Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Today: stretched at gym; work, paid on-line bill at lunchtime & had lunch, got a number of work projects done this afternoon, had therapist appt after work.
Tonight: type a little for therapist "homework," read a little recovery literature; goal: go to sleep on-time ;)
One of them i forgot about for the first few hours, tho, so it's a little behind.
the other had a heavy transition wall before it. I broke thru that, thanks to the recovery /surrender going on at this site.
[edit 7:45pm]: did more on first MIT.
New issue cropped up at work which is now MIT.
i was working on it while cooking and i got too involved and couldnt tear myself away and it burned. Now i have more work to do--wash pot and re-cook. Luckily the kids are too distracted w/ video games to notice (which is something i normally discourage :( )
This has me feeling bad about myself. And it's hard to go on. but that's not me anymore. The new me would say, "that's life" and make a plan and accept the delay and get on with life.
i guess writing this has actually made me start to feel that way. The power of the failure is reduced by writing here. Right before your eyes (and mine :) )
I felt miserable, in pain (i know you guys know what i mean) for the first 10 min.
When i first came to this site, i was in a state that i had assumed that my life was going to contain nearly every day these periods of pain as i went thru various routine tasks. I had accepted it. It was part of my surrender to HiPo. And i lived thru it.
But lately i've been working with this idea of shrinking the self. Then there's less to be in pain. And as if the self was what was between me and HiPo (if that makes any sense) i felt closer to HiPo as i did these tasks, and they were NOT miserable.
So tonight after suffering thru it, and plowing thru the pain, for about 15 min, these ideas came to me, and i felt better. So the last half was not painful. It was just ok.
Checking in is a great start! Let us know how your day goes.
One tip for making things less painful...don't forget to schedule breaks! Very few people can actually work for 8+ hours straight (or even for 4 hours straight). When we procrastinate, we say "I'll start work" and don't start for a few hours, and we get plenty of break time that way :blush:.
I don't think it's realistic to replace procrastination with constant productity; instead think about replacing procrastination with a reasonable, not too frantic pace of work. For me one of the best things about stopping procrastinating is being able to say "I'll work for an hour and then take a 15 minute break", following though, and not feeling guilty or overworked.
I was all motivated this morning when an old friend called, and we had a wonderful phone visit. Now I'm not sure where to start! Gonna start with some outdoor things, as the weather is wonderful. Hope you all do very well today.
morning things
spiritual period
put dirty laundry in basket
sweep floors
uncover boat
clean car trunk really well
project A (one hour min)
project B
project C (one hur min)
check in arund lunch
Attended the meeting, read email, set my MITs. I have toastmasters at noon, and before that I'll process email for 15 minutes and do some paperwork for the toastmasters meeting. After the meeting, I'll eat lunch at my desk while I do some personal stuff, check my bank balance, etc.
Then it's back to the OPM project for at least two hours. No meetings this afternoon. I'm not really excited about anything I'm doing today but c'est la vie.
Back around 2 for check in.
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
Done all I can do on OPM for the day - I'm going to take care of three small tasks and then go home. Tonight, one errand on the way home, spend 1/2 hour on laundry/dishes, prep for tomorrow and go to bed on time!
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
I got up slightly before 8am (another 8 hours sleep - starting to feel almost rested now), put away the clean dishes and clean clothes, made breakfast, and had breakfast while reading a novel.
Now I must tear myself from the novel and get ready for work. I need to stop somewhere along the way, so I really have to get going.
Heading to the chatbox now for VERY frequent check-ins!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I'm tired and cranky and an hour and a half starting work (whine whine whine)...oh well, I can start working now!
Mostly, I'm going to do the work I was going to get done last night...
*Spanish textbook reading *start 5 calcs on Novartis data and check on their progress
*Start calc on one estrogen receptor dataset
*Get data for other estrogen receptor dataset *Go to Spanish and biochem *Email PR about food order
*Email PF and PK
*Fold laundry
I'm going to start with the 5 Novartis calcs and the ER calc
Then I'll fold laundry and send emails
OK, have made decent progress this morning, but I really need to buckle down now (it's getting near the end of the semester):
1)I need to take care of a student group budget--it's actually past due, but I think I can sneak by if I get it done right away
2)Check on Novartis data calculations
3)Figure out bug in starting calcs on first estrogen receptor data set, start calc if possible
4)Get data for 2nd estrogen receptor data set, start calc
5)Go to office hours 3 PM
6)Look at results from all calcs
7)Prep for mtg, look for cell cycle datasets if time
8)Go talk to PK (he doesn't really respond to emails), set up mtg time
7)Mtg with PF at 5
8)Financial training at 5:30
9)Revise figures for bio paper
10)Go home, have dinner
11)Make a schedule of what I have to get done this week
Wow, even writing this all out is really scary. But all the tasks are manageable, I just need to take then step by step. I'm going to work on (1) and (2) simultaneously (because checking on calcs just has to be done intermittantly), and check back when those are taken care of.
Took care of student group budget, Novartis data calculations are running but don't need any more attention for a bit.
So I'm going to work on figuring out bug...dealing with new datasets is always frustrating and tempts me to procrastinate, so I'll work in the chatbox and check back when done (should be done in <30 min, so I hope to be back soon)
Update 1:25--bug fixed, calc is starting. Need to watch it for a bit, but that won't take my full attention. In the meantime, I can work on getting data for 2nd estrogen receptor dataset.
Also, I think I won't go talk to PK today, because there's a pretty good chance he'll want to meet today, and I've procrastinated on enough things that I don't have time for that. So instead I'll email today, make sure tomorrow's schedule is reasonably sane, and go talk to him tomorrow.
Also, I need to add some extra small tasks for today (to do ASAP):
*Email Rev. John
*Email AH and RH about Harambee
*Submit timecards
*Check credit card balance
*Transfer money into checking account
*Find receipt from yesterday and put somewhere safe
*Email about tutoring
Calc is running smoothly now, and I transferred money and checked my balance.
Still haven't made any progress on getting data from 2nd dataset, I'm going to pre-process the data for that data set now, think I should at least be able to get that done by 3, then I hope the processing code can run while I'm at office hours
OK, processed mut. data, went to office hours, looked at results, went to meeting, went to treasurer training, planned out what I need to get done this week.
Stupidly, I left the prof's comments on my figures at home: I can work on my figures a bit without them, but I'm going to have to finish up tomorrow.
For the evening, I need to:
*Track down bug in Novartis calculations
*Email about Harambee, quickly read over curriculum
*Find receipt
*Try uniform weights for 1st estrogen receptor dataset
*Look for cell cycle datasets: make a list of 5 potentials, email to PF
*Call A
*Catch up on Spanish HW (do the exercise I forgot about...)
*Put in food order
*Try 2nd estrogen receptor dataset
*Run MoD on liver data and look at results
*Run MoD on estrogen receptor data and look at results
*Work on figures/slides
Shoot, it's getting late and I've done nothing except have dinner, fold my laundry, and call A.
The urgent tasks for the evening are:
*Figure out bug w/Novartis dataset--I'm pretty sure it's an issue with the probe->refseq ID code, but I need to go track down step by step UPDATE: looked over everything--not a bug in the code, the provided data is just screwy. I'll stop using it for now...
*Put in food order, we're pretty much out of food and people are mad at me UPDATE: Done, more food coming on Friday
*Do Spanish homework, it was due this morning for Bob's sake Postponed until the morning, I'm way too tired
*Put receipt somewhere safe, otherwise I'll lose it and be out $60 UPDATE:found, put up on my bulletin board where I hope I won't forget about it
I'd like to get as much done as possible tonight, but everything other than the above 4 tasks can wait.
Got a good deal off my list yesterday, but I do need to focus on the studying and work parts now. So aside from a few random bits, that's what my list is going to reflect today.
MIT (Very Important Tasks):
- call Ban for birthday
- Ar paper 1
- send ezone email
What I did today:
What I would like to do today:
- shower
- morning med 1
- morning med 2
- buy pens (blue and black)
- check web designer rates and set budget
- FH
- bh:a/l
- visit old work (for newsletter, Rebaldy + candidates)
- ask guys for web designer contacts (follow up)
- call accountant about tax paper (not picking up, meet tomorrow)
- Ar paper 2
- business chapter
- business homework
- create deadline schedule for freelance project
- work on newsletter
- don't forget NL intro paragraph
- evening med 1
- evening med 2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
I feel horrible. I'm stalling and I reeeally don't want to
start on my studying or work stuff, but I have to :(( Demand resistance suckeths :(( Will visit friends/old work at 3:30pm, so will work on my ar paper 1 now. Going to rearrange my to do for proper results. *sob*
MIT (Very Important Tasks):
x send Ban for birthday
- Ar paper 1
- business chapter
- create deadline schedule for freelance project
- finish newsletter template
- work on NL intro paragraph
- 3pm call candidates and ask about rates
What I did today:
x shower
x morning med 1
x morning med 2
x FH
x bh:a
What I would like to do today:
- kitty litter
- check web designer rates and set budget
- buy pens
- 3:30pm visit old work (for newsletter, Rebaldy + candidates)
- ask guys for web designer contacts (follow up)
- meet accountant about tax paper
- Ar paper 2
- business homework
- evening med 1
- evening med 2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
<_< Just got told off by my mom for complaining about how I feel. I guess I had that coming :p. "Stop whining and just deal with it". Wise woman, she is.
MIT (Very Important Tasks):
x send Ban for birthday
- Ar paper 1
- business chapter
- create deadline schedule for freelance project
- finish newsletter template
- work on NL intro paragraph
- 3pm call candidates and ask about rates
What I did today:
x shower
x morning med 1
x morning med 2
x FH
x bh:a
x kitty litter
What I would like to do today:
- check web designer rates and set budget
- buy pens
- 4pm visit old work (for newsletter, Rebaldy + candidates)
- ask guys for web designer contacts (follow up)
- meet accountant about tax paper
- Ar paper 2
- business homework
- evening med 1
- evening med 2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Had a late lunch. Got the beginnings of a migraine, but I shall promptly obliterate it with two pills of Panadol Extra :-) Now to get to the other stuff.
MIT (Very Important Tasks):
x send Ban for birthday
x 3pm call candidates and ask about rates (will need to get back to them tomorrow with more details)
x create deadline schedule for freelance project
- Ar paper 1
- business chapter
- finish newsletter template
- work on NL intro paragraph
What I did today:
x shower
x morning med 1
x morning med 2
x FH
x bh:a
x kitty litter
x buy pens
x 4pm visit old work (for newsletter, Rebaldy + candidates)
x ask guys for web designer contacts (follow up)
x meet accountant about tax paper (have to pick it up tomorrow)
What I would like to do today:
- check web designer rates and set budget
- Ar paper 2
- business homework
- check and document today's work notes
- check song for B
- evening med 1
- evening med 2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
x send Ban for birthday
x 3pm call candidates and ask about rates (will need to get back to them tomorrow with more details)
x create deadline schedule for freelance project
What I did today:
x shower
x morning med 1
x morning med 2
x FH
x bh:a
x kitty litter
x buy pens
x 4pm visit old work (for newsletter, Rebaldy + candidates)
x ask guys for web designer contacts (follow up)
x meet accountant about tax paper (have to pick it up tomorrow)
x evening med 1
x evening med 2
Left undone:
- check web designer rates and set budget
- Ar paper 2
- business homework
- check and document today's work notes
- check song for B
- Ar paper 1
- business chapter
- finish newsletter template
- work on NL intro paragraph
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
pro's CI - 10:25pm (bedtime!)
I'm late getting to bed. I was fixing another chatbox problem - periodic hangs. I think I found it.
Need to wash dishes and brush teeth now.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Recycler CI 8:55pm EST
Made it through Monday :)
Today: stretched at gym; work, paid on-line bill at lunchtime & had lunch, got a number of work projects done this afternoon, had therapist appt after work.
Tonight: type a little for therapist "homework," read a little recovery literature; goal: go to sleep on-time ;)
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Isa CI
Hi again,
Did great for my first half of the day. For every hour of work I have been taking 15 mins breaks. Seems to be working so far. Phew...done.
To do for the second half of the day:
2 hours for this...
Change this week's presentation
Request time off : )
Pick up images
check new schedule
Thanks for all the support!
c ci 1pm (edit 7:45pm)
worked on both MITs at work so far. yay.
One of them i forgot about for the first few hours, tho, so it's a little behind.
the other had a heavy transition wall before it. I broke thru that, thanks to the recovery /surrender going on at this site.
[edit 7:45pm]: did more on first MIT.
New issue cropped up at work which is now MIT.
i was working on it while cooking and i got too involved and couldnt tear myself away and it burned. Now i have more work to do--wash pot and re-cook. Luckily the kids are too distracted w/ video games to notice (which is something i normally discourage :( )
This has me feeling bad about myself. And it's hard to go on. but that's not me anymore. The new me would say, "that's life" and make a plan and accept the delay and get on with life.
i guess writing this has actually made me start to feel that way. The power of the failure is reduced by writing here. Right before your eyes (and mine :) )
Hopefully i'll let you know how it went.
c ci 8:20pm
ok that went better than i thot.
I felt miserable, in pain (i know you guys know what i mean) for the first 10 min.
When i first came to this site, i was in a state that i had assumed that my life was going to contain nearly every day these periods of pain as i went thru various routine tasks. I had accepted it. It was part of my surrender to HiPo. And i lived thru it.
But lately i've been working with this idea of shrinking the self. Then there's less to be in pain. And as if the self was what was between me and HiPo (if that makes any sense) i felt closer to HiPo as i did these tasks, and they were NOT miserable.
So tonight after suffering thru it, and plowing thru the pain, for about 15 min, these ideas came to me, and i felt better. So the last half was not painful. It was just ok.
toom CI
Worked in yard over the weekend and am almost finished -
Today -
Work Campaign Report 30 minutes
File for 15 minutes
Work on Library Website 30 minutes
M 11:10 AM CI
to do:
- pay ticket
- quiz: save quiz working
- quiz: new quiz creation working
- quiz: tables for storing quiz results
- quiz: lock quiz feature
- quiz: no TM - list questions in each tab
- quiz: TM enabled: first question displayed
- quiz: answering a question (handle wrong/correct answers)
- read 25 pp Defoe
- review bugzilla items
- forward email to RJ
- clock 8 hours
Isa for 10 AM
Project I - one hour
Work on presentation - one hour
Log in working info - one hour
Input procedure data - one hour
This is painful.
All right...let's see how this goes for the morning...wish me luck...
Good luck Isa!
Checking in is a great start! Let us know how your day goes.
One tip for making things less painful...don't forget to schedule breaks! Very few people can actually work for 8+ hours straight (or even for 4 hours straight). When we procrastinate, we say "I'll start work" and don't start for a few hours, and we get plenty of break time that way :blush:.
I don't think it's realistic to replace procrastination with constant productity; instead think about replacing procrastination with a reasonable, not too frantic pace of work. For me one of the best things about stopping procrastinating is being able to say "I'll work for an hour and then take a 15 minute break", following though, and not feeling guilty or overworked.
9:17am for Lark
I was all motivated this morning when an old friend called, and we had a wonderful phone visit. Now I'm not sure where to start! Gonna start with some outdoor things, as the weather is wonderful. Hope you all do very well today.
morning things
spiritual period
put dirty laundry in basket
sweep floors
uncover boat
clean car trunk really well
project A (one hour min)
project B
project C (one hur min)
check in arund lunch
good lark
sounds good lark.
Journey 9 am
Just have time to get coffee and skim my email before a 9:30 meeting. Later!
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
Journey 11:15
Attended the meeting, read email, set my MITs. I have toastmasters at noon, and before that I'll process email for 15 minutes and do some paperwork for the toastmasters meeting. After the meeting, I'll eat lunch at my desk while I do some personal stuff, check my bank balance, etc.
Then it's back to the OPM project for at least two hours. No meetings this afternoon. I'm not really excited about anything I'm doing today but c'est la vie.
Back around 2 for check in.
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
journey 2 pm
Checking in after lunch break - typically a time for me to procrastinate. I'm going to work on OPM until 4 (with breaks of course)
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
Journey 5 pm
Done all I can do on OPM for the day - I'm going to take care of three small tasks and then go home. Tonight, one errand on the way home, spend 1/2 hour on laundry/dishes, prep for tomorrow and go to bed on time!
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
pro's CI - 9:10am (heading to chatbox)
I got up slightly before 8am (another 8 hours sleep - starting to feel almost rested now), put away the clean dishes and clean clothes, made breakfast, and had breakfast while reading a novel.
Now I must tear myself from the novel and get ready for work. I need to stop somewhere along the way, so I really have to get going.
Heading to the chatbox now for VERY frequent check-ins!!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
kromer 8:30 CI
I'm tired and cranky and an hour and a half starting work (whine whine whine)...oh well, I can start working now!
Mostly, I'm going to do the work I was going to get done last night...
*Spanish textbook reading*start 5 calcs on Novartis data and check on their progress*Start calc on one estrogen receptor dataset
*Get data for other estrogen receptor dataset
*Go to Spanish and biochem*Email PR about food order*Email
PFand PK*Fold laundry
I'm going to start with the 5 Novartis calcs and the ER calc
Then I'll fold laundry and send emails
kromer 12:25 CI
OK, have made decent progress this morning, but I really need to buckle down now (it's getting near the end of the semester):
1)I need to take care of a student group budget--it's actually past due, but I think I can sneak by if I get it done right away2)Check on Novartis data calculations
3)Figure out bug in starting calcs on first estrogen receptor data set, start calc if possible
4)Get data for 2nd estrogen receptor data set, start calc
5)Go to office hours 3 PM
6)Look at results from all calcs
7)Prep for mtg, look for cell cycle datasets if time
8)Go talk to PK (he doesn't really respond to emails), set up mtg time
7)Mtg with PF at 5
8)Financial training at 5:30
9)Revise figures for bio paper
10)Go home, have dinner
11)Make a schedule of what I have to get done this week
Wow, even writing this all out is really scary. But all the tasks are manageable, I just need to take then step by step. I'm going to work on (1) and (2) simultaneously (because checking on calcs just has to be done intermittantly), and check back when those are taken care of.
kromer 1:00 CI
Took care of student group budget, Novartis data calculations are running but don't need any more attention for a bit.
So I'm going to work on figuring out bug...dealing with new datasets is always frustrating and tempts me to procrastinate, so I'll work in the chatbox and check back when done (should be done in <30 min, so I hope to be back soon)
Update 1:25--bug fixed, calc is starting. Need to watch it for a bit, but that won't take my full attention. In the meantime, I can work on getting data for 2nd estrogen receptor dataset.
Also, I think I won't go talk to PK today, because there's a pretty good chance he'll want to meet today, and I've procrastinated on enough things that I don't have time for that. So instead I'll email today, make sure tomorrow's schedule is reasonably sane, and go talk to him tomorrow.
Also, I need to add some extra small tasks for today (to do ASAP):
*Email Rev. John
*Email AH and RH about Harambee
*Submit timecards
*Check credit card balance
*Transfer money into checking account
*Find receipt from yesterday and put somewhere safe
*Email about tutoring
kromer 2:25 CI
Calc is running smoothly now, and I transferred money and checked my balance.
Still haven't made any progress on getting data from 2nd dataset, I'm going to pre-process the data for that data set now, think I should at least be able to get that done by 3, then I hope the processing code can run while I'm at office hours
kromer 6:40 CI
OK, processed mut. data, went to office hours, looked at results, went to meeting, went to treasurer training, planned out what I need to get done this week.
Stupidly, I left the prof's comments on my figures at home: I can work on my figures a bit without them, but I'm going to have to finish up tomorrow.
For the evening, I need to:
*Track down bug in Novartis calculations
*Email about Harambee, quickly read over curriculum
*Find receipt
*Try uniform weights for 1st estrogen receptor dataset
*Look for cell cycle datasets: make a list of 5 potentials, email to PF
*Call A
*Catch up on Spanish HW (do the exercise I forgot about...)
*Put in food order
*Try 2nd estrogen receptor dataset
*Run MoD on liver data and look at results
*Run MoD on estrogen receptor data and look at results
*Work on figures/slides
kromer 9:40 CI
Shoot, it's getting late and I've done nothing except have dinner, fold my laundry, and call A.
The urgent tasks for the evening are:
*Figure out bug w/Novartis dataset--I'm pretty sure it's an issue with the probe->refseq ID code, but I need to go track down step by step
UPDATE: looked over everything--not a bug in the code, the provided data is just screwy. I'll stop using it for now...
*Put in food order, we're pretty much out of food and people are mad at me
UPDATE: Done, more food coming on Friday
*Do Spanish homework, it was due this morning for Bob's sake
Postponed until the morning, I'm way too tired
*Put receipt somewhere safe, otherwise I'll lose it and be out $60
UPDATE:found, put up on my bulletin board where I hope I won't forget about it
I'd like to get as much done as possible tonight, but everything other than the above 4 tasks can wait.
Edge's CI - 11:25AM
Morning :-)
Got a good deal off my list yesterday, but I do need to focus on the studying and work parts now. So aside from a few random bits, that's what my list is going to reflect today.
MIT (Very Important Tasks):
- call Ban for birthday
- Ar paper 1
- send ezone email
What I did today:
What I would like to do today:
- shower
- morning med 1
- morning med 2
- buy pens (blue and black)
- check web designer rates and set budget
- FH
- bh:a/l
- visit old work (for newsletter, Rebaldy + candidates)
- ask guys for web designer contacts (follow up)
- call accountant about tax paper (not picking up, meet tomorrow)
- Ar paper 2
- business chapter
- business homework
- create deadline schedule for freelance project
- work on newsletter
- don't forget NL intro paragraph
- evening med 1
- evening med 2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 2:12PM
I feel horrible. I'm stalling and I reeeally don't want to
start on my studying or work stuff, but I have to :(( Demand resistance suckeths :(( Will visit friends/old work at 3:30pm, so will work on my ar paper 1 now. Going to rearrange my to do for proper results. *sob*
MIT (Very Important Tasks):
x send Ban for birthday
- Ar paper 1
- business chapter
- create deadline schedule for freelance project
- finish newsletter template
- work on NL intro paragraph
- 3pm call candidates and ask about rates
What I did today:
x shower
x morning med 1
x morning med 2
x FH
x bh:a
What I would like to do today:
- kitty litter
- check web designer rates and set budget
- buy pens
- 3:30pm visit old work (for newsletter, Rebaldy + candidates)
- ask guys for web designer contacts (follow up)
- meet accountant about tax paper
- Ar paper 2
- business homework
- evening med 1
- evening med 2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 2:37PM
<_< Just got told off by my mom for complaining about how I feel. I guess I had that coming :p. "Stop whining and just deal with it". Wise woman, she is.
MIT (Very Important Tasks):
x send Ban for birthday
- Ar paper 1
- business chapter
- create deadline schedule for freelance project
- finish newsletter template
- work on NL intro paragraph
- 3pm call candidates and ask about rates
What I did today:
x shower
x morning med 1
x morning med 2
x FH
x bh:a
x kitty litter
What I would like to do today:
- check web designer rates and set budget
- buy pens
- 4pm visit old work (for newsletter, Rebaldy + candidates)
- ask guys for web designer contacts (follow up)
- meet accountant about tax paper
- Ar paper 2
- business homework
- evening med 1
- evening med 2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 7:00PM
Had a late lunch. Got the beginnings of a migraine, but I shall promptly obliterate it with two pills of Panadol Extra :-) Now to get to the other stuff.
MIT (Very Important Tasks):
x send Ban for birthday
x 3pm call candidates and ask about rates (will need to get back to them tomorrow with more details)
x create deadline schedule for freelance project
- Ar paper 1
- business chapter
- finish newsletter template
- work on NL intro paragraph
What I did today:
x shower
x morning med 1
x morning med 2
x FH
x bh:a
x kitty litter
x buy pens
x 4pm visit old work (for newsletter, Rebaldy + candidates)
x ask guys for web designer contacts (follow up)
x meet accountant about tax paper (have to pick it up tomorrow)
What I would like to do today:
- check web designer rates and set budget
- Ar paper 2
- business homework
- check and document today's work notes
- check song for B
- evening med 1
- evening med 2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's Closing CI
...This is most bothersome...
x send Ban for birthday
x 3pm call candidates and ask about rates (will need to get back to them tomorrow with more details)
x create deadline schedule for freelance project
What I did today:
x shower
x morning med 1
x morning med 2
x FH
x bh:a
x kitty litter
x buy pens
x 4pm visit old work (for newsletter, Rebaldy + candidates)
x ask guys for web designer contacts (follow up)
x meet accountant about tax paper (have to pick it up tomorrow)
x evening med 1
x evening med 2
Left undone:
- check web designer rates and set budget
- Ar paper 2
- business homework
- check and document today's work notes
- check song for B
- Ar paper 1
- business chapter
- finish newsletter template
- work on NL intro paragraph
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's mom lol
You were probably wanting a bit more sympathy than that :)
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey
re: Edge's mom lol
Hehe, aye, but she snapped me out of it, lol. :grin:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
rooting for edge
you had a very long list of "what i did today" yesterday. I was impressed. Here's to hoping today can be at least half that good :)
Thanks for being here.
Thanks Clement :-)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson