Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
hi pa'ers. I'm on vacation. Having a great time w/ family. I still feel barriers, and am using the techniques to get over them. It's working most of the time. I'll be posting on friday, when i have to plow thru the enormous vacation->work transition.
I took down the trash and recycling, then went and got a muffin and sat in the park for a while. But New Yorkers can be so annoying. First there was a guy singing tunelessly. Then I moved two more times because people lit up cigarettes next to me. Then there was a crazy street person talking about "having money on the game" to an invisible friend. So I came home.
Back to the pile of papers...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I don't know what happened, but each time I think I have posted it does not show up. Either I am not remembering to do things completely or something is hiccuping. sigh.
I got sucked into writing an unimportant thing for my guests. Now I am off to do something more useful.
If that wasn't a space-out thing, then something may be weird with the sessions on your account. I could try clearing all sessions. Everybody would have to log in again.
It might be on your PC. Did you try clearing cookies and temporary files? That might help.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I've been working on my pile, but I'm incredibly restless. It's beautiful out; exercise is good. I'm going to bring down the trash. And maybe go get more chocolate. Chocolate helps with piles of paper.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
with everything. Except for trying not to eat it. But since (as I am sure you have all heard) chocolate causes the same chemical reaction in your body that love does, chocolate is not something one should avoid unless you are a sugar addict.....
I went to get my mail, and my new hard disk had arrived. I just put it into the notebook. I don't know what's going to happen when I turn it on. Is the disk even formatted? I'm sure it doesn't have an operating system on it. What a pain.
Oh - I have an idea. I can put in the original Fujitsu CD and restore the original OS. Then I can install Norton Ghost, wipe all that, and restore my own backup.
Oh wait - don't need to do that. I can boot from the Norton Ghost disk and restore my backup that way.
Of course, dealing with my pile and watering the plants is higher priority.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I'm watering the plants. It's going slowly because the plants are so completely dried out - some almost dead - that I have to soak them for a while to get the soil hydrated. I should start on my pile while I'm doing this. It's such a pretty day that it makes me restless - I might go out and check my mail.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Was supposed to do a big experiment today, but my cells look very strange, so I can't do it. :(
I need to make sure I use the day efficiently anyhow. Here's what I'm going to try to get done. (I'll try to keep this list of must-do's manageable, as I've been sort of overwhelmed the past few days).
MIT for new research project: Get list of coactivators with HAT/HDAC domains, and a one-sentence summary of what is known about each one.
Other tasks for new research project: Take notes from yesterday's meeting
Finish reading about biochem of transcription (this is taking me *forever* to get done)
Get a list of all transcription factors
Look at connections from HAT/HDAC coactivators to all TFs and to Transfac TFs
Other tasks: Lowry
Data analysis for last week's experiment Email PK to set up meeting
Errands I meant to get done yesterday--drop stuff off at Salvation army, go grocery shopping, go to drug store, get a bike helmet, turn in receipts Call A
Email CY, MS, KH, CC and ED
Spend 20 min working on pile of papers in my room Watch SX set cells, take notes on how I do it differently (so maybe I won't mess up my next expt) Turn in PBK form
Email about HKN receipts
Post signs about food and laundry
I'll start by emailing CY, MS and KH, then I'll watch SX set cells, then I'll do the Lowry. Back after those are done.
OK, I've been shockingly inefficient today :rolleyes:, need to use the evening well.
Next, I'm going to work on my MIT for new research project. First step is to get a list of HAT/HDAC domains. Then I need to get a list of human proteins with those domains. Third, I need to find the coactivators on that list. Fouth, I need to write a one-sentence summary of what each of these coactivators does.
First step should take about 20 minutes, update when that is done. UPDATE 9:05 Done!
Second and third steps (getting list of human prot. w/domains, finding which are coactivators/corepressors) should take about 40 min. Update when that's done, then I'll take a break and email CC and ED.
I was reasonably productive yesterday at work, and also made some progress on a financial situation that's really been bothering me. I got a few chores done at home too. It's amazing how much more organized and efficient I am when I feel rested. I am going to make sleep a much higher priority that it has been in the past. I'm back on the way to getting sleep deprived again now. I resolve to be in bed at 9:30 tonight. I know that sounds early but I get up at 5!
I may be getting together with the network folks at 10 so I am going to get coffee and prepare for that meeting, and quickly set my MITs for the day if I have time.
Update 9:50 k, I did my MITs instead of preparing for the meeting. I haven't heard back from the guys that wanted to work with me. They are kind of annoying me because I like to work independently and they are into togetherness. I'm going to work on it anyway if they show their a$$es up or not.
You know, for a chronic procrastinator, I am surprisingly intolerant of other people's procrastination at work.
Update 3:45 Did the network thing for a bit, then had 11:00, 1:00 and 2:00 meetings, and went out to lunch. so nothing else has gotten done, other than making a difficult phone call at lunch about my financial stuff (which was VERY successful and I'm quite proud of myself for doing it)
But now I have 2 hours left in the day and need to get some real work done. Scripts for an hour.
Update 4:50 These scripts are not that hard but every time I start to focus on them my mind will switch the channel and I suddenly think of something else I want or need to do lol. Posting to show my mind who's in charge here. Back to work!
UPDATE 5:10 Ah, figured out why I'm having so much trouble with this - the brilliant coworker has suggested that I do something which I think is stupid - and I don't want to do it her way. she's not here though, and it usually turns out that she's right - so I'm going to do it her way. If it doesn't work out, I can always change it later. Or whine "but . . . you TOLD me to do it that way . . . " lol.
I don't feel that I've gotten much accomplished today, but I've been working, or trying to, all day. I'm a bit frustrated. I SHOULD be thrilled that my financial situation is looking a little better. Everything will seem better in the morning. I'm going to work on this script 15 more minutes and then get out of here. I can't stand this place any longer for today.
Tonight, I need to: stop by the store and pick up dinner & bird seed, fold a bit of laundry, prep for tomorrow (and remember to bring fruit to work).
Have a great evening - or whatever time of day it is for you - see you tomorrow.
"The sooner you get behind, the longer you have to catch up." - Steven Wright
I have a bunch of housekeeping tasks to do this morning before I can get started on my pile - rinse out drip dry, take shower, water plants. I don't want to procrastinate on these - want to get started early.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Good morning all. It's a beautiful day. I hope your days will be nice too. There's one small thing for work I've been putting off for over a week. It just needs to be finished today. No excuses--I've run out of those. Also, I'm cutting way back on coffee, and I'm hoping it'll help on my tendency to procrastinate. I've been drinking upwards of ten to twelve cups per day and I've been really wired lately. Please wish me luck. Suggestions appreciated.
To do:
(X)morning things
spiritual period
finish small project
order supplies for work
sort out workshop
get meds at pharmacy
make work gameplan for June
check in later
Good for you Lark! I don't think coffee is bad for you in moderation, but 12 cups sounds like a lot. I've been cutting back also and I really think it has improved my sleep and cut down on my anxiety. I gave up caffeine altogether once upon a time, and felt great, especially in the mornings. But then I had babies . . .
Here at work, I've starting bringing in skim milk, and when I really need/want a cuppa here, I have half milk, half coffee. I still have my one good cup at home in the mornings. My coffee is much better than the sludge they have here anyway lol.
"The sooner you get behind, the longer you have to catch up." - Steven Wright
It was embarrassing to admit to such a large amount of coffee, but I think it somehow is contributing to my procrastination. Hitting a snag with something has been causing me to overreact to people, places, and things, and gee can caffeine fuel a case of demand resistance. When too much seems to backfeed on me, I just don't feel "right", like not doing anything. With only one cup in my belly today, I'm feeling pretty ragged, but I'm getting stuff accomplished. Someone once said that "anxiety is impaired behavior". Hmm.
Hello :-) Hoping everyone is having a good day so far :-)
I've already tidied my room, taken med 3, done the dishes, folded the laundry, and had lunch, and now I'm going to take a shower then use the other two meds.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Bought cat food, did laundry, finalized biking trip, photocopied the biz pages, and visited cousins. All that's left of my to-do is the studying, med 1 and med 2.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Dang, went into the bathroom and saw the horrible mess the plumber just left us with :( Going to have to clean the floor before I can use the shower. Bah.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
c ci from vacation
hi pa'ers. I'm on vacation. Having a great time w/ family. I still feel barriers, and am using the techniques to get over them. It's working most of the time. I'll be posting on friday, when i have to plow thru the enormous vacation->work transition.
Recycler CI 7:35pm EST
Hi Pro Buddies!
Today: gym, work, compiled info for my landlord & paid rent, drafted newsletter, **ate salad for dinner*** = Good Girl!!! called program supporter.
Tonight: read recovery literature. I need to floss tonight, not just brush. lol. Go to sleep on time.
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
pro's CI - 7:25pm
I watched the House two-parter (season finale) which I'd recorded.
Now I'm sorting through papers again. Tedious, tedious. I'm going to order in dinner.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 4:45pm
I took down the trash and recycling, then went and got a muffin and sat in the park for a while. But New Yorkers can be so annoying. First there was a guy singing tunelessly. Then I moved two more times because people lit up cigarettes next to me. Then there was a crazy street person talking about "having money on the game" to an invisible friend. So I came home.
Back to the pile of papers...
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
e's dithering check in
I don't know what happened, but each time I think I have posted it does not show up. Either I am not remembering to do things completely or something is hiccuping. sigh.
I got sucked into writing an unimportant thing for my guests. Now I am off to do something more useful.
e's account weirdness
If that wasn't a space-out thing, then something may be weird with the sessions on your account. I could try clearing all sessions. Everybody would have to log in again.
It might be on your PC. Did you try clearing cookies and temporary files? That might help.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 3:37pm
I've been working on my pile, but I'm incredibly restless. It's beautiful out; exercise is good. I'm going to bring down the trash. And maybe go get more chocolate. Chocolate helps with piles of paper.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
chocolate helps
with everything. Except for trying not to eat it. But since (as I am sure you have all heard) chocolate causes the same chemical reaction in your body that love does, chocolate is not something one should avoid unless you are a sugar addict.....
another vote for chocolate here! :)
I agree chocolate is definitely Required!!!
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
pro's CI - 3:15pm
Emailed somebody at Microsoft about a subscription problem.
Staring morosely at pile, occasionally handling paper. Need to focus a bit more.
Want chocolate.
Should water last plant, and perhaps clean toilet.
Maybe I'll go outside again? Naw. But it's so nice out.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Hi e!
We haven't heard much from you lately. I'm glad ou're here today. Hope you're doing fine.
it is always great to be here, and especially nice when someone says hello
lark - seeing your name reminded me...
I totally forgot about my anniversary this year. 11 years, May 16.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Happy Anniversary Pro
Not sure exactly what this is the anniversary of, or what it has to do with larks, but have a happpy belated one anyway :)
"The sooner you get behind, the longer you have to catch up." - Steven Wright
pro's CI - 2:15pm
I went to get my mail, and my new hard disk had arrived. I just put it into the notebook. I don't know what's going to happen when I turn it on. Is the disk even formatted? I'm sure it doesn't have an operating system on it. What a pain.
Oh - I have an idea. I can put in the original Fujitsu CD and restore the original OS. Then I can install Norton Ghost, wipe all that, and restore my own backup.
Oh wait - don't need to do that. I can boot from the Norton Ghost disk and restore my backup that way.
Of course, dealing with my pile and watering the plants is higher priority.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
heading to chatbox for working on pile...
I should be able to get this pile filed away today, if I only focus.
Heading to the chatbox...
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 12:55pm
I'm watering the plants. It's going slowly because the plants are so completely dried out - some almost dead - that I have to soak them for a while to get the soil hydrated. I should start on my pile while I'm doing this. It's such a pretty day that it makes me restless - I might go out and check my mail.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 12:10pm
Watering plants now, and starting on pile...
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 11:45am
I fell asleep. I'm making some coffee now - maybe that will keep me awake.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
kromer 10 CI
Was supposed to do a big experiment today, but my cells look very strange, so I can't do it. :(
I need to make sure I use the day efficiently anyhow. Here's what I'm going to try to get done. (I'll try to keep this list of must-do's manageable, as I've been sort of overwhelmed the past few days).
MIT for new research project: Get list of coactivators with HAT/HDAC domains, and a one-sentence summary of what is known about each one.
Other tasks for new research project: Take notes from yesterday's meeting
Finish reading about biochem of transcription (this is taking me *forever* to get done)
Get a list of all transcription factors
Look at connections from HAT/HDAC coactivators to all TFs and to Transfac TFs
Other tasks:
LowryData analysis for last week's experiment
Email PK to set up meetingErrands I meant to get done yesterday--drop stuff off at Salvation army,
go grocery shopping, go to drug store, get a bike helmet,turn in receiptsCall AEmail
CY, MS, KH,CC and EDSpend 20 min working on pile of papers in my room
Watch SX set cells, take notes on how I do it differently (so maybe I won't mess up my next expt)Turn in PBK formEmail about HKN receipts
Post signs about food and laundry
I'll start by emailing CY, MS and KH, then I'll watch SX set cells, then I'll do the Lowry. Back after those are done.
kromer 8:30
OK, I've been shockingly inefficient today :rolleyes:, need to use the evening well.
Next, I'm going to work on my MIT for new research project. First step is to get a list of HAT/HDAC domains. Then I need to get a list of human proteins with those domains. Third, I need to find the coactivators on that list. Fouth, I need to write a one-sentence summary of what each of these coactivators does.
First step should take about 20 minutes, update when that is done. UPDATE 9:05 Done!
Second and third steps (getting list of human prot. w/domains, finding which are coactivators/corepressors) should take about 40 min. Update when that's done, then I'll take a break and email CC and ED.
pro's CI - 9:45am
Handwashing is rinsed. Shower now...
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 9:35am
I washed the dishes. Now the sink is empty so I can rinse the handwashing.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Journey 9:20 & updates 9:50 3:45 4:50 5:10
I was reasonably productive yesterday at work, and also made some progress on a financial situation that's really been bothering me. I got a few chores done at home too. It's amazing how much more organized and efficient I am when I feel rested. I am going to make sleep a much higher priority that it has been in the past. I'm back on the way to getting sleep deprived again now. I resolve to be in bed at 9:30 tonight. I know that sounds early but I get up at 5!
I may be getting together with the network folks at 10 so I am going to get coffee and prepare for that meeting, and quickly set my MITs for the day if I have time.
Update 9:50 k, I did my MITs instead of preparing for the meeting. I haven't heard back from the guys that wanted to work with me. They are kind of annoying me because I like to work independently and they are into togetherness. I'm going to work on it anyway if they show their a$$es up or not.
You know, for a chronic procrastinator, I am surprisingly intolerant of other people's procrastination at work.
Update 3:45 Did the network thing for a bit, then had 11:00, 1:00 and 2:00 meetings, and went out to lunch. so nothing else has gotten done, other than making a difficult phone call at lunch about my financial stuff (which was VERY successful and I'm quite proud of myself for doing it)
But now I have 2 hours left in the day and need to get some real work done. Scripts for an hour.
Update 4:50 These scripts are not that hard but every time I start to focus on them my mind will switch the channel and I suddenly think of something else I want or need to do lol. Posting to show my mind who's in charge here. Back to work!
UPDATE 5:10 Ah, figured out why I'm having so much trouble with this - the brilliant coworker has suggested that I do something which I think is stupid - and I don't want to do it her way. she's not here though, and it usually turns out that she's right - so I'm going to do it her way. If it doesn't work out, I can always change it later. Or whine "but . . . you TOLD me to do it that way . . . " lol.
I don't feel that I've gotten much accomplished today, but I've been working, or trying to, all day. I'm a bit frustrated. I SHOULD be thrilled that my financial situation is looking a little better. Everything will seem better in the morning. I'm going to work on this script 15 more minutes and then get out of here. I can't stand this place any longer for today.
Tonight, I need to: stop by the store and pick up dinner & bird seed, fold a bit of laundry, prep for tomorrow (and remember to bring fruit to work).
Have a great evening - or whatever time of day it is for you - see you tomorrow.
"The sooner you get behind, the longer you have to catch up." - Steven Wright
pro's CI - 9:15am
I have a bunch of housekeeping tasks to do this morning before I can get started on my pile - rinse out drip dry, take shower, water plants. I don't want to procrastinate on these - want to get started early.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
9 am for Lark (cutting down on coffee)
Good morning all. It's a beautiful day. I hope your days will be nice too. There's one small thing for work I've been putting off for over a week. It just needs to be finished today. No excuses--I've run out of those. Also, I'm cutting way back on coffee, and I'm hoping it'll help on my tendency to procrastinate. I've been drinking upwards of ten to twelve cups per day and I've been really wired lately. Please wish me luck. Suggestions appreciated.
To do:
(X)morning things
spiritual period
finish small project
order supplies for work
sort out workshop
get meds at pharmacy
make work gameplan for June
check in later
re:cutting down on coffee
Good for you Lark! I don't think coffee is bad for you in moderation, but 12 cups sounds like a lot. I've been cutting back also and I really think it has improved my sleep and cut down on my anxiety. I gave up caffeine altogether once upon a time, and felt great, especially in the mornings. But then I had babies . . .
Here at work, I've starting bringing in skim milk, and when I really need/want a cuppa here, I have half milk, half coffee. I still have my one good cup at home in the mornings. My coffee is much better than the sludge they have here anyway lol.
"The sooner you get behind, the longer you have to catch up." - Steven Wright
Thanks J (one cup so far)
It was embarrassing to admit to such a large amount of coffee, but I think it somehow is contributing to my procrastination. Hitting a snag with something has been causing me to overreact to people, places, and things, and gee can caffeine fuel a case of demand resistance. When too much seems to backfeed on me, I just don't feel "right", like not doing anything. With only one cup in my belly today, I'm feeling pretty ragged, but I'm getting stuff accomplished. Someone once said that "anxiety is impaired behavior". Hmm.
Edge's CI - 2:44PM
Hello :-) Hoping everyone is having a good day so far :-)
I've already tidied my room, taken med 3, done the dishes, folded the laundry, and had lunch, and now I'm going to take a shower then use the other two meds.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 9:35PM
Bought cat food, did laundry, finalized biking trip, photocopied the biz pages, and visited cousins. All that's left of my to-do is the studying, med 1 and med 2.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Dang, went into the bathroom and saw the horrible mess the plumber just left us with :( Going to have to clean the floor before I can use the shower. Bah.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
plumbers' messes
When the plumber was here, my bathroom was trashed, too. I had to wash the floor. What is it with plumbers?
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
re: plumber's messes
Lol, I don't think they care about the mess because they're not the ones that have to clean it up afterwards. Evil, but there you go :)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 3:07PM
Bathroom floor cleaned, but I'm going to have to wait for it to dry up a bit before I use the shower. Will move on to my other to-dos in the meantime.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson