Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

New Member Crying Out for Help!

Thank you so much for welcoming me as a part of your group.  I was "frantic" for acceptance.  Kind of like "Oh No!  I have been putting off facing I am a problem procrastinator for several years.  Then when I finally get around to joining, I might not even get accepted."

Thank you for having hope in me and my procrastination problem which has left me with many unfinished tasks.

Hi, My name is Greyfox and I am a problem(ed) procastinator.  And, I need help.

I am a first semester graduate student, am alternately-abled (disabled), and have three children, two grown and one teen at home.  I do not work per se.  I am a writer and will address that later.

Right now, I am sinking in paper and file work.  This also affects my finances.  I have let myself get very disorganized and I do not like it.

It is difficult to stay current with school, meet my teen's needs, meet some of my own needs, organize a move, streamline my possessions, apply for a school that has an online program geared to meet the physically challenged individual's needs regarding curriculum, find doctors and see them, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

All of this blah blah did not get here over night and actually is much better than it used to be.  I really have made some good circumstance advances.  Now the rest has got to catch up.  I do not know how I have done or completed what has been finished thus far.  I suppose discipline determination and drive have fueled my efforts.  However, I now feel frozen.

I am overwhelmed with unfinished tasks, and ALL that is left to be done.  Almost like all the jobs are important and priority; but I am left hanging on a limb with absolutely no idea how to determine which task is more important than the other.  I cannot seem to do something, just something that will lead me to the ultimate end of the goal for that task - Aargh! - because they are all so important to me I cannot determine which one is more important and where to begin.  Then.............. I don't, begin.

I sure hope this sounds like you guys because if it doesn't I am at the wrong website trying to join the wrong group. :) 

Anyway, thank you for accepting me.  I am getting to know and learn the website.  It will take me a few days to learn how to get around.  It seems okay to jump in and post responses.  I have a lot of reading to do and I am eager to heal from procrastination and put this horrible disease of my soul behind me.

Glad to be here.


Hi Grey

HI Greyfox,

You know, I joined this group for many of the same reasons you mentioned. I want to say that this has beena wonderful lifeline for me, expecially because I find people who understand me and are constantly encouraging me to develop my proactive skills and become a better, more productive person.

I have shared a lot of my own disappointments with myself, from losing a job to vocalizing my depression from time to time. But in a way,t eh sharing helps you to put things in perspective and keep moving.

You have REAL people here, who are encouraging and sometimes, (when they need to be), kick butt. I love em all. There is a great hope and future for you. Welcome!


Hi Douglas

Thank you for your comments.  I know a large part of success depends on social support, and I appreciate very much its availability to me through this group.  I also recognize that success - however we may define it - depends on how much we are willing to commit, and how hard we are willing to work for it.

Blessings... I am very happy to be here!


a technique that has helped me

Dear Greyfox,
I just joined this group yesterday.  I too am a procrastinator extraordinaire.  I just thought I would share with you one technique, though, that I have found has helped me.  Just tell yourself that you are just going to work (on chores, tasks, picking up, paying bills, etc.) for ONE HALF HOUR.  Just 30 minutes, and then you can stop, rest, relax, play, etc.  It doesn't matter what chores/tasks you do, or even if you are able to actually do them at all; as long as you just make the effort, for just that one half an hour, you will have at least accomplished SOMETHING.  And like as not, you will actually find yourself having accomplished the task or chores quite admirably.  At the very least, it will have been more than you would have got done had you just been sitting on the couch, thinking about what you should be getting done!

Hope that helps!
