Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

scarlett CI 10:00 pm EST

Well, I'm clearly not going to be in bed by 10 pm, but overall I feel really good about what I got done today.

Ta da:
Scoop pans
Cook dinner
Do my rehab
Go to a meeting
Do dishes (20 minutes)

To do:
Take a shower
Lights out by 10:30 pm

Put away clothes (10 minutes)

scarlett CI 7:40 pm EST

Off to meeting.  Will do the rest & take a shower when I get home... goal is to be in bed by 10 pm so I can read a little and meditate before turning out the light.

Ta da:
Scoop pans
Cook dinner
Do my rehab

To do:
Go to a meeting
Do dishes (20 minutes)
Put away clothes (10 minutes)

scarlett CI 7:15 pm EST

Ta da:
Scoop pans
Cook dinner

To do:
Do my rehab
Go to a meeting
Do dishes (20 minutes)
Put away clothes (10 minutes)

elisaveth mid evening check in

Today started out poorly, but really got much better with a combination of 12 step work, journaling and eft. I was able to work through a pile of work and let go of a lot of fear today. This evening I feel better, and have allowed myself to accept what I cannot change and try to change the things I can. The college applications are in, for better or worse, and now I appear to have moved on as I am sitting in a pile of tax stuff.

Gratitude list:
applications are over
willingness high
cooked a healthy meal
worked on pile
walked to work
planned and made dinner
K is okay
C's family is okay
chores being done
reward time

re: elisaveth mid evening check in

Great job! College applications and taxes...either one could cause a system shutdown. Sounds like a big day.


taxes and college applications

Thanks for the encouragement, but I was in a supporting role, lol, my son was doing the college applications, and I was doing the editorial reviews. However, you are absolutely right, they were things I was shutting down on. I am particularly happy because I have been flipping out about tax related stuff, afraid to be honest with my family about some resentments I had and was able to speak my truth to my sister-in-law yesterday night: it cleared a lot up for me so I could move forward. The taxes I am working on are LAST YEARS LOL, but I actually will have to complete them and THIS YEARS by the 1st of February for financial aid applications. It has been my personal nightmare and I am so relieved to be unstuck about working on them.

new here

I'm a new here but it seems that I have found the right place (although perhaps not within the webiste). I'm happy that I found this site but depressed and anxious because of the level of procrastination that has manifested in the last couple of days. It hurts my life in so many ways. I want to change but apperently (and this is a new concept for me), my addiction has become very strong. The things that I do make me even more depressed (pornography being the number one enemy). I feel like I have no control. This addiction is really killing me inside. Anyway, I hope this website helps a bit. I need to help myself get back in control.

welcome, dizzle

Welcome, Dizzle, I hope you find this fellowship helpful. Procrastination manifests itself in many ways, just like all addictive behaviors do. It is common to put down one behavior and pick up another, which is why I like 12 step programs. No matter which program, the components are the same. A suggestion for you: if the pornography addiction is foremost you may also find help at sex & love anonymous, which focuses specifically on sexual addictive behaviors.

freer 11

I have procrastinated at least an hour or two this morning on a day with not enough time. Ugh. that I have completed that task...

1 hour O
meet with OG
3 hours BCBS



freer 4

I'm feel happy I caught myself mid-procrastination today. That's a change. I also didn't proceed to procrastinate thinking about the time I had just wasted...

now - 1 hour O
postpone -meet with OG
--3 hours BCBS

Journey 9 am

Mornin' ***yawn*** not really with it this morning .  . . my desk is a mess and my mind is disorganized too.  I've checked my email, now I'm going to spend a few minutes getting my desk and thoughts together, back in a few minutes with my to do list.  I have software install stuff still going on today so that will probably take most of the morning. 


"Some day suck less than others, and that's what keeps me going" - D A Deeb

Journey 11:30

Well, a little late to be making my todo list for the day but here goes anyway! 

X - gym
X - read email (30 min actual)
X - organizing desk (30 min actual)
X - daily planning (30 min)
X - review yesterday's s/w install progress (30 min)
X - staff meeting (1 hr.)
X - check on fsa
 - more s/w install - 2 hrs
 - more visio diagram - 2 hrs.
 - jan 15 budget - limit to 15 min
 - personal folder aka pile - 10 min
 - fill out that stupid form - 10 min
 - small projects if time (pev2 removal;server removal) - 30 min
 - Toastmasters officers meeting - maybe skip it - we have two project managers as officers this year and they can talk forever about nothing.  :grin: I hate this meeting and it's non-productive.  Yep, I think I just decided to skip it.
- dishes/laundry
- go to bed early, feeling tired today


"Some day suck less than others, and that's what keeps me going" - D A Deeb

8:50am CI for Lark (feelin' more positive today)

Good morning everyone. Things seem a bit better in my world (head?) today. Yeterday I was overwhelmed, overbooked, over... with work when my neighbor kid asked if I needed any parttime help, and basically he did three hours'  worth of tidying and organizing that I've been putting off for days. This just may work out well. I tried to break yesterday down into hourly segments, and even that worked "okay". Of course dressing like a pirate and wearing ballet slippers would probably work too--until procrastination learns how to counter it. I'm speaking a bit satirically, but you know what I mean.

 find stopping point with present project with work
 start next project, and focus this afternoon
 clear kitchen table

dressing like a pirate and wearing ballet slippers

Don't tempt me!

dressing like a pirate and wearing ballet slippers

Maybe I'll try that lol

"Some day suck less than others, and that's what keeps me going" - D A Deeb

new fashion trend

I can see it on the runways now, and here come Lark and Journey in matching avant garde Piroette Jack Sparrow slippers, LOL!

kromer 7:30 CI

Busy busy day. Here's my plan:
1)Finish and submit my DOE app (-8)
2)Finish prep for tutoring job--look over AP bio labs (-8:30)
3)Tidy room, make bed, deal with email (-9)
4)Walk to campus (-9:30)
5)Print out journal articles (-10)
6)Meet with lab tech (-11)
7)Change code to use Xgraphs (-12:30)
8)Toastmasters (-1:30)
9)Tutoring (-4:30)
10)Change code/work on proposal/break as needed (-5:30)
11)Bible study and dinner (-7:30)
Whew! I'm tired just typing it. I'll get through all this, and then make a plan for the evening when I get home. Check in as needed to stay on track.

kromer 9 CI

Done with DOE (a bit late, but it's in!)
Now, quickly finish up tutoring prep
UPDATE 8:45 done with tutoring prep, now tidy room and deal with email

kromer 11:15 CI

Tidied room, dealt with email, walked to campus, met with lab tech, took notes on meeting.
(I didn't manage to print off journal articles, but that's not super-urgent)
Now I'm going to work on changing code...I've been working on this for a while, but in short bursts so I keep forgetting what I'm doing ;)
I'm just going to get it all done today, then I can forget about it! I'll work on it until 12:30, then have other stuff until 4:30ish, then will work on it again until 5:30, then again 7:30-until its done.
Check back in a bit with a plan for how to change the code (so I won't just be floundering)
UPDATE 11:30 plan for changing code
Turns out I'd taken pretty good notes (yay me!), I'm not as lost as I start
1)Go through code in order, make all the changes I've noted down
2)Test that it runs
3)Test a couple vertices and weights to make sure they loaded right
4)Check whether there are directed edges in existing graphs; if not, convert these graphs to Xgraphs
5)Run a real job with new code!

kromer 12:20 CI

I'm plugging through making the changes, making decent progress.
I'm off to toastmasters now, check back in at 4:30 or 5

kromer 5:10 CI

Did toastmasters and tutoring.
Need to leave for church in 20 minutes, so I don't have time to work on my code, but I will try to use my waiting time effectively...I'll deal with email, send a thank-you to the prof. who got me a tutoring job, and start filling out  an interview form. Check back in around 7:30 or 8.

kromer 8:20 CI

Home from church, had some food.
To do tonight:
Laundry (30 min)
Interview Form (30 min)
Clean bathrooms (1.5 hrs)
Work on Xgraphs code (1-2 hrs)

My refrain tonight: "I don't want to, but I'll do it anyways" because I know I'll be glad when my chores etc. are done.
I'm going to put on some very energetic music and do my interview form.
I'll check in when that's done, then put on some grungy clothes, start my laundry and clean the bathrooms.

UPDATE 8:55 Done with interview form.
Now I'm going to start laundry and clean bathrooms.
I'll take a short break/have a snack when I'm done with that, then check back in around 10:30

kromer 10:50 CI

OK, cleaned bathroom, took a shower, laundry will come out of the dryer in about 30 minutes.

I'm going to force myself to spend 3 8-minute chunks on my code. Then I'll go fold my laundry and call it a night.

elisaveth 1:00 PM check in

I am suffering great anxiety today that someone will find out what a fraud I am. So, I am Instant Bossing myself and EFT'ing away.

Today To Do:
plan dinnerx
double check payments for A
Sort out pile on desk
transfer money
pick up results
clean kitchen floor
questions for JSB

Feeling like a fraud...

I worry about that too! I spend an awful lot of time thinking "Today's the day they'll find out I'm really dumb" ;)
If this EFT thing helps you, maybe I should try it.
Much luck today!

Today's the day they'll find out

Me too! 


"Some day suck less than others, and that's what keeps me going" - D A Deeb

thank you, Kromer!

It does help me, when I use it, although you have to be willing to do it! Today I am at a place where I am even feeling afraid to do it... in case it doesn't work! The other thing that helps is taking the first three steps: I type them out with my eyes closed, or I start to journal my emotions, and it helps me get past that deep-seated fear.