Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Today: elliptical and stretching. Counseling unexpected walk-in caused flurry of emails; stayed distracted through most of day, but still got all MITs done. Had all vital projects finished by 5:20pm so can enjoy vacation through next Monday :)
Tonight: fixed & ate dinner, colored hair, surfed net. Next, dry hair. Retrieve Tai Chi fan from 3rd floor :) Finish packing for vacation. Go over notes/carry-on bag one more time. Go to sleep early :) Will I get to check in one more time? We'll see! :)
I've been to the gym, done my 20-minute day starter and completed MIT #1. Whew! Now I REALLY need to take a shower . . .yes, I'm telecommuting again today. So far, so good with the working from home thing. I have to trek into the office tomorrow.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
I went to look at Paris Hilton's rebuttal to the McCain "celebrity" ad (it's hilarious!) and ended up surfing for an hour. Guess I'll call that my lunch break! Back to work. Or actually, maybe I really will eat some lunch.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
Have started a little bit of work this morning (looked over apt. lease, checked on scanning code).
Now I'm going to spend 20-30 min. implementing principled way of setting capacities. I'm going to try and work out the code for writing solver files and running solver; I'll write code for processing the solver results tomorrow.
*Add cv to code
*Write script to try a variety of solver settings
*Write script to run solver code
Good morning! Thanks for the happy little lead-in today. Husband is safely sleeping, Dad is in ICU, and I am powerless! All I can "fix" is me, and most of the time I can barely manage that. So, off to pray and seek Higher Power for these MITs:
The PEP backlog remains but I did make some headway on it today. Next time I will designate a specific time to work on it, like 20 minutes, and then reward myself. That seems to work for some folks on here. My Dad is home now with Mom until the next surgery can be done. Thanks for everyone's concern. I'm logging out for dinner and a support group meeting...manana, mi amigos!
for the encouragement and warmth. It really helps! I know others on this site are juggling fulltime caregiving duties with their grief processes, self-care and producing income, so I am grateful that my caregiving crises are only periodic so far. It is really a blessing to know we are all here pulling for one another.
Still doing ice work. It started out well, but I'm afraid I've begun nitpicking my own work and I'm not getting as much done as I should be because of it. Also, my perfectionism beast has reared its ugly head and I'm stressing out over what I have in front of me and what I want the end result to look like :rolleyes: Lame. Time to give myself a slap upside the head and get back to making progress. PROGRESS! *slaps self upside head*
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
cl ci
hard to get going. now quiet time. rolling w/ the resistance/dread i feel.
Recycler CI 7:10pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
Thanks for the Smiley Hugs above :)
Today: elliptical and stretching. Counseling unexpected walk-in caused flurry of emails; stayed distracted through most of day, but still got all MITs done. Had all vital projects finished by 5:20pm so can enjoy vacation through next Monday :)
Tonight: fixed & ate dinner, colored hair, surfed net. Next, dry hair. Retrieve Tai Chi fan from 3rd floor :) Finish packing for vacation. Go over notes/carry-on bag one more time. Go to sleep early :) Will I get to check in one more time? We'll see! :)
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Journey 9:45
Good morning all, and Happy Hump Day!
I've been to the gym, done my 20-minute day starter and completed MIT #1. Whew! Now I REALLY need to take a shower . . .yes, I'm telecommuting again today. So far, so good with the working from home thing. I have to trek into the office tomorrow.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
Journey 12:15 oops!
I went to look at Paris Hilton's rebuttal to the McCain "celebrity" ad (it's hilarious!) and ended up surfing for an hour. Guess I'll call that my lunch break! Back to work. Or actually, maybe I really will eat some lunch.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
kromer 9:25 CI
Have started a little bit of work this morning (looked over apt. lease, checked on scanning code).
Now I'm going to spend 20-30 min. implementing principled way of setting capacities. I'm going to try and work out the code for writing solver files and running solver; I'll write code for processing the solver results tomorrow.
*Add cv to code
*Write script to try a variety of solver settings
*Write script to run solver code
Agnus ci
Good morning! Thanks for the happy little lead-in today. Husband is safely sleeping, Dad is in ICU, and I am powerless! All I can "fix" is me, and most of the time I can barely manage that. So, off to pray and seek Higher Power for these MITs:
Thanks for being here, dear PA pals!
Ag ci 1 pm
The PEP backlog remains but I did make some headway on it today. Next time I will designate a specific time to work on it, like 20 minutes, and then reward myself. That seems to work for some folks on here. My Dad is home now with Mom until the next surgery can be done. Thanks for everyone's concern. I'm logging out for dinner and a support group meeting...manana, mi amigos!
Hugs for Agnus
My thoughts and prayers and with you, Agnus Stay positive :*
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
thanks to journey and edge
for the encouragement and warmth. It really helps! I know others on this site are juggling fulltime caregiving duties with their grief processes, self-care and producing income, so I am grateful that my caregiving crises are only periodic so far. It is really a blessing to know we are all here pulling for one another.
Edge's little hug icon really made me smile!
Edge's CI - 10:55am
Good morning :-)
- prep and send work log
- confirm lzk appointment
- call BC
x hmed 1/2
x fmed 1/2
x reschedule class
- dishes
- laundry
- kitty litter
- hmed 2/2
- fmed 2/2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 11:47am
x send work log email
- finish ice work
- confirm lzk appointment
- call BC
x hmed 1/2
x fmed 1/2
x reschedule class
- dishes
- laundry
- kitty litter
- hmed 2/2
- fmed 2/2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 6:55pm
Still doing ice work. It started out well, but I'm afraid I've begun nitpicking my own work and I'm not getting as much done as I should be because of it. Also, my perfectionism beast has reared its ugly head and I'm stressing out over what I have in front of me and what I want the end result to look like :rolleyes: Lame. Time to give myself a slap upside the head and get back to making progress. PROGRESS! *slaps self upside head*
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
relating to Edge
<<<I've begun nitpicking my own work >>>
Man, is that ever a slowdown - and sometimes even a stopper - for me too. Thanks for the reminder. Today I will resist the beginning!