AP20 site.12:20pm - confirming via email.Write DL report. Call 1 more AP20 site. Invoice webinar. Call another AP20 site. Print new biz cards. Telecon RR sometime. Housecleaning estimate. Book dentist and chiro (xrays).dcf mtng. pneer updates. awol.
6pm: been unproductive since 4 pm: at least one hour was sponsor's orders, after I sought help for a problem that came up. I'm glad I asked for the help, instead of applying my usual independent pridefulness; it shows some growth. The other hour was spent posting about my spiritual exercises - it helped me refocus on what's important. And I feel good to have one AP call done! Now: 30 minutes with J, then AWOL, then the report CL needs tomorrow, and bed by 10. 11:30! G'nite, all!
A little late CingI in today. Even though I was late CingI and late getting up, my am routine is becoming a no brainer and I am doing very well and sticking to the plan. It is such a relief. The newly established routine has enabled me to make it to work on time and I do not have to argue with the kids about getting ready in the morning, well maybe a little.. A solid peaceful am routine is beginning to emerge.
Am Routine
Load of clothes
Hang out clothes
Check In
Get kids up
Get ready
Feed animals
CI 10:00 day is progressing well.
CI 11:30 progress is still going well, in a bit of a bad mood, some of my students in my first class do not care about learning or getting an education. Today it is just really hard to deal with. I think it is because I am working so hard to improve the quality of my life by taken responsibility for appropriate use of my time and yet these young individuals with their future in their hands will not even lift a finger to help themselves or improve.
CI 3:00 the work day is almost done Have a PLC committee meeting at 3:10 then we will go home to start on our pm routine.
Check on Forum, read articles
online q agenda
Check E-mail
Plan 3.00 Test Review get info ready for 2nd period - Print Labels for folder
2nd & 3rd Lesson plans, e-mail, PPT, on-line quiz
BP 24
4th Lesson plans, e-mail, PPT, on-line quiz
Lunch Account
Input Grades - Print Progress Reports 2nd 3rd 4nt
Sch SGA Speeches
Read senior project paper
PLC Meeting
CI 5:25 Did not get home by 4:00 went by the bank at 4:30 they were closed. I had left a couple of items at home that I needed to take to the back. So I went to the bank close to my house. I forgot that I closed at 1:00 on Wednesday. I will have to leave work at 9:00 tomorrow make my deposits, I will have to operate outside of my new established routine.
CI 6:10
Between School and Home
Bank did not happen
Grocery Store did not happen
Home - Evening
Arrive home by 4:00 Did not happen
Move Dresser -- Remove clutter from hallway
Next on the list is get get clothes for next day and eat supper. Husband and son are moving dress as I type. Progress Progress
Maintain Van
Clothes for next day
Take in clothes
Supper in the oven/Dishwasher
Fold/put away clothes
Declutter Project
Son Piano
Reading A-Z
7:30-8:30 Family Time
8:30-11:00 Coupons, Intel 15 min, Christmas list 15 min, checking 15 min.
*Finish pset
*Yeast transformation
*Balance checkbook
*List of Qs for lab members, plan out rest of week's work in NM's lab
*Read 1 paper for NM's lab, spend 30 min thinking about project
*Figure out what I need to do to get drivers license
Other tasks (won't get through all of these, will just do as much as I can):
*Finish CSB100 papers
*Ask about TetO seqs
*Organize papers
*Get key!
*Email 1 prof.
*Screen 2 colonies
*Fix interactome cp/coreg issue
*write up how I indentified coregs
Right now, I need to work on the pset. I need to get back to work on transformation at 8:15, and would like to be mostly finished w/ pset by then.
OK, doing OK for most of today, but I've stalled out for the past 20 min.
Right now, I need to read a paper for NM's lab. Then I'll go meet w/ CY, then check back in.
Update 3:10--read 2/3 of the paper and met w/ CY.
I'm going to spend 20 min finishing the paper, then go talk to CJ so I can plan out the rest of the week in NM's lab, then go meet w/ NM, then meet w/ CN, then go home! This'll be the first time I'll get home before 11, yay!
Checking in to keep myself most of the way through the paper, met w/ CJ and NM, now I need to go to mtg w/ CN, then go home and make some dinner, then take notes from mtgs w/ CJ and NM, finish reading paper, spend some time thinking about my project and email about the tetO sequences. Back with frequent updates.
met w/ CN, came home, had dinner, talked on the phone with a friend, started laundry...then spaced out for an hour. Now I need to get back on track. I'm going to quickly hang up my laundry, then I'll tackle the tasks listed above. I'll work in the chatbox and check in often.
Not doing great, but I did hang up laundry, balance my checkbook (and do some general budgeting) and figure out what I need to do to get MA license.
Now I need to push to get all my MITs done today. I need to take notes from mtg w/ NM and CJ, make a list of questions for lab members, finish reading paper, spend some time thinking about project, make a schedule for week's work in NM's lab. I'm feeling really unmotivated, so I'll work in the chatbox to keep myself motivated.
work 30 min on MUT--e-mail and internet off-.54-24; whole thing roughed out five minutes earlyreminder to self: I can do this. turning off e-mail is good.Just a bit, just a step and the next step is easier. Set new goal-30 min writing every morning first thing
now type it up--starting on this now- I have made a good start; it feels good to do a chunk of the scary task first instead of storing it up! reminder to self-eat those frogs-if you did this every day it would be really good
roses, your queiry really helpd me to see that what one may dread doing can be a pleasant experience: I like frog legs: perhaps I can start to like those things I find scary to do!
hi roses, there's a book about getting stuff done called Eat that frog. I think there's even a review of it somewhere on ths forum. So the expression is my shorthand for doing, or starting on, the scariest or most important task first...when i manage it--far from often, it makes me feel really good not to doubt myself and have avoided task looking ahead.
Yesterday someone's post here (Jo? recycler?) led me to Leo Batauta's Zen habits blog-- really helpful -- now I like that better than the frog-image.
Sounds like i could benefit from reading that. I'll be sure to have a look for it online.
I apologise if my silly questions undermined the context of your frog eating metaphor. And i say that with earnest.
It did bring about some wisdom however, which was quite inspiring.
Thanks for all the laffs this morning! This thread reminded me of something fun Dad used to say: Eat a live frog first thing every morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day!
Recycler CI 7:20pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
The temperature inside my rental condo is 66, which is still pretty good without turning on the heat yet (considering it is 32 outside right now). I can turn on the heat if I want to, but I'm going to see if I can go another day or two ;)
Here in the rental condo, I'm keeping the temp at 58, so I'm bundling up here & using the space heater while I type my CI ;) hee hee! ;)
Today at work there were a number of things that kept me at my desk. While one thing didn't work out, we also didn't seem to be getting the whole story on it; it's hard to know what to do in those situations, but my boss said we dealt with it and to sleep well.
After clocking out at 5pm, I worked on my volunteer newsletter, then ate dinner and drove home. Doing my CI now, then will decide what to do next! Goal: to go to sleep on time tonight! ;)
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Convalaria 11.30am Onwards
here is the plan for the rest of the school day:
11.30 report cards and important phonecall
1.45 some grading
2.30 some teaching
3.10 duty
3.30 go home and a few errands
4.30 arrive home, feed and wal animal eat dinner
6.30 check in
Onwards in hope!
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
Sammy ci :: 3:20 pm
The day is flying by, I can't believe its after 3:00 already!! Its starting to get dark out, too! Oh, if only it would just SNOW...I'm tired of the cold with no snow!
I've spent enough time in the house today.... its time to get out and run some errands:
--grocery store
--pick up dog supplies at pet store
--take dog for walk??
--get ready for funeral
--go to funeral
--work on marketing paper
--prepare lesson plans
--go to bed early!!
tiptree CI 11:55 AM
to do:
- 1448 in bugzilla
- 1446
- 1442
- 1376
- 1438
- read paper
- read 25 pp of novel
- read 1 ch of programming book
- pay bills
- meeting about saving library
- exercise
- clean office
- clean by bed
- call R and/or T
Journey 11:30 Update 2 pm 5:30
Chotrain CI 10:30
First and Foremost, I gratefully thank the Energy Source that has returned my soul back to me with compassion and has given me the ability to rise and jump into a Proactive Day.
7:00-7:15 Prayer and Meditation7:15-7:45 Jump on the treadmill for 30 minutes while I flip through CNN, local news etc7:45-8:15 Shower, Prepare cloths, eat breakfast9:00-9:35 Drive to Work/Stop off at bankStay Motivated!
Peace and Love,
Convalaria going on.1.30am Thursday morning
I find it very difficult really impossible to work at home in the evenings. Evening work at home is really part of a teachers lot. When I arrived at home on Wednesday at about 4.30pm.....the agitationa and anxiety and the work load were insurmountable. Went to bed. Slept untill about 12 midnight. Watched Letterman. Had a coffee. Feeling calmer, more composed and less resisitant.
Now HAVE to get on with MUT's and MIT's.
The Goal is to have one set of 2 or 3 comments on line. Time availiable ...5 hours.
Steps needed.
Onwards in hope!!!!
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
Hoping Convalaria got some sleep
teacher sleep
my mother would go to sleep at 9:30 each night and get up at 3 to do her lesson plans. I thought she was crazy until I had to do the same thing in order to get anything done for school. I found teaching so exhausting that I had to crash as soon as I came home from school. Hats off to you for even attempting to teach!
Journey 9:15 brrrrr
e's wednesday
managed to get C up and out the door despite all of his cold symptoms. This was not done without manipulation, but at least he got to physics class! He is to check in by 11 to let me know if he has to come home: I am hoping he hangs in there for the rest of the day.
A starts work today. It is freezling in the apartment and I don't much feel like getting on with things, but the house is a bit of a mess, so I would like to choose some things I would like to get accomplished and go hang out in the chatbox doing them.
coupons on chair in living room.
blankets find a place fot them
choose where to hang artwork
straighten and put away shoes
clean up dishes
wash/rinse kitchen floor
call voicemail for Steve's message
plan supper
clip vines in the back
clean up stuff on porch
contact bb/bs for pickup
moving to the chatbox now
CL ci
8:20am : good start. i've almost all caught up here.
8:25 (5min) : done catching up. Now set MITs. AND set timer.
10:10 : wasted time. did NOT set MITs. had 1hr mtg. i wish i had done better, but i have the strength right now to go on.
12pm (~2hr) : some distraction, using chat box. MITs just adopted from yesterday. Working hard on 1--trying to not time binge.
*** i'm going to stop every 15 min to pick my head up, so as to be aware, make decisions, and not time bing.
12:05 (5min) : right, it's time for my quiet time. that kills me because i was just about to get some work done. But i kno it's the right thing to do, so i'll reluctantly do it.
2:15 (2h10m) : did some quiet time, then got distracted 1.5hrs online. not fatal. trying to not have that debilitating guilt. I am guilty, but i want to accept forgiveness. And it so happens, it's time to pray.
2:20 (5min) : best prayer time in a while. God has, once again, used my failures to make me depend totally on him. I thank him.
4:15 (~2hrs) : been working on MIT 1 almost done. no resistance at the moment.
Agnus ci 8:15 am, 10:15am, 11:45am, etc
Step 11, food plan, sponsor calldone.Next: Eat. Microburst 5 items from the desk pile.Allocate yesterday's time.Call 1 AP20 site.12:20pm - confirming via email.Write DL report. Call 1 more AP20 site. Invoice webinar. Call another AP20 site. Print new biz cards.Telecon RR sometime.Housecleaning estimate. Book dentist and chiro (xrays).dcf mtng. pneer updates.awol.6pm: been unproductive since 4 pm: at least one hour was sponsor's orders, after I sought help for a problem that came up. I'm glad I asked for the help, instead of applying my usual independent pridefulness; it shows some growth. The other hour was spent posting about my spiritual exercises - it helped me refocus on what's important. And I feel good to have one AP call done! Now:
30 minutes with J, thenAWOL, then thereport CL needs tomorrow, and bed by10. 11:30! G'nite, all!Hope-Faith CI 8:10
Good Morning To All
A little late CingI in today. Even though I was late CingI and late getting up, my am routine is becoming a no brainer and I am doing very well and sticking to the plan. It is such a relief. The newly established routine has enabled me to make it to work on time and I do not have to argue with the kids about getting ready in the morning, well maybe a little.. A solid peaceful am routine is beginning to emerge.
Am Routine
Hang out clothesCheck InGet kids upGet readyBreakfastFeed animalsLeaveCI 11:30 progress is still going well, in a bit of a bad mood, some of my students in my first class do not care about learning or getting an education. Today it is just really hard to deal with. I think it is because I am working so hard to improve the quality of my life by taken responsibility for appropriate use of my time and yet these young individuals with their future in their hands will not even lift a finger to help themselves or improve.
CI 3:00 the work day is almost done Have a PLC committee meeting at 3:10 then we will go home to start on our pm routine.
CoffeeCheck on Forum, read articlesCICheck E-mailPlan 3.00 Test Review get info ready for 2nd period - Print Labels for folder2nd & 3rd Lesson plans, e-mail, PPT, on-line quizBP 244th Lesson plans, e-mail, PPT, on-line quizLunch AccountInput Grades - Print Progress Reports 2nd 3rd 4ntPLC MeetingBetween School and Home
Home - Evening
Arrive home by 4:00 Did not happen
Move Dresser -- Remove clutter from hallway
Next on the list is get get clothes for next day and eat supper. Husband and son are moving dress as I type. Progress Progress
Maintain VanTake in clothesBath/Homework/DishwasherPiano/computer
Fold/put away clothes7:30-8:30 Family Time
8:30-11:00 Coupons, Intel 15 min, Christmas list 15 min, checking 15 min.
Things to remember
kromer 7:40 CI
Done so far: Got to lab, started yeast culture
toastmasters, mtg w/ NM, mtg w/ CY, mtg w/ CN,mtg w/ CE
Finish pset*
Yeast transformation*Balance checkbook
*List of Qs for lab members, plan out rest of week's work in NM's lab
*Read 1 paper for NM's lab, spend 30 min thinking about project
*Figure out what I need to do to get drivers license
Other tasks (won't get through all of these, will just do as much as I can):
*Finish CSB100 papers
*Ask about TetO seqs
*Organize papers
Get key!*Email 1 prof.
Screen 2 colonies*Fix interactome cp/coreg issue
*write up how I indentified coregs
Right now, I need to work on the pset. I need to get back to work on transformation at 8:15, and would like to be mostly finished w/ pset by then.
kromer 1:55 CI
OK, doing OK for most of today, but I've stalled out for the past 20 min.
Right now, I need to read a paper for NM's lab. Then I'll go meet w/ CY, then check back in.
Update 3:10--read 2/3 of the paper and met w/ CY.
I'm going to spend 20 min finishing the paper, then go talk to CJ so I can plan out the rest of the week in NM's lab, then go meet w/ NM, then meet w/ CN, then go home! This'll be the first time I'll get home before 11, yay!
kromer 5:05 CI
Checking in to keep myself most of the way through the paper, met w/ CJ and NM, now I need to go to mtg w/ CN, then go home and make some dinner, then take notes from mtgs w/ CJ and NM, finish reading paper, spend some time thinking about my project and email about the tetO sequences. Back with frequent updates.
kromer 7:50
met w/ CN, came home, had dinner, talked on the phone with a friend, started laundry...then spaced out for an hour. Now I need to get back on track. I'm going to quickly hang up my laundry, then I'll tackle the tasks listed above. I'll work in the chatbox and check in often.
kromer 10:05 CI
Not doing great, but I did hang up laundry, balance my checkbook (and do some general budgeting) and figure out what I need to do to get MA license.
Now I need to push to get all my MITs done today. I need to take notes from mtg w/ NM and CJ, make a list of questions for lab members, finish reading paper, spend some time thinking about project, make a schedule for week's work in NM's lab. I'm feeling really unmotivated, so I'll work in the chatbox to keep myself motivated.
Rolzup CI
[X] 5:40 internet reading
[X] 5:50 e-mail dash
[X] 6:00 morning chores
[X] 6:10 meditation
[X] G work
[X] 7:30 GTD/family time
[ ] 9:30 exercise+shower
[ ] pack lunch
[ ] 10:00 go to campus.
roses CI 10:07
I'm having to change my list today, as my mum's staying home to work.
get up before 9eat breakfast away from the pcCI, check emails and search for jobsend cold stratification and plant Prehearse songs and covers for an houreat a good lunchexercisepractice drums for an hourshower, dress and clean teetheat a good dinnerI ended up cooking dinner, for which i had to get ingredients first. It was a success tho, no matter how much working on my project it took up.
Peace and a fulfilling day to you all.
chick CI
charity bag outwork 30 min on MUT--e-mail and internet off-.54-24; whole thing roughed out five minutes early
I have made a good start; it feels good to do a chunk of the scary task first instead of storing it up! reminder to self-eat those frogs-if you did this every day it would be really goodnow type it up--starting on this now-
conf-help s.
prepare afternoon meeting
ci cont'd
meeting prep done for two meetings.letterliaising s. done
set off to meetings
more on paper
time to get back on track; review material; tea; type
you referring to the French?
or do you really have frogs in your fridge..?
appetizing frogs!
roses, your queiry really helpd me to see that what one may dread doing can be a pleasant experience: I like frog legs: perhaps I can start to like those things I find scary to do!
maybe actually doing what
maybe actually doing what one dreads is less unpleasant than dreading doing what one dreads and not having done it yet? :D
hi roses, there's a book
hi roses, there's a book about getting stuff done called Eat that frog. I think there's even a review of it somewhere on ths forum. So the expression is my shorthand for doing, or starting on, the scariest or most important task first...when i manage it--far from often, it makes me feel really good not to doubt myself and have avoided task looking ahead.
Yesterday someone's post here (Jo? recycler?) led me to Leo Batauta's Zen habits blog-- really helpful -- now I like that better than the frog-image.
Sounds like i could benefit
Sounds like i could benefit from reading that. I'll be sure to have a look for it online.
I apologise if my silly questions undermined the context of your frog eating metaphor. And i say that with earnest.
It did bring about some wisdom however, which was quite inspiring.
about frogs
Thanks for all the laffs this morning! This thread reminded me of something fun Dad used to say: Eat a live frog first thing every morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day!
Eat that Frog!