Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

RitaE's master list

God, please give me the honesty, open-mindedness and willingness to stop procrastinating, to surrender and accept responsibility for my own life. Please help me change my attitude and enjoy simply doing these "next right things," one step at a time. I can't do it on my own. Thank you, God. Thank you, my fellow PA-ers (aka "God as He expresses Himself in our group conscience").  Amen.

These are things that should be finished by bedtime Sunday 6/15: OK, this turned out not to be realistic at all. I am revising in light of new realities.  

DWS - editing of 2 courses including breakouts and tests - See separate breakout below. This is more compilicated than I thought and I was getting stopped by it. I think I've figured out a system that can get me breakthrough, but can't start it until Monday morning. Which means I need a second extension from the client. Fortunately neither the client nor I are familiar with this particular project so no one can say for sure how long it "should" be taking me to finish it. 1/3 DONE 6/19

STATUS.xls update from all States; tally all #s per SNAP, LA and State Similar stopping-point: the data is too confusing in its present form, daunting to update because it's hard to even read it. My contract manager on this client is actually an amateur coach and helped me create the possibility of tracking SNAP status in a format that I love to work with. So I'm going to create this new format, and we have agreed on a new deadline of 8 a.m. Wednesday 6/18. 2/3 DONE 6/18

March billing Not going to happen Monday (travel day, plus dinner at Mom and Dad's plus team meeting at the hotel). Not going to happen Tuesday (team meetings all day and evening). NOt going to happen Wednesday (team meetings, DC assessment, travel in evening).  I have calendared Thursday morning for a "no BS" commitment to this. 6/24 update: not done yet. Ask Husband to sit with me to "hold the space" while I get this done. Just waiting for him to finish his errands, then we'll start. For some reason this one is too hard to do alone

April billing - See above.

May billing See above.

Estimate remaining contract $ to see if I have enough to make the NC mtng 6/23; if so, book the trip I am going to do this much on the plane Monday. I can estimate from what I've already done of March billing, download my Journal and Calendar for April and May, and calculate my committed June-July events. Then see if there's enough time/$ to do NC (and if so BOOK it MONDAY), VA, IA, BUF and KS. DONE

Also, I want to review my parts of a proposed SOW before Tuesday meeting - I will print this out and review on the subway Monday. DONE


RitaE 6/21/08 freakout

I am starting this day so far behind that I'm already scared. Unbelievably, I forgot that I have to fly to NC tomorrow to train on Monday. This is at least the third time I have "forgotten" about this trip and the possible implications are freaking me out. God please help me surrender my fears and supersitions, and get focused on doing what I said, when I said I would do it. Help me keep it simple: my repeated "forgetting" about this trip doesn't "mean" anything except I forgot and I am a chronic procrastinator.

  • Step 11
  • check-in PA (copy and paste this post there, with any updates that emerge from Step 11)
  • plan NC trip and training step-by-step
  • plan meals for the week
  • buy groceries
  • make and print a new test-track log for Jim
  • fax old one to Dr.
  • water plants
  • treat cat for fleas
  • shampoo dog
  • Finish DIY edits
  • straighten, dust, vaccuum
  • wipe floors
  • deliver overdue wedding gift (2 1/2 weeks late)
  • replace laptop cord
  • clean up main laptop to regain some speed (consider changing AV)
  • review emails and respond


RitaE NC trip plan

I'm going to back into this because it helps me think more realistically about the timing of things.

  • 9:35 pm Monday arrive back at home airport
  • 8:00 scheduled plane departure time for trip home
  • 6:30 - turn in rental car at airport; check in for flight home
  • 4:30 start the 1.5 hour drive to airport (consider rush hour traffic)
  • 3:45 get some healthy take-with or eat-in-car food for the trip home
  • 3:30 say goodbye to NC team and leave NWPWB; check maps
  • 2:30 conference the NC and NWPWB folks with Kathy in VA
  • 2:00 say goodbye to the new TMs
  • 1:55 - set date for next conf call with new TMs
  • 1:50 - review next steps with new TMs
  • 1:00 - drill down to implementation planning with new TMs
  • 12:00 lunch with FBCOs and new TMs, plus NWPWB and NC folks
  • 11:45 - wrap presentation; Q&A, get commitments from FBCOs
  • 9:00 start training presentation
  • 8:00 arrive at NWPWB
  • 7:30 check out of hotel; walk (or drive?) to NWPWB
  • 7:00 hotel breakfast buffet
  • 6:00 wake, morning stuff, pray, PA check-in; pack for hotel checkout
  • 10:00 p.m. Sunday - bedtime
  • 8:30 - final PA check-in; 2 games, turn off computer; read til 10
  • 7:00 - DWS Modules 2 and 3; edit and email changes
  • 6:30 - review steps for tomorrow; printing my versions and boarding pass
  • 5:30 - dinner
  • afternoon - sightseeing, relaxing
  •  12:30 pick up rental car; drive to W-S (1.5 hours)
  • 12:11 scheduled arrival
  • 10:30 scheduled departure
  • 9:15 start through security
  • 9:00 arrive at airport parking (Blue lot)
  • 8:15 leave for airport
  • 8:00 pack stuff in truck
  • 7:45 pack
  • 6:45 11th Step and some private worship (missing church 3rd week!) :-(
  • 6:00 wake-up, morning stuff, pet care
  • 10:00 p.m. Saturday bedtime

RitaE DWS edits - DONE

Course editing needs these steps:

1) Print out the ppt text version

2) Listen to the online version while comparing to the ppt text

3) If they are substantially different, create a three-column Word table:

  • 1st column, online text
  • 2nd column, ppt text
  • 3rd column, my edits/rewrites

4) If they are not substantially different, use MS Word Tracking Changes but show in yellow highlight the few areas where the ppt and online text differ.

5) Email to client.