Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Ta da: Eat breakfast Take pill Set schedule for the day Prep meeting Write report update Work on report Request info TH, TB, PK Reg conf RSVP recept Do review Give reg info to G Create help ticket Update info
Rescheduled: Write up project for M (MIT) 3 Reviews (MIT) Update budget info on latest review & send Take pics Set next workshop date Sched reg. mtg w/ A (& go to landfill) Sched mtg w/ GG & n00b
I think I mentioned I overslept and missed my class at the gym yesterday - my instructor said this morning that only ONE person showed up so I guess I wasn't the only one! There are usually about 10-15 people in that class. That makes me feel better
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Trying to work on the hated visio diagram . . .not focusing well, fiddling with my timer, getting water, talking to coworkers. Checking in to get myself back on track. I'd like to finish this task today.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
So what have I done so far on my to-do list? Nada. I've been dealing with email. Some new members knocking at the door. I'll let them in, then get to work. I'll check in again shortly.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Focus: Request info, then work on report Next CI: 12 pm
Ta da: Eat breakfast Take pill Set schedule for the day Prep meeting Write report update
To do: Request info TH, TB, PK Work on report Do review Write up project for M Update budget info on latest review Take pics Reg conf Fax reg & give to G
If time: Set next workshop date Sched reg. mtg w/ A (& go to landfill) Sched mtg w/ GG & n00b
Thanks for starting us out Kaoba! Yesterday was a good day and feeling good about today too. I've had several really good and productive days in a row, let's hope we can keep that going. It's funny how this procrastination stuff goes in cycles. I wish I could figure out some trigger for the good times and the bad times. Earlier this month I had a couple of weeks where I got little or nothing done and was generally a depressed lump. Now I'm little miss sunshine. Who knew?
X - gym X - read email (30 min. actual) X - WPS project planning stuff, some hardware issues (30 min.) X - Daily planning ( 30 min.) X - organized email (15 min) - go thru mail 15 min. planned - tax thing - 10 min - club budget - 15 min - work on blog post - 15 min - visio diagram - 2 hrs. - linux install planning - 2 hrs. - two little projects - 30 min - AO - limit to 30 min - dishes/laundry 30 min - 1 item of mending 30 min - screen time - 1 hr. - dinner - 1 hr. - organize notebook - 30 min
Journey -
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
O.k., well, I'm clean & dressed with only moderate poking around. Having one of those foggy brain days where putting together an outfit seems extremely complicated and involves staring slack-jawed into the closet for long stretches of time.
Making a cup of tea, hoping a little caffeine will jump-start the brain. Then off to take a walk & prep for tomorrow.
- MIRC thang done 2 hrs x diagnose alert bug 1 hr - figure out js issue 2 hrs deferred email McKesson 1/2 hr - read LRB 1 1/2 hrs - read 25 pp. Judt 3/4 hr x exercise 1 hr x investigate 1166 (reproduce or at least contact customer) 1/2 hr x fix 1165 1/2 hr x reproduce 1075 1/2 hr x fix 1161 3/4 hr x fix 1164 1/2 hr x walk dog 1/2 hr x shower/shave 1/4 hr x lunch 1/2 hr x dinner 3/4 hr
13 1/2 hrs of stuff. Should be done by 10:30 PM EST (1 1/2 hrs leeway, since I should be up 'til midnight)
Good morning everyone. Still cold here, and the workshop is pretty chilly. Some progress has been made this week, but where I am on the current project should've been yesterday morning. Got a call from a client first thing this morning who wanted me to drop everything for him. He doesn't know it yet, but he made the old "don't do" list. The biggie for today is to get caught up on work. I also need to break down and buy new insurance, and since the roads are clear, that's in the cards. To do: morning routine spiritual time catch up on work buy insurance noon 12 step meeting finish kitchen table check in again
I've set one thing per hour and put the important stuff (coincidentally or not, also the unpleasant stuff) first. Focus: Review report sitch and send plan to B
Ta da: Eat breakfast Take pills Set schedule for the day
To do: Write report update Do review Update budget info on latest review Take pics Respond TH, TB, PK Reg conf Fax reg & give to G Write up project for M
If time: Set next workshop date Sched reg. mtg w/ A (& go to landfill) Sched mtg w/ GG & n00b
Here at work at 8 am for the first time in a long time. Got in BIG trouble yesterday for being late all the time. And for not focusing at work. So, lots to do today.
Next CI: 8:45 am
To do: Eat breakfast Take pills Set schedule for the day
I'm still struggling with that also. I've been trying to arrive for appointments and whatnot 15 minutes early and just plan on having some time to kill. More often than not the 15 minutes is used up by some unexpected delay. Luckily for me they're not sticklers for the time clock at my current job. At a previous job we were counted tardy if we were one minute late and after three tardies you got written up - what a nightmare for people like us!!! Anyway, keep up the good work!
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
I might have a phone interview today (yay!), so I can't go into lab and lose cell phone service (not yay!). Working from home is always really hard for me, so I'll be checking in frequently.
Big tasks that need to get done today: *Clean (1 hr) *Prep for possible interview, set up other interviews (1 hr) *Prep for Harambee tomorrow (1 hr) *Exercise (1 hr) *Finish and email coreg. analysis (30 min) *Tweak weights in network flow alg. (2.5 hrs) *Rough version of lab mtg pres. (2.5 hrs)
I'm going to start with prepping H. curric. I need to 1)Take notes from mtg yesterday (meant to get to this last night!) 15 min 2)Read/take notes on intro material and 1st lesson plan 15 min 3)Prep. words/short definitions for charades 15 min 4)Gather materials for charades and nametag activities 15 min
UPDATE 8:30 Finished prepping curriculum. Next, I'm going to deal with interviews. This means: 1)Charge and turn on phone! (1 min ;-) ) 2)Set up interviews with MC,C (10 min) 3)Add other interviews to calendar (10 min) 4)Re-read S application materials/list of people I'd like to work with (30 min) 5)Start putting together a list of possible interview questions (limit to 10 min)
Finished interview prep (it went about 1/2 hour longer than it was supposed to), plus did a little cleaning. Next, I'm going to: *At kaoba's suggestion, make my environment a bit more worklike (finish tidying my room, put on makeup and shoes). Should take 15-30 minutes *Start in on lab meeting presentation. I've been really scared about this: it's on Friday and I feel like I don't have enough data. I have notes now, but that's all. So I'm going to force myself to really get started. Riduculously specific plan for starting work on presentation: 1)Gather notes I have so far 2)Set up template/slide titles for each slide 3)Write text+notes on the diagrams I want for background section 4)Write up text for "Further work" 11:40 UPDATE: after 30 minutes of cleaning, I have failed to make any progress...I've been web surfing, having an early lunch, etc. I'm really nervous about my possible interview, and scared about starting my presentation. Plan for getting past this: I JUST NEED TO GET STARTED. I will commit to spending 3 8-minute chunks of time working on my presentation. After than, If I want to move on to other work I can.
OK, I got started on my lab meeting presentation! I'm glad I made progress, but it was really hard and I'm still kinda freaking out. So I'm going to let myself stop on this now. My plan is: 1)Fill out my ballot (not on my to-do list for the day, but useful, interesting, and non-stress-inducing, so I hope it'll help me calm down): 30 min-ish UPDATE finished 1:00 2)Finish and email out coregulator analysis: 30 minutes 3)Change algorithm from max-flow to constant-flow: 30-60 min OK, I'll try all this out and check in when it's done/as needed.
UPDATE 1:15 Phone interview OVER, went well I think! Going out for a run now, update again when I'm back.
Went for my run, showered, then wasted about 45 minutes and am very annoyed with myself. Plan for getting back on track *Pick up my room a little bit, it's getting impossible to work in here *Run to corner store and pick up a healthy snack *Close my email and turn on my internet blocker *Change algorithm from max-flow to constant-flow and try it out Check back in when that's done.
Thanks for the encouragement kaoba, cause I'm definitely feeling so hot. After a *lot* of procrastinating, I finally got all of the above done, also had dinner Now I'm going to: *Figure out cytoscape visualizations bug *Try 2 more weight tweaks and visualize *Spend 1/2 hour cleaning fridges *Take a break, watch an hour of a movie And then I'll go from there UPDATE 11:30--was pretty unproductive, but I did figure out the bug and spent 1 hour cleaning...unfortunately, I watched the whole movie and failed to try weight tweaks. Oh well, to bed...tomorrow is another day.
scarlett CI 3:40 pm EST
Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Set schedule for the day
Prep meeting
Write report update
Work on report
Request info TH, TB, PK
Reg conf
RSVP recept
Do review
Give reg info to G
Create help ticket
Update info
Write up project for M (MIT)
3 Reviews (MIT)
Update budget info on latest review & send
Take pics
Set next workshop date
Sched reg. mtg w/ A (& go to landfill)
Sched mtg w/ GG & n00b
Become aware of resistance, and let go.
Journey 1:00 quick update
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Journey 3:00 nuther quick update
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Journey 5:30 DONE!
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Way to persist on an unpleasant task.
Become aware of resistance, and let go.
pro's CI - 12:15pm
So what have I done so far on my to-do list? Nada. I've been dealing with email. Some new members knocking at the door. I'll let them in, then get to work. I'll check in again shortly.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
nice to have you back Pro
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
pro's CI - 11:45am
I'm struggling to get stuff done after being sick for a while and still not feeling 100%. Here's deliberately vague to-do list:
- qlt
- sd
- e
- p
- d
I'm going to check in frequently to make sure I stay on track.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
scarlett CI 11:14 am EST
Focus: Request info, then work on report
Next CI: 12 pm
Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Set schedule for the day
Prep meeting
Write report update
To do:
Request info TH, TB, PK
Work on report
Do review
Write up project for M
Update budget info on latest review
Take pics
Reg conf
Fax reg & give to G
If time:
Set next workshop date
Sched reg. mtg w/ A (& go to landfill)
Sched mtg w/ GG & n00b
Become aware of resistance, and let go.
kaoba first check-in and update mid-day
First check-in moved out of thread starter by pro.
I seem to be the first one here, so good morning, everyone! I'll leave the graphics to someone else, as I don't know how to put them in the message.
OK, so, today, I am going to focus on just three things as *having* to get done:
( ) walk
( ) drink six glasses of water during the day (X)( )( )( )( )( )
( ) brush and floss
The rest, if it gets done, great, if not, also great. I will update as I go along.
All right. So far:
walk: 30 minutes on hilly course( ) drink six glasses of water during the day (X)(X)(X)( )( )( )
brush and flossSo, of my musts for today, I just need to chug down three more glasses of water. I'm happy.
Only one glass of water to
Only one glass of water to go. I really forget to drink water unless I pay attention.
( ) drink six glasses of water during the day (X)(X)(X)(X)(X)( )
There has been more going on, not a bad day.
Journey 10:30
X - gym
X - read email (30 min. actual)
X - WPS project planning stuff, some hardware issues (30 min.)
X - Daily planning ( 30 min.)
X - organized email (15 min)
- go thru mail 15 min. planned
- tax thing - 10 min
- club budget - 15 min
- work on blog post - 15 min
- visio diagram - 2 hrs.
- linux install planning - 2 hrs.
- two little projects - 30 min
- AO - limit to 30 min
- dishes/laundry 30 min
- 1 item of mending 30 min
- screen time - 1 hr.
- dinner - 1 hr.
- organize notebook - 30 min
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Falcon CI Wed. a.m.
Hi all,
Working a later shift today, so I have some time this morning. The plan:
Falcon CI 11:00
O.k., well, I'm clean & dressed with only moderate poking around. Having one of those foggy brain days where putting together an outfit seems extremely complicated and involves staring slack-jawed into the closet for long stretches of time.
Making a cup of tea, hoping a little caffeine will jump-start the brain. Then off to take a walk & prep for tomorrow.
Mark CI 9:08 AM EST
- MIRC thang done 2 hrs
x diagnose alert bug 1 hr
- figure out js issue 2 hrs
deferred email McKesson 1/2 hr
- read LRB 1 1/2 hrs
- read 25 pp. Judt 3/4 hr
x exercise 1 hr
x investigate 1166 (reproduce or at least contact customer) 1/2 hr
x fix 1165 1/2 hr
x reproduce 1075 1/2 hr
x fix 1161 3/4 hr
x fix 1164 1/2 hr
x walk dog 1/2 hr
x shower/shave 1/4 hr
x lunch 1/2 hr
x dinner 3/4 hr
13 1/2 hrs of stuff. Should be done by 10:30 PM EST (1 1/2 hrs leeway, since I should be up 'til midnight)
9:05 CI for Lark
Good morning everyone. Still cold here, and the workshop is pretty chilly. Some progress has been made this week, but where I am on the current project should've been yesterday morning. Got a call from a client first thing this morning who wanted me to drop everything for him. He doesn't know it yet, but he made the old "don't do" list. The biggie for today is to get caught up on work. I also need to break down and buy new insurance, and since the roads are clear, that's in the cards.
To do:
morning routine
spiritual time
catch up on work
buy insurance
noon 12 step meeting
finish kitchen table
check in again
scarlett CI 8:50 am EST
I've set one thing per hour and put the important stuff (coincidentally or not, also the unpleasant stuff) first.
Focus: Review report sitch and send plan to B
Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Set schedule for the day
To do:
Write report update
Do review
Update budget info on latest review
Take pics
Respond TH, TB, PK
Reg conf
Fax reg & give to G
Write up project for M
If time:
Set next workshop date
Sched reg. mtg w/ A (& go to landfill)
Sched mtg w/ GG & n00b
scarlett CI 8:10 am EST
Here at work at 8 am for the first time in a long time. Got in BIG trouble yesterday for being late all the time. And for not focusing at work. So, lots to do today.
Next CI: 8:45 am
To do:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Set schedule for the day
Good job being on time!
:grin: Keep it up!
I have a lot of trouble with that too :rolleyes:
Thank you!
It's ridiculous how hard a simple thing like that can be.
Become aware of resistance, and let go.
Scarlett on time!
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
kromer 7:30
Morning, all!
I might have a phone interview today (yay!), so I can't go into lab and lose cell phone service (not yay!). Working from home is always really hard for me, so I'll be checking in frequently.
Big tasks that need to get done today:
*Clean (1 hr)
*Prep for possible interview, set up other interviews (1 hr)
*Prep for Harambee tomorrow (1 hr)
*Exercise (1 hr)
*Finish and email coreg. analysis (30 min)
*Tweak weights in network flow alg. (2.5 hrs)
*Rough version of lab mtg pres. (2.5 hrs)
I'm going to start with prepping H. curric. I need to
1)Take notes from mtg yesterday (meant to get to this last night!) 15 min
2)Read/take notes on intro material and 1st lesson plan 15 min
3)Prep. words/short definitions for charades 15 min
4)Gather materials for charades and nametag activities 15 min
UPDATE 8:30 Finished prepping curriculum.
Next, I'm going to deal with interviews. This means:
1)Charge and turn on phone! (1 min ;-) )
2)Set up interviews with MC,C (10 min)
3)Add other interviews to calendar (10 min)
4)Re-read S application materials/list of people I'd like to work with (30 min)
5)Start putting together a list of possible interview questions (limit to 10 min)
kromer 10:15
Finished interview prep (it went about 1/2 hour longer than it was supposed to), plus did a little cleaning.
Next, I'm going to:
*At kaoba's suggestion, make my environment a bit more worklike (finish tidying my room, put on makeup and shoes). Should take 15-30 minutes
*Start in on lab meeting presentation. I've been really scared about this: it's on Friday and I feel like I don't have enough data. I have notes now, but that's all. So I'm going to force myself to really get started.
Riduculously specific plan for starting work on presentation:
1)Gather notes I have so far
2)Set up template/slide titles for each slide
3)Write text+notes on the diagrams I want for background section
4)Write up text for "Further work"
11:40 UPDATE: after 30 minutes of cleaning, I have failed to make any progress...I've been web surfing, having an early lunch, etc. I'm really nervous about my possible interview, and scared about starting my presentation.
Plan for getting past this:
I JUST NEED TO GET STARTED. I will commit to spending 3 8-minute chunks of time working on my presentation. After than, If I want to move on to other work I can.
kromer 12:30 CI
OK, I got started on my lab meeting presentation!
I'm glad I made progress, but it was really hard and I'm still kinda freaking out.
So I'm going to let myself stop on this now.
My plan is:
1)Fill out my ballot (not on my to-do list for the day, but useful, interesting, and non-stress-inducing, so I hope it'll help me calm down): 30 min-ish UPDATE finished 1:00
2)Finish and email out coregulator analysis: 30 minutes
3)Change algorithm from max-flow to constant-flow: 30-60 min
OK, I'll try all this out and check in when it's done/as needed.
UPDATE 1:15 Phone interview OVER, went well I think! Going out for a run now, update again when I'm back.
Sorry for the massively long posts today...
kromer 3 CI
Went for my run, showered, then wasted about 45 minutes and am very annoyed with myself.
Plan for getting back on track
*Pick up my room a little bit, it's getting impossible to work in here
*Run to corner store and pick up a healthy snack
*Close my email and turn on my internet blocker
*Change algorithm from max-flow to constant-flow and try it out
Check back in when that's done.
kromer 6 CI
Thanks for the encouragement kaoba, cause I'm definitely feeling so hot.
After a *lot* of procrastinating, I finally got all of the above done, also had dinner
Now I'm going to:
*Figure out cytoscape visualizations bug
*Try 2 more weight tweaks and visualize
*Spend 1/2 hour cleaning fridges
*Take a break, watch an hour of a movie
And then I'll go from there
UPDATE 11:30--was pretty unproductive, but I did figure out the bug and spent 1 hour cleaning...unfortunately, I watched the whole movie and failed to try weight tweaks.
Oh well, to bed...tomorrow is another day.
kromer, you're doing good!
Be kind to yourself, you've got stuff done, way to go!
working at home
Very hard! It's what I do. Very very hard to keep on track. One essential thing for me: always get dressed. It makes a big difference.
Good luck on your day!