Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I had a whale of a time last week with some serious procrastination crisis anxiety, and have spent two days out of my three day weekend recovering from the stress. Still picking up pieces. Basically, because of my weak, and possibly pathological, relation to time, I demanded of myself that I work in the office until late late in the evenings on two nights last week. Not good for my health, and the worst part was the self-flagellation and massive dissapointment and anxiety for the week before I could even settle down to the tasks at hand. I did my normal thing and came through with "flying colors" after the bloodletting, but it's still hovering at the edge of disaster. Will my printer be able to save my butt and get me something to look at before my boss asks to see it? Hah.
Meanwhile, I really want to get my house clean in short order so that I can be prepared with a clean house for at least half of this day, and have the other half to socialize with friends and family, rather than spend the THIRD day of my three day weekend sitting still, by myself, and surfing the web with dirty dishes everywhere.
My list:
15 minute intervals. I'll check back no later than 12:45pm
Yeah. It is. I admit. I spend lots of time futzing with things like this. What you're looking at is Things which is downloadable as a beta beta over here at Cultured Code I'm using OmniFocus at work, because I've been on that bandwagon since last winter's kGTD install. I'm still deciding what I like about each of them. But, oh, so tempting to Time Binge on the analysis and use of these programs!!! Beware!
As for my list... I'm multi tasking. If I ever get so I can check off anything, I'll post back.
Thanks for writing me! It helps to know my to dos are less ethereal.
Despite the time it took. My house feels better. Got the incense burning and all my surfaces, except my bedroom, are sorted. I'm prepared for the week, and will maybe still have time to socialize this late afternoon/evening. Now to make that happen.
Now I'm off to cook a healthy veggie lunch and will try to get the following done afterwards:
- Edit Rockwood
- Edit Cantina charlies
- Upload to
- Send Jan ZIP of weekend
Zark Slideshow
√ Organize photos
√ format images for Foto Magico
√ Arrange images in Foto Magico
- Add CenturyRoom images and loop
- Add music
- Fine tune/sync with music
Rob's Card
- Edit Design back of card
Century Room Photo Uploads
- Nov 6
- Nov 13
- Nov 20
- Nov 27
Apple Aperture Library Organizing
- Century Room library reduction
I hope you guys don't find my tasks silly since I'm so specific to a point where you really don't understand what I'm talking about. Is that important?
Yes! Thanks for checking on me.. I'm having a very productive day... aside from the fact that I got up at 1pm and I'll be late for a meeting as I put the finishing touches on a slideshow movie for a client (he tends to be late for meetings too so I'll get off easy on this)
Here's my progress:
Cooked that healthy veggie meal I talked about... I ended up 'inventing' a rice with chopped asparagus and broccoli. I recently discovered that cooking motivates me... even watching cooking shows hypes me up! It's odd.. but it may have to do with the urge for food overriding my procrastination urges.
√ Edit Rockwood
√ Edit Cantina charlies
√ Upload to
√ Send Jan ZIP of weekend
Zark Slideshow
√ Organize photos
√ format images for Foto Magico
√ Arrange images in Foto Magico
√ Add CenturyRoom images and loop
√ Add music
√ Fine tune/sync with music
Next up after the meeting, I'll drop by Starbucks for a few hours and tackle the remaining things..
Well, I got some relief today: no meeting. The other party was so late he
Well, I did get pretty much everything done although some parts of my day plan were a little too ambitious considering I got out of bed @ 1pm.
Gwen, I downloaded "Things" and populated it with all my tasks. I think it can be a great help. I can't wait for the final edition to be released so I can import tasks from iCal and export them back so I can have them on my Blackberry
I think it really helps to break things down into small chunks (even if it seems a bit silly ;) )--even when people don't know exactly what I'm talking about, they can usually figure out whether I'm having a good or bad day, and offer congrats/encouragement.
Really, really want to play video games all day :) but I'm making some progress on my chores. The weather is beautiful, sunny and cold. That inspires me. Dreary weather makes me depressed.
- exercise - 30 min X - bathe dogs - 1 hr. X - clean bathroom after bathing dogs - 30 min X - take a bath my own self and get dressed flylady style - 30 min X - have a healthy breakfast - 30 min IN PROGRESS - more laundry - 1 hr. - clean kitchen and figure out what to make for dinner (taco bake?) - 30 min - dinner - 1 hr. - make a casserole for another night's dinner - 30 min - piles o'junk that I didn't do yesterday - k counter, my desk - 30 min X - put away shoes that have accumulated by the bed - 15 min - straighten and dust lr again - 30 min - work stuff - bring up the vm systems and read a chapter - 1 hr - feed birds, water plants - 30 min - continue catching up personal email - 30 min - screen time (tv, video games, internet) - 2 hrs. IN PROGRESS - wash, dry, and change sheets - 1 hr. - use timer today to limit breaks
Uh, where did I put that timer? OK, NOW I'm going to start using the timer
Have been procrastinating this morning. Got caught up in a snafu with my email account.
"Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today" -- and guess what? I can't fix the problem with my email account. My partner probably can. I need to let go of it and do my next right thing: work.
Taking a 10 minute websurfing break to clear my head.
Good morning! Thanks for the thread starter Elisaveth! Today is a holiday - MLK day here in the US - and I'm tempted to sit around and play video games all day! Some play time is in order for a holiday but I'd like to get some stuff done today too:)
- exercise - 30 min - bathe dogs - 1 hr. - clean bathroom after bathing dogs - 30 min - take a bath my own self and get dressed flylady style - 30 min - have a healthy breakfast - 30 min - more laundry - 1 hr. - clean kitchen and figure out what to make for dinner (taco bake?) - 30 min - dinner - 1 hr. - make a casserole for another night's dinner - 30 min - piles o'junk that I didn't do yesterday - k counter, my desk - 30 min - put away shoes that have accumulated by the bed - 15 min - straighten and dust lr again - 30 min - work stuff - bring up the vm systems and read a chapter - 1 hr - feed birds, water plants - 30 min - continue catching up personal email - 30 min - screen time (tv, video games, internet) - 2 hrs. - wash, dry, and change sheets - 1 hr. - use timer today to limit breaks
The U.S. is celebrating Martin Luther King's birthday today -- happy MLK day!
I have a case of the Creeping I-Don't-Wannas. I don't wanna do anything but loaf around, and unfortunately that's not on my to-do list.
O.k., here's the stuff I need to do. . .
Clean up & get dressed (yeah, I'm off to a late start.)
Get directions & assemble stuff for tonight & tomorrow
Get groceries
Go into town, get gifts for L&A, and take a walk while I'm there
Email F.C.
Pay bills and send F.C. check
But I don't wanna. Well, this stuff needs to get done. Aw, but I just wanna loaf around. Sorry, gotta get this stuff done. I'll just loaf for a little while first. . . Hey! No procrastinating! Get moving! Oh, o.k. (but I still don't wanna!)
Well, that took forever, but at least I'm clean & dressed & ready for tomorrow. Something I've noticed since I started posting here is that I've become more aware of time & how I'm using it. I'm a bit more likely to just DO little odds & ends as they come up rather than putting them off, and less likely to waste a whole morning doing nothing.
Even though I got sidetracked a lot this morning, I was way more productive than in the past! I got the sheets changed, brushed the cat, sent an email, etc. -- stuff that wasn't on my list but that needed doing and was much better than the loafing around that I would have done if I had been less aware.
O.k., I'm back from town. The store I wanted to go to was closed, so I'll go there when I'm in town on Saturday. But I took a good long walk while in town, which I had wanted to do, so that's good.
I'm a bit short on time before I go to rehearsal, but hopefully I can get everything done. Going to call F.C. and then see how fast I can do a grocery run (no poking around in the aisles!)
O.k., got pretty much everything done except the bills, but I did a quick review of them yesterday, so I know there's nothing there that's going to blow up right away.
Good night, all! I don't often get time to check in during the week, but I bet I'll be back when procrastination sets in over the weekend. Meanwhile, wishing everyone a fun & productive week!
Good morning everyone. It's in the single digits (F), here. Brr! I don't feel like going to the hassle (and expense) of heating and opening my workshop. Cashflow hasn't been great--rather, bills have doubled--and I'd be better off working 10 or 12 hours a day or so later in the week. We procrastinators sometimes don't do that sort of thing very well sometimes. A while back I tried making a "DON'T DO" list, and I need to do that again. It really reduces guilt, frustration at overbooking, and I've also managed to get rid of a few really pesky clients. Today: track client down to get paid (and if I can't, go to creative financing plan "B") call about insurance quotes prepare next work project for tomorrow put DVDs away clear off kitchen table go to 12 step meeting sort laundry get trash bags and fill one for tomorrow check in here around noon
Overslept pretty badly (woke up at 8 rather than 6:30!), but I think I was legitimately tired. So far, I have had breakfast, dressed, and dealt with email (including a panicked email from my advisor). Overall plan for the day 1)Finish morning routine, do some work from home, pack lunch AND DINNER 2)Go to lab, work on senior proj, meet with advisor 1pm 3)More work on senior proj 1:30-5 (with lots of breaks, I don't want to get fried) 4)Go running, start photocopying lab notebook, dinner 5-7 5)Pysch expt. 7-9, then go home 6)Do an hour of chores, take the rest of the evening off, bed by 11:30 or 12
To start the morning, I need to: Tidy room, put on makeup. Figure out dat file issue Re-run test job, check that issue is resolved Re-start real job Pack lunch and dinner, head out UPDATE 10:00 got directracted by teh internet for about 30 minutes, but I have now figured out the dat file issue, re-started test job, put on makeup. I'm quickly going to look at the test results, make my bed, re-start real job, and pack lunch and dinner. I hope to be out of here by 10:30-10:45, will check in again when I get to lab
Running a few minutes late, but not too bad. Now, need to work hard until meeting at 1 1)Run 2 more analyses (about 10 minutes to get started) STARTED ANALYSES 12:35 2)Look for/Email labmate about canonical pathway starts (if time; this should take about 15 min) 3)Look at results from 3 analyses, compare to canonical pathway, maybe do GO analysis (about 30 minutes) 4)Look into WM issue (about 20 minutes) DONE 12:40, took FOREVER (I was concentrating pretty well, too) 5)Take notes on what I want to talk about at meeting (20 minutes) 6)If time, work on analysis without genetic info (this is a 1-2 hour project, won't get done until after meeting) All right, go! Don't want to embarass myself at the meeting...
OK, back from meeting, it went pretty well. Next: *Notes from meeting (20 min) DONE 2:15 *Deal with email (10 min) DONE 1:50 *Look at results from 3 analyses, compare to canonical pathway (30 min) DONE 3:00 --break *Start new WM jobs (30 min) *Look for/email labmate about canonical pathway starts (15 min) *Chose a good dataset (30 min) --Break from senior project work: go start photocopying lab nb (30-45 min) *Work on analysis without genetic info (1 hr-ish)
All right, I've been slow but have gotten some work done. Now I'm going to force myself to take a break (I know I've earned one and also that I'm losing focus, even though I feel like I should try to keep working). I'm going to get away from the computer for 10-15 min. Then I'll come back and: Start new WM jobs Look for canonical pathway starts Choose a good dataset UPDATE 3:20: Back from break, will now choose a good dataset Update 4:40: Dataset mostly chosen (though I need to read a couple papers to be sure), WM jobs started, labmate emailed. Yay! I'll print out papers, then email a student I tutor, then hit the gym. I've gotten through almost all the senior project stuff I wanted to do today (all except analysis without genetic info), which makes me feel really good.
Printed papers, emailed student, went to gym, had dinner. Copy shop was closed, so lab notebook copying will have to wait until tomorrow--instead I started reading paper on my dataset, but only made a little progress. Now I'm off to pysch experiment. Then I'll head home, clean the kitchen if no one else has signed up to do it, otherwise do 1 hr of mics. chores. Check in when that's done...think I need to do some work on my senior project tonight. Should check in again around 10:30
Did pysch expt and made a little money, then came home and had a snack. I have to clean the kitchen tonight, but it's still full of people, so that needs to wait until about 10:30 to start. I was lazy and watched part of a movie, but now I have torn myself away and am sitting down to work. I feel pretty fried, but I need to work anyway :P Oh well, I know I'll be glad when it's done. Plan: 1)Put on some happy energetic music and work for 30 minutes (with a timer, in 8 minutes on-2 minutes off chunks) on analysis with gene info (10:30 not done, but made good progress, now moving on to laundry) 2)Start laundry 3)Clean kitchen. Try to do it efficiently, 80 minutes or less. (Put laundry in the dryer in the middle of cleaning 4)Email L about transcriptional weights 5)Fold laundry 6)Bed OK, go!
Today started off with a series of misunderstandings at work which I am worrying about: things are not always logical to my mind here. I need to turn the anxiety over to my higher power or else I will obsess all day. I have a lot to do today, so here we go....
goals for the day meds x water x breakfast x call C in sick finish cooking rooster strip beds dust mop finish charitable contributions call U. Mass on residency write Iliana on w2's x write Anna to send mail on taxes call Martin F. use instant boss check on C, make doctor's appointment X
Update: I have been working, but not as productively as I had hoped. I must leave sson to go off to the doctor's with C, and I am feeling a bit headachy and not-want-to-deal kind of mood. I am not relishing being out in the cold, nor being on foot, and want nothing more but to curl up in bed with a cup of tea and a good book, but that is not in the plans. I am dreading making a phone call to the tax guy. Got to, though.
I made the yucky phone call to the incredibly nice tax guy (who I will be paying through the nose for) and it really was not so hard. I still have to do the work, but he is going to let me know what I must give him. I don't like relying on anyone else - control freak that I am - but sometimes it is just worth it to pay up and realize that I don't actually run the world. (who knew?)
Congratulations on getting that done! Phone calls can be like six-foot frogs, so that's something to be proud of. I'm glad the tax guy turned out to be nice!
Thanks for your congratulations on the phone call to the tax guy! I appreciate all the kudos I can get!
This evening has been a mix of procrastination and effort: my son was sick today so we were at the doctors and then the lab for a strep test for a few hours tonight. Luckily, I had started supper last night, so I had most of it made by the time we got home, so it was a healthy meal. I got a case of the don't wanna's this evening: I just didn't want to deal with the kitchen, I wanted someone else to. It took more motivation than effort, but I did a rough job of it, and my older son kept his end of the deal and dealt with the pots and pans.
I procrastinated a lot this evening: there was a difficult phone conversation that my husband had which I had to listen to from this end: it upset me and I acted out because of my anger over it by playing hexic, having a glass of wine. The charitable contributions did not get touched tonight, but I feel okay about that: life sometimes gets in the way and tomorrow will be another day.
Tonight I am grateful for: this wonderful quote from MLK which I am borrowing from the flylady site: "To take the first step in faith, you don't have to see the whole staircase: just take the first step." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The support of my husband through the day my son's fabulous sense of humor clothes that fit me the confidence to try new things, even if it is only a new recipe a boss who values me the willingness to do take baby steps towards big goals laying my clothes out tonight for tomorrow flaxseed oil the words of others in this fellowship
Gwen D check in Mon am: My Messy House and Me
Hi everyone,
Gwen, that looks pretty
Gwen, that looks pretty cool. That's a Mac application right? Which one is it?
Re: pretty lookin' todo lists
Yeah. It is. I admit. I spend lots of time futzing with things like this. What you're looking at is Things which is downloadable as a beta beta over here at Cultured Code
I'm using OmniFocus at work, because I've been on that bandwagon since last winter's kGTD install. I'm still deciding what I like about each of them. But, oh, so tempting to Time Binge on the analysis and use of these programs!!! Beware!
Gwen's Messy House Ta Da
Indulging in another screenshot. This shouldn't have taken so long.
Good for you! That seems
Good for you! That seems like some great progress!
gotta say TADA feels pretty good
Despite the time it took. My house feels better. Got the incense burning and all my surfaces, except my bedroom, are sorted. I'm prepared for the week, and will maybe still have time to socialize this late afternoon/evening. Now to make that happen.
nice!I'm downloading it
to do list apps
Just a warning, at least OmniFocus already syncs with the iCal.
iPedro - Just joined the site
Well, I just joined last night and I'm here developing tactics on how to tackle my condition.
Zark Slideshow
How are you doing, iPedro?
Are you putting a dent in it?
Yes! I'm having a very
Yes! Thanks for checking on me.. I'm having a very productive day... aside from the fact that I got up at 1pm and I'll be late for a meeting as I put the finishing touches on a slideshow movie for a client (he tends to be late for meetings too so I'll get off easy on this)
Zark Slideshow
nice check marks, iPedro!
Gnothi Seauton ~ Know Thyself
No meeting
Well, I got some relief today: no meeting. The other party was so late he
I'm ridiculously specific too!
I think it really helps to break things down into small chunks (even if it seems a bit silly ;) )--even when people don't know exactly what I'm talking about, they can usually figure out whether I'm having a good or bad day, and offer congrats/encouragement.
Journey 1:30
Really, really want to play video games all day :) but I'm making some progress on my chores. The weather is beautiful, sunny and cold. That inspires me. Dreary weather makes me depressed.
- exercise - 30 min
X - bathe dogs - 1 hr.
X - clean bathroom after bathing dogs - 30 min
X - take a bath my own self and get dressed flylady style - 30 min
X - have a healthy breakfast - 30 min
IN PROGRESS - more laundry - 1 hr.
- clean kitchen and figure out what to make for dinner (taco bake?) - 30 min
- dinner - 1 hr.
- make a casserole for another night's dinner - 30 min
- piles o'junk that I didn't do yesterday - k counter, my desk - 30 min
X - put away shoes that have accumulated by the bed - 15 min
- straighten and dust lr again - 30 min
- work stuff - bring up the vm systems and read a chapter - 1 hr
- feed birds, water plants - 30 min
- continue catching up personal email - 30 min
- screen time (tv, video games, internet) - 2 hrs.
IN PROGRESS - wash, dry, and change sheets - 1 hr.
- use timer today to limit breaks
Uh, where did I put that timer? OK, NOW I'm going to start using the timer
Mark CI 12:25 PM EST
to do:
- clock 8 hours
- clear 5 bugzilla items
- tape movie on TCM that isn't available on DVD/VHS
- read 1/2 hr
- guitar 1/2 hr
- listen to Julian Bream LP
- clean kitchen
- tidy office
N Bookend
Happy MLK Day.
Have been procrastinating this morning. Got caught up in a snafu with my email account.
"Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today" -- and guess what? I can't fix the problem with my email account. My partner probably can. I need to let go of it and do my next right thing: work.
Taking a 10 minute websurfing break to clear my head.
Will check back in.
Okay. Break over. To
Okay. Break over.
To do:
about 4 hours work
get to meeting
get to gym
Journey 8 am
Good morning! Thanks for the thread starter Elisaveth! Today is a holiday - MLK day here in the US - and I'm tempted to sit around and play video games all day! Some play time is in order for a holiday but I'd like to get some stuff done today too:)
- exercise - 30 min
- bathe dogs - 1 hr.
- clean bathroom after bathing dogs - 30 min
- take a bath my own self and get dressed flylady style - 30 min
- have a healthy breakfast - 30 min
- more laundry - 1 hr.
- clean kitchen and figure out what to make for dinner (taco bake?) - 30 min
- dinner - 1 hr.
- make a casserole for another night's dinner - 30 min
- piles o'junk that I didn't do yesterday - k counter, my desk - 30 min
- put away shoes that have accumulated by the bed - 15 min
- straighten and dust lr again - 30 min
- work stuff - bring up the vm systems and read a chapter - 1 hr
- feed birds, water plants - 30 min
- continue catching up personal email - 30 min
- screen time (tv, video games, internet) - 2 hrs.
- wash, dry, and change sheets - 1 hr.
- use timer today to limit breaks
Hi Journey,
Just wanted to wish you success today. I too use a timer to limit my breaks.
I also play --and sometimes get totally absorbed in -- video games and internet surfing.
I like reading your posts.
Thanks Nan!
Good luck to you too . . . For the Horde!!
For the Horde!!!!
I'm on Earthen Ring. Where are you? Hehe.
Falcon's CI & The Creeping I-Don't Wannas
Hi all,
The U.S. is celebrating Martin Luther King's birthday today -- happy MLK day!
I have a case of the Creeping I-Don't-Wannas. I don't wanna do anything but loaf around, and unfortunately that's not on my to-do list.
O.k., here's the stuff I need to do. . .
But I don't wanna.
Well, this stuff needs to get done.
Aw, but I just wanna loaf around.
Sorry, gotta get this stuff done.
I'll just loaf for a little while first. . .
Hey! No procrastinating! Get moving!
Oh, o.k. (but I still don't wanna!)
Falcon's slowpoke CI
Well, that took forever, but at least I'm clean & dressed & ready for tomorrow. Something I've noticed since I started posting here is that I've become more aware of time & how I'm using it. I'm a bit more likely to just DO little odds & ends as they come up rather than putting them off, and less likely to waste a whole morning doing nothing.
Even though I got sidetracked a lot this morning, I was way more productive than in the past! I got the sheets changed, brushed the cat, sent an email, etc. -- stuff that wasn't on my list but that needed doing and was much better than the loafing around that I would have done if I had been less aware.
Ok., still to do:
Falcon's CI - back from town
O.k., I'm back from town. The store I wanted to go to was closed, so I'll go there when I'm in town on Saturday. But I took a good long walk while in town, which I had wanted to do, so that's good.
I'm a bit short on time before I go to rehearsal, but hopefully I can get everything done. Going to call F.C. and then see how fast I can do a grocery run (no poking around in the aisles!)
Falcon's check back
O.k., got pretty much everything done except the bills, but I did a quick review of them yesterday, so I know there's nothing there that's going to blow up right away.
Good night, all! I don't often get time to check in during the week, but I bet I'll be back when procrastination sets in over the weekend. Meanwhile, wishing everyone a fun & productive week!
no wanna, no cry
Sorry, very cheesy of me, but I couldn't help it. I have had the no wanna's for years: as my old boss used to say "death is no excuse".
9:10 CI for Lark, REALLY COLD
Good morning everyone. It's in the single digits (F), here. Brr! I don't feel like going to the hassle (and expense) of heating and opening my workshop. Cashflow hasn't been great--rather, bills have doubled--and I'd be better off working 10 or 12 hours a day or so later in the week. We procrastinators sometimes don't do that sort of thing very well sometimes. A while back I tried making a "DON'T DO" list, and I need to do that again. It really reduces guilt, frustration at overbooking, and I've also managed to get rid of a few really pesky clients.
track client down to get paid (and if I can't, go to creative financing plan "B")
call about insurance quotes
prepare next work project for tomorrow
put DVDs away
clear off kitchen table
go to 12 step meeting
sort laundry
get trash bags and fill one for tomorrow
check in here around noon
kromer 8:50 CI
Overslept pretty badly (woke up at 8 rather than 6:30!), but I think I was legitimately tired.
So far, I have had breakfast, dressed, and dealt with email (including a panicked email from my advisor).
Overall plan for the day
1)Finish morning routine, do some work from home, pack lunch AND DINNER
2)Go to lab, work on senior proj, meet with advisor 1pm
3)More work on senior proj 1:30-5 (with lots of breaks, I don't want to get fried)
4)Go running, start photocopying lab notebook, dinner 5-7
5)Pysch expt. 7-9, then go home
6)Do an hour of chores, take the rest of the evening off, bed by 11:30 or 12
To start the morning, I need to:
Tidy room, put on makeup.
Figure out dat file issue
Re-run test job, check that issue is resolved
Re-start real job
Pack lunch and dinner, head out
UPDATE 10:00 got directracted by teh internet for about 30 minutes, but I have now figured out the dat file issue, re-started test job, put on makeup. I'm quickly going to look at the test results, make my bed, re-start real job, and pack lunch and dinner. I hope to be out of here by 10:30-10:45, will check in again when I get to lab
kromer 11:30 CI
Running a few minutes late, but not too bad.
Now, need to work hard until meeting at 1
1)Run 2 more analyses (about 10 minutes to get started) STARTED ANALYSES 12:35
2)Look for/Email labmate about canonical pathway starts (if time; this should take about 15 min)
3)Look at results from 3 analyses, compare to canonical pathway, maybe do GO analysis (about 30 minutes)
4)Look into WM issue (about 20 minutes) DONE 12:40, took FOREVER (I was concentrating pretty well, too)
5)Take notes on what I want to talk about at meeting (20 minutes)
6)If time, work on analysis without genetic info (this is a 1-2 hour project, won't get done until after meeting)
All right, go! Don't want to embarass myself at the meeting...
kromer 1:20 CI
OK, back from meeting, it went pretty well.
*Notes from meeting (20 min) DONE 2:15
*Deal with email (10 min) DONE 1:50
*Look at results from 3 analyses, compare to canonical pathway (30 min) DONE 3:00
*Start new WM jobs (30 min)
*Look for/email labmate about canonical pathway starts (15 min)
*Chose a good dataset (30 min)
--Break from senior project work: go start photocopying lab nb (30-45 min)
*Work on analysis without genetic info (1 hr-ish)
kromer 3 CI
All right, I've been slow but have gotten some work done. Now I'm going to force myself to take a break (I know I've earned one and also that I'm losing focus, even though I feel like I should try to keep working). I'm going to get away from the computer for 10-15 min. Then I'll come back and:
Start new WM jobs
Look for canonical pathway starts
Choose a good dataset
UPDATE 3:20: Back from break, will now choose a good dataset
Update 4:40: Dataset mostly chosen (though I need to read a couple papers to be sure), WM jobs started, labmate emailed. Yay! I'll print out papers, then email a student I tutor, then hit the gym. I've gotten through almost all the senior project stuff I wanted to do today (all except analysis without genetic info), which makes me feel really good.
kromer 6:50
Printed papers, emailed student, went to gym, had dinner.
Copy shop was closed, so lab notebook copying will have to wait until tomorrow--instead I started reading paper on my dataset, but only made a little progress.
Now I'm off to pysch experiment. Then I'll head home, clean the kitchen if no one else has signed up to do it, otherwise do 1 hr of mics. chores. Check in when that's done...think I need to do some work on my senior project tonight. Should check in again around 10:30
kromer 10:00
Did pysch expt and made a little money, then came home and had a snack.
I have to clean the kitchen tonight, but it's still full of people, so that needs to wait until about 10:30 to start.
I was lazy and watched part of a movie, but now I have torn myself away and am sitting down to work. I feel pretty fried, but I need to work anyway :P Oh well, I know I'll be glad when it's done.
1)Put on some happy energetic music and work for 30 minutes (with a timer, in 8 minutes on-2 minutes off chunks) on analysis with gene info (10:30 not done, but made good progress, now moving on to laundry)
2)Start laundry
3)Clean kitchen. Try to do it efficiently, 80 minutes or less. (Put laundry in the dryer in the middle of cleaning
4)Email L about transcriptional weights
5)Fold laundry
OK, go!
kromer 12:15 CI
I'm too tired to wait for my laundry to finish, but everything else on my list is done. Now to bed!
e's morning check in
Today started off with a series of misunderstandings at work which I am worrying about: things are not always logical to my mind here. I need to turn the anxiety over to my higher power or else I will obsess all day. I have a lot to do today, so here we go....
goals for the day
meds x
water x
breakfast x
call C in sick
finish cooking rooster
strip beds
dust mop
finish charitable contributions
call U. Mass on residency
write Iliana on w2's x
write Anna to send mail on taxes
call Martin F.
use instant boss
check on C, make doctor's appointment X
Update: I have been working, but not as productively as I had hoped. I must leave sson to go off to the doctor's with C, and I am feeling a bit headachy and not-want-to-deal kind of mood. I am not relishing being out in the cold, nor being on foot, and want nothing more but to curl up in bed with a cup of tea and a good book, but that is not in the plans. I am dreading making a phone call to the tax guy. Got to, though.
e's dreaded phone call
I made the yucky phone call to the incredibly nice tax guy (who I will be paying through the nose for) and it really was not so hard. I still have to do the work, but he is going to let me know what I must give him. I don't like relying on anyone else - control freak that I am - but sometimes it is just worth it to pay up and realize that I don't actually run the world. (who knew?)
Great on the phone call!
(I hate the phone ...)
hooray for the phone call to the tax man
E -- congrats on the phone call!
Congratulations on getting that done! Phone calls can be like six-foot frogs, so that's something to be proud of. I'm glad the tax guy turned out to be nice!
e's check out
Thanks for your congratulations on the phone call to the tax guy! I appreciate all the kudos I can get!
This evening has been a mix of procrastination and effort: my son was sick today so we were at the doctors and then the lab for a strep test for a few hours tonight. Luckily, I had started supper last night, so I had most of it made by the time we got home, so it was a healthy meal. I got a case of the don't wanna's this evening: I just didn't want to deal with the kitchen, I wanted someone else to. It took more motivation than effort, but I did a rough job of it, and my older son kept his end of the deal and dealt with the pots and pans.
I procrastinated a lot this evening: there was a difficult phone conversation that my husband had which I had to listen to from this end: it upset me and I acted out because of my anger over it by playing hexic, having a glass of wine. The charitable contributions did not get touched tonight, but I feel okay about that: life sometimes gets in the way and tomorrow will be another day.
Tonight I am grateful for:
this wonderful quote from MLK which I am borrowing from the flylady site:
"To take the first step in faith, you don't have to see the whole
staircase: just take the first step." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The support of my husband through the day
my son's fabulous sense of humor
clothes that fit me
the confidence to try new things, even if it is only a new recipe
a boss who values me
the willingness to do take baby steps towards big goals
laying my clothes out tonight for tomorrow
flaxseed oil
the words of others in this fellowship