Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Wednesday 9 January 2008
Welcome to
Wednesday !
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better late than never
it's the middle of the night, but i have to start sometime:
before my son wakes up at 7:00, I will
unpack from our vacation
decide my office hours and teaching schedule for the coming semester
email professor M
email A&M re my work schedule
prepare my thoughts for work this afternoon
outline or begin work on essay 1
I did it!
The support actually helps. I felt like I had someone on my side throughout.
The emails to A&M didn't happen, but I submitted quality work to Prof. M. Wasn't entirely as productive as I'd like to be, but am proud of what I did accomplish.
Have a beautiful day (and stay tuned for more lists from me... I'm excited that this is helping).
Journey 9:45
Running a bit late this morning, Atlanta Traffic is back to normal since school started back, so just doing a quick check in to get the day started right!
X - Gym
- DR meeting (a meeting I like for a change)
- Staff meeting
- work on WPS project as much as possible
- rename ich modules - do it today
- fill up shampoo and cond for ex bag - or else!
- register ina for training and work on club budget
- File FSA
- fill out the new form for SL
- if time work on bpxserve
- dishes/laundry
- dinner?
- continue working on AO org.
- oh, yeah, and email
That's my quick and dirty list - headed to my Disaster Recovery meeting - this is a project I really enjoy working on. One thing I love about this company is they take DR seriously, put funding and staffing into it, and test it quarterly. Other places I've worked had Disaster Recovery plans but they were a joke and would never really work in a disaster.
Journey 1 pm
Been fairly busy so far this morning with back to back meetings, had lunch and now getting to work on WPS project. Meeting with coworker at 2:30 to compare notes and discuss plans, so should be able to stay on track knowing I need to be ready for that meeting.
Check in again at 4 or whenever we finish the meeting.
Journey 3 pm
Taking a 15 minute break then checking in again. I'm getting my head around the huge new project a little bit and starting to enjoy it. It's really fun right now because some individuals in management have promised other individuals certain things that are impossible without buying new hardware, which is not in the budget. So there is much fingerpointing, blamefests, and poo-flinging going on around here today. It's highly entertaining.
I'm still feeling productive - partly due to getting back on a regular schedule and partly due to getting back on my anti-craziness drugs. I realized I had been taking meds VERY sporadically over the holidays, which probably contributed to my extreme distractibility last week. Better living through chemistry!
9:20 am CI for Lark
Ugh, I've been fighting a cold all week, and I think it's winning this morning. One thing I want to to today involves paint remover, so perhaps I'll detour around that. One of my clients can be a real so and so, and I've posted about planning to "fire" him. An encounter yesterday just reinforced that. He's not nasty--just a know it all--and that's fertile ground for a whopping case of demand resistance on my part. Each day I hope to gradually chip away at his project and make them both history.
moring things
spiritual period
finish main work project
work two hours on long-term project
finish section of dreaded client's project
usual house cleaning swoop
check in here at lunchtime
Ok yesterday was a little hectic I ended up working 4 extra hours so most of that list did not get done. My goal toady is to finish that list. I added check ins throughout the day maybe that will help.
Morning Routine
Find Mail that was lost
Cancell One Family TODAY
x Call insurance company for home TODAY
Call insurance company for scripts TODAY
x Call furniture store re delivery mix up
x Check in at 11:00
Work 12 - 6
Finish putting up Christmas
Clean up Bedroom
Clean Bathroom
Check in at 9:00 p.m.
Last check in
x Morning Routine
x Laundry
Find Mail that was lost - still looking took apart computer room
Cancell One Family TODAY
x Call insurance company for home TODAY
Call insurance company for scripts TODAY started not done insurance co. drive me insane
x Call furniture store re delivery mix up
x Check in at 11:00
x Work 12 - 6
x Dinner
x Dishes
x Finish putting up Christmas
Clean up Bedroom started didnt realize closets were that bad
x Clean Bathroom
xCheck in at 9:00 p.m. late but done
I feel like I did alot more today but I could not tell you what it was. lol
Hi freshstart!
Looks like you got a lot done today :)
If you feel like you did a lot more, you must have been insanely productive.
kromer 6:55 CI
Morning all :)
I will get dressed, have a good breakfast, finish repairing my coat, make my bed and tidy my room, pack a lunch, read my Bible and then check in again.
UPDATE 8:30 Done! Except I can't finish reparing my coat until my roommate wakes up.
Next I will deal with email, read 20 pages of my R manual, fix my coat (if my roommate is awake), and head to lab.
kromer 10:30 CI
Now on campus (did reading and dealt with email, fixing coat postponed until this evening). Plan for the rest of the morning:
1)Go through R sample session
2)(Until 12:00)Try to figure out R script, read more R manual as needed
3)Photocopy new lab notebook
4)Return library book
5)Toastmasters mtg 12:30-1:30
6)Check in 1:30 with plan for afternoon
kromer 2:20 CI
Finished my morning to-do list :) (I just finished up the copying, which didn't get done before toastmasters)
I'm going to take a 15 minute break, have a snack.
Then, I'll go to lab, and get IDs and sequences corresponding to probeIDs--I figured out the script this morning, so it should only take 1-2 hours. Once I've done this, I'll start THEME running on the sequences. If I have extra time, I'll work on figuring out the BiNGO plugin.
I'm leaving for my religious poetry class at 5:30. Check in when I get back from that, around 7:30.
UPDATE 2:50 back from break, in lab (got a bit sidetracked :( )
UPDATE 4:20 got rough converted IDs and genome locations. Now I need to cross-reference names of converted IDs with names of original IDs, to make sure I've got the right ones. Shouldn't be too bad. When I've done that, getting sequences should only take a few minutes.
UPDATE 4:30 trouble getting started on cross-referencing IDs, so I'm going to at least do sth useful (type up my DOE POS essay)
UPDATE 4:45 Essay is typed, now it's time to face up to the dreaded IDs :grin: I will work on ID cross-refs until 5:15, and then if I want to stop I can.
UPDATE 5:30 IDs cross-reffed :) I have to get seq.s and start THEME runs when I get back, but this is reasonably automated and shouldn't take too long (fingers crossed). Now off to religious poetry!
kromer 5:50 CI: grr to me!
I realized I'd lost my sweater, had to go look for it, and now can't make it to my class. Argh, I hate how scattered I am :-( (this forum really needs and angry smiley)
Oh well, I'll at least try to use the time I have wisely.
I'll get the sequences now, then head home and make dinner. Will check back when I'll finished with dinner, around 7:30 or 8. (UPDATE 6: sequences gotten!)
kromer 8:30 CI
Home, had dinner (with lots of leftovers made for the rest of the week), organized my stuff a bit.
->Start THEME runs (30 min)
->Get BiNGO plugin and figure out how to use it (30 min)
->Repare coat (15 min)
->Work on DOE "computational science" essay (I'm dreading this essay, so I'm just going to work on it for 3 10-minute chunks.)
->Go through notes to myself, take care of as many as I can (1 hr)
Ready, set, go!
Update 10:40 figured out how to use BiNGO, then got distracted for an hour and a half.
Now I'm back, but exhausted. So my revised plan is:
->Take care of some notes to myself, for 15 minutes (Done, though spent longer on it that intended)
->Start THEME runs (Done! And quick, too)
->Post some results from BiNGO analysis (Done, though results are not posted in a particularly clear format)
->Shower, pray, and bed a bit early (To bed!)
Toastmasters!! yay
I'm a toastmaster too
movingalong's Wednesday list