just getting started
This post was edited to correct the all-caps typing, reduce the size of the font, and remove the boldface. I also moved it out of the check-ins board to the "questions and intros" board. -pro
Hello everyone, you will have to forgive me if i have posted to the wrong place
My name is janet and i’m new to this web site. I am a cronic procrastinator. I have been like this sincve i was 7 or 8. I've spent most of my life covering my but and or lying about what i've done or not done for the day. I've acted dumb or sick or have some excuse as to why i'm not taking responsibility and doing what i supposted to do. I feel sooo much shame about being this way, and not being able to stop. I know what is nessary for a happy and productive life, but can not stop putting off and making excuses. I tell one lie after another so no one willl catch on to what is going on in my life or should i say what is not going on. I'm not talking about little things, because that's part of it too, i'm taking about very serious life altering situations that i'm not attending to. I’am pretendinmg all is ok, and i'll get to it tomorrow. The tomorrows have run out. Some things that are pressing are 7 years passed due. I'm behind in my taxes. I said it. Yes, that many years. And other things just go away. Yet other thigs i loose out on. Like a home, love relationships business opportunties, lots of money, serenity, piece of mind, feeling safe, and the list goes on and on.
I have got to trust the 12 steps, because i've tried everything else. Self- help books, dr's, medication, forcing myself, will power, behaviour modification, religion and it all ends the same way, i 'm procrasting more that ever. It's like when i really try, that's when it's the hardest.
I would love to get emails from anyone that would like to write. I would like to hear from people that are using the steps to get beyond this illness.
This is my thinking on the use of the 12 steps, if the 12 steps can get a drunk sober, an drug addict clean, than it has to work on procrastination. Nothimg else has.
Have a great day.
1) oh yea, i’m going to get my call list orgaized so i can start to call on my clients tonight.
2) i’m going to read the 1 step in the big book of aa
Thank you for being here
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Please don't type in all caps.
Please don't type in all caps. It's hard to read, and in the online world it's considered "shouting". Your font is also overly large.
I've edited your post to correct these problems. In the future, please use a more standard font.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
welcome, Janet!
You are among people who have been in your shoes and with the help of this fellowship, one day, one babystep at a time, are taking responsbility and making progress. As they say in 12 step programs, the steps are simple, but they are not easy. But they work! Not everyone here does 12 step stuff, but many of us do. The wonderful thing about this place is that people understand the dread, the fear, and the self-loathing that you described so well in your introduction. There are lots of tools that can help that people share in here, but also there is the communal support network that comes from checking in, posting your truth, or chatting while working in the chatbox. Keep coming back!
nice summary
nice summary, e, of this community's offerrings:
Maybe that should be on the front page. Maybe re-phrase it a little. Just under the current masthead:
pro, what do you think?
I think you don't have enough to do.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
i was just procrastinating :) :)
But i was thinking about what e said there, after i read it, and was away from pa.org, and it just seemed to grow on me as a nice summary.
print it out and put it on your wall
You've posted at least three requests for work you'd like me to do on the site. Please stop!
I maintain this site on my own time, and mostly at my own expense. I already have plenty to do (and I'm very grateful to the people who do contribute towards the cost of the site).
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Cheers for all the work you
Cheers for all the work you do, pro.
And, ohhhhh. Just realised that's probably another common behaviour for procrastinators eh?
I'm always look at something and come up with various 'improvements' and 'fixes' and 'todos' to the point that I'd *never* be able to finish them all, usually just for my own projects though.
No wonder I feel like I never get anything done, and am sinking under work
I ran a community website a few years ago, and yeah, the list of things on my 'to do' list got kind of overwhelming, and I gave up on it. Now that I think back, I think what I was getting done was appreciated, but I was always weighing it against what I *should* do, and the long to-do list in my head.
This website is great pro, really functional, and it does what it needs to do.
Is there anyone else you could appoint as a moderator, to delegate out some of the work of wrangling the forums and approving new members etc? If no one leaps to mind at the moment, I'm sure there will be in time...
Thanks pro.
usually it's fine
It's usually not a big deal to moderate this forum. It's just the past couple of days we've had quite a few new people posting in the "ready, fire, aim" tradition - just not thinking about the impact of what they're doing. As people get acclimated and oriented (assuming they make the effort), I'm sure things will get back to normal.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
thank you
Edited to correct all-caps typing. Please don't type in all-caps. It's hard to read, and it's considered "shouting" in the online world. Thank you. -pro.
I'm reading the 1 and 2 step in the aa book i'm scared. I wish i could say i'm brave, but i'm not. Baby steps...
you can do it! :)
Hi Janet!
You can do it! :)
Go for it! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
you're in the right place!
you're in the right place!