Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

pro's CI - 7pm (a productive evening?)

I'm home from work. Usually I'm a vegetable when I get home, but tonight I'm thinking I should try to do a few things. I didn't water my plants on Sunday, so that needs doing. And also I'd like to spend 15 minutes on the dreaded pile (my New Year Resolution).

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

so much for productive

I ended up getting into a long (and enjoyable) discussion with two of my neighbors. On the plus side, I'm ready for bed. Maybe I can get something done in the morning?

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

RR's CI, 6:40 PM

to do:
get photos
read ad manual

freer CI

I've been blessed with an overload of people needing me and needing me to do things for them. My reaction is to feel overwhelmed. I'm happy that I've been staying fairly conscious in the midst of it. Being part of this forum kept me on track several times in the last couple days. Thank you!

finish first draft for O
revise latest overview for BCBS
visit M & B at hospital
finish capture for J

A close friend's son tried to kill himself Sunday. It puts things in perspective. I'm prone to think my life is hard. It also reminds me that I need to keep focused on people in my life rather than tasks that need to be done.


scarlet CI 12:10 pm EST

Got a little off track... and I'm avoiding the frogs.  Maybe I'll mix 'em in with my lunch.  Tongue out

Focus:  invite, then type up review, dishes, eat lunch
Next CI: 1 pm

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Do phone log items
Send email re: rent
Call in refill
Sort mail
Break down steps for report
Talk to A re: review
Order new business cards

To do:
Type up invite
Finish review
Type up review
Update equip list
Reg SCC (started)
F/u Friday meeting
Sched reg. mtg w/ A (& go to landfill)
Sched mtg w/ GG & n00b
Respond PK re: staging

Bank (dep cash & checks)

Pay DC bill
Fax reg & give to G

Pay visa bill
Pay sprint bill?

Fill out waiver

scarlett CI 11:00 am EST

Focus: finish reg, then review
Next CI: 12 pm

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Do phone log items
Send email re: rent
Call in refill
Sort mail
Break down steps for report
Talk to A re: review

To do:
Finish review
Type up review
Update equip list
Reg SCC (started)
F/u Friday meeting
Order new business cards
Pay DC bill
Pay visa bill
Sched reg. mtg w/ A (& go to landfill)
Sched mtg w/ GG & n00b
Respond PK re: staging

Fill out waiver

N's CI 10:42

To do:

5 hours dissertation work.
See new therapist.

I had hoped for 6, but I got up too late. :(
Well, I have to go with the "perfectly imperfect" little-by-slowly.

I could use some prayers about the therapist.  Feeling quite worried. A lot is going on lately and I'm worried she'll judge me and judge a bunch of stuff going on in my life . . .

"It's none of my business what you think of me, but my very life [sobriety] depends on what I think of you."
Love that quote.

Have a nice day, everyone.

Thinking of you...

It's so hard to find a good therapist - I hope this one works out for you.

Nan - best of luck


Best of luck with the new therapist.  Assuming this is for counseling, not for physical therapy or something -- if she does judge you, I recommend changing therapists!  You deserve help & support, and being judged isn't going to do that.  (Not that a physical therapist should be judging you either, come to think of it. . .)

Hope all goes well.


pro's CI - 10am (late, late, late)

Trying to get out of here. I'm late!

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

9:40am CI for Lark

Still not doing well, and can't figure out why. I have so much to do for work, and I'm literally screening phone calls for current and prospective clients. It's a big thing to go thru to hire an employee in this (and probably most) state, and if would waste as much time as just doing things myself. Today I'm going to break things down into hourly bites, just to try something new. You'll see if  it works when I do.
10-11: sweep workshop floor, take truck to neighbor's, cover one section of work project, change tire on car
11-12: go to bank and post office, feed dog, call client about his project, vacuum sand, another section of work project, finish today's list 

scarlett CI 10:00 am EST

On track so far...

Focus: Break down steps for report, talk to A
Next CI:   10:45

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Do phone log items
Send email re: rent
Call in refill

To do:
Break down steps for report
Type up review
Talk to A re: review
Update equip list
Fill out waiver
F/u Friday meeting
Pay DC bill
Pay visa bill

Journey 9:30

Gradually getting back into the caffeine habit now that I'm back on my regular schedule . . . not a good thing but not horrible I guess. I'm keeping it to a half cup in the mornings so far. 

Same scheduling issues as yesterday, the s/w install may or may not happen today.  I didn't really accomplish as much as I had hoped yesterday, mainly because this visio diagram is a mofo.  I didn't include the learning curve for this product in my planned time, so I haven't made alot of progress but I have really been working on it a good bit.  This is an opportunity to improve my planning skills and work on my New Years resolution of making realistic plans.  

X - gym
X - bank
X - read email (30 min actual)
X - daily planning (30 min actual)
 - organize email GTD style - 30 min
 - s/w install OR review linux install plan - 3 hours
 - register myself for TLI
 - Jan 15 budget
 - little projects (server remove, pev2 remove) - 30 min
 - finish frickin visio diagram - 2 hrs
 - laundry/dishes - 30 min
 - dinner - 1 hr.
 - TV time - 2 hrs.

American Idol starts tonight.  I don't watch much TV but I confess to being a huge fan of this show.  It's a family event, we all watch together and my daughter's best friend usually comes over to watch too.  It's a big water cooler discussion show at work too.  So I don't feel too guilty about it as it's a social thing.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  


"Some day suck less than others, and that's what keeps me going" - D A Deeb

journey 4 pm

s/w install is a go for today, yay - been working on this most of the day.  Could have done a little more multi-tasking instead of sitting here watching the cd load and daydreaming, but the s/w is the most important thing.  It's taken longer than expected, like everything else I plan :) but it's going.


"Some day suck less than others, and that's what keeps me going" - D A Deeb

Falcon's CI - home today

I'm taking a sick day today, to keep my ear-nose-throat bug from turning into laryngitis.  Needing to take it easy, but not needing to spend the day in bed & able to do non-strenuous stuff.

So, here are some things I could do today:

fold lots of laundry
write thx. notes
balance checkbook
sort The Pile
pay bills
email M.
write to S.
look for missing music binder
play through songs
read about m.a. techniques

None of these are things I HAVE to do today.  So I figure if I get any of them done, I'm entitled to feel smug about it, right?  Wink


Arg! Pile-o-phobia!

Aargh!  I sorted The Pile, and found an unpaid bill that I would have sworn I had paid before leaving for vacation.  Now I'm late on it.  Dang it!

I hate when I find nasty surprises hidden in The Pile.  I think it becomes a cycle. . . next time around I'm more anxious about tackling it for fear of what might be in there.  So I'm more likely to procrastinate on it.  So when I do tackle it I'm more likely to find something forgotten/late. . . which is a nasty surprise, etc.

Oh well, at least I got it sorted and the bill paid, when I could have sat around reading my book, so I guess that's the bright side.


Pile hater

  I got a pit when I read "The Pile". I wish I could not relate. The late bill is also all too familiar. Good job taking it on and moving in the right direction!


massive pile builder (and hater)

Me too, me too. It's my worst problem. I started working on it, and it's already building up again.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

scarlett CI 9:15 am EST

Basically slept all day yesterday, missing work.  Not good.

Still tired today.

Here, and trying to move slowly and deliberately.

Focus: Breakfast, pill, phone log
Next CI: 9:45

To do:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Do phone log items
Break down steps for report
Update equip list
Send email re: rent

I commit to using Instant Boss today.

Instant Boss?

Is this a tool?

Instant Boss!

I like this one: it definately is better than the timer I have been using. Thanks, Scarlett, Journey!

I hope it works for you! 

I hope it works for you!  It is helpful for me, when I remember to use it!

instant boss

Instant Boss is a downloadable timer/reminder thingy that runs on your computer.  I don't use Instant Boss but I use a timer which is a similar concept I think. 


"Some day suck less than others, and that's what keeps me going" - D A Deeb

kromer 7 CI

Good morning!
To start the day:
Breakfast (DONE)
--Wasted about 45 minutes webflipping, now I'm going to be late to lab. Stoopid me.
read background article (DONE)
Finish rough essay on high-performance computing (do more research if necessary) (DONE)
Deal with email (DONE)
Walk to lab

kromer 12:40 CI

In lab.
Have taken care of a few chores (made interview travel arrangements, cancelled appointment)
Big ol' plan for the rest of the day:
1)Work in lab until 4:40
2)Go pick up library book
3)Psych expt 5-6
4)Go running,shower 6-7
5)Watch movie, eat dinner with friends 7-9
6)Walk home 9-9:30
7)Revise and submit DOE essays, 9:30-11:30

Specific plan for lab:
1)Figure out how edge weights are computed now, look at distribution (until 1:15) (DONE)
2)Brainstorm ideas for how to change edge weights (until 1:45 or 2) (DONE)
--Short break, email A (DONE)
3)Try out 2 different ideas: plot weights, run code, look over results, do GO analysis of results (until 3:30 or 4) (DONE, except I decided GO analysis of results didn't make much sense at this point)
--Short break, take a short walk, maybe have a snack (DONE)
4)Print out interesting journal articles
5)If time, start cleaning up computer desktop (DONE)
My lab stuff today is pretty interesting, so I hope I'll be able to stay on track!

kromer 11:00 CI

OK, I had a really productive afternoon in lab, did my psych experiment, went to the gym, went to dinner and movie...then came home and just wasted time. I talked to friends, which was fun (and certainly much better than websurfing, which generally leaves me blue), but I need to get my DOE app done!
Plan: Revise POS essay (30 min)
Call friend to ask for feedback on supercomputing essay, revise it (30-60 min, depending on what she says)
And I'll finish the other one in the morning.
Check back in when I finish each revision!

kromer 11:40 CI

Done revising the supercomputers essay, and started revising the program of study essay. Almost done for the night!

kromer 12:10 CI

Finished revising POS essay. Also did most of my revisions of 3rd essay...I have 2 sentences left to fix in the morning, I plan to have the application submitted by 8am.

elisaveth's new day

water x
meds x
walk x
shower x
calendar X
clear desk in progress...
plan dinner
gratitude list
big book
step 4

elisaveth's check out

Today was not a wash, but I got sucked into Helix again for large swaths of time. This evening has been the deadline for getting my son's college applications off, and it has been funny, painful, anxiety filled and exhausting for all of us. I just found out that the financial aid applications are due by February 1st! I won't have my w2 information by then!

I have been suffering insomnia lately, and I am hoping that tonight will be less disruptive. I think that I will have to burn the midnight oil until the application suppliments are fully edited and submitted: I would dearly like to go to bed instead.

Good things that happened today: walked to and from work
cleared a space on my desk
implemented Instant Boss THANK YOU SCARLETT AND JOURNEY!
found a nice present hugely on sale for next Christmas
made a tasty healthy dinner
negotiated a peace treaty between my son and my husband for play/reward time
called in a laundry request
drank water
made a gratitude list
took back my life one ten minute segment at a time