Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I cleared my spam folder, put away the clean dishes, and a few other small tasks. My teeth are brushed now, and I'm going to bed. I have work tomorrow so it's late!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I ended up cleaning the toilet. It was gross. You can't wash the floor without cleaning the toilet. So tomorrow I'll just have the sink and tub to do - and water the plants.
I also washed the kitchen floor.
I need to get ready for bed now - brush my teeth, etc.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Have you discussed the heater issue with your local tenants rights organization? (or if you own your apartment, there must be some apartment association you can appeal to?)
I noticed you mentioned a humidifier. You said you cleaned it. Did you change the filter? I discovered once my humidifier was making me sick because there was mold growing on the filter. I had to change it frequently or it did me harm.
I'm certain it's paint vapors from the new radiator (installed last year) that's giving me problems. There's nothing to be done about it. The vapors will burn off eventually. The heat's off again now (legitimately - it's not that cold out) so I'll be able to sleep tonight.
Yes, I changed the filter on the humidifier. In fact, when I put it away at the end of the winter, I throw the filter out. I always put in a new one when I start using it again.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
The heat's on again and my eyes are starting to itch. What a pain.
I'm tired and don't want to do a lot more, but I want to at least clean the bathroom floor so I'm not tracking the dirt back into the area I cleaned. I'll water the plants tomorrow - rest tomorrow.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Laundry is done and clean clothes put away. That was quite a workout - four loads up and down four flights of stairs. My back hurts, feet hurt. I still haven't cleaned the bathroom.
I think I'll put my feet up and rest for an hour, then wash the dishes and clean the bathroom. Maybe I'll eat dinner - I'm hungry.
Forgot to water plants - need to do that, too.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
All this cleaning has made my breathing very tight and I'm wheezing. I think it's the dust I kicked up from dusting and vacuuming. I should have worn a mask.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I hadn't done a really thorough cleaning in a long time, and the allergic reaction was getting really bothersome. New York Heating is here to fix the boiler (again). I wonder if I'll start sneezing again when the heat comes back on.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I'm ready to go to the laundromat. It's already dark. Ugh. And it's a heavy load to carry, with two blankets. Maybe I should take it in two loads, but I hate going up and down the stairs.
Meanwhile, there's no heat...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
More deep cleaning... Cleaned humidifier and turned it on, cleaned fireplace area, dusted top of cabinet and CD case, replaced broken extension cord.
I haven't finished in this room and haven't gotten to the bathroom at all yet, but if I don't leave now to do laundry I won't have time. They close at 8pm. I'm not going to wash the rug. I'm washing the blankets - that's enough. I vacuumed the rug a lot.
Time to pack up for the laundromat now...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I have been away with my sisters for a week and my children returned from their holidays in the States last night. The earthquake shook us awake this morning at 4 or so (everything is fine, thank goodness) but everyone was a bit 'shook up' and had a hard time getting back to sleep. Slowly I am unearthing myself from the holiday stuff, but won't really be able to do much until my sisters leave on Wednesday. In the meantime, it is back to work for me tomorrow, and back to school for the children who are 7 hours off schedule. I am dreading tomorrow, so I need to plan/do today.
backpack x laundry put away x medsx water bed unpack x kitchen sinkx coffee table dining table in progress plan supper choose clothing plan dinner give megan and shana contact sheet invite o for dinner
taxes, taxes, taxes (asap) bill pay practicum babystep: create folders for each lesson plan
I cleaned the window sills. In New York, that's an extremely disgusting job. I wasn't thorough (that would take hours), but I got rid of the worst of it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I'm doing a major clean of my apartment in an attempt to get rid of whatever is making me sneeze. I'm dusting on the top of the tallest shelves and the bottom shelves of bookcases, moving furniture, crawling under the radiators, etc. I just stripped the bed, flipped the mattress, and swept beneath.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Hi Pro :-) If you've got a lot of books in your appartment you might want to quickly flip their pages out on the balcony or out a window to get rid of the dust that's accumulated over the pages. Books are horrible when it comes to amassing dust. They're probably one reason why you're sneezing - them and other problem areas with too much dust. Also, make sure your pillow case and bed sheets are regularly changed and always fresh and laundered. It's often where you lay your face that the problem lies. I get allergies from dust, so I know how annoying it feels. Hope you find the problem soon and feel better :-) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
I haven't done much. I would love to declutter, but my apartment is simply to small for all the things I need to live.
I just unplugged my radio - causing all kinds of stuff to fall behind the cabinet - because I couldn't find the remote to turn it off. I'm feeling very frustrated and annoyed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
X empty USB X go shopping - buy med R - buy oil - BH: AP - oxy - give mom slacks to fix ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
I'm developing an allergy to something in my apartment. If the window isn't open, I sneeze and my eyes water. I don't know what it is. That's a problem because it's cold outside and I don't want to leave the window open. I decided to clean today and do laundry (wash the rag rug) - maybe it's dust?
I want to start making my own, non-toxic cleaning supplies, but I can't quite get myself to throw out what I already have. I took all the cleaning supplies off the shelf and washed the shelf, but now I think I'll put everything back.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I sometimes use kerosene heaters when I work, and they've been getting to me lately. Also, I use lots of industrial chemicals, and when both meet, some pretty nasty smells occur. I think I need to use the regular heating system and pay the extra bucks for fuel. One thing I did try, and it really works well, is use plain ol' water and a washing cloth for cleaning most things these days. For the most part it does just fine, and it's virtually free.
I think it's something about the radiators that's triggering the allergies. It started when the weather got really cold and the radiators started going full blast. I think the paint on the new radiator emits vapors that I'm allergic to. I'm hoping that if there's less dust in here (I'm allergic to dust mites), it will give me one less thing to react to. I can't do anything about the radiator paint.
I found my humidifier while cleaning. I think I'll use it. It's been very dry in here.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Good morning everyone. I'm not feeling up to par today, it's damp and dreary here, and I'm sort of frustrated. Doing nothing will just make things worse, so I've decided to focus on things which will have a good chance at succeeding. Today: (X)morning routine (X)go to church work two hours on kitchen (X) put photos in boxes (instead of on table) walk around everywhere here with trash bag until it's filled (X)set up projects in workshop for tomorrow (X)visit friend this evening (X)check in this afternoon
Morning plan: Done: dress, breakfast, check email, figure out how to make error bars Next: 1)Last changes to NDSEG essay (20 min) 2)Last changes to NDSEG app (20 min) 3)Look over and submit NDSEG (20 min) --Check in-- 4)Tidy room a bit, leave for church (10-20 min, leave 9:45 at the latest) --CI when I get back, around 12:30-- EDIT 9: NDSEG almost done, but submission will have to wait until my roommate wakes up and I can look up one last thing. Instead, I'll work on my graphs until 9:30, then get ready to leave.
Back late (went out to lunch with friends after church), but ready to work! I submitted NDSEG as soon as I got back. Next: Tidy room (30 min, just to get rid of the worst stuff) DONE 3:30 Finish graphs (30 min) DONE 4:15 ---Losing concentration, so I'm going to go for a run, check in when I'm back and showered (around 5:15): DONE 5:45 Post expt. descriptions, clean up lab notebook (45 min) Plan out what I need to get done with week (45 min) I'll check in frequently to make sure this actually gets done!
I'm having a hard time getting to work...I'm really dreading the expt. descriptions/lab notebook. So what I'm going to do is work for 10 minutes on writing expt. descriptions, then go on to weekly planning (which is much more enjoyable), work on that until 7 and then go out to eat with friends. Check in when I get back from dinner (or earlier, if I need the motivation)
The thread starter explains what I'm doing today! I will try to check in often today so I don't get sidetracked. First order of business is to get dressed and have some breakfast. Then I'll be ready to face what comes next. Check back ~9.
Well, the half hour break turned into 2 hours lol, but the house is straightened up, dusted, and vacuumed (although dh actually did the vacuuming not me!)
Now, I shall give the dogs a bath and then clean bathrooms and color my hair. See you again around 4.
done for the day, didn't check in again, but I did get the dogs bathed and bathrooms cleaned, made dinner and did some laundry, now gonna finish loading the dishwasher and hit the sack!
pro's CI - 12:45am (TOMORROW!)
I cleared my spam folder, put away the clean dishes, and a few other small tasks. My teeth are brushed now, and I'm going to bed. I have work tomorrow so it's late!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
wow pro
If you ever want to come down here and visit you can clean my house too.
No thanks. I have to say, though, I don't dislike cleaning - not as much as I dislike other things (taxes, accounting, bills, insurance).
Wait - if you do my accounting and back taxes, I'll clean your house. :)
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 11:30pm (done for tonight)
I ended up cleaning the toilet. It was gross. You can't wash the floor without cleaning the toilet. So tomorrow I'll just have the sink and tub to do - and water the plants.
I also washed the kitchen floor.
I need to get ready for bed now - brush my teeth, etc.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 10:15am (winding down)
I swept and washed the bathroom floor, which was beyond filthy. I feel much better now. I can't do more tonight.
I also washed the dishes. I was thinking of saving that until tomorrow, but I saw a bug so I decided to just do it.
Tomorrow I'll wash the toilet, sink, and tub, and water the plants.
Right now I'm going to put the clean sheets on my bed, and then get in it.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
YAY pro!
pro, you've done GREAT today. Hurrah!
Have you discussed the heater issue with your local tenants rights organization? (or if you own your apartment, there must be some apartment association you can appeal to?)
I noticed you mentioned a humidifier. You said you cleaned it. Did you change the filter? I discovered once my humidifier was making me sick because there was mold growing on the filter. I had to change it frequently or it did me harm.
Hope you feel better.
Hugs from movingalong
Thanks for cheering me on. :)
I'm certain it's paint vapors from the new radiator (installed last year) that's giving me problems. There's nothing to be done about it. The vapors will burn off eventually. The heat's off again now (legitimately - it's not that cold out) so I'll be able to sleep tonight.
Yes, I changed the filter on the humidifier. In fact, when I put it away at the end of the winter, I throw the filter out. I always put in a new one when I start using it again.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 9:20pm (break over)
The heat's on again and my eyes are starting to itch. What a pain.
I'm tired and don't want to do a lot more, but I want to at least clean the bathroom floor so I'm not tracking the dirt back into the area I cleaned. I'll water the plants tomorrow - rest tomorrow.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 8pm
Laundry is done and clean clothes put away. That was quite a workout - four loads up and down four flights of stairs. My back hurts, feet hurt. I still haven't cleaned the bathroom.
I think I'll put my feet up and rest for an hour, then wash the dishes and clean the bathroom. Maybe I'll eat dinner - I'm hungry.
Forgot to water plants - need to do that, too.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 6:30pm
The laundry is in the dryers, and I'm dreading carrying it back up the stairs. I had to carry it down in two loads.
My back hurts.
The bathroom is still very dirty.
There is still no heat in my apartment. I called the super a before I left for the laundromat.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
All this cleaning has made my breathing very tight and I'm wheezing. I think it's the dust I kicked up from dusting and vacuuming. I should have worn a mask.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
mattress flipped
Did I mention I turned over the mattriess on my bed? I think that's why my back hurts so much - that and the laundry.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I'm impressed by all you're getting done!
Hope you feel a bit better soon!
deep cleaning
I hadn't done a really thorough cleaning in a long time, and the allergic reaction was getting really bothersome. New York Heating is here to fix the boiler (again). I wonder if I'll start sneezing again when the heat comes back on.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 5pm (ready for laundry)
I'm ready to go to the laundromat. It's already dark. Ugh. And it's a heavy load to carry, with two blankets. Maybe I should take it in two loads, but I hate going up and down the stairs.
Meanwhile, there's no heat...
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 4pm
More deep cleaning... Cleaned humidifier and turned it on, cleaned fireplace area, dusted top of cabinet and CD case, replaced broken extension cord.
I haven't finished in this room and haven't gotten to the bathroom at all yet, but if I don't leave now to do laundry I won't have time. They close at 8pm. I'm not going to wash the rug. I'm washing the blankets - that's enough. I vacuumed the rug a lot.
Time to pack up for the laundromat now...
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
elisaveth check in/out
I have been away with my sisters for a week and my children returned from their holidays in the States last night. The earthquake shook us awake this morning at 4 or so (everything is fine, thank goodness) but everyone was a bit 'shook up' and had a hard time getting back to sleep. Slowly I am unearthing myself from the holiday stuff, but won't really be able to do much until my sisters leave on Wednesday. In the meantime, it is back to work for me tomorrow, and back to school for the children who are 7 hours off schedule. I am dreading tomorrow, so I need to plan/do today.
backpack x
laundry put away x
unpack x
kitchen sinkx
coffee table
dining table in progress
plan supper
choose clothing
plan dinner
give megan and shana contact sheet
invite o for dinner
taxes, taxes, taxes (asap)
bill pay
practicum babystep: create folders for each lesson plan
goodnight, all
pro's CI - 2pm (window sills - UGH)
I cleaned the window sills. In New York, that's an extremely disgusting job. I wasn't thorough (that would take hours), but I got rid of the worst of it.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 1pm (deep cleaning)
I'm doing a major clean of my apartment in an attempt to get rid of whatever is making me sneeze. I'm dusting on the top of the tallest shelves and the bottom shelves of bookcases, moving furniture, crawling under the radiators, etc. I just stripped the bed, flipped the mattress, and swept beneath.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Pro, sneezing
Hi Pro :-) If you've got a lot of books in your appartment you might want to quickly flip their pages out on the balcony or out a window to get rid of the dust that's accumulated over the pages. Books are horrible when it comes to amassing dust. They're probably one reason why you're sneezing - them and other problem areas with too much dust. Also, make sure your pillow case and bed sheets are regularly changed and always fresh and laundered. It's often where you lay your face that the problem lies. I get allergies from dust, so I know how annoying it feels. Hope you find the problem soon and feel better :-)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
I have hundreds of books. No way can I do what you suggest. But I'll try to dust the tops in the bookcase.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 12 noon
I haven't done much. I would love to declutter, but my apartment is simply to small for all the things I need to live.
I just unplugged my radio - causing all kinds of stuff to fall behind the cabinet - because I couldn't find the remote to turn it off. I'm feeling very frustrated and annoyed.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Edge's CI - 6:42PM
X empty USB
X go shopping
- buy med R
- buy oil
- BH: AP
- oxy
- give mom slacks to fix
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Edge's CI - 10:20PM
Finished shopping.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
pro's CI - 10:40am (sneezing!!)
Love the thread-starter. :)
I'm developing an allergy to something in my apartment. If the window isn't open, I sneeze and my eyes water. I don't know what it is. That's a problem because it's cold outside and I don't want to leave the window open. I decided to clean today and do laundry (wash the rag rug) - maybe it's dust?
I want to start making my own, non-toxic cleaning supplies, but I can't quite get myself to throw out what I already have. I took all the cleaning supplies off the shelf and washed the shelf, but now I think I'll put everything back.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Hi Pro. Allergies, sensitivities, etc.
I sometimes use kerosene heaters when I work, and they've been getting to me lately. Also, I use lots of industrial chemicals, and when both meet, some pretty nasty smells occur. I think I need to use the regular heating system and pay the extra bucks for fuel. One thing I did try, and it really works well, is use plain ol' water and a washing cloth for cleaning most things these days. For the most part it does just fine, and it's virtually free.
heater allergies
I think it's something about the radiators that's triggering the allergies. It started when the weather got really cold and the radiators started going full blast. I think the paint on the new radiator emits vapors that I'm allergic to. I'm hoping that if there's less dust in here (I'm allergic to dust mites), it will give me one less thing to react to. I can't do anything about the radiator paint.
I found my humidifier while cleaning. I think I'll use it. It's been very dry in here.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
wait, wait, don't tell me...
"Wait, wait, don't tell me" is on (NPR news quiz). I really like that. I'm going to listen before doing my laundry.
I dread washing this rag rug. I've got too much stuff in here and it's hard to roll it up. Maybe I'll work on decluttering.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Lark @ 9:25am(12:22pm)(1:00mon)
Good morning everyone. I'm not feeling up to par today, it's damp and dreary here, and I'm sort of frustrated. Doing nothing will just make things worse, so I've decided to focus on things which will have a good chance at succeeding.
(X)morning routine
(X)go to church
work two hours on kitchen
(X) put photos in boxes (instead of on table)
walk around everywhere here with trash bag until it's filled
(X)set up projects in workshop for tomorrow
(X)visit friend this evening
(X)check in this afternoon
kromer 8:20 CI
Morning plan:
Done: dress, breakfast, check email, figure out how to make error bars
1)Last changes to NDSEG essay (20 min)
2)Last changes to NDSEG app (20 min)
3)Look over and submit NDSEG (20 min)
--Check in--
4)Tidy room a bit, leave for church (10-20 min, leave 9:45 at the latest)
--CI when I get back, around 12:30--
EDIT 9: NDSEG almost done, but submission will have to wait until my roommate wakes up and I can look up one last thing. Instead, I'll work on my graphs until 9:30, then get ready to leave.
kromer 2:30 CI
Back late (went out to lunch with friends after church), but ready to work!
I submitted NDSEG as soon as I got back.
Tidy room (30 min, just to get rid of the worst stuff) DONE 3:30
Finish graphs (30 min) DONE 4:15
---Losing concentration, so I'm going to go for a run, check in when I'm back and showered (around 5:15): DONE 5:45
Post expt. descriptions, clean up lab notebook (45 min)
Plan out what I need to get done with week (45 min)
I'll check in frequently to make sure this actually gets done!
kromer 6:10 CI
I'm having a hard time getting to work...I'm really dreading the expt. descriptions/lab notebook.
So what I'm going to do is work for 10 minutes on writing expt. descriptions, then go on to weekly planning (which is much more enjoyable), work on that until 7 and then go out to eat with friends.
Check in when I get back from dinner (or earlier, if I need the motivation)
kromer 10:20 CI
Back from dinner, very late :( (but it was fun)
Plan for the rest of the night:
1)Organize my finances (1 hr)
2)Plan for the rest of the week (40 min)
Journey 8:15
Good morning!
The thread starter explains what I'm doing today! I will try to check in often today so I don't get sidetracked. First order of business is to get dressed and have some breakfast. Then I'll be ready to face what comes next. Check back ~9.
Journey 9:30
OK, I'm still sitting here at the computer. MOVE AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER. THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE HERE.
I'm really going to get dressed and eat breakfast now.
Journey 10:30
I'm fed and dressed!
I'm going to spend an hour straightening and dusting, then take a half hour break. Back at noon.
Journey 2 pm
Well, the half hour break turned into 2 hours lol, but the house is straightened up, dusted, and vacuumed (although dh actually did the vacuuming not me!)
Now, I shall give the dogs a bath and then clean bathrooms and color my hair. See you again around 4.
Journey 10 pm
done for the day, didn't check in again, but I did get the dogs bathed and bathrooms cleaned, made dinner and did some laundry, now gonna finish loading the dishwasher and hit the sack!
See you tomorrow