Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday 31 July 2008

Agnus - better late than...well, you know.

I didn't even finish my "morning" spiritual exercises until 5 p.m. - kept thinking I can't move forward until I set my MITs, but I can't set MITs until I finish my spiritual was ugly. I'm trying not to beat myself up too badly because I did have a horrible sinus headache that made me feel sick all day. 

On the positive side, I did get my computer fixed - yay! It was easy: I just opened the door and let the tech guy in, then wrote the check. Also I rescheduled a client, played online and ordered J's laptop cord. Step 3 committed me to working this program honestly, so I'm just here to rat myself out tonight. Thanks for listening and for being here, gang. I'm going to call it a night and pray to do better tomorrow.

ag's eternal spiritual time

oh, man, do i know what you mean! I have had the never-ending, never-quite-starting quiet time! So many times! For hours.

Recently, tho, i tried something new. I mean, god's the most important thing so if it takes all day, it's worth it, right? If it's the only thing i do all day, i've done the one global MIT, right?

But then i thot, i'm going to give myself 1/2 hr. That's it. Regardless of how it goes or if i even start. Cause, hey, if god's all-powerful then god can do anything, even get thru to a distracted pup like me. Sure that would take a miracle some days, but god's in the miracle business.

I guess it's too early to tell if it's working. It seems to be so far. I do know that after my time goes off after 1/2 hr and i haven't really started, Step 1 comes looming into my consciousness and thus step 2 and step 3, and so, in a weird way, it actually works.

Anyway, great that you posted. I believe that kind of honesty with yourself helps.

very sorry for messing up the day starter!!!!

Obviously I was half asleep when I created the day starter and called it "Procrastinators Anonymous" instead of writing the date. Sorry!! It's fixed now, but I realize it's kind of late in the day.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Recycler CI 6:35pm EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

OK, I'm "awake" now ;) hee hee hee ;)

Today: early train but needed to go into work early, so stretched at the club & showered, then ate breakfast at a local restaurant. Tried to get smaller MITs done in the morning, then worked on main project. Ate at restaurant for lunch, because "had to get out of the building" again ;)

Worked on main project in afternoon, but procrastinated some. (what a surprise!!!)

Stayed a little late after work to finish up some photocopying, but also so I didn't have to walk to train in the rain, which had stopped by the time I left. Arrived home & ate snack-dinner. Started a load of clothes to wash. Eventually: go upstairs and take clean clothes out of dishwasher. Post on my Internet groups, and write an e-mail to at least one friend. See if I feel like straightening up anything else here downstairs ;) I might edit my CI later.

Have a great night, everyone! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

lol Ooops!!!

lol, what did I type!!!

Anyway, I have now removed the clean DISHES from the dishwasher, and hung the clean clothes from the clotheswasher up to dry. lol

ok, let me see what else I can get into now! ;)

9:10pm. OK, I've written an e-mail to my International friend, so I'm going to turn in early.

Have a great night, everyone! :)


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Efficiency plus! Using your

Efficiency plus!
Using your dishwasher to launder your clothes along with your dishes will save energy if not time. Laughing
Seems like a very productive day to me. Well done!!

best laugh of the day so far!

Thanks recycler and Convalaria! :D :laugh:


Journey 11:30 am

I've done my first couple of MITs and attended a meeting.  My son and grandson stopped by, one of the hazards of working at home, but I did enjoy seeing them. 

I have two items labelled MIT #3 ha ha, so I'm going to do the easiest one first. 

I'm gradually learning not to second guess myself as I go through the day.  I make my task list for the day and prioritize it with help from HP, then I just go through the list starting at 1.  It's supremely easy to get distracted from that, and of course, some things, like meetings, have to be done at a certain time regardless of their priority.  It does help me to realize though, that although I must attend a certain meeting, that it is not one of my top priorities.  It helps me to get outta there a little quicker.  I can even say stuff like, "well, the status report is my top priority for the day, so I really need to get back to work.  See ya!"  It's much easier to do that when you actually KNOW what your highest priority is. 

Speaking of which, I need to get to work on that status report! 


"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams

Thursday, Jul 31, 2008

that's right this is a REPLY to the daily thread, which is titled, for today only, "Procrastinators Anonymous". Yes, that's our site, a site in which we practice the 12 step approach to recovery from the addition to putting things off, lol.

good idea clem! thanks!


"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams

cl ci

i can find today's thread, but i'm not sure if newcomers can. Wait, i have an idea...

oh,and bookend this site time. 9:48am.

10am (exactly, huh). 12 min including 2 work emails. more than reasonable.

Now, having trouble starting today, but being here has already helped to shrink the distractions.

What ARE my MITs today, even? Oh yeah, i have one early one. Feeling my ol' friend, resistance...

cl ci MIT 1 done

resistance accepted. felt. surrendered. MIT 1 done.

Now what on earth is MIT 2?

cl ci distracted

(tx jo)

very distracted in my quiet time, 30 min now.

going to try microbursting.

cl ci need motivation


microbursting, in chat, worked. Had a very nice prayer time. Refreshing and perspective clarifying.

Now i have to do another task, and i just dont wanna. So bookending reading here. 11:59pm. Maybe i'll get some inspiration...

16min. Not too bad. I read slow and distractedly.

Now to my MIT. I think i'm going to microburst it again. I think i can set a timer for 15 min and then come back here and post. That'll be 12:30am.

Now it's 12:30am. I did not do the whole 15 min--got distracted. Giving myself a 5 min break, then start again.

hi clem from ag

thanks for your encouraging words earlier, and the timing tip. I relate to alot that you share -

How's it going for you now? Hang in there and I'll see ya on the ci board tomorrow...after exactly 1/2 hour of prayer/meditation! :-)

clem's #1 MIT done! yay


"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams

btw tx jo

the encouragement really helps!

kromer 9:35 CI

A bit late to work, but not bad.

I'm short on hours this week (since I took Tues off), so I'd like to get in 10 hours of work today. 

Work MITs are:
*Try out clustering, brainstorm ways to improve
*Finish getting Brg1 dataset (realized I was going about it the wrong way, should use SMD rather than Genbank)
*Make STRING interactome

Other work tasks are:
*Add clustering to algorithm
*Start implementing CV
*Find and print geometric programming resources

Non-work tasks are:
*Email about med report MIT

*Call about online account access (MIT is to at least find phone number)
*House jobs stuff MIT
*Call AG MIT
*30 min--who I want to work with MIT
*Take a 1 hr walk
*Lunch with PG

I'll start with clustering (looking for outlier distances, adding pseudocounts, running clustering algorithm). Back when that's done. 

Update 11:15--finished with clustering. I think there's maybe a bug with the concentrations...I'm going to check that, then make the STRING interactome. Update when that's done.

Update 12:30--yes, there's a bug in the concentrations, will run code to fix this afternoon. Started building string interactome, still need to prune/annotate. Taking a lunch break, back around 1 (or 1:30 at the latest)
Update 1:30--back from lunch with PG, now going to:
-finish building STRING interactome
-fix concentration bug, start code running
-finish getting Brg1 dataset
-try calling AG

kromer 9:30 pm CI

Came home from work, had dinner, then have been staring at the computer for an hour and a half. I've been slipping a bit the past few days, time to catch myself!

I choose to do some more work (so I can impress my advisor and also have rent money ;-) ).

Specifically, I'm going to finish making STRING interactome:
1)Do a few quick checks of source file DONE
2)Add other histone modifiers to source file DONE
3)Check for and deal with duplicates DONE
4)Make sure code can deal with missing cps DONE
5)Run code STARTED, fixed bug, STARTED AGAIN

Then, I'm going to spend 30 min getting Brg1 dataset--I won't be able to finish this MIT, but I can still make progress. (I'm really tired, this is going to have to wait)

Then, I'm going to fix concentrations bug and start scanning code DONE

Then, I'm going to email about med form (5 min) and find phone number for account access (10 min) DONE

Finally, I'm going to deal with house job stuff (30 min) (DONE)

This might be a bit of a late night, but I can get through what I need to do

I'll work in the chatbox and update frequently.

Journey 8:50

Working from home today . . . dropped off my car at the shop this morning and taking the dog to the vet at 4, so I need  want to get as much done as possible before then. 

First thing, organize my desk which has mysteriously become piled up with assorted junk since I worked from home the last time.  Reporting back here at 10 with an organized workspace and my MITs in my hot little hand.


"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams

pro's CI - 8:50am

I'm dressed and I'm going to leave for work now - get there early and I can leave early.

Of course, it says something that I consider arrive to work at 9:30am "early".

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Takeachance CI 7/31 8:35

Good morning!

Wow this month of July appears to never end...

Yesterday was very busy and I never got to post CI and MIT's but completed 1 out of 2 MIT's!

So here is the plan for today:


1- Pay Labwork LATE bill

2- Cx credit check subscription

3- 15 min open old mail

**I am trying 3 MIT's but unsure if it is too much**

Other goals for today:

- Modify hotel reservation

- e-mail A @ MedT

- write @ sailing To Do List

- emails: kite guys, K &K re tent, Julie in Toronto, thxs to N. & B.

Hope I can do this and not get overwhelmed.


is this the thursday check in thread?


"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams

7/31 Thursday thread?

I hope so because just posted CI here!

I hereby declare this the Thursday check in thread lol


"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams

pro's CI - 8:30am

Shirts are ironed, which is very nice! I'm going to finish getting dressed (plan to wear one of those shirts) and then leave for work. If I get there early, I can leave early - much better. Also, I'm taking tomorrow off so I have a lot to do today.

I'm once again struck with how incredibly dirty this apartment is. I can't wait until tomorrow - deep cleaning day!!

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

8 minutes to pack up something for return

I prepared a package for return (something I bought). I've been putting this off and it took 8 minutes - good to note.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 8am

I'm showered, and getting ready to iron two shirts that have been sitting wrinkled for at least a month.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 7:45am

I got up very early this morning - before 6am (where does the time go?). The night before last I slept very badly, so I was tired last night and went to bed early. I much prefer getting up early, and I want to keep to this schedule.

I thought about going to the gym, but instead I decided to work on my backlog. I'll go to the gym tomorrow morning.

Taking a shower now. I want to get dressed. Then I can work on my pile right up until I leave for work.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.